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possible fix for Closed Socket error.

First post
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#261 - 2012-09-08 05:45:12 UTC
Maybe they are changing the server in preparation for Dust and that might be causing the problem.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#262 - 2012-09-11 21:51:02 UTC
Haven't be able to play for months stopped trying many weeks ago. Lost my debit card a a few days ago, my Paypal was obviously out of date. Game sub for both EVE accounts ran out. And you know what? I couldn't find a single f-ck.

This problem started straight after inferno. Frankly the lack of decent forum posts from GMs/Devs is worrying.

Seems the new (same old) go to response is, check your router, call your ISP, disable 'this' or 'that', try again.

Despite a large amount of people experiencing the same problem, with no change to their home setups or ISPs. And the only common occurance being a new patch; I just fail to see why this isn't being taken more seriously.

Won't be wasting my money any longer, my ISP just upped my connection speed last week (over 150% increase 0_o) so I'm busy destroying BF3AK and PS2 and downloading all the beta's I've been neglecting.

Some info for the interested.

Package: Unlimited BB.
Location: South West England.
Router: Home Hub V2
Connection speed down (avg): 3-3.5mbps (good for SW UK eh?)

Rig: 6 Core AMD
Video: GTX 550 (I know right =/)
RAM: 4Gb
OS: W7

Good luck all, hope your patience endures. Someone near me might be so kind as to send me a PM when they've had more success?

Melissa Westfalen
Backyard Massacre
#263 - 2012-09-12 18:08:45 UTC
this makes no fun :(
canceled 3 of 4 subscriptions for the first, 6 times socked closet today

this it is, how it looks if it runs well


Routenverfolgung zu [] über maximal 30 Abschnitte:

1 12 ms 13 ms 12 ms []
2 12 ms 11 ms 11 ms []
3 13 ms 11 ms 12 ms
4 12 ms 12 ms 12 ms []
5 12 ms 12 ms 13 ms []
6 231 ms 17 ms 189 ms []
7 18 ms 18 ms 17 ms []
8 33 ms 34 ms 32 ms []
9 34 ms 33 ms 33 ms []
10 33 ms 40 ms 33 ms []
11 32 ms 33 ms 33 ms []
12 33 ms 41 ms 36 ms []
13 37 ms 34 ms 34 ms
14 33 ms 34 ms 34 ms []
15 35 ms 35 ms 34 ms []

Ablaufverfolgung beendet.

and here, in that moment as socket do not like me


Routenverfolgung zu [] über maximal 30 Abschnitte:

1 12 ms 13 ms 12 ms []
2 11 ms 11 ms 11 ms []
3 13 ms 12 ms 12 ms []
4 13 ms 12 ms 13 ms
5 13 ms 15 ms 13 ms []
6 18 ms 16 ms 15 ms
7 18 ms 17 ms 17 ms []
8 63 ms 33 ms 33 ms []
9 32 ms 33 ms 32 ms []
10 33 ms 33 ms 32 ms []
11 34 ms 33 ms 33 ms []
12 31 ms 33 ms 32 ms []
13 * * * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung. ( * english: Timeout )
14 * 49 ms * []
15 * * * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
16 * * * Zeitüberschreitung der Anforderung.
17 50 ms * 51 ms []

Ablaufverfolgung beendet.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#264 - 2012-09-13 19:32:39 UTC
i can confirm, on client disconnects, 2 pop up windows form every time
Miyamoto FiveRings
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#265 - 2012-09-14 08:12:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Miyamoto FiveRings
I have also been seeing this error pretty frequently as of late. I run two clients on the same computer; a beast of a machine; and I have found that I will walk away to grab lunch and come back to one client with a socket disconnect error and the other is still connected just fine. I was wondering; how many of you that have posted are running multiple clients on their IP address. Not necessarily on the same system but multiple EVE instances from a single location going through a single router and modem? Anyone here having this problem when playing with only one account signed in through their home network? I am wondering if there has been a bug introduced with the recent expansions that causes connection issues with the server if more than one client is communicating with CCP's servers from the same origin IP address.

Just a thought.

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 <1 ms <1 ms <1 ms
2 7 ms 8 ms 5 ms
3 8 ms 7 ms 7 ms []
4 17 ms 17 ms 17 ms
5 32 ms 31 ms 31 ms
6 25 ms 25 ms 25 ms []
7 32 ms 82 ms 32 ms []
8 125 ms 125 ms 124 ms []
9 134 ms 127 ms 130 ms []
10 56 ms 54 ms 63 ms []
11 125 ms 125 ms 126 ms []
12 103 ms 100 ms 99 ms []
13 100 ms 102 ms 101 ms []
14 101 ms 101 ms 101 ms []

Trace complete. Results: Results:

My connection is constant and never has an issue. I work from home as well and never have any sort of disconnect with my companies servers or applications.

Desktop i5 3.0 Ghz Core System w/ Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti running a wired connection CAT5e straight to the route/modem on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit; fully updated, Norton Internet Security 2012 w/ updates and patches.
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#266 - 2012-09-14 08:32:04 UTC
I'm starting to think it might have something to do with particular accounts. Yesterday I was on my alt which has never suffered from this error, but after I made an API to join a corp, I had the error twice.

Do you think the problem could somehow be tied to API keys or maybe Eve Gate?
Herr Hammer Draken
#267 - 2012-09-14 22:28:19 UTC
Riot Girl wrote:
I'm starting to think it might have something to do with particular accounts. Yesterday I was on my alt which has never suffered from this error, but after I made an API to join a corp, I had the error twice.

Do you think the problem could somehow be tied to API keys or maybe Eve Gate?

See this is what makes me think it is chat related. You never had a problem until you joined the corp. What changed? You now have a corp chat. Suddenly you have disconnects.

Herr Hammer Draken "The Amarr Prophet"

Eublepharis Macularis
Nullus Metus
#268 - 2012-09-15 12:24:55 UTC
I'm still getting this error and still nothing from CCP. Not even an official statement to declare its not something on their end they can fix which seems to be the response some people are getting from them. Even if this is the case surely it's in CCP's interest to help their customers who are suffering from these problems.

I decided to run the console and view the system logs whilst playing to see if that sheds any light. I don't know what it means but hopefully the section below might help someone shed some more light on this. I'm using a macbook running Lion.

15/09/2012 13:00:35.186 [0x0-0x661661].org.pythonmac.unspecified.EVEOnline: A traceback has been generated. It has been logged in the log server as stacktrace #8
15/09/2012 13:00:35.309 [0x0-0x661661].org.pythonmac.unspecified.EVEOnline: Service characterSettings: 0.108s
15/09/2012 13:00:35.309 [0x0-0x661661].org.pythonmac.unspecified.EVEOnline: Service itemFilter: 0.207s
15/09/2012 13:01:02.703 [0x0-0x661661].org.pythonmac.unspecified.EVEOnline: Service marketutils: 0.000s
15/09/2012 13:01:02.727 [0x0-0x661661].org.pythonmac.unspecified.EVEOnline: Service marketQuote: 0.000s
15/09/2012 13:09:40.000 kernel: CODE SIGNING: cs_invalid_page(0x1000): p=59278[GoogleSoftwareUp] clearing CS_VALID
15/09/2012 13:13:17.982 cider: SetFrontProcess failed! Err: -29298
15/09/2012 13:13:17.984 [0x0-0x661661].org.pythonmac.unspecified.EVEOnline: 2012-09-15 13:13:17.973 cider[59566:1203] SetFrontProcess failed! Err: -29298
15/09/2012 13:13:18.828 [0x0-0x661661].org.pythonmac.unspecified.EVEOnline: Terminating process by request - returning 0

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#269 - 2012-09-15 15:50:03 UTC
I have the same problem with disconnects, Lost connection 3 times in 25 mins. I've just come back after a 7 month break and still the same problems it's not just a inferno issue it's a recurring one they will never fix. Lost sockets have been happening for the last 3yrs that i know off maybe longer. From my experience off it it seems like a turn based thing you can go weeks without it then it's your turn for a month or so then back to smooth running.
They will never fix the problem while people are still paying and playing there too busy doing pointless stuff like the captains quaters looks nice and hats off to the designer but it doesn't seem to serve any purpose.
Lord Tempist
UnLimited Liability Corporation
#270 - 2012-09-15 21:29:39 UTC
Add me to the list. It would seem that there are enough people with enough different computer systems having the same problem for as long as three months that we can assume that the problem is with the game. Right? I have played EVE for a month or so here with absolutely no problem. Then today I have been repeatedly booted with this socket closed issue. I have been kicked about 30 times today with a double error message of socket closed and the option to restart the game or quit. I have a browser running, no problem there. I have two other computers running, no issues there. I have a Playstation 3 running, no issue there. I have power cycled the switch, no problem there. Called my ISP, no problem there. The only problem is Eve crashes. Everything else works. Sony Vaio, All in One desktop, I5 processor, windows 7.

Change is the only constant. I will even adapt to blatant absurdity. You know who you are.

Lord Tempist
UnLimited Liability Corporation
#271 - 2012-09-16 05:42:15 UTC
1 ( 0.612 ms 1.137 ms 0.482 ms
2 ( 0.606 ms 0.428 ms 0.368 ms
3 ( 0.932 ms 0.792 ms 0.851 ms
4 ( 0.550 ms 0.729 ms 0.552 ms
5 ( 5.626 ms 5.551 ms 5.682 ms
6 ( 8.181 ms 8.037 ms 61.862 ms
7 ( 56.296 ms 38.590 ms 38.430 ms
8 ( 40.383 ms 42.962 ms 42.915 ms
9 ( 44.161 ms ( 45.607 ms 42.837 ms
10 ( 41.193 ms 43.606 ms ( 48.602 ms
11 ( 45.564 ms 42.875 ms 45.909 ms
12 ( 161.830 ms 161.745 ms 158.813 ms
13 ( 208.307 ms 149.520 ms 149.570 ms
14 ( 85.621 ms 83.294 ms ( 161.569 ms
15 ( 85.548 ms 115.775 ms 88.109 ms
16 ( 151.827 ms 151.275 ms ( 153.587 ms
17 ( 151.266 ms ( 152.782 ms 150.763 ms
18 ( 152.293 ms ( 150.766 ms !X ( 217.220 ms
19 ( 152.746 ms !X 155.474 ms !X 152.844 ms !X

Change is the only constant. I will even adapt to blatant absurdity. You know who you are.

Lord Tempist
UnLimited Liability Corporation
#272 - 2012-09-16 05:51:37 UTC
The thing KILLING me right now is, I really love the game. I just spent four years of my free time getting a degree in accounting and I finally can play again. But I can't. Help?

Change is the only constant. I will even adapt to blatant absurdity. You know who you are.

Lord Tempist
UnLimited Liability Corporation
#273 - 2012-09-16 07:20:49 UTC
Looking back over 3 months of posts about the same thing, I wonder, is anyone going to DO anything about it?

Change is the only constant. I will even adapt to blatant absurdity. You know who you are.

Nihil Nobilitae
The Scarlet Storm
#274 - 2012-09-16 15:41:42 UTC
I've never had socket closed before but just today I've had it 10+ times.
supernova ranger
The End of Eternity
#275 - 2012-09-16 22:34:16 UTC
When EVE is running and there is a socket closure it kicks everything off the network on my computer and others for a brief time.

This has only started happening over the weekend.

I operate windows and have a network status symbol down in the bottom tray and it has never changed in any of the events.

What ever is occuring is happening really fast and quite frequently while eve is running.

Additionally I haven't added anything new to this computer so the only explanation is the eve clinet... Please fix it...

I'd like to mine without my orca and hulks randomly flying off from the fleet every 10min!
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#276 - 2012-09-17 15:06:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Riot Girl
How much bandwidth is the EvE client supposed to use? I did some test on

Test1: No client - 9.8mb

Test 2: 2 clients - 2.5mb
Test 3: 2 clients - 1.5mb

Test 4: 1 client - 7mb

Test 5: No client - 9.7mb

Test 6: 2 clients - Could not connect
Test 7: 2 clients - 1mb

Test 8: No clients - 9.8mb

Should the EvE clients be using this much bandwidth? Is my connection too slow to play EvE? I still don't understand why this character can receive 5 socket errors in an hour while my alt doesn't get any at all, despite being parked right next to me in the same mission.

I made a petition about this problem but the reply wasn't very helpful.

Pingtest result with no clients (9.8mb)

One client (5.8mb)

Two clients (Unable to test)

I'm not sure what any of this information means but it seems either the EvE client is using too much bandwidth or my internet is too crappy to play games on.

Edit: Immediately after making this post, I tried playing with a single client. Warped into a missions and immediately lost connection. I had to close the client through Task Manager and my internet connection was frozen for about 15 seconds after the client closed (a common occurrence). Checked my connection on speedtest again as soon as google started working and got 9.8mb.

I feel something is definitely not right with the EvE client, no other game has given me this kind of trouble.

Yesterday I had both clients running smoothly all day without a single hiccup, despite my ISP being notoriously bad on Sundays.
Angela Spears
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#277 - 2012-09-18 22:43:07 UTC
I just came back three days ago since my in game friend told me it seemed the problem with Eve completely locking up his PC while using 2 clients was fixed. I resubbed both my accounts just in the hope that the system lock-up was fixed. HURRAY, fixed, been playing both my clients not having a single problem. After being gone a few months, I was really missing Eve.

Well, it happened once last night, I got the closed socket error on one client, never seen it before, no big deal. Today, I get the closed socket error on both clients at the same time within 2 minutes of logging on. WTH happened? 3 days being back in game, now I can't play again? FFS.

I reset my modem and router, still happening. This is worst than an new MMO launching. Really disappointed.
Stogo Cavin-Guang
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#278 - 2012-09-18 22:46:00 UTC
Closed socket error started happening to me today. I have never experienced this in my, almost two years, playing eve. Today it has happened like 20 times. Any fixes? I'm not posting a ping test because obviously everyone else posting theirs hasn't prompted an Dev response. So I'm not going to waste my time there. I tried resetting my router and modem, didn't help. I'm getting "Socket CLosed" within 5mintues of playing. I did a 4 hour session last night running both my accounts at the same time no problem.
#279 - 2012-09-20 05:43:24 UTC
I still get socket closed error as well. Is CCP going to post a fix to this?
Riot Girl
You'll Cowards Don't Even Smoke Crack
#280 - 2012-09-20 12:08:07 UTC
It seems to affect me after downtime on some days, not every day though. Also, it might be coincidence, but I seem to get it really badly when I'm running Guristas Extravaganza.