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Dec Shield - End of the Second Era

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The Zerg Overmind
Rule Reversal
#1 - 2012-09-22 22:08:25 UTC  |  Edited by: The Zerg Overmind
The Second Era of Dec Shield has come to an end.

During the First Era we helped corporations escape wardecs by performing a free public service of wardec shedding which allowed highsec corps to render their towers invulnerable. The Inferno expansion was deployed to overhaul wardec mechanics and stop us.

During this Second Era we began abusing the new Inferno wardec mechanics with a different goal. CCP declared that wardecs should have consequences, for both the aggressors and the defenders. We discovered that one of these consequences was that defenders could prevent aggressors from ending the war by toggling it to mutual. And in a direct fix to the First Era of Dec Shield, corporations that left an alliance would take with them copies of the alliance's wars - thus preventing wardec shedding. Using both of these "features" we were able to transfer wars from any entity in the game to any other willing entity.

Dec Shield became the public hub for wardecs in the game, and began accumulating wars at a rapid pace. Our goal was to create such an intolerable situation that the devs would step in and fix wardecs once and for all. We sent out recruitment emails to fresh wardec victims offering them a chance for permanent revenge against their aggressors, and about 10-15% of them agreed. This thread is full of the tears of our victims. The hunters became the hunted victims of Dec Shield.

But victimhood did not stop with our enemies. As noted above, any corporation that leaves an alliance takes ALL their wars with them. Every corporation that joined with Dec Shield ended up leaving with hundreds of our wars that would haunt them for weeks. The pressure of these wars was typically orders of magnitude worse than they had ever experienced before joining us. This led to the rapid fail-cascade disband of an astounding 42.9% of the corporations we "helped". 96 of the 224 corporations helped in the Second Era ended up disbanding to escape the wars we had gathered.

Our recruitment emails may have highlighted the consequences of trapping their enemies, and been slightly vague on how it would destroy their own corp. But it's best not to dwell on such details...

Corporations that we trapped suffered some annoying consequences. They were unable to ever join an alliance while trapped in an outgoing war. This devastated many fractured alliances that could no longer play with their friends. Wardec duplication became excessive to the point of absurdity. Every corporation that joined Dec Shield to drop off a war, ended up leaving, and taking with them a unique war from every entity we had trapped. The end result was that every trapped entity ended up being involved in 50+ wars that they had NOTHING to do with whatsoever. And one of the main consequences was that they would never be safe in highsec again due to the dozens of wars we put them in.

We talked to the devs and the CSM and pushed hard for wardec reform. We did write-ups on the short-comings of the current system, with proposed fixes. We documented everything and enjoyed the tears while they lasted. During our peak we had trapped 1.5% of the playerbase in war against us:

Peak wardecs: 307 (warning, awesome image)
Peak players trapped: 16459
Peak corporations trapped: 592
Peak alliances trapped: 50

In the end CCP came through and announced a fix to the permanent wardec loopholes we had been abusing. It was at this time we went into overdrive to find new loopholes to keep the pain and suffering going. We discovered a second method of keeping everyone permanently trapped in war, which we passed on to CCP, who then fixed it in time for the Retribution expansion. Never even had time to enjoy it.

CCP then changed the rules of the game to allow aggressors to retract any mutual wars instantly. Thus allowing defenders to only trap aggressors if they didn't want to. At this point in time we discovered a third method of keeping everyone permanently trapped. By toggling a war to mutual and then unmutual again, it would erase the aggressor's wardec bill for that week, thus automatically extending their war by another week. Thus once per week we'd mutual toggle every war and still hold them captive. CCP caught on to our public tests quickly and corrected the issue within a week.

This brings us to the current state of wardecs. Griefing is now once again exclusively in the hands of the aggressors. There are no consequences for aggressors declaring war at all. The Ally defense system is moot and feeble. The old mercenary defense contracts hold no meaning in the game anymore. Surrender mechanics are easily bypassed. Wardec exploits involving surprise joins/leaves still exist. And the changes to costs of wardecs vastly favors the nullsec alliances to an unprecedented degree.

CCP have no vision for the wardec system. They've spent too much time throwing mud at the wall trying to fill in the cracks we highlighted that the larger picture is completely obscured.

Current stats:
Current permanent wardecs: 100
Current players trapped: 847
Current corporations trapped: 100
Current alliances trapped: 0
Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2 - 2012-09-22 22:11:56 UTC
I approve of this service and/or idea

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Alavaria Fera
#3 - 2012-09-22 22:36:37 UTC
I cannot help but applaud the way you make "creative" use of the highsec wardec mechanics. Keep it up!

Triggered by: Wars of Sovless Agression, Bending the Knee, Twisting the Knife, Eating Sov Wheaties, Bombless Bombers, Fizzlesov, Interceptor Fleets, Running Away, GhostTime Vuln, Renters, Bombs, Bubbles ?

Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#4 - 2012-09-22 23:13:52 UTC
don't call it dec shield. call it "its a trap" or "ackbar foundation"

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Garven Dreis
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-09-23 00:00:34 UTC
Amazing work, as always!

Terrible Poster Runner-up 2014

The Zerg Overmind
Rule Reversal
#6 - 2012-09-23 00:26:55 UTC
Bienator II wrote:
don't call it dec shield. call it "its a trap" or "ackbar foundation"

lol good names, but Dec Shield is what we have, notorious and evil. We've just acquired our first war with a sov holding nullsec alliance. I'm sure they'll be most displeased tomorrow when they learn that they're permanently screwed. The tears of our enemies will sustain us.

By the time we're through with the game, the act of declaring war will be so hideous and unthinkable that wardecs will stop entirely. CCP will once again be forced to change wardec mechanics to stop us. Start the countdown.
Herping yourDerp
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-09-23 06:44:22 UTC
hope they never fix this. highsec wars have always been BS and dec shield is the best shield.
Iam Widdershins
Project Nemesis
#8 - 2012-09-23 08:10:26 UTC
Everyone, highsec PVPers and CCP alike, has been aware for some time that the current mechanics surrounding allies, joining/leaving alliances, and the defender's freedom to toggle the "make mutual" mechanic at will are in sore need of reform. Nobody's expecting this to go on for very much longer I'm sure.

Highsec wars will always exist, but good for you in finding yet another broken element of CCP's latest revision of the rules and mechanics.

Lobbying for your right to delete your signature

Nerath Naaris
Pink Winged Unicorns for Peace Love and Anarchy
#9 - 2012-09-23 08:15:38 UTC
I find your lack of profit disturbing, though. Cool

Je suis Paris // Köln // Brüssel // Orlando // Nice // Würzburg, München, Ansbach // Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray

Je suis Berlin // Fort Lauderdale // London // St. Petersburg // Stockholm

Je suis [?]

Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#10 - 2012-09-23 08:50:47 UTC
You are a great help for all the small corps out there! Keep it up!

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Pipa Porto
#11 - 2012-09-23 09:11:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Pipa Porto
Herping yourDerp wrote:
hope they never fix this. highsec wars have always been BS and dec shield is the best shield.

This solves the opposite problem than the one Wardecs actually have (namely, the ease by which defenders can escape*).

But it amuses me, so I approve wholeheartedly.

*Especially since WarDecs are now officially "paying for targets," those targets ability to freely disband and reform their corp is a significant problem.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Iam Widdershins
Project Nemesis
#12 - 2012-09-23 11:18:41 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
Herping yourDerp wrote:
hope they never fix this. highsec wars have always been BS and dec shield is the best shield.

This solves the opposite problem than the one Wardecs actually have (namely, the ease by which defenders can escape*).

But it amuses me, so I approve wholeheartedly.

*Especially since WarDecs are now officially "paying for targets," those targets ability to freely disband and reform their corp is a significant problem.

And that's only scratching the surface of the horrible shenanigans that can occur when things really get down to business.

Lobbying for your right to delete your signature

The Black Shell
#13 - 2012-09-23 18:38:31 UTC
The Zerg Overmind wrote:
We've just acquired our first war with a sov holding nullsec alliance.
Who ? I tried to find it but the interface is unreadable.

You may want to update the alliance description btw.


Proud co-admin of, a French fansite about EVE !

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#14 - 2012-09-23 20:23:37 UTC
Hope they fix this soon.

The Tears Must Flow

Litla Sundlaugin
#15 - 2012-09-23 21:06:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Piugattuk
Shocked forever dec'ed!!! Holy Veldspar!
bufnitza calatoare
#16 - 2012-09-24 04:24:03 UTC
oh thast easy to get around.

once you boot the "wardecced" corp from alliance they cannot rejoin for a week .

so redec the corp. and collect easy kills from dec shield like before.
Pipa Porto
#17 - 2012-09-24 04:31:57 UTC
bufnitza calatoare wrote:
oh thast easy to get around.

once you boot the "wardecced" corp from alliance they cannot rejoin for a week .

so redec the corp. and collect easy kills from dec shield like before.

You might consider reading the OP before pooh-poohing it.

DecShield 2.0 isn't about shedding decs, it's about trapping the attacker into a permadec with the Alliance and the various PvP people who might join it.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#18 - 2012-09-24 05:19:10 UTC
This is so devious...

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Karimson Safehold
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2012-09-24 09:03:53 UTC
This is more like a Dec Spear than a shield.
bufnitza calatoare
#20 - 2012-09-24 10:01:17 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
bufnitza calatoare wrote:
oh thast easy to get around.

once you boot the "wardecced" corp from alliance they cannot rejoin for a week .

so redec the corp. and collect easy kills from dec shield like before.

You might consider reading the OP before pooh-poohing it.

DecShield 2.0 isn't about shedding decs, it's about trapping the attacker into a permadec with the Alliance and the various PvP people who might join it.

yeah and??? mutal war decs are free.
I know of a few corps that got some phat kills from dec shield b4 ccp "changed" how war decs work.

end of the day any good pvp corp will redec that corp that left your alliance so will bad ones lol..
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