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What keeps you from PvPing?

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William Nimitz
#201 - 2012-07-13 03:47:04 UTC
Jypsie wrote:
Going on "roams" holds no interest to me. Kill mail whores sicken me. Fighting just for the sake of fighting seems silly to me in this game.
I completely agree. I look forward to the day when I will fight alongside my fellow Caldari against rival factions, earning rank and merit as a result of my contributions to the fleet and my service to the State, but to participate in pvp for the sake of simple roams in order to destroy random players for bragging rights sickens me as well.

It is a symptom of madness that thoughts become uncontrollably disjointed. This can be encouraged.

Urgg Boolean
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#202 - 2012-07-13 04:39:52 UTC
A better question is why don't I PvP in EvE?

I have no problem thinking on my feet and being calm in the heat of battle, which seem to be prerequisites for PvP. And I do PvP in TeamFortress II, Black Prophecy, and just starting to talk about it in Diablo III. But when I play EvE, I much prefer doing more predictable PvE. I use EvE as a stress-reducing distraction and/or for relaxation. PvP is serious business that requires total focus. And when I'm in an amped up mood, I'll PvP in TFII. Otherwise, I'll do L4's, exploration, mine. The closest I get to PvP in EvE is low sec PI where stealth is king.

The other reason is the old saying, "If your in a fair fight, you're doing it wrong." In TFII, the game mechanics and player/team rotations make it very fair such that you may be on a team with a guy who just ganked you 5 mins ago. The whole idea that you won't really have a chance unless you out blob the other guys makes it seem pointless. But that is a can of worms topic.

Third, the threat of loss holds no excitement for me at all. In fact, quite the opposite. TFII is so fun exactly because there are no losses. You can focus on the fight, and win or lose, you are back at it after a small cooldown period. When I shoot hoops with my buds, the losing team does not forfeit their shoes and basketball, nor the car the came in. It's just serious fun with possibly some bruised egos. Real losses come from real war, where people to lose body parts and/or life ... that ain't no fun at all regardless of adrenaline. So why do people get off due to the risk of losing pixels or the gloating rights of making someone else lose pixels (killmails)? Sorry guys, but EvE PvP has no appeal for me.

Lost True
Caldari State
#203 - 2012-07-13 05:12:59 UTC
It's takes too much time.

in 2007 i've thought it's a sci-fi simulator, not an "e-sports" game. I'm not a teenager, how would i like it much?

#204 - 2012-07-13 06:20:44 UTC
Lost True wrote:
It's takes too much time.

Don't it? Two hours hunting (not to mention the setup time of moving ships/equipment) for 60 seconds of fun. And on top of that you're paying a subscription fee. And that's solo... that's the 'quick action' end of the scale. Lol The null-sec 150+ fleet version is far, FAR worse.
Prince Kobol
#205 - 2012-07-13 07:03:44 UTC
I don't think its so much as people not wanting to PvP, personally I think its more that when people try they often find themselves getting blobbed.

This is especially true of null sec

It always makes me laugh when you have the so called super elite OMFG were fecking awesome alliances feel the need to hotdrop a group when they already have a clear advantage, but there is still the very small risk that they might lose 1 ship.

After only a few days you learn that there is simply no point even trying to fight these guys because you know that as soon as you engage they will just hot drop you.

So what is the point.
Soundwave Plays Diablo
#206 - 2012-07-13 07:05:24 UTC
Marconus Orion wrote:
This question is directed at players who choose not to PvP. I am very curious as to what barriers, if any, keep you from PvPing? Granted there are some players who live in unknown space, low sec and null sec who still avoid PvP, the question is more directed at high sec players.

So please keep the post constructive and honest guys. If you do PvP, then please don't go crazy in here with posts of 'You're doing it wrong, hurr, derp!' scaring away the non-PvPers. I really would like to just hear from them on the subject.

Thanks. Big smile

EDIT: When I say high sec players, I am referring to what is keeping them from player combat in general. It is not specific to a location in the game. That said if you live anywhere in the game and don't engage in combat feel free to say why.

Also I am seeing a lot of other players who do participate in player combat chiming in with the 'You're doing it wrong!' posts. Please just ignore them.

Low PCU.
Pipa Porto
#207 - 2012-07-13 07:07:20 UTC
Soundwave Plays Diablo wrote:
Low PCU.

Compared to?

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Bunnie Hop
Bunny Knights
#208 - 2012-07-13 07:24:07 UTC
I play to relax and pvp is not relaxing. Listening to the ambient music and running a few missions is relaxing though.
Miles Parabellum
Core Collapse Inc
#209 - 2012-07-13 07:27:35 UTC
Why don't they PvP?
They don't feel like it. That's all you need to know.
Irya Boone
The Scope
#210 - 2012-07-13 08:12:04 UTC
Warping warping , searching for someone To attack 3 hours
Then tired of that have to Go in GATE camp mode ... One hour to see something not a frigate.
going into null sec = playing with bubble .... and when you do it = 6vs1 :x

And real PvP for some of you = Jumping on a hulk , or a solo player with your 5 mates .. so pvp In eve ... :(

CCP it's time to remove Off Grid Boost and Put Them on Killmail too, add Logi on killmails .... Open that damn door !!

you shall all bow and pray BoB

0asis Group
#211 - 2012-07-13 08:30:56 UTC
As mentioned here... 3hrs of searching and what youll find:
1. Some noob miner or cruiser in belt (thats not PvP)
2. blob on gates

Now ask yourself a question why are ppl sitting in jita instead of flying PvP ships. In that 3h i can make couple of milions, instead of boring hunting (read as searching) for a good and fair PvP (blob vs 1 is not fair as well as mine PvP ship vs miner or noob in belts).

Believe me this is not because someone is affraid of loosing ship (this hype was popular a couple of years ago). problem is that PvP is the second most boring activity in eve right after mining (as long as you are not in blob gatecamp and pronouced yourself as hardcore PvPer).
Kiwis Corp
#212 - 2012-07-13 08:50:00 UTC
Mostly because you can't find "fair" pvp. And by "fair" I mean 1 vs 1, not 1 vs 5. That's not fun at all.
Loosing ship 1 on 1 would not bother me. But I see no point in going to low sec to blow up from 5 guys guns.

"Find some friends" you'll say. I'm a loner. I do everything alone, and that's the way I like it.
Further more - I just don't like PvP. Even in L2 or WoW - where you don't actualy loose anything. I don't.
I'm not sure why, but I just don't.
I'm not against competition between two humans. Actualy I prefer it. Because humans make mistakes.
Pipa Porto
#213 - 2012-07-13 08:54:37 UTC
Kiwis23 wrote:
Mostly because you can't find "fair" pvp. And by "fair" I mean 1 vs 1, not 1 vs 5. That's not fun at all.
Loosing ship 1 on 1 would not bother me. But I see no point in going to low sec to blow up from 5 guys guns.

"Find some friends" you'll say. I'm a loner. I do everything alone, and that's the way I like it.
Further more - I just don't like PvP. Even in L2 or WoW - where you don't actualy loose anything. I don't.
I'm not sure why, but I just don't.
I'm not against competition between two humans. Actualy I prefer it. Because humans make mistakes.

I'll say: Learn to pick your fights to avoid getting blown up. Exploit the mistakes humans make.

You can separate a gang into individuals if you know what you're doing.

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Sarah Schneider
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#214 - 2012-07-13 09:12:16 UTC
Krysta Bourne wrote:
Sarah Schneider wrote:

Krysta Bourne wrote:
I despise getting enjoyment out of ruining another player's day.

Ruining other people's day is not a pvp'ers fault, it's the target's fault, this is a game, if a game affects your RL to the point that it ruins your whole day, then something is wrong with you and not with the person who did it or the game itself.

Does killing people's ships could **** them off? yes, absolutely. Does it have the same effect to everyone? no, absolutely not. There are people who literally don't give a damn about losing ships, if you shoot and kill those people, they probably won't even care, as long as they had fun. So you see, the base reasoning for this point came from you and not the 'other guy'.

So, what is, your real reason?

I gave you the real reason, you just failed to comprehend it. I came from a game where players would attack anyone without provocation or reason just to kill. Every single time they'd attack, they had better gear, more experience, more numbers, or mostly all of the above. After the hopeless slaughter these people would continue to boast about their uberawesomeness and insult the player who didn't stand a chance. I've seen this quite a bit in Eve as well.

I work over 60+ hours a week, and when my brief playtime is constantly interrupted by PvPers who can't hack a fair fight, then yes, my enjoyment of the game is ruined. No, it doesn't necessarily ruin my day, but it does make me reconsider my subscription if I can't enjoy my time on the game. So I choose not to be the one to pull that on someone else.

And claiming that it was the targets own fault for dying? Really? I have yet to see a PvP player that I'd actually consider befriending, so far my only views of them are that of the schoolyard bullies boasting about beating up the handicapped kid in school. You certainly don't help that view by blaming the victim of the attack.

Pardon me, but you were also failed to comprehend my reply. Also, I'm not insulting your answers and my last statement were not directed specifically towards you, but that's my fault for not making it clear I suppose.

I also came from many MMOs before Eve where some of them involves unprovoked attacks as part of their gameplay, a lot of instances where people gloat over stomping over weaker players. This happens on a lot of MMOs, not just Eve. That's just the way it works, on MMOs and on the internet.

Eve is a game, even more, Eve is a game that promotes conflict through player interaction more than any other MMOs I've played in the last 10 years. Eve also have one of the harshest environment out there. When we sign up for the game and undocks, we consent to be involved in this environment, regardless of whether we like the outcome by the end of the day, or not. It's our choice and it's just the way it is. People play games to have fun, whether the aspect of getting killed or "bullied" proves to be stressful or not, it's up to the player. We made our choice to be part of it.

What you're talking about is more close to griefing than anything else. There are many kinds of pvp, many types of people who's doing them and how it's done. I wasn't talking about grabbing a ship in hisec and go suicide gank or canflip people. I was talking about pvp in general. When I got killed in pvp, I've never felt I was being "bullied" or that I was that handicapped kid in school who can't do nothing besides watching them laugh at me. I just lost my ship (and on some cases, my pod), that's it. I'm sure most pvpers felt the same way when they died/won't care either.

"I'd rather have other players get shot by other players than not interacting with others" -CCP Soundwave

hedge betts Shiyurida
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#215 - 2012-07-13 09:20:26 UTC
I have two kids, a wife and a life.

I play eve to relax, not to listen to a FC that thinks he is general Patton. I dont avoid PvP, but I dont go out of my way to do it.

Pog mo thoin

cpt Kelmon
Khanid Intelligence Office
#216 - 2012-07-13 09:22:44 UTC
Sarah Schneider wrote:
I just lost my ship (and on some cases, my pod), that's it. I'm sure most pvpers felt the same way when they died/won't care either.

yeah sh*t happen Pirate

" To the mind that is still, the whole universe surrenders." - Lao Tzu

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#217 - 2012-07-13 09:23:52 UTC
hedge betts Shiyurida wrote:
I have two kids, a wife and a life.

Confirming this is relevant because nobody who PvPs in EVE is a well-balanced individual with a life.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21

Eyup Mi'duck
#218 - 2012-07-13 09:29:38 UTC
Lost True wrote:
It's takes too much time.


As an occasional player (3-4 hours per week) I find that carebearing activities can keep my cash flow positive, but PvP does not.

I am me.         I am not you.     I have my own thoughts.     I am very happy with this situation.

Bunnie Hop
Bunny Knights
#219 - 2012-07-13 09:29:57 UTC
Halete wrote:
hedge betts Shiyurida wrote:
I have two kids, a wife and a life.

Confirming this is relevant because nobody who PvPs in EVE is a well-balanced individual with a life.

clever how you only took part of his statement to quote Roll
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#220 - 2012-07-13 09:40:31 UTC
Bunnie Hop wrote:
Halete wrote:
hedge betts Shiyurida wrote:
I have two kids, a wife and a life.

Confirming this is relevant because nobody who PvPs in EVE is a well-balanced individual with a life.

clever how you only took part of his statement to quote Roll

You're right, I should have criticized the valid part of his post.

Wait, no.

"To know the true path, but yet, to never follow it. That is possibly the gravest sin" - The Scriptures, Book of Missions 13:21