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Do you speak a language that i don't?

First post
Assaj Ventress
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#41 - 2011-10-19 14:24:58 UTC
Languages - Ukrainian (українська мова)
Here українська мова means Ukrainian language. If you'd rater have it without the language word, it would just be Українська
Whether to capitalize the first letter or not is up to you :) We don't capitalize these words (language names) if they go in the middle of a sentence
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2011-10-19 14:41:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Mekhana
What's up, CCP? Native Brazilian Portuguese speaker here and a linguist to top it off!

Brazilian Portuguese (Português Brasileiro)

Corporate - Recrutamento Brasileiro

Help - Brazilian Help(Ajuda Brasileira)

Languages - Afrikaans(Africâner)
Languages - Albanian(Albanês)
Languages - Belarussian(Bielorusso)
Languages - Brazilian(Português Brasileiro)
Languages - Bulgarian(Búlgaro)
Languages - Chinese(Chinês)
Languages - Croatian(Croata)
Languages - Czech/Slovak(Checo)
Languages - Danish(Dinamarquês)
Languages - Dutch(Holandês)
Languages - English(Inglês)
Languages - Estonian(Estoniano)
Languages - Faroese(Feroês)
Languages - Filipino(Filipino)
Languages - Finnish(Finlandês)
Languages - French(Françês)
Languages - German(Alemão)
Languages - Greek(Grego)
Languages - Hebrew(Hebreu)
Languages - Hungarian(Hungariano)
Languages - Icelandic(Islandês)
Languages - Italian(italiano)
Languages - Japanese(Japonês)
Languages - Korean(Koreano)
Languages - Latvian(Letão)
Languages - Lithuanian(Lituano)
Languages - Norwegian(Norueguês)
Languages - Polish(Polonês)
Languages - Portuguese(Português)
Languages - Romanian(Romeno)
Languages - Russian(Russo)
Languages - Serbian(Sérbio)
Languages - Slovenian(Slovenio)
Languages - Spanish(Espanhol)
Languages - Swedish(Suéco)
Languages - Turkish(Turco)
Languages - Ukrainian(Ucraniano)
Languages - Vietnamese(Vietnamês)

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

Sarina Berghil
New Zion Judge Advocate
#43 - 2011-10-19 14:43:42 UTC
Excellent translation by Jowen, except for:

Jowen Datloran wrote:


Languages - Afrikaans(Afrikaans)
Sprog - Afrikanske(Afrikaans)


Afrikaans is a specific African language inspired by Dutch as far as I know. It has no Danish equivalent and would just be written 'Afrikaans'.

The word 'Afrikansk' simply means 'African' in Danish, which has a different meaning.

An added note since it may not be obvious from this context, languages are usually spelled lower case in Danish, but in a list like this it makes sense to capitalize.

Tom taler afrikaans. (Danish)
Tom speaks Afrikaans. (English)

Tourists Emergency Assistance
#44 - 2011-10-19 16:07:10 UTC
CCP Incognito wrote:

The 'language -' portion is the group that is chat group is listed in.
It is not actually part of the line if that makes a difference.

* English (English)
* French (Français)

Is the translation still correct in that case?

Yes, this is correct. But "Langue" would be a better translation of "Language" if you need it in french.

And to be useful, here is your list with french words :

Corporate - French recruitment(Recrutement)
Help - French Help(Aide)
Languages - Afrikaans(Afrikaans)
Languages - Albanian(Albanais)
Languages - Belarussian(Biélorusse)
Languages - Brazilian(Brésilien)
Languages - Bulgaria(Bulgare)
Languages - Chinese(Chinois)
Languages - Croatian(Croate)
Languages - Czech/Slovak(Tchèque/Slovaque)
Languages - Danish(Danois)
Languages - Dutch(Hollandais)
Languages - English(Anglais)
Languages - Estonian(Estonien)
Languages - Faroese(Féroïen)
Languages - Filipino(Philippin)
Languages - Finnish(Finnois)
Languages - French(Français)
Languages - German(Allemand)
Languages - Greek(Grec)
Languages - Hebrew(Hébreux)
Languages - Hungarian(Hongrois)
Languages - Icelandic(Islandais)
Languages - Italian(Italien)
Languages - Japanese(Japonais)
Languages - Korean(Coréen)
Languages - Latvian(Letton)
Languages - Lithuanian(Lituanien)
Languages - Norwegian(Norvégien)
Languages - Polish(Polonais)
Languages - Portuguese(Portugais)
Languages - Romanian(Roumain)
Languages - Russian(Russe)
Languages - Serbian(Serbe)
Languages - Slovenian(Slovène)
Languages - Spanish(Espagnol)
Languages - Swedish(Suédois)
Languages - Turkish(Turc)
Languages - Ukrainian(Ukrainien)
Languages - Vietnamese(Vietnamien)
Raw Matters
Brilliant Starfire
#45 - 2011-10-19 16:55:19 UTC
Although the previous post in German is correct, the word "Rekrutierung" is a military term. Corporations in Germany do not recruit, they hire. A more generic term would be "Anstellung" (employment). Although probably no one will mind it, but military terms always have a certain bad tone due to specific historical reasons.

So the translations would be:
Corporate - German Recruitment (Rekrutierung) (military)
Corporate - German Recruitment (Anstellung) (generic)
Help - German Help (Hilfe)
Aineko Macx
#46 - 2011-10-19 17:35:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Aineko Macx
Raw Matters wrote:
Although the previous post in German is correct, the word "Rekrutierung" is a military term. Corporations in Germany do not recruit, they hire. A more generic term would be "Anstellung" (employment). Although probably no one will mind it, but military terms always have a certain bad tone due to specific historical reasons.

The employee is indeed called "Angestellter" and not "Rekrut". However, in practice you are far more likely to find HR departments who call it "Rekrutierung", or "Personalakquise" at best, than "Anstellungen".

PS.: Even if it was only used in a military context it would be very fitting for eve, as there's pvp everywhere ;)
Emerkar Breshflsyr
Em Pack
#47 - 2011-10-19 17:38:44 UTC
CCP Incognito wrote:
Eleanore en Marland wrote:
Languages - French (Français)

-> "French tongue" would translate as "langue Française"
-> but putting it the way you did, "Language - French" then translates to "Langage - Français" .

All this because nouns have a gender in french.....Roll

The 'language -' portion is the group that is chat group is listed in.
It is not actually part of the line if that makes a difference.

* English (English)
* French (Français)

Is the translation still correct in that case?

Yup that's it
Klytior Am'jarhs
Amarrian Retribution
#48 - 2011-10-19 19:35:16 UTC
typo in Ducth/Nederlandse list

Languages - Vietnamese(Vietamees)

should be

Languages - Vietnamese(Vietnamees)
State War Academy
Caldari State
#49 - 2011-10-19 21:54:02 UTC
Languages - Chinese (中国)
should be:
Languages - Chinese (中文)
#50 - 2011-10-19 23:39:48 UTC
St Mio wrote:
Afrikaans is correct like that :D

Nee, dis kak. <--- means help in Afrikaans.
Devil's Call
Social safety
#51 - 2011-10-20 01:05:33 UTC
CCP Incognito wrote:

Corporate - English recruitment(Recritment)
Corporate - German recruitment(Rekrutierung)
Corporate - Russian recruitment(вербовка)
Corporate - Japanese recruitment(募集)

... is this a joke?

Corporate - English recruitment(Recritment)

Esrevid Nekkeg
Justified and Ancient
#52 - 2011-10-20 01:14:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Esrevid Nekkeg
Klytior Am'jarhs wrote:
typo in Ducth/Nederlandse list

Languages - Vietnamese(Vietamees)

should be

Languages - Vietnamese(Vietnamees)

You're absolutely correct. Typo, but still. My bad......Oops

Here I used to have a sig of our old Camper in space. Now it is disregarded as being the wrong format. Looking out the window I see one thing: Nothing wrong with the format of our Camper! Silly CCP......

Otbor Chereshka
#53 - 2011-10-20 07:55:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Afandi
Bulgarian translation:

Corporate - Recruitment(Набиране на членове)
Help - (Помощ)
Languages - Bulgarian(български)

As with many languages, there is no need to add " language " (език) after the name of the language itself.

And the rest, should a need arise:

Languages - Afrikaans(африканс)
Languages - Albanian(албански)
Languages - Arabic(арабски)
Languages - Belarussian(беларуски)
Languages - Brazilian portuguese(бразилски португалски)
Languages - Chinese(китайски)
Languages - Croatian(хърватски)
Languages - Czech/Slovak(чешки/словашки)
Languages - Danish(датски)
Languages - Dutch(холандски)
Languages - English(английски)
Languages - Estonian(естонски)
Languages - Faroese(фарьорски)
Languages - Filipino(филипински)
Languages - Finnish(финландски)
Languages - French(френски)
Languages - German(немски)
Languages - Greek(гръцки)
Languages - Hebrew(иврит)
Languages - Hungarian(унгарски)
Languages - Icelandic(исландски)
Languages - Italian(италиански)
Languages - Japanese(японски)
Languages - Korean(корейски)
Languages - Latvian(латвийски)
Languages - Lithuanian(литвийски)
Languages - Norwegian(норвежки)
Languages - Polish(полски)
Languages - Portuguese(португалски)
Languages - Romanian(румънски)
Languages - Russian(руски)
Languages - Serbian(сръбски)
Languages - Slovenian(словенски)
Languages - Spanish(испански)
Languages - Swedish(шведски)
Languages - Turkish(турски)
Languages - Ukrainian(украински)
Languages - Vietnamese(виетнамски)
Comy 1
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#54 - 2011-10-20 10:42:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Comy 1
Regarding the Swedish translations given by Chribba:

Chribba wrote:
Languages - Afrikaans(Afrikanska)
Languages - Brazilian(Brasilianska)

After finding my old "swedish academic word list" I can now confirm that Afrikaans is spelled the same in Swedish as in English. Seriously Chribba this one was too obvious. ;)
If someone still don't believe me look at this screenshot:

Brazilian is actually not a language, but if you really want to separate it from the Portugese you have to call it "Brazilian Portugese".

So the correct translations should be:

Languages - Afrikaans(Afrikaans)
Languages - Brazilian(Brasiliansk Portugisiska)

end note: languages actually dont have capital letters in a scentence in Swedish, however when used like you suggested I would still capitalize it.
Maggeridon Thoraz
Amarr Empire
#55 - 2011-10-20 17:53:26 UTC
I miss Klingon Language
Maggeridon Thoraz
Amarr Empire
#56 - 2011-10-20 17:53:38 UTC
I miss Klingon Language
El Gremio Segundo
#57 - 2011-10-20 18:35:51 UTC
Translations to Italian:

Corporate - Reclutamento Inglese(Recritment)
Corporate - Reclutamento Tedesco(Rekrutierung)
Corporate - Reclutamento Russo(вербовка)
Corporate - Reclutamento Giapponese(募集)
Help - Aiuto Giapponese(ヘルプ)
Help - Aiuto Inglese(Help)
Help - Aiuto Tedesco(Hilfe)
Help - Aiuto Russo(Помощь)
Languages - Africano(Afrikaans)
Languages - Albanese(gjuha shqipe)
Languages - Bielorusso(беларуская мова)
Languages - Brasiliano(brasileiro)
Languages - Bulgaro(български език)
Languages - Cinese(中国)
Languages - Croato(Lingua corsa)
Languages - Cecoslovacco(Český jazyk/Slovenský jazyk)
Languages - Danese(dansk)
Languages - Olandese(Nederlands)
Languages - Inglese(English)
Languages - Estone(Eesti keel)
Languages - Faroese(Føroyskt)
Languages - Filippino(na Filipino)
Languages - Finnico(Suomen kieli)
Languages - Francese(Française)
Languages - Tedesco(Deutsch)
Languages - Greco(ελληνικά)
Languages - Ebraico(עברית)
Languages - Ungherese(Magyar)
Languages - Islandese (Íslenska)
Languages - Italiano (italiano)
Languages - Giapponese (日本)
Languages - Coreano (한국어)
Languages - Lettone (latviešu valoda)
Languages - Lituano (Lietuvių kalba)
Languages - Norvegese (Norske)
Languages - Polacco(Polski)
Languages - Portoghese(português)
Languages - Rumeno(Limba română)
Languages - Russo(Русский)
Languages - Serbo (српски језик)
Languages - Sloveno (Slovenski)
Languages - Spagnolo (español)
Languages - Svedese (svenska)
Languages - Turco (Türkçe)
Languages - Ucraino (українська мова)
Languages - Vietnamita(Tiếng Việt)
Esrevid Nekkeg
Justified and Ancient
#58 - 2011-10-20 19:04:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Esrevid Nekkeg
Maggeridon Thoraz wrote:
I miss Klingon Language
Here you go:
Languages - Klingon(tlhIngan)

Mind you, the second letter is a normal l, the fourth letter a capital i. In this font they are identical......

Here I used to have a sig of our old Camper in space. Now it is disregarded as being the wrong format. Looking out the window I see one thing: Nothing wrong with the format of our Camper! Silly CCP......

Astrid Stjerna
Sebiestor Tribe
#59 - 2011-10-20 22:30:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Astrid Stjerna
Esrevid Nekkeg wrote:
Maggeridon Thoraz wrote:
I miss Klingon Language
Here you go:
Languages - Klingon(tlhIngan)

Mind you, the second letter is a normal l, the fourth letter a capital i. In this font they are identical......

As a semi-practiced speaker of Klingon, I'll give a brief guide to proper pronounciation:

First, speak Klingon boldly -- some of the words are hard to enunciate properly without putting a bit of force behind them (which makes it incredibly easy to call the captain of your vessel a 'house' by mistake).*

When saying a word like 'tlhIngan', the 'tlh' is created by lightly pressing your tongue against the front of your soft palate (directly behind the little half-circle ridge in the roof of your mouth) and speaking the letter 't'. The 'g' sound is soft, so you're aiming for a sound like 't-ling-on'.

If, for some wacky reason, you intend to go on with learning the language, you're probably going to want to carry a napkin -- the nature of speaking Klingon means that for the first while, you're inadvertantly going to be spitting as you talk. If you're really interested, there are Klingon dictionaries, a Klingon language tape, and Klingon translations of Macbeth, King Lear and the Bible.

*Not that there's anything wrong with having House as your captain, mind you.

I can't get rid of my darn signature!  Oh, wait....

NightCrawler 85
Phoibe Enterprises
#60 - 2011-10-21 06:32:39 UTC  |  Edited by: NightCrawler 85
Norwegian (couldent see it posted anywhere)
Only added the ones im fairly sure about,im sure there are other norwegians out there that can both correct me,and add in some of the ones i dident.

Good luck Smile

Languages - Afrikaans()
Languages - Albanian()
Languages - Aribic (Arabisk)
Languages - Belarussian()
Languages - Brazilian()
Languages - Bulgarian(Bulgarsk)
Languages - Chinese(Kinesisk)
Languages - Croatian(Kroatisk)
Languages - Czech/Slovak()
Languages - Danish(Dansk)
Languages - Dutch()
Languages - English(Engelsk)
Languages - Estonian()
Languages - Faroese()
Languages - Filipino(Filippinsk)
Languages - Finnish(Finsk)
Languages - French(Fransk)
Languages - German(Tysk)
Languages - Greek(Gresk)
Languages - Hebrew()
Languages - Hungarian()
Languages - Icelandic(Islandsk)
Languages - Italian(Italiensk)
Languages - Japanese(Japansk)
Languages - Korean(Koreansk)
Languages - Latvian()
Languages - Lithuanian()
Languages - Norwegian(Norsk)
Languages - Polish(Polsk)
Languages - Portuguese(Portugisisk)
Languages - Romanian(Rumensk)
Languages - Russian(Russisk)
Languages - Serbian(Serbisk)
Languages - Slovenian()
Languages - Spanish(Spansk)
Languages - Swedish(Svensk)
Languages - Turkish()
Languages - Ukrainian(Ukrainsk)
Languages - Vietnamese(vietnamesisk)