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Can FC's be friendly?

The Djentleman Paulson
Test Alliance Please Ignore
#81 - 2012-07-17 12:45:36 UTC
I haven't been in New Eden very long (2 months) but I've had nothing but good experiences with FCs in the CFC. They've all been helpful and patient with my stupid newbro questions. Similarly, my fleet members in the first fleet I FCed were understanding of my lack of experience and offered plenty of helpful advice.

Are there really FCs out there that are dicks to individuals in their fleets? It's a spaceship game for fucks sake, we're all logged in to have some fun! I can't imagine getting upset about some spaceship explosions, we can always just reship and give it another go.
Black Screen of Death
Huzzah Federation
#82 - 2012-07-18 14:05:42 UTC
I used to FC for Huzzah back in Syndicate.

I like to keep my cool when giving orders, the calmer you are the calmer your fleet with be.

It all depends on what you want from your fleet, if you want stupid ordered guns then you should shout at them. If you want a agile fleet that works together well you should make everyone comfortable.

I would follow most of my orders with please and thanks when I get Intel, every little helps.

But I suppose it also boils down to who you're dealing with, stupid people need shouting at. Luckily I've only FC'ed with decent people :P
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#83 - 2012-07-20 02:44:03 UTC  |  Edited by: MaCoola
I have FCed small to med (2-40) fleets and been under FCs who are really cool and weren;t drama queens. I have been in fleets with the biggest bablies who cried and emoraged like aholes (Maka, PK, etc. ) and it's really sad but most are just jerks because they can be a jerk. They powertrip in their mom's basement and treat people bad for no really good reason but because it makes them feel better to do so because they suck so bad IRL.

I understand frustratiion with retards in fleet and people losing their cool. It happens to us all at times.

And there are some really good FC's I have been under have that have never acted a like a 2 yr old who didn;t get their way. Definate and Ral/Phoenix are a few. And I know there are other FCs who are good FCs and treat people with respect on comms.

Their really is no good excuse for emoraging FCs. They are just childish pukes who happen to be good at FCing but shite with people.

They need to feel good by putting everyone down because they were/are builled IRL and need to take it out on someone else.

The excuse that no one will step up and FC so they get bitter is crap because it is hard to learn how to be an FC in most corps/alliances because the entrenched FCs rarely let others have any glory. They want to be the hero. And they need an excuse to crybaby.

FCing a grind like missions? lol I don't think so. I have FCed on different characters and it never felt like a grind and a dreaded thing to do. Why? Because I LIKE to pvp. If people are hating FCing they need to quit and go mining or whatever.

I know this, treating people with respect will you get respect and more numbers in fleet. And the results will be better and you get people wanting to fly what is needed when asked. I know, revolutionary thought!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#84 - 2012-07-20 13:14:59 UTC
Come to FW! I know from personal experience both Gallente and Minmatar have friendly and talented FCs and yes, its possible to be both.

Lots of great and friendly FCs!

Jason, Julius, Amon, Chatgris

Those 4 guys allowed me to have my best experiences in EVE

Vide longe er eros di Luminaire VII, uni canse pra krage e determiniex! Sange por Sange! Descanse bravex eros, mie freires. Mortir por vostre Liberete, farmilie, ide e amis. lons Proviste sen mort! Luminaire liber mas! 

Ethan Argoin
Amarr Empire
#85 - 2012-07-21 19:40:07 UTC
I am a friendly FC lol!

Althought to be fair, when I FC I am usually getting drunk ;)
#86 - 2012-07-25 00:29:45 UTC
eddie valvetino wrote:

Yeah, i told the logis to not rep him for bringing the wrong ship... can you see the issue, one of these ships is not like the others, one of these ships is not the same

To be sung in the voice of Big Bird.... I missed you Ed Lol

[u]Failure Cascade Augmentation Squad[/u]

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#87 - 2012-07-25 01:49:39 UTC
Jessie Arr was the first FC I ever had.

He set the bar really high.

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Illicit Expo
#88 - 2012-07-26 15:26:55 UTC
If a LEADER cant respect the people he is leading, he wont be a leader for long. That doesn't mean he cant be or get cranky, but if an FC yells at me, or is disrespectful, I simply wont EVER fly with them again. period. There are nice FC's out there. Find one, stick to him, and learn as much as you can. When you have an FC that is an ass to his mates constantly, just leave, and spend your time more wisely, with a wiser FC. GL.
Rigel Vex
Hull Warning
#89 - 2012-07-27 00:12:16 UTC
Imustbecomfused wrote:
If a LEADER cant respect the people he is leading, he wont be a leader for long. That doesn't mean he cant be or get cranky, but if an FC yells at me, or is disrespectful, I simply wont EVER fly with them again. period. There are nice FC's out there. Find one, stick to him, and learn as much as you can. When you have an FC that is an ass to his mates constantly, just leave, and spend your time more wisely, with a wiser FC. GL.

But sometimes FC's need to show some tough love. The classic "I don't want to fly what you want me to fly" statement springs to mind.
RaVeN Alliance
#90 - 2012-07-27 05:02:00 UTC
Imustbecomfused wrote:
If a LEADER cant respect the people he is leading, he wont be a leader for long. That doesn't mean he cant be or get cranky, but if an FC yells at me, or is disrespectful, I simply wont EVER fly with them again. period. There are nice FC's out there. Find one, stick to him, and learn as much as you can. When you have an FC that is an ass to his mates constantly, just leave, and spend your time more wisely, with a wiser FC. GL.

Good post. I woulda pushed the 'like' button 10 times if possible.
You are NOT comfused at all.

jjohnpaul xvii
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#91 - 2012-07-27 11:24:17 UTC  |  Edited by: jjohnpaul xvii
Fatmanpaul from the minmatar militia > the most patient, calming, and effective FC ive flown with. If you ever get a chance to be in one of his happy killing fleets get in it, listen, and learn. Top guy. I think i secretly <3 him a bit.

Also > confirming ''back seat FCs who never step up'' being the single biggest irritant in the game. Worse than Dan Carter Murray.
Shadows Of The Federation
#92 - 2012-07-27 12:17:31 UTC
Depends on the type of fleet your in and what the intention is.

However, even when flying a more relaxxed fleet you still dont want derps and people bringing random **** and generally ballsing up which causes the fc's to rage.

I want an arrogant, emo, bollock people when they derp FC in charge when the **** hits the fan when flying mult-billion isk fleets - i dont want a quiet meek dude who will tell everyone its ok to bring his drake to a navpoc fleet.............

Our fleets for example are for the most part quite chilled, drunken and good natured but once the time comes everyone has there game face on and does ther job, if you dont then expect to get a roasting as i for one dont wanna spend the next xxx time grinding to replace ships that are lost cos of someone derping.

You get to know the fc's, if you dont like how he runs it then dont join his fleet.
Robert Caldera
Caldera Trading and Investment
#93 - 2012-07-27 12:48:13 UTC
Aw Kasenumi wrote:
I wanted to hear some opinions about this. This is an alt but i have lived in null for 5 years now and been in several alliances and also the 'larger' ones. In all my years ive hardly ever seen a friendly FC. What i notice is that when FC's get to cranky or just downright insulting etc. alliances dont live long cause people are not gonna enjoy being in a fleet with you and with every cta the numbers drop. The friendly FC's that i have seen could manage great fleets as they got sympathy from pilots and people just generally enjoy themselves, but for some reason these FC's dont stick around for to long or they feel the pressure from alliance leadership and move along. Now i keep wondering why FC's are generally assholes cause in my opinion they gain absolutly nothing and are there alliances around who only deal with friendly FC's?

for a year or something I was in Raiden. RDN FCs were all pretty chill and funny to fly with.
Most chil FC's I've ever dealt with.
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#94 - 2012-07-27 14:23:56 UTC

But sometimes FC's need to show some tough love. The classic "I don't want to fly what you want me to fly" statement springs to mind.[/quote]

You are right, people need to bring the ship asked for but telling people by emoraging on them is pretty stupid. And sometimes, gasp, people don't have it for whatever reason and they still want to pew. Instead of sceaming at them about how stupid they are, cursing them and their whole family, etc. the FC should either say "I will make an exception" or they should say please don't join fleet. The issue is the way people treat others.
Dan Carter Murray
#95 - 2012-08-05 09:35:25 UTC
jjohnpaul xvii wrote:
Fatmanpaul from the minmatar militia > the most patient, calming, and effective FC ive flown with. If you ever get a chance to be in one of his happy killing fleets get in it, listen, and learn. Top guy. I think i secretly <3 him a bit.

Also > confirming ''back seat FCs who never step up'' being the single biggest irritant in the game. Worse than Dan Carter Murray.

"Dan Carter Murray/Murphy or whatever is one of the most annoying whiners I have had the displeasure of encountering in EVE. unfortunately that guy is way too immature in local smack/whining for my tastes." 50GB free space @

Scion Lex
The Unspoken Ones
Hole Control
#96 - 2012-08-05 18:14:24 UTC
Aw Kasenumi wrote:
I wanted to hear some opinions about this. This is an alt but i have lived in null for 5 years now and been in several alliances and also the 'larger' ones. In all my years ive hardly ever seen a friendly FC. What i notice is that when FC's get to cranky or just downright insulting etc. alliances dont live long cause people are not gonna enjoy being in a fleet with you and with every cta the numbers drop. The friendly FC's that i have seen could manage great fleets as they got sympathy from pilots and people just generally enjoy themselves, but for some reason these FC's dont stick around for to long or they feel the pressure from alliance leadership and move along. Now i keep wondering why FC's are generally assholes cause in my opinion they gain absolutly nothing and are there alliances around who only deal with friendly FC's?

I completely and totally agree with you on this. Personally, I try to be the cool head when I FC. I am respectful of the guys I fly with. I thank them and compliment them for doing well. I also try to ease the burn of a loss with an encouraging word. It worked for me as an infantry NCO in war and it works for me here. I think most guys really just don't know what it takes to lead. This is (eve) the only context they have for it and they do what others before them have done. People have to WANT to follow you.
Ravan Hekki
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#97 - 2012-08-05 21:20:02 UTC
Yes some can. Yes you do get some shouty 'i have no power in my real life so i want to be work though my issues on others'

For good fun FCs see:


RvB's Ganked FCs


Aquilla Sagatta

Soulripper666 and Spooni (really they just seem grumpy).

I have however flown with some total tools. One thing that helps keep FCs from being tools is to follow instructions and don't talk over them.

However in Eve as in life there are people who just want to be incharge for thier own power trip...this tends to be the FCs who are tools.
Minmatar Heavy Industries
#98 - 2012-08-06 22:12:35 UTC  |  Edited by: DarthNefarius
Show me a happy FC & I'll show you a happy cat herder

FYI: often the most aggrivating fleets to FC are often the fleets filled with FC's
An' then, he come scramblin outta the    Terminal room screaming "The system's crashing! The system's    crashing!" -Uncle RAMus, 'Tales for Cyberpsychotic Children'