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Sell Orders

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#641 - 2012-08-09 18:39:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 13.08.2012
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrownow

Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now
Available to create an alliance or to update corp details for 6300 members Arrow now

To the top.
#642 - 2012-08-10 17:45:57 UTC
Bump in gratitude and recognition for great service.

That is all - faeryna
#643 - 2012-08-10 21:26:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
Thank you, Faeryna .

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 13.08.2012
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrownow

Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now
Available to create an alliance or to update corp details for 6300 members Arrow now

To the top.
Jorj Mckie
Deilur Industries
#644 - 2012-08-11 00:19:11 UTC
Very satisfied customer.
Professional, fast, and absolutely no hassles.
Highly recommended !
Tightass Trixie
Gallente Federation
#645 - 2012-08-11 16:42:24 UTC
In game order sent. would like to start this order by 12:00 eve time 8/12/2012.
#646 - 2012-08-11 21:35:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
Thank you, Jorj Mckie .
Tightass Trixie , the job will be ready on the 18th.

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 13.08.2012
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrownow

Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now
Available to create an alliance or to update corp details for 6300 members Arrow now

To the top.
Sara Mars
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#647 - 2012-08-12 19:55:41 UTC
In game order sent, would like to purchase by 8/20/12
#648 - 2012-08-12 22:03:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
Sara Mars , you have mail.

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 14.08.2012

The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrownow

Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now
Available to create an alliance or to update corp details for 6300 members Arrow now

To the top.
Sara Mars
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#649 - 2012-08-13 00:37:41 UTC
App sent.
Hitomi Aoki
The Restless Few
The Initiative.
#650 - 2012-08-13 11:18:29 UTC
On behalf my contacts, I would like to thank Urodus for en excellent service. The business deal was completed without any problems at all. We are very satisfied.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#651 - 2012-08-13 15:00:30 UTC
I've sent the last 75, awaiting transfer of CEO...
Erath Kalyn
Maxell Solutions
#652 - 2012-08-13 19:36:29 UTC
Would like to buy Sanctum Solutions.

Please reserve it for me and give me a notice once it's mine. Will apply then and transfer the money.

Kind regards,

#653 - 2012-08-13 23:42:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
Thank you for using my services.

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 17.08.2012

The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrownow
Scope Industries - 200M - reserved

Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now
Available to create an alliance or to update corp details for 6300 members Arrow now

To the top.
Vlad Kellnari
Geass Conglomerated
#654 - 2012-08-14 18:12:00 UTC
I used Urodus's service and I am very satisfied.

All the way from the start of the process to the end he has been extremely professional and polite.

The process was totally painless and for the price, it can't be beat.

I highly recommend his services!
IChooseYou Alliance
#655 - 2012-08-15 02:07:41 UTC
The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrownow
Joust Industries - 200M

i would like this convo email me
Drac Dragnog
Scope Industries
#656 - 2012-08-15 14:35:46 UTC
The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrownow
Scope Industries - 200M

You still have this available? If so, please mail me in game, and we can finish the purchase this evening... :)
One Word: MINE. :)  (If you are reading this, please go back up, and check, you are probably being trolled.)
Dwyn Hiro
Hiro Research and Development
Firestar Enterprises
#657 - 2012-08-15 19:56:11 UTC
Had him bump up my corp numbers and create an alliance. Was fast and friendly, easy to work with. Am having him do standings and JCs now.
#658 - 2012-08-15 23:56:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Urodus
Thank you for using my services.

The next pre-made corp (7+ amarr/caldari/khanid/ammatar) ready for sale Arrow 17.08.2012

The next pre-made corp (7+ gallente/minmatar) ready for sale Arrownow

Available to start a custom job for amarr/caldari/ammatar/khanid standings Arrow now
Available to start a custom job for gallente/minmatar standings Arrow now
Available to create an alliance or to update corp details for 6300 members Arrow now

To the top.
IChooseYou Alliance
#659 - 2012-08-16 11:39:27 UTC  |  Edited by: YzzICo
Great service pleasure to deal with 10/10 Big smileLolP
Amlodhi Skarssen
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#660 - 2012-08-16 18:22:11 UTC
I wld like to take the next pre-made corp with amarr/caldari standings please ... message me ingame when ready :)