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New Dev Blog: Player-owned Customs Office

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Nirnaeth Ornoediad
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#541 - 2011-10-18 20:36:38 UTC
Buruk Utama wrote:
Question on a different topic regarding the CO.

If the CO is in reinforce is it usable or locked out?

Yes. Answered several times in this thread.

Fix POSes.  Every player should want one (even if all players can't have one).

Budsin Adar
State War Academy
Caldari State
#542 - 2011-10-18 20:38:22 UTC
Big smile Cool So like a shopping center only very small. I guess that explains why they have the spin back in stations I guess that's] an up grade of the quarters being done. Roll But what ever then station walking I was getting a cold but sitting in my room watching the games But funny no bidding on PVP fights hmm maybe soon? P So we can charge for what we can shove into it but if they have good or bad standings and not want them let say then they can be what ?? Shot or just Denied ? let me know sounds cool
Avery Jaydefyre
Slackers with Questionable Tastes
#543 - 2011-10-18 20:39:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Avery Jaydefyre
My qualifications:

pi operating high sec; low sec; wh space; npc 0.0

First off, I do like the changes. So no qqing here about the pvp aspect.

A few questions

1. Will I be refunded the pi building costs for existing structures do to the change?

2. I was planning on moving my pi to low sec. I will take a wait and see approach. Currently the difference in planetary quality between low and high sec is negligible in most cases (till about .2). Will low sec pi be buffed to reflect the additional costs for operation/risk factor? Obviously, its gonna be a turkey shoot for the first few weeks.


Pi in low sec will drop lower overall. Managing multiple planets as things stand is not difficult (I believe I've run up to 15ish at the same time). This will now require corp planning, which is cool. However the added risks for the planets are not worth the headaches of running low sec pi.

Consider, pi must now be planned and run in low sec on a corp level. The defense of the customs offices becomes a corp job. However the depletion rates in low sec are a joke (till about .2) as are the quality rates. Additionally, the corp will have to hire dust 514 mercs (if it is implemented properly) that will eat into profitability (if there's a 1:1 isk conversion rate for merc costs, it will make it worse). Then the corp has to pay for the customs offices and defend those customs offices, per planet. This is cool, helps to make the pew pew come to me. Unfortunately depletion rates and quality in low sec are crap in comparison to wh and sov space (repeating this in case it was lost in the wall 'o text). The risks in high sec are minimized until dust 514 comes out, and thats a we will see risk factor at this point. Why would I bother trying to arrange a pi production chain that puts more isk at risk that I or the corp can earn in a reasonable amount of time? Setting up corp pi chains is fine, but in low sec, I can't see it being viable.

Result: low sec pi has to be buffed, or it'll be even more non-existent than it is now. Prices will rise overall, resulting in fewer poses in high/low sec due to operational costs. Carebear sov space (you know who you are) will profit massively off of pi. The safety factor for sov production will depend on the alliance. Carebear space gets a hug, low sec doesn't get a reach around. One more thing I won't do in low sec because the isk-risk-time conversion rate is not in line with what I consider acceptable. And screw running it in high sec, since I spend my time in low sec when I get to log in to the game.

Edit: I forgot to specify one thing, for low sec pi to be profitable for the corp, there will have to be multiple members doing it on the same planet, hence my focus on depletion rates and quality.
The Aussienauts
#544 - 2011-10-18 20:39:35 UTC
I have to ask the Wormhole people who think they shouldn't be affected by this change:

Does it make sense that CONCORD has automagically set up facilities in all of these bizarre foreign spaces with which you have no idea where they really are, and could completely unpredictably disappear at any moment?

Soraya Xel - Council of Planetary Management 1 -

Smoking Blunts
ZC Omega
#545 - 2011-10-18 20:41:51 UTC
Crasniya wrote:
I have to ask the Wormhole people who think they shouldn't be affected by this change:

Does it make sense that CONCORD has automagically set up facilities in all of these bizarre foreign spaces with which you have no idea where they really are, and could completely unpredictably disappear at any moment?

just as strange as paying concord for sov fee's in 0.0 space

OMG when can i get a pic here

Hundo Kay
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#546 - 2011-10-18 20:42:20 UTC
If I destroy a POCO will all the Planet Goo inside the personal hangers drop? 50% like all other drops? or nothing?

Hundo Kay
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#547 - 2011-10-18 20:47:24 UTC
Also, if CCP's stance is that we should not be making permanent homes in W-Space, why are they now asking us to build more stuff there that is going to make people hunker down even more in W-Space since they are now possibly investing several Billion Isk to be able to do PI there.

Seems counter to the goal of not colonizing W-Space.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#548 - 2011-10-18 20:47:48 UTC
Traska Gannel wrote:
Questions: (I didn't read the whole thread to see if these were asked already):

1) Will we be able to use spaceports to launch resources into orbit either
a) when a customs office is not present
b) when we do not have the standings to use the customs office

... operation of on-planet enterprises should not be dictated by the presence or absence of orbital facilities though the transfer of resources can be expedited by a customs office.

2) Roaming fleets wll pop customs offices for giggles and kill mails on a regular basis if there are no other targets available. Folks will do it just for the fun of griefing others.

a) Should customs offices have defences of some sort? Fighters for example?
b) Should attacking customs offices be a no-risk activity?

3) For this to be a viable in-game business model ... i.e. why would anyone do this ... it needs to be able to make a profit. So ... based on stated resource requirements for ONE customs office:

BPC = 6000LP + 20 mil ISK ~= 26,000,000 ISK (at 1000ISK/LP)
Manufacturing the Customs Office Gantry:
Skill requirement: Industry V
Integrity Response Drones: 5
Nano-Factory: 10
Organic Mortar Applicators: 10
Sterile Conduits: 14
Capital Construction Parts: 1
Upgrade to Customs Office:
Broadcast Node: 8
Recursive Computing Module: 8
Self-Harmonizing Power Core: 8
Wetware Mainframe: 8
Parts Cost ~= $75,000,000 ISK at current market value

Total cost for one customs office = 100,000,000 ISK.

Personally my current export taxes average about 60,000 ISK/planet/dayt

Assuming that there are 5 people on each planet (which is not typically the case in my experience) - this would be a return of 300k ISK/day assuming that the rates are held about the same as current.

100,000,000/300,000 = 333 days which is close to a year before you show any profit under what I would consider a fairly optimistic estimate of cash flow.

Conclusion: I don't think anyone in their right mind would build one of these given the current costs since the odds of it lasting a year in order to start making a miniscule profit (300k isk/day) compared to other sources of income in the game (even if totally passive) is NOT cost effective.

CCP ... it is a great idea ... but please go back and look at your numbers or you will be putting in another feature that will simply fail.

Didn't factor in BP costs as far as I can tell.
EI Digin
#549 - 2011-10-18 20:48:50 UTC
Smoking Blunts wrote:

so its emotional to see that teh cost/risk/reward is so wrong its not funny. 1 year to get the investment back? why bother easier to just jet can.

1 year to get your investment back? You're putting up customs office at the wrong planets my friend!

Smoking Blunts wrote:

no 2nd 3 rd timer so only a max of what 30h to stop your investment dying, shoudl be at least the same as a pos 1d17h max.

If you can't defend your quasi-pos within a day, you deserve to lose it.

Smoking Blunts wrote:

increased cost of pos fuels/pos fits, towers and mods, and all t2 items.

The free market will solve this issue.

Smoking Blunts wrote:

pi being sucking and far far from how the vision of pi was ment to be. see fanfest presentaion 09 i think it was.

That's your opinion.

Smoking Blunts wrote:

so there emotional arguments.. i dont care about goons, or any of there pets. why do you have a hard on about everything being about you?

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#550 - 2011-10-18 20:52:58 UTC
The only thing this change will do is raise fuel prices even higher and remove PI from lowsec. WTG. Roll
Buruk Utama
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#551 - 2011-10-18 20:53:07 UTC
EI Digin wrote:
Smoking Blunts wrote:

no 2nd 3 rd timer so only a max of what 30h to stop your investment dying, shoudl be at least the same as a pos 1d17h max.

If you can't defend your quasi-pos within a day, you deserve to lose it.

So if PL decides to run through several low sec systems with caps/super caps and put every POCO into reinforce for lulz (or goons) and your corp/alliance cannot field the necessary 2-3xemey fleet within 24 hrs, everyone deserves to lose the POCO? I can see this system ripe for total abuse and lockout of PI in vast areas.
Chicken Pizza
One-man Armada
#552 - 2011-10-18 20:55:06 UTC
EI Digin wrote:
Smoking Blunts wrote:

no 2nd 3 rd timer so only a max of what 30h to stop your investment dying, shoudl be at least the same as a pos 1d17h max.

If you can't defend your quasi-pos within a day, you deserve to lose it.

Coming from someone who can call their alliance members to help defend one, that isn't saying very much.
Anela Cistine
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#553 - 2011-10-18 20:56:25 UTC
Seriously, if you want to make this fun, rather than a hideous chore, you need to make them smaller, cheaper, and easier to hurt.

Small: 1000m^3, just like CCs, would be fine. Even the wormhole guys could get all the platforms they need in a couple blockade runners, so they will be happy.

Cheap: Plan for the finished product to cost no more than 5,000,000 isk, including the cost of the BPC and all the construction components.

Easy to hurt: Drop the initial hitpoints down to 10% of what has been listed. Make it feasible for a small BS gang to knock one of these into reinforced in 15 minutes. Actually killing them is probably okay at the hitpoints listed, since breaking something should be easier than utterly destroying it. The easier they are to knock into reinforced, the less likely it will be a "worthwhile" activity for supercaps.

Small, cheap structures create more dynamic gameplay than large, expensive ones. Easy come, easy go. Griefers coming by and knocking down your customs centers for lols should be a minor annoyance, not something that makes you consider quitting because it will be such a tremendous hassle to put them back up.
CCP Nullarbor
C C P Alliance
#554 - 2011-10-18 20:56:45 UTC
Bodega Cat wrote:
Can the Offices be named?

Oh I know the answer to this one - no you cannot name them (sorry).

Also, popping my dev post cherry.

CCP Nullarbor // Senior Engineer // Team Game of Drones

Merciless Reckoning
#555 - 2011-10-18 20:59:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Lolmer
Will editing reinforce timer/standings/tax of a Customs Office have to be done while right next to the customs office, so we have to fly to each CO the corp owns to update it if we change policies, or is there a central point where the corporation may manage all (or subsets of all) customs offices?


  • Set all reinforce timers to 23:00 EvE Time
  • Set all tax rates to 10% (really need more granular tax control for corp/alliance/each standings)
  • Set the customs offices in your "core" systems to +5 and higher
  • Set the customs offices outside your core systems to -5 and higher

You also need to seed the BPCs well in advance of your change so that the new Customs Offices may be built and ready to deploy when you pull the rug out from us, as some of our PI needs to be moved around on planets faster than people will be able to procure a BPC, manufacture, and then deploy and upgrade.
#556 - 2011-10-18 21:00:42 UTC
Perhaps a limitation to a corporation of owning only 3 (for example) of these per corp would do the trick.

Thus forcing you to pick / choose wisely and you cannot just erect them anywhere as you please.
But by doing tihs- it requires that you need to 'rent' someone elses too and thus - you rent as well to other people.

The offices should require as well the 'starbase charters' in ls. (but doesnt hold a lot of starbase charters) If the starbase charter runs out - the whole module should be free for the taking - without any stront requirement. You should be able to unanchor the structure and take it or errect it as your own.

Why is the "starbase charters" important?
Because right now we have 100's of pos's that are offline and just using up space by corps that never use them.
If you dont pay the tax man, your stuff gets repo'd. Simply Put.

Those are my 2 cents.
Buruk Utama
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#557 - 2011-10-18 21:00:49 UTC
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
Bodega Cat wrote:
Can the Offices be named?

Oh I know the answer to this one - no you cannot name them (sorry).

Also, popping my dev post cherry.

You gota flip your picture port around. Your Dev banner covers your entire face Shocked
CCP Nullarbor
C C P Alliance
#558 - 2011-10-18 21:02:08 UTC
Buruk Utama wrote:
CCP Nullarbor wrote:
Bodega Cat wrote:
Can the Offices be named?

Oh I know the answer to this one - no you cannot name them (sorry).

Also, popping my dev post cherry.

You gota flip your picture port around. Your Dev banner covers your entire face Shocked

Probably for the best.

CCP Nullarbor // Senior Engineer // Team Game of Drones

Pat Irvam
#559 - 2011-10-18 21:02:53 UTC
Crasniya wrote:
I have to ask the Wormhole people who think they shouldn't be affected by this change:

Does it make sense that CONCORD has automagically set up facilities in all of these bizarre foreign spaces with which you have no idea where they really are, and could completely unpredictably disappear at any moment?

Didn't say we don't like it. I like the overall concept. What I don't like is:

1. Extra junk to remove for new wh owners (we got no supers and c1 are nothing bigger then bc)

2. CCP is releasing bpcs in a way that forces us to leave our preferred play style and go do incursions or fw to get while market stabilizes.

3. CCP thinking we will play nice with neutrals in our hole.

4. CCP saying if there is a problem post release they will iterate on it ( see pos, hybrids, supers how long to fix?)

5. CCP saying this wont have ripple effects though t2 and t3 production dependent n poses.

6. A price tag that will take a year to recoup per office.

As been said before in thread a phased deployment to work out bugs is better then a broken mechanic that will be more is beneficial to only a small player subset.
Smoking Blunts
ZC Omega
#560 - 2011-10-18 21:03:34 UTC
EI Digin wrote:

the return is from teh tax, not from pi. the tax amounts are crap, unless you happen to be have people who use it as a factory planet your return will be a year.

the defence thing should be longer than 24h, after all this is ment to be for everyone. 24h isnt enough time for a small corp to mount an op. guess you wouldnt know being part of many many pet alliances.

pi needs a reworking from the ground up, not some crappy structure add on. my dislike for this whole shoot structure crap. is exactly that, increasing teh amout of massive objects that wont shoot back is a step back to pos spam. that was bad enough. ask soemone about it. take someones sov and have to shoot, pos's, stations, ihubs tcus and now planet structures. omfg a step backwards. are you too dumb to see that?

OMG when can i get a pic here