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Former Slaves Enter Matriculation Program

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Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#521 - 2012-07-30 16:50:14 UTC
Today is transportation day when those we have rescued travel to one of our larger centers in Dresi where they can live and work until they find new homes in the Republic or possibly other places. We also have slavers, some exotic dancers, and hounds to transport to various places. The complication this time around comes with the fact that not that long ago, I rescued a small group of people, six in number. They had just been checked into the temp center, when the call came to prepare for transport to Dresi. This was a bit disorienting. I can't full imagine the sense of "What is really going on here?" "Where am I being taken?" "What is happening to me?" Thankfully, the other recently rescued people, the center staff and Elders all helped to orientate these most recently rescued people. We told them that if would like stay behind with the staff at the temp center and wait until the next transport time to move on, that was fine. They chose the leap of faith and went with the other 1082 on to Dresi. They disembarked there a little while ago. They seem OK. Even when life changes for the better, it is still change and change can be hard. They will have access to a great community there in Dresi to make themselves ready for life ahead.

I asked the question of 10 Exotic Dancers who were nearly killed a while ago while being transported to work in Jita, "Where do you want to go?" "Where do you think we should go?" was the question returned to me. I told them that if they wanted to do something other than exotic dancing, we had plenty of work in any one of out centers. They kind of wanted to stay together and so they chose to go to our Homeless Shelter in Gallente space and work there. I think that was a good choice. For now, they will wait in Korama until the good Dr. has time to transport them

Wall of Shame:

114/07/30 12:03 Jim Celetrum 6 people

Transfers made:
(1088-Dresi, 10 dancers, 4 hounds, 16 slavers)

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#522 - 2012-07-30 23:27:31 UTC
Space can be lonely, especially if most of the work you do is just you and your crew. Crews are out of the pod, able to touch, talk and rub shoulders. Pod pilots are isolated, in the goo all by ourselves. It is our com channels that give us a sense of connection with others when we are aboard our ships. DSTON is a very small corp and I rarely see my corp mates on the corp com channel. In fact, I usually have the channel minimized. Imagine my delight today when I actually saw Dr. Nalthkh on the channel that I happened to have open. Ah, conversation at last! Below is a transcript of our wonderful conversation...

Ston Momaki > Hello Boss
Tahrmal Nalthkh > Ston
Ston Momaki > How are you?
Tahrmal Nalthkh > Delivering 10 ladies and 4 dogs
Ston Momaki > Oh yes, thanks for doing that
Ston Momaki > We just rescued another 60 people.
Tahrmal Nalthkh > Good
Tahrmal Nalthkh > Um, nice chatting with you. I'm closing out the channel so I can concentrate on my flying.

So you can concentrate on your flying? Come on, you are in hi sec space delivering exotic dancers and slaver hounds. Nice chatting with you? That wasn't even close to a chat. When do I ever get to talk to any of you guys? I know you don't like to fly and I know you'd rather be doing whatever it is you do, but couldn't you take just a few minutes for some small talk. It wouldn't kill you.

Our staff back at the temp center had very little break between the departure of one group and the first new arrivals later in the day. I'll be having supper with them tonight after my patrol shift is done. I think I shall savor the time of conversation.

Wall of Shame:

114/07/30 22:35 STICKYKRONIC 10 former Elite, 50 former slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#523 - 2012-07-31 18:43:09 UTC
Mmm, something good is always cooking in the temp center kitchen. You can smell good aromas when you walk into the center dining area. One of the advantages of being a capsuleer is the way the technology has allowed us to experience sensory feedback that would normally be impossible in the vacuum of space. We can send out out camera drones and see, hear, and sometimes even feel what is happening, all through technology. One thing the pod experience can't do is to duplicate the sensation of drawing in a deep breath through the nose and enjoying the smell of spices and steam and bread. Pair that with the sound of untranslated conversation in any number of languages, and you have the sensation of being in the center dining hall. Some take their meals in their quarters, but many prefer the social atmosphere of the dining hall. It is a good place to be. It is there in the dining hall that the people we rescue really become oriented to what has happened and how life has changed. It is there that the sounds, smells and sights of people sharing a meal connect me with the intimacy of the human community.

47 more now join their voices at the table.

Wall of Shame:

114/07/31 18:29 Duuv Rasa 47 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#524 - 2012-08-01 13:13:46 UTC
Most of those we rescue had no idea of the name of the pilot transporting them, nor of their specific destination. Most were kept ignorant of the details of their sale and transport. They were told to get on board a ship, were guarded during the flight, then found themselves floating in a death can. It is pretty much the same same story few a few differences. This is not to say that each person we rescue does not have a unique life account. Each person does. However in how they got here, they share much in common.

As you know, in order to post on this forum one has to be a Concord registered pilot with up to date certification. However, anyone can view what is here. The public access media terminals in all of our centers provide access to these forums. Those we rescue can and do see the names and public records of the pilots who left them to die. They see the Wall of shame and receive our assistance in tracking down any information on the pilot that is available.

Closure demands different levels of involvement. Some do not wish even to know the name of the pilot. Others want to know a great deal more. Still others have questions and anger. This anger is often not so much toward the pilot who abandoned them in space as much as it is toward the former holder for whom they held great affection and loyalty. Some honestly never perceived that relationship as owner/property until they day they were sold and found themselves on a ship that took them away from the only home they knew. For these people there is another Wall of Shame with another set of names. They hold in their hearts the great dissonance of both missing their old masters and feeling great anger at what was done to them.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/01 00:36 Narosa Ghost 10 people
Agakii 10 people
114/08/01 11:52 RoK URAL 4 slavers, 4 hounds, 37 former slaves
Jessie Lambardo 26 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#525 - 2012-08-01 22:56:55 UTC
114/08/01 has been, I believe, the busiest rescue day I have had. This is not in the number of people rescued but in the number of jettisons encountered while on patrol.

Something happened to day that almost went unnoticed but then came as a heavy awareness upon me. It was the fact that it was almost unnoticed that became heavy. Let me explain. In the process of logging our rescues, we record information on the pilot who is the registered owner of the jet can. These can be seen on our Wall of Shame. I used to react strongly when I saw Minmatar pilots trading and then almost killing their own enslaved brothers and sisters. When I first encountered it, I was incredulous. But as today, it didn't immediately register that there were Minmatar pilots on the wall of shame. As I asked myself why it was that I no longer felt a reaction, I became aware that I have come to "expect" these pilots on the wall of shame just as I would expect anyone. When I first began this work, I sincerely thought that those tribes-people so gifted to be capsuleers would surely desire to see their brothers and sisters free and would surely not engage in the slave trade themselves.

I grieve the loss of shock and dismay I used to feel on such occasions. I know that these changes are inevitable in this kind of work and it reflects the reality that some my own naivete is being lost in reality. In the final analysis, the wall of shame equalizes all offenders. Perhaps no particular pilot should be considered more culpable than another. Ultimately we are all of the same tribe of humanity.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/01 12:44 Boldone 16 people
114/08/01 18:01 Xenomorphus 73 people
114/08/01 19:55 Cpt Napoleon 22 people
DJ Chottu 10 people
billibonskirill 8 hounds, 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#526 - 2012-08-03 12:45:19 UTC
I only conducted one rescue yesterday. That isn't to say that there were not more rescues that should have been conducted. The fact of the matter is that it is likely that we missed some and that they died as a result. I know of few besides DSTON who are actively patrolling for the purpose of rescuing. Gaufres would be one such person who intentionally checks the most active border crossing when going back and forth on his business. Some other also from time to time will rescue those stranded in jet cans. I struggle with the fact that on a day when we are unable to patrol as much as we should, people die in death cans that might have otherwise lived.

A friend once told me. "You just can't allow yourself to dwell on that; it will eat you up." That is easier said than done. It is kind of like telling someone, "Don't think of the color yellow." Well there you have it.

The 37 people we did rescue...we are glad that we were there, on time.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/02 11:47 Shimaya Dark 37 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#527 - 2012-08-04 13:10:45 UTC
Afraid to play. That is what a mother told me about why her daughter wakes up from nightmares screaming and crying. Afraid to play? I'm afraid I don't quite understand. What exactly do you mean? She went on to explain, "On the plantation where I was a slave together with my husband and my daughter, we were allowed to marry and raise families as were most of the other slaves. Children were not worked until they reached the age of 8. But they were strictly controlled and the rules were strict about where they could go. All the children pretty much played together. We were decently cared for. Slaver hounds were used to patrol and keep the slave population where they were supposed to be at all times and to discourage escape attempts. The plantation was large and even the areas that were fenced were patrolled by hounds. A hound can tear the windpipe and jugular out of a grown man's throat in about three seconds. No one messes with them. One day my daughter and her friends were playing kickball near one of the dilapidated fences in the barracks compound. The ball rolled under a gap in the fence. One of the little boys squeezed under the gap to retrieve the ball. Seconds later, he was dead. This was witnessed by my daughter.

She is now afraid to play. "

Our Elders and the counseling staff at our centers will be spending all the time needed to help her. I later learned that the main reason that the little girls family was sold to a local broker was because of her nightmares and that the whole barracks was losing sleep. The Holder sold the whole family to the broker, but the broker sold the woman's husband separately. The woman and her daughter were being sold for domestic help somewhere out of Empire space. Where, they did not know. And, if they will ever see their husband/father, they do not know. Brokers who illegally sell out of the empire do not exactly keep detailed sales records.

Wall of Shame

114/08/03 21:15 Sangetsu Attayaneskena 20 people.
114/08/04 01:25 danil kulincov 5 slavers, 5 hounds, 29 former slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#528 - 2012-08-06 19:58:18 UTC
O the perils of routine! The first of the two rescues recorded below was in a location where DSTON has never before performed a rescue. It is in a place that we do not routinely patrol. Since we also confiscate weapons as a regular part of our work, we often bookmark the locations of jet cans that we see on th way to and from patrol. Sometimes, we go back to see if there are weapons to confiscate. This was the case with the first rescue. The location was marked not because I expected people on board, but just to check it out when my patrol was done. 55 people were on board. They might have died if I hadn't marked the location or if I hadn't had time to check it out later. Routine told me it was optional to check that can. I doubt that these 55 thought of their lives as optional. It reminds me to pay closer attention to things outside my routine and to take advantage of even the most mundane possibility.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/04 12:34 Jessie Lambardo 55 people
114/08/06 11:42 Kelturan Zateki 50 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#529 - 2012-08-10 10:39:25 UTC
Yesterday, these 27 people made it to safety from a deathcan found where I would expect to find one. I am paying more attention to out of the way places and places where it might be somewhat unusual to find such.

No time to reflect further today.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/09 12:50 Codename Vendetta 27 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#530 - 2012-08-13 13:21:37 UTC
One larger group of 50 and one small group of 7 were discovered and rescued from a single death can yesterday. This happens from time to time; groups on the same transport separate in such a way. It isn't that families and friends don't routinely find each other in such circumstances, it is that one group radically isolates itself from the other rescued people. We try to find out why. As is usually the case, it involves people who have been so socially isolated that they do not know how to connect or relate to others, even in life and death crisis. Groups of former slaves are often found to be xenophobic to the extreme due to the isolation of their slavery. This group of seven had never had any human interaction outside of their two bit holder and each other.

The DSTON counseling staff will take great care to gently and slowly introduce these to the universe of humanity that exists "out there." Our best to them as they begin this epic adventure. Fear not, we'll be walking with you through this.

Wall of Shame:

114/15/12 19:57 Maniek B 57 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#531 - 2012-08-16 13:14:05 UTC
While I continue to read the IGS, I feel less and less compelled to respond to what I read. It seems that more and more, we capsuleers have become adept of self-justification. To be dissuaded is a humility that we refuse to bear. I include myself in malady for my own pride and hubris can just as easily raise its ugly head. One might become cynical and overly self-doubting if this line of thought is pursued too far. Perhaps there are a few useful concepts that can be converted into practice that will help us sort thought it. First, Belief. I am not using this term in the full blown epistemological sense, just is a practical day to day sense of the basic beliefs we hold. The second term is conviction. Conviction I term as a drive to adhere to our beliefs.

Belief of not sufficient to generate moral behavior. Some of the people on the wall of shame believe that slavery is wrong and that what they have done is wrong. They simply don't care. They lack conviction to convert their belief into what they would even say is right action.

Belief and conviction is not sufficient to generate right action in the absolute sense. Here is where we struggle. We should live according to our convictions. However to claim an absolute and dogged reliance on our own convictions as the guarantee of right action is a sort of self-deification and cheats us out of personal moral growth. In other words, while living according to our convictions, we should be free to change our minds if confronted with a superior moral position.

Caution: I do not refer to a better argued moral position. That depends only on the skill of the rhetoric. A superior moral position will engage our convictions so as to change them. The best moral arguments are not made with words, but with the exemplary lives of those who hold the conviction.

Finally, I believe it is right to rescue and help people abandoned in space. I also feel strong conviction to do so. So far I have not encountered any compelling argument to the contrary.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/15 12:44 Strictler1990 31 people
114/08/16 12:51 moonlight sculpter 15 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#532 - 2012-08-18 01:49:10 UTC
The art of condescension is well developed among us and we often use it to preserve our insular pride and to keep us from acknowledging that others may have legitimate ideas. It is hard to be conescending around the people we rescue. There is a paradox in that these simple people defy the way that condescension tries to make people seem simple in out own eyes. There is a vast intelligence in the choice to live in simplicity. There is a vast intelligence in the choice to be satisfied with little. We often use condescending language when speaking to other insanely wealthy capsuleers mostly to make ourselves feel better and to irritate the other person. These truly simple people put me in my place and remind me that the scale of intelligence is not determined by one's neurological fitness for the pod but more-so by a people's ability to make life good in spite of how hard life can be.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/16 23:32 Eagle - Owl 10 people
114/08/17 19:38 Duott Ciborg 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#533 - 2012-08-20 12:45:03 UTC
Elder Verin and I returned from a visit to Ealur recently where we spent a couple days talking with the Cottons and Greenhands about how our large centers are doing and how to help the populations there while they wait for opportunities to safely repatriate. We concluded that the best we can and should do is to strengthen our educational systems, facilitate community development and leadership and build infrastructure to enable the communities to be self-supporting.

I have not had much time to patrol and need to get back to that work this week.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/17 18:27 MACIEK MIKOSZ 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#534 - 2012-08-22 13:21:09 UTC
Don't commend me for doing the least of what is expected for the sake of humanity. Don't commend me just because I do the least part of what my ancestors would have done every day but is now lost in the greed and narcissism of our day. Don't marvel if an act today seems unselfish which yesterday would have been merely expected. Make no mistake, the deeds that seem above and beyond duty today were barely the fulfillment of duty yesterday. Forbid that we pat ourselves on the back for our small works of charity today that are but a justification for greater acts of barbarity tomorrow.

If we are to advance as a race of humanity, we must first re-evolve to what we once were and then move forward. I fear that avarice is pulling us back even into the moral pool of pre-life so that we might barely be called human.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/20 22:23 icebreaking 10 former Elite slaves
114/08/21 01:22 Azov Cardinalis 10 former Elite, 32 former Slaves

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#535 - 2012-08-23 19:35:44 UTC
Names and titles are an odd pastime of the capsuleer. We seem to have a need for them. From military ranks to self-assigned accolades, titles serve as a form of entertainment mostly, having lost most of their true function. Perhaps the military might maintain some of that original function. Pilots call themselves a number of interesting names, probably to hide their true identity and to keep from having to be truly honest with themselves. Lady Deliverance for example has these words in her public biography:

Lady Deliverence

Release, Rescue,

An Authoritative Judgment

Now an then, I find such obvious irony. For those we rescued from her death can, they were delivered to death and not rescued, at least by her.

But, back to titles. The titles that mean the most are those unofficially given to us by others who observe our lives and make those judgments that are the product of what they see over the stretch of time. Lady, Gentleman, Friend, Honorable Warrior, Peacemaker, etc. These come not by virtue of our birth or societal caste, but by virtue of the life we live.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/23 19:19 Lady Deliverance 4 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#536 - 2012-08-25 12:55:38 UTC
When considering whether to do a deed of goodness, act upon your instinct and do not delay the doing of the deed. This is especially true if it involves personal sacrifice, danger, giving of resources or wealth, or a significant time commitment. Time to ponder the deed will usually result in finding reasons not to do it. This also applies to the gut instinct we sometimes feel when helping those in danger. A couple days ago, I rescued 4 people them promptly brought them to our center. I was going to exit the capsule and meet them but then had a sense that I needed to return and patrol a certain area. When I went back, there were two death can and 30 people in need of rescue.

If ever instinct served a purpose other than survival, it would be the survival and betterment of others. Those better instincts are worth following.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/23 19:43 Estebanoz 27 people
114/08/23 19:44 Kamiospi 3 people
114/08/24 12:49 Teronia Merventis 7 people
General Scarf4ce 46 people
Alucard Drakon 11 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#537 - 2012-08-26 13:12:51 UTC
Yesterday at 19:46 hours, I came across 10 people abandoned to die by a pilot who refers to herself as Hunzibal. Her avatar portrays soft feminine features and kind eyes. Her deed was cold, icey, and barbaric. This is the case so many times as reflected on the wall of shame. I just finished commenting on the "Caldari's are Ugly" thread, noting that looks have much more to do with personality in the long run. The beautiful become ugly through ugly deeds and the homely become attractive through good deeds. I have never considered myself to be a kid magnet and some have said I look rather goblin like. But since beginning this work I have receive more hugs from children and slobbery kisses than I care to recall. Your looks mean nothing if your heart is a cesspool.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/25 19:46 Hunzibal 10 people

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#538 - 2012-08-27 14:33:54 UTC
On my way to pick up a group of refugees that include, both men and women who were being trafficked in the sex trade, homeless in need of long-term care, and militants fearing the death penalty elsewhere, I thought it a good time to write this report. The Disciples of Ston appreciate and thank the young Gallente woman who was willing to help these refugees and who contacted us to assist in this good deed. I neglected to ask if I could use her name, so I will respect her privacy. She knows who she is and she has our gratitude and the gratitude of the refugees she reached out to help. Goodness is present in the hearts of people still if we look for it.

We help all those who are abandoned in death cans where we find them, even slavers as was the case in today's rescue. There seems to be some confusion on the part of the slavers as they shared their account. They were aboard a vessel guarding a group of slaves. The pilot came to the border crossing and jettisoned them but not the slaves. That's a bit of a mystery.

As I complete this entry, my ship is approaching a station in Tahli where 60 refugees await the next step in their lives. We will offer them education, employment opportunities, medical treatment, Addiction treatment (some of the homeless) and assurance of continued life (Militants). Our first stop from here will be Ation, where the homeless will find the care, provision and treatment they need and where they need not fear being dumped off to fend for themselves. From there we will stop in Korama where the Militants will find fair treatment at our Detention Center. The Good Doctor Nalthkh will take care of helping the former exotic dancers and seeing that they are offered several alternatives in education and employment.

Wall of Shame:

114/08/26 13:15 der Chef 12 people
114/08/27 13:35 Roos Tsero 2 Slavers

Wall of Appreciation:
Young Gallente Woman who showed unselfishness and humanity in the rescue and care of the 60 refugees.

The Disciples of Ston bid you peace

#539 - 2012-08-27 14:43:31 UTC
Brother do you find these men, women, and children abandoned in canisters in space?
Ston Momaki
Disciples of Ston
#540 - 2012-08-27 17:40:08 UTC
Tetony wrote:
Brother do you find these men, women, and children abandoned in canisters in space?


The Disciples of Ston bid you peace