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Wormhole Failblog Edition

State War Academy
Caldari State
#421 - 2012-08-16 14:59:08 UTC

So this one time...-A- took a rhea into a wormhole...
Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#422 - 2012-08-16 15:00:25 UTC
WTF is a "Rhea"?

State War Academy
Caldari State
#423 - 2012-08-16 15:01:37 UTC
Nathan Jameson wrote:
WTF is a "Rhea"?

Not sure if srs.
Nathan Jameson
Grumpy Bastards
#424 - 2012-08-16 15:02:41 UTC
Oh, that's why I never see those things in wormholes. >_>

State War Academy
Caldari State
#425 - 2012-08-16 15:07:06 UTC
Made a really pretty explosion though, then we salvaged it :3
Arkturus McFadden
#426 - 2012-08-16 19:16:37 UTC
-A- in a wormhole? Ugh
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#427 - 2012-08-16 21:23:07 UTC
Well, they are desperate for a clean start after the things that are happening to them....

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Antagonistic Tendencies
#428 - 2012-08-17 01:39:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
Arkturus McFadden wrote:
-A- in a wormhole? Ugh

They have a fairly big WH presence - tho they toned it down a bit after certain events - quite a few C5s held for gas sites by the looks of it some on alt corps (kinda given away when they use -A- chars for hauling to null) and some by engarde, etc. and some C3s that I'm not sure the purpose of - they are probably making quite a killing but have learnt to keep it a bit quieter rather than go head to head with the likes of AHARM, SSC, WHH, etc.
Polaris Space Industries
#429 - 2012-08-17 06:49:14 UTC
So, we scan down our C3 static and find a fleet of Drakes doing some Anoms.

While one guy scans the anoms and tries to get the drakes on directional the rest of us go off to jump into cloaky ships.

The trap is set, we know exactly where they are and we are ready to attack.

We warp a sea of blue pilots. Turns out it was another corp in our alliance doing the sites. We greet them in local and leave them to it...
Keilateau Shakor
Shakor Freight and Mining Service
#430 - 2012-08-17 07:45:29 UTC
icelady25 wrote:
So, we scan down our C3 static and find a fleet of Drakes doing some Anoms.

While one guy scans the anoms and tries to get the drakes on directional the rest of us go off to jump into cloaky ships.

The trap is set, we know exactly where they are and we are ready to attack.

We warp a sea of blue pilots. Turns out it was another corp in our alliance doing the sites. We greet them in local and leave them to it...

Practice makes perfect Blink
QT McWhiskers
#431 - 2012-08-17 09:35:24 UTC
icelady25 wrote:
So, we scan down our C3 static and find a fleet of Drakes doing some Anoms.

While one guy scans the anoms and tries to get the drakes on directional the rest of us go off to jump into cloaky ships.

The trap is set, we know exactly where they are and we are ready to attack.

We warp a sea of blue pilots. Turns out it was another corp in our alliance doing the sites. We greet them in local and leave them to it...

Ive been on the opposite side of this one. Was dual boxing c3 sites in a nighthawk when I see a broadsword, and 4 BCs on Dscan. (1 harbie, and 3 canes I think) I start to warp out, then remember I am in a black hole. I am sweating my ass off just watching the velocity when a blue broadsword lands as one of my toons gets out. The other toon is bubbled (his nav skills were sub standard at the time) and the fleet lands a few seconds later. Turns out my alliance mates scanned in and shipped up for PVP. When they found me, they decided to scare me as punishment for missing out on PVP. :/

Also, because I know it will be asked, I was running sites in a black hole because the negative effects dont really do anything while running c3 sites (not counting oruze). Everything is always within range of my missiles, and the only ship that isnt is a 3rd wave BS in the forts. But by the time I would reach that wave, I would be within 10km of his spawn point.
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#432 - 2012-08-17 10:10:50 UTC
Why would they be out of range in the third wave of a fort

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Clandestine Services
#433 - 2012-08-21 14:38:11 UTC
Since I keep finding joy in the small events in w-space, this is three micro-fails in a row.

Me and a corpmate was scanning our static (a huge C2 system) looking for it's static C4 to do some carebearing. The system is inactive, but have a POS. While we have probes out and decloaking left and right to jump through different wormholes, this dude in a Drake logs on and immediately starts to run a site.

Fail two was that we could not break his tank because we where to lazy to get some real dps. (Cloaky Prot & Tengu)

Fail three was the drake-pilot SD'ing to save his pod or because he got tired of us bashing his darn shields, what do I know? Smile

Got blog:

Maggeridon Thoraz
Amarr Empire
#434 - 2012-08-22 05:53:50 UTC
Ashimat wrote:

Fail three was the drake-pilot SD'ing to save his pod or because he got tired of us bashing his darn shields, what do I know? Smile

i think we should just go over with it and have next time the right missiles/ammo with us ... me shooting all time with explosive to the drakes highest resist , better would be if i had em missiles with me Oops
QT McWhiskers
#435 - 2012-08-22 09:18:11 UTC
Kalel Nimrott wrote:
Why would they be out of range in the third wave of a fort

Cause it was a black hole. The third wave, the upholder BS spawns at around 50k and stays around 40-50k from you the whole time. If I remember correctly, c3 black holes made t2 scourges from a nighthawk travel around the 42-43k mark. Slight dropoff from the 60k I would usually get. But then again, it was never really a problem as I would just motor in. I used to make a ton of money dual boxing c3 sites. 25 minutes per site, 35m per site. So a little over 70m an hour if I did it right. Magnetars were sexy. They let me finish sites in 15 minutes and I would get over 120k an hour.

But then I moved up to the big leagues.
Kalel Nimrott
Caldari Provisions
#436 - 2012-08-22 11:46:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Kalel Nimrott
There are two asteroids at the left of the sleepers main structure that if you go to them, you will end upin the middle of the third wave spawn point with two drakes. I know, Im an uptight ass and this is my third attepmt to write this post..., I hate my 3g connection...

I used to live in a c3 with bh effect too

Bob Artis, you will be missed.


Maggeridon Thoraz
Amarr Empire
#437 - 2012-08-22 12:13:02 UTC
Kalel Nimrott wrote:

I used to live in a c3 with bh effect too

thats fail enough, isnt it ?Big smile
Robyn Green
Genesis Corp
#438 - 2012-08-24 13:08:34 UTC
I was scouting a WH path from an Island back to the rest of Empire, saw a Hulk on d-scan, so I figured what the heck, and loaded up Combat Probes,and probed out the Hulk sitting at a grav site.

Didn't have any PVP ships nearby, and the Hulk sat there for a few minutes, just idling. Bookmarked it and went back to the nearest station in the island.

Clone jumped out to Fountain, where my Pilgrim was parked. Flew all the way back to the WH entrance, flew to 20 from my bookmark and the Hulk was STILL sitting there.

From the time I scanned them out, to the time I arrived back there would have easily been 45 mins to an hour.
Snuck up on them, locked and pointed them as soon as I broke cloak, and killed them.

Sadly I think the alarms woke the guy up or something, cos the pod warped off.

Also just before last downtime, was in a roaming fleet, and our scout came across 2 Chimeras and 3 Tengus ratting in a site.
We massed most of the fleet in the nextdoor system, and the Chimeras and Tengus left the Noctis behind while they seemed to log off.

Our scout managed to sneak up to the Noctis, and pointed them. We get the signal to jump and WTZ, so we do that...and once we land on the Noctis, one of the Chimeras lands on grid to save the Noctis, lol.

The fleet sits there for about 10-15 minutes pounding away at, and neuting the Chimera...and as we start capping them out and breaking their tank they self destruct.

Noctis got away, but we got a Chimera killmail Big smile

And in the SMA, were 2 Tengus, 2 Cranes, and a Manticore.

Very expensive loss. Many lols were had in fleetcomms.
Dead Sky Inc.
#439 - 2012-08-24 13:36:44 UTC
The fails involved the chimerakill were quite a few:
It took us almost the same time ot gather a fleet and get it to the entrancesystem as it took them to run the site.
And just as I ( as the scout) gave the fleet warpins they finished it and instantly warped to a safespot and logged.
So I said "scew this, I want at least one kill out of this" , pointed the noctis and started pounding on it with my mighty cheetah. When has was at 77% shields one of his friends logged back in. "Ok, so we might at least get a tengu". But no, I see a chimera on scan. Then on grid. Then I realize it even warped at 0 to the nocits Shocked
I pointed the sucker while he was trying to smartbomb me off the noctis and shot with his sentrydrones at me (Yes, sentrydrones against a frigade at 5km). Fleet was called in and brought in in chunks. When he realized his cap wasn´t going to make it he started the SD. Thanks for saving us 2-3 minutes of shooting you.
At some point during the fight a firetruck went by my house and I had to mute myself on coms. And ofc forgot to turn it back on. So while the rest of the fleet pulled out of the hole I salvaged the wreck with a destroyer that I had picked up. FC asks "anyone still in there?" and I reply "yes". And since noone could hear me they jumped the BS out and closed the hole Shocked Good thing carriers only give T1 salvage. The ship was donated to BOB with a little help from the sleepers.
#440 - 2012-08-24 16:23:34 UTC
WTB Story plz.

Selling WH CFC Standings 10b/month for +10 with: Lazerhawks, Hard Knocks, Overwatch This, Many Vacancies, Golden Showers, Friendly Probes, Isogen Memed.

Join up for swag C3 Gila/Osprey ratting fleets daily! We also rent C2s out with CV effect!