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EVE would get so many more subs IF...?

First post
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#81 - 2012-08-22 11:35:09 UTC
Herr Hammer Draken wrote:

Mining out resources being dynamic is already a function in EVE. Maybe just not dramatic enough to really notice it.
But if a roid gets mined out then after the next DT it comes back at a minium size. If it does not get mined out and survives to the next DT then it gets bigger. It will continue to do this over the next 5 or 6 DT's. If you constantly mine out a riod field that riod field will respawn but always at the minimum size. SO it is already a dynamic resource in effect. The scale of it is just small enough to not really notice it unless you take notes.

Excellent! Cheers, didn't know that. This would just need tuning, then.

As to NPC corps I do not agree. But I have not had the opportunity to play in all of them. But the ones I do have experience with are not as you say they are. In fact the ones I have been in are run similar to eve uni. They are the reason I am still here otherwise I would have quit already myself. And they do run PvP ops regular into low and null sec and support the players with building things like jump clones and PvP ship loadouts etc. The NPC corps I have been in are very good experience for new players to the game. A great addition in fact. The game itself has a graduation feature mechanics built in to NPC corps like a player can not build a POS while in a NPC corp. As your toon grows in skill points the NPC corp becomes a burden after a while and the game mechanics itself force you out and into your own corp. A natural progression.

I wonder where your hatred of NPC corps comes from but I do see it all over the forums from other players as well. Then again I see hatered for eve uni all over the forums also. And both of these organizations are great for new player retention. So I most definately and emphatically do not agree with your position on NPC corps. I consider your view of NPC corps to be overly shortsighted.

I'm aware of those exceptions (CAS being the prime example of something that they all should be more like, in fact), and a third one that is decent to a degree. However these good ones are sadly the minority, and most of NPC corps are simply terrible places to take your first steps in New Eden. Desolate, confused and sometimes even downright nasty chats.

CCP should take a long look at CAS and the individuals that have made it work, build on that and expand the same concepts into the other NPC corps.

I pity the newb who ends up in a junkyard like Pator Tech.


Inxentas Ultramar
Ultramar Independent Contracting
#82 - 2012-08-22 11:42:45 UTC
New player retention is our own responsibility as a community. The only thing CCP needs do do is offer social tools for players to stream into a corporation of their liking. Be that L4 hisec mission runners, shady lowsec corporations, or 0.0 sov holders... as long as players can follow SOME roadmap into a gameplay style they enjoy. I'd love to rent a hologram on a station that displays some commercial message and the corp logo, or even one that can be used as a comm terminal linking to a player hosted Channel. Let us anchor our own billboards near our POCOs. Make corporations more visible, communicative and interactive as an entity.

WiS seems like the best oppurtunity to me, as new players will want to check out an environment they are more familiar with (aka walking around with their custom made avatar) in their first few sessions. I wouldn't mind derping around in one either, as long as there is gameplay or a social tool in place that lets me interact with other people.
Hiyora Akachi
Blood Alcohol Content
#83 - 2012-08-22 12:30:25 UTC
Making Lowsec useful (I really want to live there, but there isn't a point currently)

Rebalance the ships

Better Mission AI

Mining more interesting (IDK, minigames or something.

Stop making Highsec safer. Cold, dark universe is getting warm and light.
Herr Hammer Draken
#84 - 2012-08-22 12:38:08 UTC
Roime wrote:
Herr Hammer Draken wrote:

Mining out resources being dynamic is already a function in EVE. Maybe just not dramatic enough to really notice it.
But if a roid gets mined out then after the next DT it comes back at a minium size. If it does not get mined out and survives to the next DT then it gets bigger. It will continue to do this over the next 5 or 6 DT's. If you constantly mine out a riod field that riod field will respawn but always at the minimum size. SO it is already a dynamic resource in effect. The scale of it is just small enough to not really notice it unless you take notes.

Excellent! Cheers, didn't know that. This would just need tuning, then.

As to NPC corps I do not agree. But I have not had the opportunity to play in all of them. But the ones I do have experience with are not as you say they are. In fact the ones I have been in are run similar to eve uni. They are the reason I am still here otherwise I would have quit already myself. And they do run PvP ops regular into low and null sec and support the players with building things like jump clones and PvP ship loadouts etc. The NPC corps I have been in are very good experience for new players to the game. A great addition in fact. The game itself has a graduation feature mechanics built in to NPC corps like a player can not build a POS while in a NPC corp. As your toon grows in skill points the NPC corp becomes a burden after a while and the game mechanics itself force you out and into your own corp. A natural progression.

I wonder where your hatred of NPC corps comes from but I do see it all over the forums from other players as well. Then again I see hatered for eve uni all over the forums also. And both of these organizations are great for new player retention. So I most definately and emphatically do not agree with your position on NPC corps. I consider your view of NPC corps to be overly shortsighted.

I'm aware of those exceptions (CAS being the prime example of something that they all should be more like, in fact), and a third one that is decent to a degree. However these good ones are sadly the minority, and most of NPC corps are simply terrible places to take your first steps in New Eden. Desolate, confused and sometimes even downright nasty chats.

CCP should take a long look at CAS and the individuals that have made it work, build on that and expand the same concepts into the other NPC corps.

I pity the newb who ends up in a junkyard like Pator Tech.

What might be a cool thing to do with the roid respawn is too add a bit more code into it. Like if the roid gets mined out 2 days in a row then it skips the next respawn. If it gets mined out again after the skipped respawn then it skips 2 respawns and excetera. It does not reset its respawn rate until it survives without getting mined out thru a DT. Also a visual aid should be added to the program. The roids do not look any different in size and without scanning them with a survey scanner one would never know the sizes are different. So make the sizes after respawn and sucessive DT's more dramattic visually to clue in the players as to this game mechanic. This would apply to all mined out roids null and high sec alike. It would force players out of over croweded conditions.

But I have seen players complaining already about some roid fields that are always being mined out in high traffic areas.
Well if they are being mined out constantly then they always respawn at the minium size so they are easy to clean out again.
I would say the fact that players are complaining about it means it is already working as intended. Supply and demand should fix those high traffic areas over time.

Herr Hammer Draken "The Amarr Prophet"

Zloco Crendraven
Shadow Cartel
#85 - 2012-08-22 12:41:23 UTC
EVE has lot of trials. Lots of new ppl come and try it. EVE became a quite popular game in the MMO world. The thing is EVE doesnt retain so much of those trials.

PVE needs to be re restructured form bottom to top. A whole year (2 expansions) at least should be dedicated to PVE.

- New missions, New arcs, New COSMOS.
- Better AI
- Missions for more ppl (3,5,10)
- New type of missions "Challenge Missions" (not instanced): Kill a BS of every pirate faction, Kill 10 ships in low sec etc.

- More interesting sites
- Different analyzing, hacking and salvaging mechanics (random generated puzzles, tricks)
- Meaningful discoveries: NEX stuff, Patches (u patch your ship which gives u 1% missile velocity etc.), Archeology which would give u achievements in form of certificates.
- Wis type exploration after docking into abandoned sites.

- New mining mechanics added to already existing one.
- AFK mining should stay because lots of ppl approve it.
- New mechanics would be more interactive and could allow 2 and more ppl to cooperate which would yield more ore.
- Moon mining in high sec with barges

Just few things i had in mind.

BALEX, bringing piracy on a whole new level.

Idris Helion
#86 - 2012-08-22 13:00:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Idris Helion
Zloco Crendraven wrote:
PVE needs to be re restructured form bottom to top. A whole year (2 expansions) at least should be dedicated to PVE.

- New missions, New arcs, New COSMOS.
- Better AI
- Missions for more ppl (3,5,10)
- New type of missions "Challenge Missions" (not instanced): Kill a BS of every pirate faction, Kill 10 ships in low sec etc.

I've complained about the mission system myself. It's positively archaic in design, and hasn't changed much since EVE was first launched back in 2003. They did change it so agents only offer certain kinds of missions -- kill missions, mining missions, courier missions, etc. -- but they're still the same lame storylines over and over and over again.

I'd like for CCP to hire some professional writers and inject some actual game lore into the missions. PVE is where the lore of the game should be transmitted, but EVE doesn't do that. You get the same dumb missions from every agent regardless of which faction's space you are in (there are a few exceptions, like the slaver hound missions for Amarr or "free the slaves" missions for Minmatar).

Even in the so-called "epic arc" missions, there's no backstory or history -- in fact, not much of a plot at all. I've done the "Blood-Stained Stars" arc several times with different alts, but I still couldn't tell you what the whole thing was really about, story-wise. It might even be a good idea to introduce some voice-acting and cutscenes into the epic arcs, or at the the very least spruce up the missions interface to be more graphically interesting.

And I'd like to see some random-ness injected into the missions so they're not the same every single time you run them. I know that many ISK-farmers hate this idea, but from a pure gameplay standpoint, it would make missions a lot more interesting. Instead of simple kill missions or fetch-quests, I'd like to see more "plot" missions that expose the player to some bit of in-game lore. (Who are the Jovians? Who are the Sleepers? What is the Amarrian religion all about? Why are the Caldari at war with the Gallente? All that stuff should be explained in-game via the mission/PVE system or exploration.)

Exploration missions would also be cool. Exploration can be frustrating and boring if you don't have high skills; exploration missions could bump down the difficulty a bit while still offering good rewards.
Venerated Stars
#87 - 2012-08-22 18:53:58 UTC
Roime wrote:

4. Make the world dynamic

My biggest wish. All resources should have depletion rates. People should need to move around in space and fight for diminishing resources. Heart of the empire should be mined out by now, not just until next downtime. Incursions need to spread from system to system until defeated.

Security status should be dynamic, dependant on both PVP and PVE actions.

Scrap the idiotic mission system, and replace it with dynamic events. Of course there can't be any stupid pirate bases in 1.0, even less 500 of the same pirate base in the same system. Tie pirate presence to dynamic events.

This is the single best thing they could do to eliminate the miner/ganker dispute in highsec and at the same time make this game more unique and innovative. I am sick and tired of game resources just existing for the sake of giving players something to do. New Eden itself should be a living place.

One addition I would suggest to the idea is that when you implement it you make asteroids in all systems more abundant like 1000 fold but when they are gone, they are gone. Give corps in high/null the opportunity to bid on claims to resources and pay leases like real life. In null, anything goes...

Great Idea!
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#88 - 2012-08-22 19:13:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Matriarch Prime wrote:
I wrote a longish post, but the in-game browser ate it.

The biggest is the high death penaltys, slow pacing, non-consensual PvP, and lack of support for player PvE corps.

The first will get people to rage quit when you lose your ship to something beyond your control, the second drives you crazy with boredom eventually, third is about suicide ganking/ninja looting and how it completely voids the whole security rating system and lastly, no player PvE corps means no lasting community for those types of players.

I've been in an NPC corp since I was blown up right after undocking years ago after a long absence. I had just spent what money I had paying up insurance and refitting my ship. I had to move all my stuff because the system I was in was taken over by another corp. It was a long and tedius process that I will not repeat.

Yes, I know, "boohoo" whatever. I really do get it. You want free kills and loot. That's fine, EvE is definitely your game. But. I'm not a punch bag, and I don't appreciate being treated like one. So that means I'll continue to play solo and never really get involved in the community, so me and players like me will never have the community draw to keep us resubbing each month. When I get bored with the PvE again or another game comes out to draw my attention, I have nothing holding me to this game.

That's how I feel, you can feel differently and that is fine, but those are my reasons. :)


Eve is the only game that I know that get slower, more tedious and more frustrating the "higher" you get. Look at the pace of firgate combat in levels ones through to level fours in battleships. It is also a world leader in annoying NPC opponents. (disruptions, scram, jamming, webbing)

I can't think of anything more fun than to sit around doing nothing in PvE encounters. It makes you feel really in control and powerful. /sarcasm :P

The one thing that EvE really has going for it is the choices. Ship fitting creates really meaningful choices in your game play that few other MMOs create. WoW now recently will have more of that style of choice with the new talent system and diablo 3 has it with the spell/rune system, but EvE has had it for years and it is top notch.

Behold, the problem with EVe attracting too many of the wrong type of player, someone who put all his eggs in one basket, got it blown up, and basically checks out as if it's the games fault.
nd someone who lists EVE STRENGTHS (ie"high death penaltys, slow pacing, non-consensual PvP, and lack of support for player PvE corps") as weaknesses. Those things set EVE apart, most other games do it differently, which is why we like EVE.

I bolded the other really good part. EVE (unlike a theme park game) isn't here to make anyone feel powerful or in control. The point of EVE is that you are only as powerful as the empire YOU build, an empire that WILL fall eventually, you control only that which you take And HOLD by force of arms, ingenuity, trickery or downright evilness.

. If they'd named Eve "Space Barbarians Online" that would be a more apt description.

And again, that's why people like me like it, and why that, truth to be told, EVE isn't for people like you. Why you persist in playing a game that goes directly against what you would consider fun must be some weird kind of masochism.
Azn Empire
#89 - 2012-08-22 19:33:35 UTC
Vince Arron wrote:
EVE would get so many more subs if you didnt post anymore.

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Scope Works
#90 - 2012-08-22 19:36:37 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Vince Arron wrote:
EVE would get so many more subs if you didnt post anymore.

Thanks for the post bump!

If you don't like, don't post.

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Matriarch Prime
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#91 - 2012-08-22 20:09:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Matriarch Prime
Jenn aSide wrote:
Why you persist in playing a game that goes directly against what you would consider fun must be some weird kind of masochism.

I know it may be shock, but one can dislike certain aspects of a game, but still find it enjoyable. I think you missed the key part at the where I said that offers a level choice that few other games offer. The primary draw of the game to me is the many faceted degrees of freedom that a player can exercise their will and creativity.

You call me masochistic, but I'm not the one applauding the harsh penalties that EvE presents.

But it doesn't matter, you missed the point. The game is a supposed to be a sandbox where you make of it what you will. I simply made a small case as to how it is not currently living up to that standard in PvE. EvE is by most accounts a great PvP game, it is not a PvE game. Until such time as the developers decide to support that play style fully, the game will continue to lose appeal amongst PvE loving masses.

EvE has the market cornered on triple A scifi space combat MMO. They can continue forever being the EQ of space MMOs, but eventually its Warcraft will come along and take the genre to mass market appeal. The developers would do well learn from EQ's mistakes and integrate more inclusive, rather than exclusive gameplay. All the ingredients to make World of Warcraft existed in the passionate posts of feedback on the EQ forums long before the game was developed. SoE dropped the ball, I wonder if CCP will as well.

If I were to start with some very very basic things that improve PvE.

1. Automated salvage drones.
2. Auto targeting for containers/wrecks with tractor beams. (Along with better range.)
3. Request and complete missions remotely.
4. Player wrecks can only be looted by the owner of the destroyed ship in high security. (Removes the monetary reward for suicide ganking.)
5. NPC wrecks and loot containers are only lootable/salvagable by the owner of the wreck. (No ninja looting/salvaging.)
6. PvE player corp support. (War dec immunity in high security.)

Not saying how the exact details work, or if its feasible, but those few small changes would have dramatic impact on the PvE experience in EvE.

EvE players sometimes remind me of twinking low level battleground brackets in WoW. The twinks all claimed that they just really enjoyed how the game played at whatever level bracket they were twinking, and that it wasn't about WTFBBQing new low level players with massive gear/knowledge advantages. So when the developers decided reward xp in the battlegrounds, they also let you turn off xp for those players who wish to continue playing their twink characters. Only thing is that twink characters who had their xp turned off also got put into a separate pool of players.

What happened was that twinking died for the most part. Turns out that twinks really just like ganking new players, and not looking for a real challenge.

I think that I've stretched the topic a little thin, but I wanted to elaborate a bit more. I don't mean to derail.

I like big guns. I can not lie. You other suckas can't deny. When I warp in, with an itty bity sig, with an arty in your face, you get sprung. You want to pull out your debuffs, 'cause you want to loot my stuff...deep, in a worm with nary, an escape but you can't stop staring. 'Cause, Oh crap!, Baby's got Point!

Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#92 - 2012-08-22 20:19:11 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Matriarch Prime wrote:
I wrote a longish post, but the in-game browser ate it.

The biggest is the high death penaltys, slow pacing, non-consensual PvP, and lack of support for player PvE corps.

The first will get people to rage quit when you lose your ship to something beyond your control, the second drives you crazy with boredom eventually, third is about suicide ganking/ninja looting and how it completely voids the whole security rating system and lastly, no player PvE corps means no lasting community for those types of players.

I've been in an NPC corp since I was blown up right after undocking years ago after a long absence. I had just spent what money I had paying up insurance and refitting my ship. I had to move all my stuff because the system I was in was taken over by another corp. It was a long and tedius process that I will not repeat.

Yes, I know, "boohoo" whatever. I really do get it. You want free kills and loot. That's fine, EvE is definitely your game. But. I'm not a punch bag, and I don't appreciate being treated like one. So that means I'll continue to play solo and never really get involved in the community, so me and players like me will never have the community draw to keep us resubbing each month. When I get bored with the PvE again or another game comes out to draw my attention, I have nothing holding me to this game.

That's how I feel, you can feel differently and that is fine, but those are my reasons. :)


Eve is the only game that I know that get slower, more tedious and more frustrating the "higher" you get. Look at the pace of firgate combat in levels ones through to level fours in battleships. It is also a world leader in annoying NPC opponents. (disruptions, scram, jamming, webbing)

I can't think of anything more fun than to sit around doing nothing in PvE encounters. It makes you feel really in control and powerful. /sarcasm :P

The one thing that EvE really has going for it is the choices. Ship fitting creates really meaningful choices in your game play that few other MMOs create. WoW now recently will have more of that style of choice with the new talent system and diablo 3 has it with the spell/rune system, but EvE has had it for years and it is top notch.

Behold, the problem with EVe attracting too many of the wrong type of player, someone who put all his eggs in one basket, got it blown up, and basically checks out as if it's the games fault.
nd someone who lists EVE STRENGTHS (ie"high death penaltys, slow pacing, non-consensual PvP, and lack of support for player PvE corps") as weaknesses. Those things set EVE apart, most other games do it differently, which is why we like EVE.

I bolded the other really good part. EVE (unlike a theme park game) isn't here to make anyone feel powerful or in control. The point of EVE is that you are only as powerful as the empire YOU build, an empire that WILL fall eventually, you control only that which you take And HOLD by force of arms, ingenuity, trickery or downright evilness.

. If they'd named Eve "Space Barbarians Online" that would be a more apt description.

And again, that's why people like me like it, and why that, truth to be told, EVE isn't for people like you. Why you persist in playing a game that goes directly against what you would consider fun must be some weird kind of masochism.

I'm with Jenn on this, CCP have stated themselves that EvE isn't for everyone and are happy with that fact. I joined this game because it doesn't wrap you in cotton wool, something I don't enjoy. If some people need that then this isn't the game for them, simple as that. Don't expect the game to change for you if you don't find what you're looking for, there are plenty of games that hold your hand and dress you in the morning.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#93 - 2012-08-22 20:22:50 UTC
Matriarch Prime wrote:

4. Player wrecks can only be looted by the owner of the destroyed ship in high security. (Removes the monetary reward for suicide ganking.)
5. NPC wrecks and loot containers are only lootable/salvagable by the owner of the wreck. (No ninja looting/salvaging.)
6. PvE player corp support. (War dec immunity in high security.)

Will and should never happen. Thankfully.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Frying Doom
#94 - 2012-08-22 22:32:21 UTC
Virgil Travis wrote:

I'm with Jenn on this, CCP have stated themselves that EvE isn't for everyone and are happy with that fact. I joined this game because it doesn't wrap you in cotton wool, something I don't enjoy. If some people need that then this isn't the game for them, simple as that. Don't expect the game to change for you if you don't find what you're looking for, there are plenty of games that hold your hand and dress you in the morning.

Yeah I'm sure they wouldn't like the bags of money they would get if they suddenly got another 250,000+ accounts from new players.

Personally EvE is less popular than some other games because you don't get flashy level ups or all the other 'You have done well' instant gratification that other games have spent big money researching.

Imagine if they brought in the big flash for lvl up into EvE for when you finished a skill, people would think you were attacking them with some weird AOE weapon Lol

Any spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors are because frankly, I don't care!!

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#95 - 2012-08-23 00:59:14 UTC
Make it to where our characters can actually hang out in stations. Doesn't have to be anything fancy at all, but adding that coffee shop element that people can burn hours on can increase player retention and get more players.

Thor Kerrigan
Guardians of Asceticism
#96 - 2012-08-23 01:26:21 UTC
What a very interesting question. Allow me to retort:

Isn't highsec populated enough already? If you want bang for the buck, they should focus on populating areas OUTSIDE of highsec since that area is close to stagnation at this point.

I think they are already working on features to support solo or small-gang gameplay in 0.0.
Critically Preposterous
#97 - 2012-08-23 02:04:09 UTC
the return of the 900,000 sp on startup

Gunnery 5
racial weapon 5
racial frig 3/4
lots of other useful skills
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#98 - 2012-08-23 14:33:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
You call me masochistic, but I'm not the one applauding the harsh penalties that EvE presents.

I like that the death penalties give the game meaning. That doesn't mean I like dying lol.

But you play a game while at the same time fundamentally disliking the core aspects of the game that make it unique. If that isn't masochism, I don't know what is.


But it doesn't matter, you missed the point. The game is a supposed to be a sandbox where you make of it what you will. I simply made a small case as to how it is not currently living up to that standard in PvE. EvE is by most accounts a great PvP game, it is not a PvE game. Until such time as the developers decide to support that play style fully, the game will continue to lose appeal amongst PvE loving masses.

And thank God/Zeus/Odin whoever for that. What you just said is like saying "while Earth is a great planet, all that water and oxygen will never attract the dust loving martians".....


EvE has the market cornered on triple A scifi space combat MMO. They can continue forever being the EQ of space MMOs, but eventually its Warcraft will come along and take the genre to mass market appeal. The developers would do well learn from EQ's mistakes and integrate more inclusive, rather than exclusive gameplay. All the ingredients to make World of Warcraft existed in the passionate posts of feedback on the EQ forums long before the game was developed. SoE dropped the ball, I wonder if CCP will as well.

For the love of all that's holy, I'll never understand people like you.

another game coming in and doing the mass appeal thing would be GREAT, because maybe all the "eve shold be wow" people could go there. We know its not going to happen, because of the eve-bears deep seated need to be the underdog in a flaw and unjust world, but I can hope, right?

If I were to start with some very very basic things that improve PvE.
1. Automated salvage drones.
2. Auto targeting for containers/wrecks with tractor beams. (Along with better range.)
3. Request and complete missions remotely.
4. Player wrecks can only be looted by the owner of the destroyed ship in high security. (Removes the monetary reward for suicide ganking.)
5. NPC wrecks and loot containers are only lootable/salvagable by the owner of the wreck. (No ninja looting/salvaging.)
6. PvE player corp support. (War dec immunity in high security.)

Not saying how the exact details work, or if its feasible, but those few small changes would have dramatic impact on the PvE experience in EvE.

And kill the spirit of EVE. One of the most fundamental aspects of eve is the fact that no matter where you are,if YOU can affect other people (by introducing things to the economy/market by mission running or mining or whatever), other people can affect YOU (by blowing you up). You kill that aspect by coddling high sec more than it is now, you KILL EVE.

Why aren't you and people like you playing Star Trek online or other space themepark games? Why do you have to advocate the destruction of a game that niche game enthusiasts like me and the developers of EVE like?


EvE players sometimes remind me of twinking low level battleground brackets in WoW. The twinks all claimed that they just really enjoyed how the game played at whatever level bracket they were twinking, and that it wasn't about WTFBBQing new low level players with massive gear/knowledge advantages. So when the developers decided reward xp in the battlegrounds, they also let you turn off xp for those players who wish to continue playing their twink characters. Only thing is that twink characters who had their xp turned off also got put into a separate pool of players.

What happened was that twinking died for the most part. Turns out that twinks really just like ganking new players, and not looking for a real challenge.

I think that I've stretched the topic a little thin, but I wanted to elaborate a bit more. I don't mean to derail.

Why not just play wow and leave EVE to the space barbarians? I honestly don't get it, I don't go around themepark games shouting YOU NEED TO BE SANDBOX.. it's great that themepark pve players have a place to go, but you would elimitate (in spirit) the one unique space pvp game that exists, just so you can play around in empire and not get ganked?

Your stance is the closet thing to immoral you can get on an internet forum lol.
Dennis Gregs
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#99 - 2012-08-23 14:37:59 UTC
Honestly... A real ground game would probably make subs skyrocket. And no, Dust doesn't count. Then again, I'm not sure how viable it would be with our current technology.
Jim Era
#100 - 2012-08-23 14:40:34 UTC
why are all of you bastards so greedy?
unfulfilled lives a bit?
