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Customer support sucks

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Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#61 - 2012-09-03 03:49:25 UTC
off topic post removed, please post sensibly thank you - ISD Type40.

[b]ISD Type40 Lt. Commander Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs) Interstellar Services Department[/b]

ugh zug
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2012-09-03 04:15:24 UTC
why is it ccp's job to fix your "mistake?"

pay up or gtfo.

Want me to shut up? Remove content from my post,1B. Remove my content from a thread I have started 2B.

#63 - 2012-09-03 09:52:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Signal11th
TriadSte wrote:
Pretty much that, I did a most dumb ass thing ever yesterday I contracted a plex to another char of mine to add account time. I did this whilst using hours for plex.

I was then side tracked by a incoming gang so helped out, forgetting my other chars time was running out. As I used hours for plex thats no longer available to me at this time.

My dumb ass fault, my problem.

But why under billing in petitions you'd think you'd have more people power to sort these issues out. Like when you call your cell company you know for a FACT if you pushed the number for "pay bill" Its gonna get answered significantly faster than say "change price plan"....

All I want is 5 minutes to log in accept the contract and bang my game time on. Its Saturday I would like to get online and play some Eve.

Its been 24 hours now and I think for a billing issue that's on the border of unacceptable.

It would take someone literally a few seconds to help me out but no..


Shite happens!

Personally I've always found customer support pretty good.

God Said "Come Forth and receive eternal life!" I came fifth and won a toaster!

Qorvis Communications
#64 - 2012-09-11 04:38:40 UTC
TriadSte wrote:
Pretty much that, I did a most dumb ass thing ever yesterday I contracted a plex to another char of mine to add account time. I did this whilst using hours for plex.

I was then side tracked by a incoming gang so helped out, forgetting my other chars time was running out. As I used hours for plex thats no longer available to me at this time.

My dumb ass fault, my problem.

But why under billing in petitions you'd think you'd have more people power to sort these issues out. Like when you call your cell company you know for a FACT if you pushed the number for "pay bill" Its gonna get answered significantly faster than say "change price plan"....

All I want is 5 minutes to log in accept the contract and bang my game time on. Its Saturday I would like to get online and play some Eve.

Its been 24 hours now and I think for a billing issue that's on the border of unacceptable.

It would take someone literally a few seconds to help me out but no..

i hope this got resolved
LordBaron Dunnhenn
Red Sands Contingency
#65 - 2012-09-11 10:15:57 UTC  |  Edited by: LordBaron Dunnhenn
It's not just billing's all issues. I've had a petition in queue regarding an in-game issue that has also gone un-anwered for well over 24 hours. I undersstand that there may be an avg of 850-1000 petitions daily, but if there's not enough customer support out there to resolve that avg workload, get more. Hell, sign me up because I have yet to have any good experience with support in my years of playing Eve. Since late 2007, I have had 6 petitions, and the avg response time is roughly 36 hours! Hell, I once had a billing issue that took 2 weeks, during a non-holiday period. The support is ridiculous and the system itself is broken - fix it please!
Alice Saki
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#66 - 2012-09-11 10:34:01 UTC
Working as intended :P

FREEZE! Drop the LIKES AND WALK AWAY! - Currenly rebuilding gaming machine, I will Return.

Jim Era
#67 - 2012-09-11 14:51:43 UTC


The Scope
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2012-09-12 04:24:58 UTC
I love CCP support - They gave me back my account after it was stolen, and just yesterday restored 1b ISK in implants that I trashed in a shuttle
philip the 4th
Local Spatial Phenomena
#69 - 2012-09-12 08:54:12 UTC
TriadSte wrote:
Pretty much that, I did a most dumb ass thing ever yesterday I contracted a plex to another char of mine to add account time. I did this whilst using hours for plex.

I was then side tracked by a incoming gang so helped out, forgetting my other chars time was running out. As I used hours for plex thats no longer available to me at this time.

My dumb ass fault, my problem.

But why under billing in petitions you'd think you'd have more people power to sort these issues out. Like when you call your cell company you know for a FACT if you pushed the number for "pay bill" Its gonna get answered significantly faster than say "change price plan"....

All I want is 5 minutes to log in accept the contract and bang my game time on. Its Saturday I would like to get online and play some Eve.

Its been 24 hours now and I think for a billing issue that's on the border of unacceptable.

It would take someone literally a few seconds to help me out but no..

I can't help but smile when I see this.
Not only do you fail to understand that CCP are not even obligated to assist with this at all, as YOU are responsible for keeping the account active, as per section 1 of the EULA:

To play EVE, you must: (i) purchase and download a copy of the Software; (ii) establish a valid account within the Game (an "Account") and keep that Account active by paying the subscription fees on a timely basis;

See that "timely basis" thing... not only did you fail there, but you also failed to use the hours for plex thing, and then you have the gall to criticize CCP customer support for not dropping everything on a weekend.

Damn! Get over yourself!
Eugene Kerner
Goonswarm Federation
#70 - 2012-09-12 09:23:27 UTC
LordBaron Dunnhenn wrote:
It's not just billing's all issues. I've had a petition in queue regarding an in-game issue that has also gone un-anwered for well over 24 hours. I undersstand that there may be an avg of 850-1000 petitions daily, but if there's not enough customer support out there to resolve that avg workload, get more. Hell, sign me up because I have yet to have any good experience with support in my years of playing Eve. Since late 2007, I have had 6 petitions, and the avg response time is roughly 36 hours! Hell, I once had a billing issue that took 2 weeks, during a non-holiday period. The support is ridiculous and the system itself is broken - fix it please!

...I have a open petition since a week now...

TunDraGon is recruiting! "Also, your boobs [:o] "   CCP Eterne, 2012 "When in doubt...make a diȼk joke." Robin Williams - RIP

Alex Sinai
#71 - 2012-09-13 21:33:54 UTC
I used to play EVE a lot. Runned corps. PvPed. Farmed. What not.

Petitions were replied anywhere between 24 hours and a week. After several reminders. Last petition was filed for full reimbursment of loss due to technical bug of lockup of clients obviously on CCP side as that day EVE has problems whole day and they admitted there were some problems in general in EVE but "logs cant show that/not available/ etc" take your pick.

World of Tanks. I has a problem there and filed a petition. It was replied within 1 (one) hour. Not billing. Not premium account. Just game petition. Reply was informative and personal. It did not solve a problem but showed a way how to solve it.

EVE Online players numbers are incomparably lower then of World of Tanks. Yet CCP fails miserably with both petition reply times and reply contents. Results of that policy? Loss of players.

Don't let them fly safe!