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possible fix for Closed Socket error.

First post
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#181 - 2012-08-11 21:29:27 UTC  |  Edited by: DrWilsonPhD
I haven't had socket disconnect problems, but I have spoken with many of my corp mates, and all of us are getting severe lag spikes from time to time. It's actually bad enough to ruin missioning.

Edit: The lag spikes happen at the same time for all of us while in the same system.
Elder Rakou
Miners Trade Company
Imperial Empire
#182 - 2012-08-12 03:53:40 UTC
still getting the socket closed issue.
Nora Smith
Fitzpatrick Royal Nuclear Products
#183 - 2012-08-12 10:26:57 UTC
Was connected for about 2 minutes, then got the socket closed error. The login screen keeps saying "Checking status...", packages end in some Level3 router according to traceroute and whois:

$ traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 0.196 ms 0.291 ms 0.365 ms
2 ( 33.015 ms 35.071 ms 35.136 ms
3 ( 41.146 ms 41.209 ms 41.277 ms
4 ( 49.182 ms 51.252 ms 53.298 ms
5 ( 53.295 ms 55.717 ms 55.714 ms
6 ( 56.963 ms ( 50.861 ms 52.652 ms
7 ( 54.640 ms 40.629 ms 41.814 ms
8 ( 46.010 ms 40.979 ms ( 48.765 ms
9 ( 64.508 ms 58.541 ms 59.564 ms
10 ( 58.386 ms 58.775 ms 59.290 ms
11 ( 57.543 ms !X 59.048 ms !X 53.933 ms !X
Gre gore
State War Academy
Caldari State
#184 - 2012-08-12 11:08:18 UTC
I've tried on singularity if the client is stable. It is for the moment. No socket closed error, no lag. I've run a bandwidth test, all is ok.

You should try guys.
Victor Darkk
Jungle Platoon
#185 - 2012-08-12 14:07:05 UTC
I'm in the UK and my ISP is Orange. I've also had this problem for the last couple of weeks or so. The modules stop working or my ship won't warp, then the socket closes. This often happens when I'm in a fight or in danger, it's infuriating. It happens as frequently as every couple of minutes to every half an hour. Sometimes I can't even jump a system without it happening. Is there any point in undocking?

This problem is making the game unplayable for me, and I'm paying three subscriptions for nothing.

If I petition this, CCP will just tell me to send logs and refuse to admit that their game is broken - they'll just make me investigate my router and ISP again, a complete waste of my time. I'll have to phone a call center in India to be read a script by someone who doesn't even own a computer. Rather than being sent in circles by CCP again, I'd rather not petition at all.

It's funny how people across the world who have been playing Eve for years without problems suddenly all have this same problem. And it isn't our ISP's, there's only one thing in common between us - we're all playing Eve. Eve is the problem. My ISP has nothing to do with one in North Texas or Moscow.

Hurry up and fix it CCP. You're just hammering more nails into my Eve coffin here.
Gre gore
State War Academy
Caldari State
#186 - 2012-08-12 14:39:47 UTC
Gre gore wrote:
I've tried on singularity if the client is stable. It is for the moment. No socket closed error, no lag. I've run a bandwidth test, all is ok.

You should try guys.

as i said, try on test server to see if any change is coming with the new patch before incriminating ccp work.

I've this problem since one week, I've test on sisi, no problem since now +2 hours...
Victor Darkk
Jungle Platoon
#187 - 2012-08-12 15:20:30 UTC
Gre gore wrote:
Gre gore wrote:
I've tried on singularity if the client is stable. It is for the moment. No socket closed error, no lag. I've run a bandwidth test, all is ok.

You should try guys.

as i said, try on test server to see if any change is coming with the new patch before incriminating ccp work.

I've this problem since one week, I've test on sisi, no problem since now +2 hours...

Oh the test server is working? That's ok then. As long as the test server is working, there is no problem with the actual game and it must be Australia's fault. Or something.

Gre gore
State War Academy
Caldari State
#188 - 2012-08-12 15:34:31 UTC
Victor Darkk wrote:
Gre gore wrote:
Gre gore wrote:
I've tried on singularity if the client is stable. It is for the moment. No socket closed error, no lag. I've run a bandwidth test, all is ok.

You should try guys.

as i said, try on test server to see if any change is coming with the new patch before incriminating ccp work.

I've this problem since one week, I've test on sisi, no problem since now +2 hours...

Oh the test server is working? That's ok then. As long as the test server is working, there is no problem with the actual game and it must be Australia's fault. Or something.

ONLY to know if you found any issue with the NEW patch DEPLOYED on the test server.
Victor Darkk
Jungle Platoon
#189 - 2012-08-12 16:20:04 UTC
It's not the patch that's the problem, it's a problem with the Telia data center in Europe. Other mmo's such as World of Warcrap and Diablo are also using Telia and players are experiencing the same problems. It appears that the Telia backbone is shaky and unreliable, according to Google.

So I guess Eve and other mmo's have become unplayable until this company fix their problem.
#190 - 2012-08-13 01:45:43 UTC
I subbed up a week ago after not being subbed for about 3 weeks and i've come back to this error too, I KNOW it wasn't happening before this otherwise I wouldn't have resubbed at all.

I get conversation replies after messages I send 2-3 seconds before and then a clear disconnect with "socket closed" error message, no loss of connection over time, just a clean message appears and connection to eve stops.

I'm on virgin in the UK on a 60meg internet connection, speed and bandwidth are not an issue. Going to try clearing cache/repairing client/modifying firewall but i've never had a problem until now.

I don't use a VPN and router has been restarted... Roll
arcca jeth
Dark Alliance
#191 - 2012-08-14 01:54:30 UTC
well here I am again, getting socket closed error. cannot warp around in a single system without getting socket closed within a few minutes. Seems, oddly enough, that this happens regularly for awhile when new patches are deployed. It's getting very old.
Leriss Serenthius
CBC Interstellar
Goonswarm Federation
#192 - 2012-08-14 09:08:37 UTC
I am also having the socket connection closed since few days, never happened before. It happens mostly when an action is about to be taken, i.e sending an eve mail or checking the hangar.
Shibo Andomer
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#193 - 2012-08-15 14:04:35 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Chu SumTuat SumTuat wrote:
Veritas Titan wrote:
I turned off VPN to test and was disconnected 10 minutes into the game. VPN fixes the problem, at least for me.

VPN should not fix your problem, the problem is with CCP.....dont patch things up for them.

If VPN is fixing the problem then it sounds like the issue is ISP based. I have asked those who submitted bug reports on this issue to confirm their location and ISP but neither of them have gotten back to me yet. If others experiencing the problem can do likewise it will help us confirm one way or the other.

My ISP is cable vision, based from Long Island, New York.
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#194 - 2012-08-15 14:41:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Aronour

I got this problem too since yesterday downtime.
Almost every warp or jump i get socket closed

Never had it before.
Jami Lockeye
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#195 - 2012-08-16 03:37:49 UTC
Same things going on for these 2 weeks or a month.
madmax 27
Gardes Feydakin
#196 - 2012-08-16 22:02:16 UTC
When you guys get the closed socket errors does it kick you off your wireless network / disable your adapter for a few secs. Just seems strange now for the last few days trying to play eve and it does it but not on anything else. all drivers updated etc etc.
Emma Lind
Amarr Empire
#197 - 2012-08-17 01:26:21 UTC
I get this problem on my laptop connected through 802.11n wifi but not on the desktop connected through gigabit ethernet to the same router. After the disconnect has happened a few times I looked up my network adapter in the laptop:

eth1 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:1f:e1:cb:de:cb
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::21f:e1ff:fecb:decb/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:45493 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:271420
TX packets:43386 errors:18 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:30872929 (30.8 MB) TX bytes:6265390 (6.2 MB)

Notice there are 18 erroneous frames in TX. This could be due to packet loss on the WiFi or if eve is doing something funky with the socket. I don't know, anyhow it leads me to a hypothesis:

AFAIK EVE uses TCP/IP for communicating with the server. TCP/IP guarantees in-order delivery of all data. That means that being unlucky and loosing the same IP frame twice, causes a delay of at least 4 RTT, assume 100 ms ping, 200ms RTT then you'd be looking at a delay of maybe 800 ms, take into account the time it takes for TCP to initiate a resend. Even though your bandwidth will not be affected, no data will be delivered to the application (eve server/client) until the lost IP frame is correctly received, then all buffered data after that arrives simultaneously. I'm assuming CCP have disabled socket buffering for the TCP socket, otherwise the OS will buffer up until it has enough data to send a full MTU or the socket is closed, otherwise this would just make the situation even worse. Couple this with some server side lag and a briefly choked router on the link between CCP and the client; Then it may well be possible that the delay can reach into the range of seconds by just loosing two packets, which causes the server to (wrongly) believe the user has timed out.

Consider that packet loss tends to be correlated in time, you're fine for a while then loose a bunch and then you're fine for a while, then this scenario isn't all that unlikely. Thus this is what I believe is happening. By the way, this is why you *really* shouldn't use TCP/IP for any real-time application. If you need reliability and real-time characteristics, implement a limited resend protocol over UDP.

Given the fact that most people are experiencing this only after Inferno was released, I'd suggest diffing any changes to the network code pre/post inferno. Also data patterns generated by the client may have changed, triggering the problem.

It's worth noting that testing this hypothesis is as easy as increasing the disconnect timer on the server/client by a second or so and see if the problem goes away.

"Thank you for doing our job for us, Emma"
"You're most welcome CCP" ;)
Rothschild's Sewage and Septic Sucking Services
The Possum Lodge
#198 - 2012-08-17 15:43:59 UTC
Still getting this...and no Dev response in a while, way to go CCP.

It is not just a few ppl having issues, and it is not us having bigged clients, it is something yall changed in the code since Inferno. I frequently get socket disconnects for some of my active clients, but not the rest, one or two will go down at the same time, but the others will be fine until i get another random batch of socket disconnects later. I put in a petition, just to try to get some for of extra attention...and i got this reply from GM...

Hello, thank you for contacting customer support.

Could you please run the game with the following attributes so we can try and locate the cause of this.

Go to the directory where EVE is installed from there navigate into the /bin directory and create a shortcut for the EVE process ( exefile.exe ) when the shortcut has been created right click on "exefile.exe - shortcut" and select properties.

In the shortcut tab under Target add /minidump behind the target line so it'll look something similar to this “C:\Program Files (x86)\CCP\EVE\bin\exefile.exe” /minidump

A) Run Pingplotter while playing for network diagnostics.

1. Download the program from and run the installer once you've downloaded it.
2. Once the program has been installed, run the program
3. When the program has started, in the top left corner you can find a field called 'Address to trace', in this field type:
4. At the bottom left corner change the # of time to trace to Unlimited, and the Trace Interval to 2.5 seconds.
5. Click on the 'Trace' button at the bottom left corner.
6. Now run the EVE client and login. Play normally for an hour even if you are disconnected from EVE. Simply log in again and continue.
7. If you lose connection note down the time you lost connection (please note down both your local time and the EVE Time).
8. Now save the pingplotter files by going to the menu File -> Save sample set... and place it where you can find it.

B). To minimize problems with running the logserver file it is recommended that you either restart your computer or check Task managers process list for unresponsive instances of Eve.exe

1. Find your Eve folder in Windows Explorer
2. When you have the Eve folder open, find "logserver.exe" and launch it (Do NOT have EVE running)
3. Select "File" -> "New Workspace"
4. Start Eve using the shortcut you created
5. When you have reproduced the bug, Eve crashes or when you kill the process if it hangs, select "File" -> "Save workspace as..." and save the workspace in a place you'll find it again.

C) Finding the crashdump ( if one is created )

Press Windows Key + R and paste the following line into the Run window.

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\CCP\EVE\ if you use Windows XP
%LOCALAPPDATA%\CCP\EVE\ if you use Windows Vista or Windows 7

Find the .dmp file with the most recent time stamp. Files called #error*.txt are useless.

D). Also if you haven't already sent us your Dxdiag files run the DirectX diagnostics tool:

1. Press 'Start' and select 'run'. Type dxdiag and hit enter. When you do this, a window will pop up.
2. Click the "Save All Information" button that's located in its lower right corner.

When you've gathered all the files compress them all into a .zip or .rar file ( depending on which compression program you use )
Then attach the compressed file to either this e-mail reply ( sent to the e-mail you associated with your EVE account )
or by using the attachment box by logging in to "My Petitions" on our homepage ( ) open the petition there. An attachment box is presented after opening the petition.

When we have this information we will hopefully be able to determine the cause of this issue

With regards,

Soooo TLDR....honestly, i stopped reading after you said to run ping plotter on every PC i'm using for the length of time i'm playing Eve each time....

Its not all of our ends that have changed...the simplest solution to check is if yall changed the code regarding this...not checking if every ISP in the western world decided to neuter their bandwidth at completely random intervals but only make it effect a portion of the users on each IP address.    < Unified Inventory is NOT ready...

Gre gore
State War Academy
Caldari State
#199 - 2012-08-18 19:33:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Gre gore
I've format my computer and no disconnection... for the moment (+2 hours logged).
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#200 - 2012-08-20 13:12:06 UTC
Still getting this problem. I use a wireless connection and every time I attempt to log in to eve it gives me "THE SOCKET WAS CLOSED TROLOLOLOL" - attempting to log in to EVE causes the wireless connection to drop - any other game I can play just fine online no problem. Any help on this? And what the *()@#$@ is a VPN?