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Stop forcing me to wear high heels

First post
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#21 - 2012-08-20 12:08:27 UTC
Roime wrote:
Did you know that high heels may improve the tone of a woman's pelvic floor, thus affecting female incontinence?

No, no I didn't. It's amazing some of the things you learn on this forum.

Isabel Midnight
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#22 - 2012-08-20 12:54:01 UTC
The transphobia and misogyny in this thread even after a few short days is very telling.

Walking in stations was conceived and developed to appeal to the female playerbase. There was even a long dev blog by Hellmar I believe , years ago , saying as such. Either CCP should confess that was bunk and they designed this thing to appeal to their misogynistic male playerbase, or they have gone woefully off track.

The first thing I saw when I started playing was the character creation screen where I am forced to choose high heels. First impressions count. Even if you never see it again, it's still the very first thing you do! Please fix this.
Trumpets and Bookmarks
#23 - 2012-08-20 14:03:37 UTC
Isabel Midnight wrote:
The transphobia and misogyny in this thread even after a few short days is very telling.

Walking in stations was conceived and developed to appeal to the female playerbase. There was even a long dev blog by Hellmar I believe , years ago , saying as such. Either CCP should confess that was bunk and they designed this thing to appeal to their misogynistic male playerbase, or they have gone woefully off track.

The first thing I saw when I started playing was the character creation screen where I am forced to choose high heels. First impressions count. Even if you never see it again, it's still the very first thing you do! Please fix this.

One woman's misogyny is another woman's humour. Just because you've recently discovered that shouting "racist", "sexist", "ageist", "misogynist" etc will get you somewhere in today's overly touchy-feely society doesn't mean you'll get what you want just by screaming it on the EvE forums. You need to back up your claim and arguably have people agree with you before anyone from CCP will even bother looking at your demands. Misogyny requires an intent, not a misinterpretation (intentional or otherwise). Basically, whether it is actually misogynistic comes down to whether the person who said it intended it to be so, not whether you've misinterpreted a comment meant to be mildly amusing as intentionally offensive. One more thing; I was under the impression misogyny was entirely in the male domain, no?

Not all women see eye to eye with you on this one. Some view additional development time on WIS before they have any form of interaction between avatars as a complete waste of time. No one sees your shoes on a portrait, for example.

As for transphobia, get off your high horse. Just because someone doesn't agree with you you can't just accuse them of hate crimes. I have an american who works with me who pokes fun at me because of my nationality amongst other things. Should I make an official complaint about him being a racist or accept it because it's meant to be a joke? If you answer the former I pity you, I really do.

One last thing: If WIS was so important for the game (I'm ignoring gender here) why did CCP all but stop development on it?
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#24 - 2012-08-20 14:13:24 UTC
Tchulen wrote:

One last thing: If WIS was so important for the game (I'm ignoring gender here) why did CCP all but stop development on it?

That one is easy.

They spent 3 years on it and all we got was one room and the DOOR!

That plus the fearless article led to massive rage, and so CCP panicked and dropped it for a later date.

Hopefully when they pick it back up again they will give us actual content and will not remove other content.
Michael Loney
Skullspace Industries
#25 - 2012-08-20 14:14:29 UTC
Until there is a slider for weight that has its lower limit set by the average of your country, heels are in.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#26 - 2012-08-20 14:15:35 UTC
Roime wrote:
Did you know that high heels may improve the tone of a woman's pelvic floor, thus affecting female incontinence?

Did you know bullets to the brain may improve a man's ED?

See I can make random statements without proof too.
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#27 - 2012-08-20 14:18:04 UTC
i think isabels annoyance comes from the fact she uses Captains Quarters often rather than the hangar bay view that most players do. And i cant exacly say thats a bad thing. The concept of incarna was to allow players to be able to personally identify with their characters. And i am lead to believe that women need that personal touch to better connect with their avatars.

on the one hand yes there is a case that someone is taking things too far with the need for 'flats', when you consider most if not all male players play eve with captains quarters off, and with those off and the portraits being at most from the waist up, the idea complaining about a very restrictive shoe selection does seem absurd.

on the other however, chances are most women who do play eve probably play with captains quarters on. so they do see their avatar constantly, and most likely with that constant "high heel" stance. does it really take soo much effort for a member of the art department to make a small pair of flats?

i have a feeling that i should have wrote a really sexist post tho... something like "ohh once u have all the shoes u lot want i guess ur gonna start complaining u dont have the bags to match them!"...

...or something.
Isabel Midnight
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-08-20 16:34:43 UTC
Tchulen wrote:
Isabel Midnight wrote:
The transphobia and misogyny in this thread even after a few short days is very telling.

Walking in stations was conceived and developed to appeal to the female playerbase. There was even a long dev blog by Hellmar I believe , years ago , saying as such. Either CCP should confess that was bunk and they designed this thing to appeal to their misogynistic male playerbase, or they have gone woefully off track.

The first thing I saw when I started playing was the character creation screen where I am forced to choose high heels. First impressions count. Even if you never see it again, it's still the very first thing you do! Please fix this.

One woman's misogyny is another woman's humour. Just because you've recently discovered that shouting "racist", "sexist", "ageist", "misogynist" etc will get you somewhere in today's overly touchy-feely society doesn't mean you'll get what you want just by screaming it on the EvE forums. You need to back up your claim and arguably have people agree with you before anyone from CCP will even bother looking at your demands. Misogyny requires an intent, not a misinterpretation (intentional or otherwise). Basically, whether it is actually misogynistic comes down to whether the person who said it intended it to be so, not whether you've misinterpreted a comment meant to be mildly amusing as intentionally offensive. One more thing; I was under the impression misogyny was entirely in the male domain, no?

Not all women see eye to eye with you on this one. Some view additional development time on WIS before they have any form of interaction between avatars as a complete waste of time. No one sees your shoes on a portrait, for example.

As for transphobia, get off your high horse. Just because someone doesn't agree with you you can't just accuse them of hate crimes. I have an american who works with me who pokes fun at me because of my nationality amongst other things. Should I make an official complaint about him being a racist or accept it because it's meant to be a joke? If you answer the former I pity you, I really do.

One last thing: If WIS was so important for the game (I'm ignoring gender here) why did CCP all but stop development on it?

Typical dimissive bullshit that I've come to expect from male 'gamers'. The people who are making jokes about men in skirts are being transphobic , flat out , that isn't even a discussion its the definition of transphobia.

Misogyny certainly does not require 'intent'. Saying 'oh I'm sorry I didin't MEAN to be a sexist piece of ****' doesn't mean **** to anyone who is a victim of this ****.

The fact women are forced into high heels right at the start of the game is repulsive and offensive. I don't care if it was an accident it still needs to be fixed.
Dersen Lowery
The Scope
#29 - 2012-08-20 16:41:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Dersen Lowery
A constructive reply: The change you want probably won't happen soon.

The problem is that realistic collision detection is exponentially complex, with the exponent roughly corresponding to the number of different heights that the engine has to take into account. This is why, at present, all capsuleers are the exact same height, about 5'8"--men in flats, women in heels. Give women the option to drop to 5'5" or so in flats, and you've just made it harder. Making flats the default shoe for women is even more work, because all the models are designed to be 5'8" in heels. CCP would have to find some way to add a few inches of height to every female toon without making any of them look absurd. Not to mention that they'd have to have two default female poses, since heels change the way that you stand and walk.

I support the feature. Just be aware that implementing it has complications, and CCP will have to engineer around them. It's not as simple as adding flats to the character customization options.

Proud founder and member of the Belligerent Desirables.

I voted in CSM X!

Scope Works
#30 - 2012-08-20 16:46:36 UTC
We need more high heels and see thru leggings. Also shorter skirts. Come on CCP, get in the game!

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Isabel Midnight
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#31 - 2012-08-20 16:51:45 UTC
Intent is not magic! If you accidentally step on someone's toe and hurt their foot, you say sorry, because you hurt their foot. It doesn't matter if you didn't intend to! Their foot still hurts!
Isabel Midnight
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#32 - 2012-08-20 16:52:43 UTC
Dersen Lowery wrote:
A constructive reply: The change you want probably won't happen soon.

The problem is that realistic collision detection is exponentially complex, with the exponent roughly corresponding to the number of different heights that the engine has to take into account. This is why, at present, all capsuleers are the exact same height, about 5'8"--men in flats, women in heels. Give women the option to drop to 5'5" or so in flats, and you've just made it harder. Making flats the default shoe for women is even more work, because all the models are designed to be 5'8" in heels. CCP would have to find some way to add a few inches of height to every female toon without making any of them look absurd. Not to mention that they'd have to have two default female poses, since heels change the way that you stand and walk.

I support the feature. Just be aware that implementing it has complications, and CCP will have to engineer around them. It's not as simple as adding flats to the character customization options.

i dont think you understand collision detection or programming.
Scope Works
#33 - 2012-08-20 16:52:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Anslo
Isabel Midnight wrote:
Intent is not magic! If you accidentally step on someone's toe and hurt their foot, you say sorry, because you hurt their foot. It doesn't matter if you didn't intend to! Their foot still hurts!

Your feet should be in some black 6 inch heels, covered toe. And make sure your dress is nice and tight, there's a good lass Blink

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]

Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#34 - 2012-08-20 17:38:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Griffin Omanid
Isabel Midnight wrote:
Dersen Lowery wrote:
A constructive reply: The change you want probably won't happen soon.

The problem is that realistic collision detection is exponentially complex, with the exponent roughly corresponding to the number of different heights that the engine has to take into account. This is why, at present, all capsuleers are the exact same height, about 5'8"--men in flats, women in heels. Give women the option to drop to 5'5" or so in flats, and you've just made it harder. Making flats the default shoe for women is even more work, because all the models are designed to be 5'8" in heels. CCP would have to find some way to add a few inches of height to every female toon without making any of them look absurd. Not to mention that they'd have to have two default female poses, since heels change the way that you stand and walk.

I support the feature. Just be aware that implementing it has complications, and CCP will have to engineer around them. It's not as simple as adding flats to the character customization options.

i dont think you understand collision detection or programming.

He did not really talk about collision, more about the models, but there he is right. CCP just programed one male and one female modell, which can be altered in skin colour and some propotions in specific regions. You can for example also don´t create a reall fat character, women look either pregnant or a little bit chubby, men just look a little chubby. It is the same problem in many other 3d-Game with a lot of characters. Every person uses one of a few body, and for example female chars looks beside theire head always nearly equally hot in no respect to their age or wealth.

PS: For everyone like me who can´t use Imperial units 5'8" is 1.72 m, and 5'5" is 1.65 m (when using modern standart values which could alter every now and then, typicall problem with Imperial units). It fits for female chars but I think it is quit small for a male body. Now I am also pissed, because the male chars are too small, but well I use the RP-excuse the clones have to be so small to fit into the pod...
Isabel Midnight
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#35 - 2012-08-20 17:43:58 UTC
The female thin model looks dangerously underweight but that's probably another discussion.
Tor Gungnir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-08-20 18:30:51 UTC
Isabel Midnight wrote:
The female thin model looks dangerously underweight but that's probably another discussion.

Why wouldn't a "thin" model look underweight?

Just as a "fat" model would look overweight, it makes sense.

Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

Isabel Midnight
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#37 - 2012-08-20 18:32:19 UTC
Tor Gungnir wrote:
Isabel Midnight wrote:
The female thin model looks dangerously underweight but that's probably another discussion.

Why wouldn't a "thin" model look underweight?

Just as a "fat" model would look overweight, it makes sense.

The fat model does not actually look overweight in any way and the thin one is thin to the point of danger.
GeeShizzle MacCloud
#38 - 2012-08-20 18:32:21 UTC  |  Edited by: GeeShizzle MacCloud
well in space in a pod ur hardly exercising so u will loose muscle mass... if uve ever broken a limb ull know what i mean... especially a leg, and after u get the cast removed! its kinda frightening!
Tor Gungnir
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#39 - 2012-08-20 18:46:51 UTC
Isabel Midnight wrote:
Tor Gungnir wrote:
Isabel Midnight wrote:
The female thin model looks dangerously underweight but that's probably another discussion.

Why wouldn't a "thin" model look underweight?

Just as a "fat" model would look overweight, it makes sense.

The fat model does not actually look overweight in any way and the thin one is thin to the point of danger.

Then that is a fault of the overweight model, not the thin one.

Thin is synonymous with underweight.

Space. It seems to go on and on forever. But then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

Selaya Ataru
Phalanx Solutions
#40 - 2012-08-20 19:02:40 UTC
Isabel Midnight wrote:
i dont think you understand collision detection or programming.

I like your Idea and I would like to see all gender/race restrictions removed from clothing but you'll have to face it: Incarna isnt a priority right now and wont be a priority anytime soon.