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New Dev Blog: Player-owned Customs Office

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Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2011-10-18 13:38:47 UTC
Very cool.

They can also be blown up I hope?
Rees Noturana
Red Rock Mining Company
#22 - 2011-10-18 13:39:22 UTC
Did this one change just make low-sec and NPC null-sec industrial alliances a worthy endeavor? Control access to the good planets and mutual defense of customs offices and those using them.

This looks an indy upgrade to low-sec to me.

_ _

Ministry of War
#23 - 2011-10-18 13:40:17 UTC
Ra Voreen wrote:
How will it work in null-sec ? Are the planets still reserved to the alliance that holds sov ?

Aside from the stations that had to be conquered, nothing in sov space was exactly reserved ever. The only stopping factor was your luck getting in doing things then away with it.

So, I guess, this is also a step towards the 'sov must mean something' part, as obivously the sov holders will have the first chance to build the customs offices. Of course, IF the holding alliance bothers / is able to enforce the policy.

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Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2011-10-18 13:41:26 UTC
CCP Omen
C C P Alliance
#25 - 2011-10-18 13:41:39 UTC
Ra Voreen wrote:
How will it work in null-sec ? Are the planets still reserved to the alliance that holds sov ?

We are undecided on this topic, it could go either way right now any preference?

Senior Game Designer Team True Grit EVE/DUST Gameplay Liaison

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#26 - 2011-10-18 13:41:55 UTC
While I applaud the fact you are actually working on old content, improving and doing new things with P.I. I have to say this dosent intrest me in the slightest. Sounds like more work.

Please dont see this as a jab at you, I just wish there was more 'fun' involved.

The good old days of Unreal Tournament, fragging and sniping on Facing Worlds, listening to Foregone Destruction.......

CCP Omen
C C P Alliance
#27 - 2011-10-18 13:42:45 UTC
Nalha Saldana wrote:

Good point, it should, however, there is a tool tip on all the headlines that explains more. I'll try and have someone fix it.


Senior Game Designer Team True Grit EVE/DUST Gameplay Liaison

Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2011-10-18 13:43:47 UTC
Liu Ellens wrote:

And second: Do I read this right, these things are pretty much defenseless (apart from their 24 hour timer)? No guns, no... nothing? Sounds like perfect 'shoot here for practise' signs Ugh


I hope there is a button somewhere with "leave PI as it is", when this comes.

PI as it is now is complicated enough..

All I wish for PI is, that people could delegate the daily repeating work (clicky here, clicke there, iteron, warp, clicky clicky clicky, iteron warp pos, etc) to other corpmembers. Why not have one dedicated corp-PI-slave?

[X] < Nail here for new monitor

CCP Omen
C C P Alliance
#29 - 2011-10-18 13:44:03 UTC
Rees Noturana wrote:
Did this one change just make low-sec and NPC null-sec industrial alliances a worthy endeavor? Control access to the good planets and mutual defense of customs offices and those using them.

This looks an indy upgrade to low-sec to me.

In our wildest dreams, yes =)

Senior Game Designer Team True Grit EVE/DUST Gameplay Liaison

Nalha Saldana
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2011-10-18 13:44:32 UTC
CCP Omen wrote:
Ra Voreen wrote:
How will it work in null-sec ? Are the planets still reserved to the alliance that holds sov ?

We are undecided on this topic, it could go either way right now any preference?

Being able to anchor customs office, control the planets export with it and run PI in enemy territory sounds a bit silly.
Ra Voreen
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2011-10-18 13:44:40 UTC
Sessym wrote:
Ra Voreen wrote:
How will it work in null-sec ? Are the planets still reserved to the alliance that holds sov ?

Aside from the stations that had to be conquered, nothing in sov space was exactly reserved ever. The only stopping factor was your luck getting in doing things then away with it.

So, I guess, this is also a step towards the 'sov must mean something' part, as obivously the sov holders will have the first chance to build the customs offices. Of course, IF the holding alliance bothers / is able to enforce the policy.

You cant launch command centers in system where another alliance have sov (or they changed it).
CCP Omen
C C P Alliance
#32 - 2011-10-18 13:44:49 UTC
engjin wrote:
Very cool.

They can also be blown up I hope?

Yes, once they exit reinforcement.


Senior Game Designer Team True Grit EVE/DUST Gameplay Liaison

Lutz Major
Austriae Est Imperare Orbi Universo
#33 - 2011-10-18 13:45:34 UTC
So cool!
Starr Tookus
Caldari State
#34 - 2011-10-18 13:45:43 UTC
So this makes setting up your planets for launches important in case jerks run the customs office. I like that.

Question: What kinds of defenses can be installed?
Ever Vigilant Fountain Defenders
#35 - 2011-10-18 13:47:15 UTC
A few comments:

  1. Customs offices should have a maintenance or upkeep cost, and that cost should vary with the security status of the system they are implemented in. Frankly, this should exist for Player Outposts in nullsec too, but since that ship is currently at sea, this should be caught before leaving harbor. Why? Simplest reason is because with no ongoing cost, there is no drawback to, say, Pandemic Legion installing customs offices on all the valid production planets in VFK (Goonswarm space).

  2. I'm assuming that (like towers and stations) Customs offices can be repped when they come out of R/F - although this was not specifically addressed.

  3. I like that losec customs offices are owned by corporations, this does present some interesting gameplay (um, griefing tactics) for corps that are trying to use losec for PI but not invested or residing in the systems they use.

  4. If a planet has a customs office installed, does that mean people who do not have access to said customs office cannot use planet for production, or can they still do launches? I would hope the former, since part of the purpose of the customs office should be to block access to assets, but the latter isn't a horrible option. This needs to be clear up front.

  5. Also, taxes. The whole "tariff" seems pretty vague. Is it based on market price of the product? Is it based on volume? Is it based on rarity? Devil in the details. I'd like some please.
CCP Omen
C C P Alliance
#36 - 2011-10-18 13:47:50 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
Very interesting...

Edit: Why not in hi sec to ?

We consider Player Owned Customs Offices in High-Sec a MUCH bigger impact on the game and the economy. It's not part of what we are doing now, but we aren't excluding it if this feature pans out well =)


Senior Game Designer Team True Grit EVE/DUST Gameplay Liaison

Abdiel Kavash
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#37 - 2011-10-18 13:48:46 UTC
CCP Omen wrote:
Ra Voreen wrote:
How will it work in null-sec ? Are the planets still reserved to the alliance that holds sov ?

We are undecided on this topic, it could go either way right now any preference?

Definitely allow anyone who can access the CO (as set in the new UI wintow) to also build structures on the planet. That is one major pain of PI, sometimes alliance A owns a system de facto, but alliance B has the in-game sov for the purpose of, say, a JB link. Members of alliance A then can not, and members of B are not allowed to run PI in the system.
Kagan Storm
#38 - 2011-10-18 13:48:56 UTC
Can you add something like once a month you have to tick and "ok button so we dont get the univers spamed with this crap around planets same way we have 50% of highsec spamed with pos towers that are owned by corporations that have not had a single person online for like 2 years..... and involve hiring mercs to remove them?

Make it so that once a month you have to do something to it or it i dont know..... explodes....

Also.... will shooting it in lovsec kill security status or do we have to declare a war on a person to shoot it in lovsec since we dont like him.


Theoretical RP question:

Dont people live in lov sec (in game on planets) I sent it kinda stupid corporations/empires alowe people to exploit planets for no fees???? Lov sec needs to have the planet pos or whatyoucallitthingy have some revolving tax for owner to pay to ingame faction that owns the space....

My ego is the the size of my carriers jump range.

Sir HappyPants
Caldari Innovations and Research
#39 - 2011-10-18 13:49:03 UTC
Any ideas on the rough HP they will have? Also, is it a single RF timer or multiple?

This change is awesome.

Also, my vote would be only corps in sov holding alliance can set up office in sov 0.0 (imo).
Member of the #TweetFleet   @thisurlnotfound
#40 - 2011-10-18 13:49:38 UTC
I personally do not like the idea of defender getting a near perfect time when it comes out of reinforcement with them not being in system when a POCO is reinforced. It just reinforces the afk nature like the current sov system which is flawed. The attacker has no influence on the timer where as with stront in pos' you could get a preferable time if the defender wasnt there to adjust the timer. There needs to be a way for the attacker to influence the timer.