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Customer support sucks

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The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-09-01 10:44:09 UTC
Pretty much that, I did a most dumb ass thing ever yesterday I contracted a plex to another char of mine to add account time. I did this whilst using hours for plex.

I was then side tracked by a incoming gang so helped out, forgetting my other chars time was running out. As I used hours for plex thats no longer available to me at this time.

My dumb ass fault, my problem.

But why under billing in petitions you'd think you'd have more people power to sort these issues out. Like when you call your cell company you know for a FACT if you pushed the number for "pay bill" Its gonna get answered significantly faster than say "change price plan"....

All I want is 5 minutes to log in accept the contract and bang my game time on. Its Saturday I would like to get online and play some Eve.

Its been 24 hours now and I think for a billing issue that's on the border of unacceptable.

It would take someone literally a few seconds to help me out but no..
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#2 - 2012-09-01 11:02:30 UTC
Hopefully they will get to you sooner than later. But really, I am a paying customer too and I also want my issues to go before others in the queue... And while yours may take seconds to sort out, how will they know? Not like they would screen the queue every time to see if a newer quicker one has jumped in while finishing the last one.

But hopefully you will get activated soon, and nice of you to help out your gang as well, at the same time there it would have taken you seconds to accept and apply the plex as well, just as it would take them seconds to fix for you.

Best of luck, hope it works out.


★★★ Secure 3rd party service ★★★

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Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2012-09-01 11:09:14 UTC
I'm a paying customer too and i demand that my issues will be resolved before your issues !
Tie Fighters Inc
#4 - 2012-09-01 11:11:29 UTC
I use to be a paying customer and I demand, More time given to me with petitions for dumb mistakes, like doing hours for plex and forgetting to.

Oh the inhumanity, when I make a mistake, and others refuse to fix it, just becuase I told them to.

Signature removed for inappropriate language - CCP Eterne

Diotima Saraki
The Waterworks
#5 - 2012-09-01 12:04:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Diotima Saraki
Why do people in these threads always act as if the number of GMs is permanently fixed to some arbitrary, yet insufficient, number.

It's a quiet time of the year and no special promotion or expansion has caused a surge in players or support requests.

If CCP can't keep queues down during such a time, then they just don't have enough GMs - and they can't even use the usual "but we are hiring GMs (for mediocre pay, in frikking Iceland, trololol)" excuse this time around.

IIRC we were fed the "we are working to improve the quality of our customer service" line for several years (roughly 2008 to 2010) right up to the point where the public complaints about petition queues started to skyrocket.

I can vividly imagine some well-meaning management guy making up a business case to justify better GM training "see, if we reduce outsourcing and give better training to our own GMs their responses will be more helpful to the players and as a result there will be less petition responses by players and less requests for petitions to be escalated. The savings by being able to handle petition cases faster will outweigh the increased cost of training by far!"
So the number of users/GM is increased but the "better responses = less replies" effect never materializes and the petition queue grows and grows (and management counts on heroic overtime efforts by the GM team to cut the queue down once every few month to prevent total collapse).

Maybe CCP missed that even having an outsourced GM who only follows a basic script is better than not getting a timely response to your petition at all?

How hard can it be to call sitel and tell them to get you a few more junior GMs?
Cede Forster
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#6 - 2012-09-01 13:07:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Cede Forster
TriadSte wrote:
Pretty much that, I did a most dumb ass thing ever yesterday I contracted a plex to another char of mine to add account time. I did this whilst using hours for plex.

I was then side tracked by a incoming gang so helped out, forgetting my other chars time was running out. As I used hours for plex thats no longer available to me at this time.

My dumb ass fault, my problem.

But why under billing in petitions you'd think you'd have more people power to sort these issues out. Like when you call your cell company you know for a FACT if you pushed the number for "pay bill" Its gonna get answered significantly faster than say "change price plan"....

All I want is 5 minutes to log in accept the contract and bang my game time on. Its Saturday I would like to get online and play some Eve.

Its been 24 hours now and I think for a billing issue that's on the border of unacceptable.

It would take someone literally a few seconds to help me out but no..

now honestly, what did you think first:

topic should have been
a) "player sucks, CS to the rescue?"
b) harry potter look alike complain thread

on the more serious thought:

so you used the time that was exclusively given to you to activate the plex for something else and, i didnt care to look - i am assuming this, violated the term of that agreement that granted you the time.

and now the cs, which implemented this only to get rid of having to deal with crap like that does not work fast enough?

i'd go for a classic "well deserved" here, should be the absolut bottom of the priority list, right after "help, my ship exploded".
Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2012-09-01 13:50:25 UTC
Chribba wrote:
Hopefully they will get to you sooner than later. But really, I am a paying customer too and I also want my issues to go before others in the queue... And while yours may take seconds to sort out, how will they know? Not like they would screen the queue every time to see if a newer quicker one has jumped in while finishing the last one.

But hopefully you will get activated soon, and nice of you to help out your gang as well, at the same time there it would have taken you seconds to accept and apply the plex as well, just as it would take them seconds to fix for you.

Best of luck, hope it works out.


rodyas wrote:
I use to be a paying customer and I demand, More time given to me with petitions for dumb mistakes, like doing hours for plex and forgetting to.

Oh the inhumanity, when I make a mistake, and others refuse to fix it, just becuase I told them to.

Solstice Project wrote:
I'm a paying customer too and i demand that my issues will be resolved before your issues !
Frying Doom
#8 - 2012-09-01 13:53:23 UTC
Have you tried customer service at some of the other MMORPGs?

EvEs is actually quite pleasant by comparison.

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-09-01 14:27:07 UTC  |  Edited by: TriadSte
Cede Forster wrote:

now honestly, what did you think first:

topic should have been
a) "player sucks, CS to the rescue?"
b) harry potter look alike complain thread

on the more serious thought:

so you used the time that was exclusively given to you to activate the plex for something else and, i didnt care to look - i am assuming this, violated the term of that agreement that granted you the time.

and now the cs, which implemented this only to get rid of having to deal with crap like that does not work fast enough?

i'd go for a classic "well deserved" here, should be the absolut bottom of the priority list, right after "help, my ship exploded".

Damn dude, you really ARE a douce Bear

Hey I said Its my fault, my problem! I admit this is my mistake.

All I was trying to suggest is that perhaps some petition options should come first as they're deemed fastest to sort out.

Billing issues are generally quick and easy I would have thought unless it was something like being charged when you shouldn't have been.

Yes I used my plex for hours on this character properly but when the call to arms came, I went..... totally forgetting about my other char which in turn led him to run out of hours for plex.

My fault and yes it sucks.

On the other hand Im totally agreeing with the previous poster named Diotima Saraki.

If CCP cannot keep petitions down in a time such as now with nothing huge happening therefore has the biggest slice of man power available there is something wrong. I understand petitions must literally flood in but alot of them must be quick and easy to sort out.

I'm not asking to be above the rest, that's ridiculous. However I have not asked for the moon on a stick & I think at almost 2 days for such a tiny small request it's a little long.
Rengerel en Distel
#10 - 2012-09-01 14:46:20 UTC
Well, back in june they posted numbers, and they were at about a 5 day wait for billing petitions. Doesn't appear they've hired any more staff to help with that, so I wouldn't expect it any faster. You could always just shill out the money to pay for the account, then cancel the contract, and use that plex on your main. Since you did make the mistake, and you're in a hurry to play. Getting mad at them for not being quicker to fix your mistake after giving you free time is pretty childish though.

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

CCP Guard
C C P Alliance
#11 - 2012-09-01 14:50:08 UTC
There's an option in Account Management called Hours 4 Plex which is designed to allow you self help in this exact situation:

More here:

CCP Guard | EVE Community Developer | @CCP_Guard

4 Marketeers
#12 - 2012-09-01 14:55:10 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
There's an option in Account Management called Hours 4 Plex which is designed to allow you self help in this exact situation:

More here:

Don't think that'll work Guard ... he said he was using Hours for PLEX and didn't add the PLEX in time (something distracted him) so he won't be able to use that feature again until CS re-activates it for him if I read that blog correctly.
Destination SkillQueue
#13 - 2012-09-01 14:55:16 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
There's an option in Account Management called Hours 4 Plex which is designed to allow you self help in this exact situation:

More here:

I also didn't read the OP. Highfive o/
Rengerel en Distel
#14 - 2012-09-01 14:55:50 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
There's an option in Account Management called Hours 4 Plex which is designed to allow you self help in this exact situation:

More here:

Dev troll best troll.

With the increase in shiptoasting, the Report timer needs to be shortened.

Dyvim Slorm
Coven of the Morrigan
#15 - 2012-09-01 15:05:44 UTC
Except for stuck petitions they IMO should be dealt with in order.

Having said that, I've had a petition open since last Wednesday, as it's not urgent I'm not that concerned, but for a subscription based game I think GM response times are poor for petitions other than "stuck".

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-09-01 15:10:32 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
There's an option in Account Management called Hours 4 Plex which is designed to allow you self help in this exact situation:

More here:

This simply shows absolute lack of customer service and down right utter lack of professionalism. You did not even read what this topic was actually about yet you posted anyway CCP Guard. Id be ashamed....

Was did Hilmar say a while ago about excellence? getting to the roots and getting it right? Definitely something about.....excellence though I think.

What a great show of how excellence here from the DEV, getting it wrong like only CCP can.

Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#17 - 2012-09-01 15:11:06 UTC
Dyvim Slorm wrote:
Except for stuck petitions they IMO should be dealt with in order.

Having said that, I've had a petition open since last Wednesday, as it's not urgent I'm not that concerned, but for a subscription based game I think GM response times are poor for petitions other than "stuck".

You forgot "Harrassment". "Stuck" and "Harrassment" both get responses very fast.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#18 - 2012-09-01 15:11:46 UTC
TriadSte wrote:
CCP Guard wrote:
There's an option in Account Management called Hours 4 Plex which is designed to allow you self help in this exact situation:

More here:

This simply shows absolute lack of customer service and down right utter lack of professionalism. You did not even read what this topic was actually about yet you posted anyway CCP Guard. Id be ashamed....

Was did Hilmar say a while ago about excellence? getting to the roots and getting it right? Definitely something about.....excellence though I think.

What a great show of how excellence here from the DEV, getting it wrong like only CCP can.

Nobody forces you to stay, princess.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#19 - 2012-09-01 15:13:47 UTC
Is that the best you got? I was at least hoping for a somewhat wittier retort than that effort.

I give you 1 thumb down and a fart.
Destination SkillQueue
#20 - 2012-09-01 15:14:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Destination SkillQueue
Dyvim Slorm wrote:
Except for stuck petitions they IMO should be dealt with in order.

Having said that, I've had a petition open since last Wednesday, as it's not urgent I'm not that concerned, but for a subscription based game I think GM response times are poor for petitions other than "stuck".

Depends on the petition type and luck I guess. Every petition I've made(no stuck petitions) over the years has been seen by CS within a day and I've gotten a reply within 48h, mostly within 24h. In my experience they've been fast, helpful and polite every time. I'm guessing with a sensible size CS team you'll always get a mixed bag of results, that also varies by "season", but the clear majory of CS experiences need to reflect my CS history instead of the one in your example.
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