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Player Features and Ideas Discussion

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Ideas for new modules

First post
#1121 - 2012-06-24 22:48:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Udonor
External missile packs...the ganker's friend. Make them lazy miners come out and PvP with any dessie they see.

Rather than just accepting lower yield while armoring up and praying CONCORD gets there first.

Plus why should we waste T2 guns on folk who won't play the game?
Shigamaru Kishame
Rave Nation
#1122 - 2012-06-25 00:06:55 UTC
Ice/Gas/Ore Hold modules that can be fitted to other ships, though not a huge bonus given. Would help ships with smaller "Normal" holds and make them more appealing to harvest in. Aside from just the pure miner ships.
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1123 - 2012-06-25 00:43:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Post updated with new modules, skill, and drones:
Stealth Systems Enhancer rig - Calibration 200 - 99% reduction to the CPU need of the Covert Ops cloaking device. - Covert Ops Rigs
Stealth Jump Drive rig - Calibration 100 - Gives the ability to jump through a Covert Jump Portal Generator - Covert Ops Rigs
Stealth Signature Absorber rig - Calibration 150 - Reduces the ship's signature radius by 10% - Covert Ops Rigs
Black Ops Cloaking Device - High slot - Fits to Black Ops ships and allows them to warp while cloaked. No penalties to scan resolution or speed.
Scan Absorption Paint - low slot module - Reduces sig radius by 10% - passive module
Scan Suppression System - medium slot module - Reduces sig radius by 20% - active module (same cap needs as ECCM medium slot modules)
Covert Target Acquisition System - high slot module - Targets passively while either cloaked or decloaked

Covert Ops Rigs have a 10% penalty to weapon cycle rate and to weapon damage. Requires training the new skill: Covert Ops rigging.

Covert drones: Light and medium drones which cloak when outside of optimal range of their target, and can be launched against a target by a cloaked ship.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Cardano Firesnake
Fire Bullet Inc
#1124 - 2012-06-25 06:58:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Cardano Firesnake
Andy Landen wrote:
Stealth Systems Enhancer rig - Calibration 200 - 99% reduction to the CPU need of the Covert Ops cloaking device. - Electronics Superiority Rigs
Stealth Jump Drive rig - Calibration 100 - Gives the ability to jump through a Covert Jump Portal Generator - Electronics Superiority Rigs
Stealth Signature Absorber rig - Calibration 150 - Reduces the ship's signature radius by 10% - Astronautic Rigs
Black Ops Cloaking Device - High slot - Fits to Black Ops ships and allows them to warp while cloaked. No penalties to scan resolution or speed.
Scan Absorption Paint - low slot module - Reduces sig radius by 10% - passive module
Scan Suppression System - medium slot module - Reduces sig radius by 20% - active module (same cap needs as ECCM medium slot modules)

Oh yes lets make a game where nobody can find nobody and where no weapon can hit...
I would love to fly a Covert Ops Harbinger with a cruiser signature ;-)
Perharps, the T2 covert ops would become useless, but nevermind.

Posted - 2010.07.01 11:24:00 - [4] Erase learning skills, remap all SP. That's all.

Bender 01000010
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1125 - 2012-06-25 09:05:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Bender 01000010
Shivanthar wrote:
One of the things the game lacks is what I saw years ago when I was playing Descent Freespace and/or Homeworld Complex. Flaks. Since the game includes projectiles, it wouldn't be absurd to include flaks. You wouldn't approach to a shivan ship without fear when long range/short range flaks are locked on you.

Flak Cannon (Overall): A delayed projectile, like missiles, but won't follow. It is fired as-is, from point A to B, if you are not there, you won't get hit. Eve already has the mechanics for this (bombs). It's resolution determines how further AoE damage you get. It has very fast rate of fire and consumes your ammo like there is no tomorrow (overloading it makes sure this will happen) Playing more angular game will help you to survive.
All flaks have very long falloff and should have a short optimal. If enemy is burning towards you from 100km without changing it's direction or speed, they will have trouble. If they just choose to orbit you @ 10km and saying "haha this smartbomb dominix is going to die with this 40 frigates", and if there is a flak equipped, watch the show.

- Flaks also have explosion velocity like missiles, but much faster.
- Explosion radius is lower than missiles.
- Travel velocity is faster than missiles, but lower than projectile ammo (visible while travelling), so the closer you are to the flak owner, the harder to escape by manuavering.
- Flaks' damage is joke when only one equipped. It should get exponentially more dangerous when you equip more and more (like when 8 frigate is much dangerous against a battleship than only one, the reverse role). So, each flak cannon you equip increases flak damage and explosion radius something like 1.75x, changes with meta of item.
- Flaks can be equipped with all types of damage. EMP/Therm/Kin/Exp.
- Tech II flak cannons can be equipped with webber ammo, when explodes in area, slows the targets for very short amount of time. (Since it is launched very rapidly, it can apply this one after another)
- Because of their fast rate, they should consume a lot of powergrid.
- Since it is only fire&forget gun, it should consume little cpu.
- Reloading ammo bay of an empty flak gun should take long time (20-30 secs).
- Its ammo bay should be big.

--High Slot--
40mm flak cannon (can be fit on destroyers)
80mm flak cannon (can be fit on cruisers)
Dual 80mm flak cannon (battlecruiser)
Quad 80mm flak cannon (battleship)
Octuple 80mm capital flak cannon (capital ships)

For working modern physics, I highly suggest checking the flak frigate, flak destroyer, cruiser with flak cannons, battlecruiser/battleships with rapid sweeper systems(flaks) and finally mothership (capital ship) with rapid sweeper system in latest homeworld 2 complex mod.
Here is a link to very short youtube video where a battlecruiser is battling against corvettes (a carrier vs fighters/frigates equavalent for eve): Flak fight

I raped a lot of BS while roaming with tons of frigs. There is something missing in the game. A fearsome feeling. A feeling that reminds me the danger of approaching to bigger hulls. Drones shouldn't be the only answer. A "battleship" should have much more gun slots. More generalized, the bigger the ship, the more it can(should) equip. Not only 400 resolution guns, also smaller gun slots. "Fear from the big fish" concept shouldn't be destroyed while keeping "protect the small guy so they can enjoy". There must be tools for those who are using big hulls against massive surround situations. I don't say everyone in a bs hull should kill everything smaller, but not being able to touch frigates with a ship geared for "battle" makes me wonder...

Back to the concept, flaks might make this game a little bit more challenging when considering battles like tons of small ships to larger types of ships. It is one more way (or tool) to defend what seems "undefendable".

"More generalized, the bigger the ship, the more it can(should) equip." Yes, this is the logic i had..when i started to play EVE i thought the titan would have a shitload of turret slots available..disappoint was enormous. I want a titan with 16 small turrets turrets, 12 medium, 8 large and 6 capital :))) and many flaks available.


New ship class:
-specialized on destroying drones using flaks guns as above presented but smaller gun must be at least tri-pipe on a single turret... 24-pipes is one large need many poof-poofs to hit a high speed drone.
-battleship sized, tank not that good.
-ability to make a flak barrage with area damage on a certain area in a certain direction.. when the swarm of drones and interceptors are coming towards your fleet you can make a poof-poof barrage.. take a look
-hexa targeting system array: high targeting resolution specialized and restricted only for drones and frigates.
Bender 01000010
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1126 - 2012-06-25 11:17:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Bender 01000010
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1127 - 2012-06-25 12:23:26 UTC
Cardano Firesnake wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
Stealth Systems Enhancer rig - Calibration 200 - 99% reduction to the CPU need of the Covert Ops cloaking device. - Electronics Superiority Rigs
Stealth Jump Drive rig - Calibration 100 - Gives the ability to jump through a Covert Jump Portal Generator - Electronics Superiority Rigs
Stealth Signature Absorber rig - Calibration 150 - Reduces the ship's signature radius by 10% - Astronautic Rigs
Black Ops Cloaking Device - High slot - Fits to Black Ops ships and allows them to warp while cloaked. No penalties to scan resolution or speed.
Scan Absorption Paint - low slot module - Reduces sig radius by 10% - passive module
Scan Suppression System - medium slot module - Reduces sig radius by 20% - active module (same cap needs as ECCM medium slot modules)

Oh yes lets make a game where nobody can find nobody and where no weapon can hit...
I would love to fly a Covert Ops Harbinger with a cruiser signature ;-)
Perharps, the T2 covert ops would become useless, but nevermind.

Dude, when there are things worth doing uncloaked and things worth fighting for, you'll get your fights. Stop being such a worry wart.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Yarrdy YaRr YARRR
#1128 - 2012-06-25 13:00:11 UTC
Name: Covert Mobile Reaction Bomb

What is it: a anchorable object that requires haulers etc. to deploy (maybe around 10k m3).

What does it do: Before onlining it it need to be confiqured. Different factors can be modulated such as blast radius and timer.

-Expanding the blast radius- reduces blast damage

-Longer timer- Higher blast damage (minimum timer 30min, longest 6h) (reaction allowed to reach maximum potential)

A 6h timer would result in quite significant blast.

Once online the bombs cloak and timer starts. When the timer is over the bombs decloak and give a 5sec timer and then explodes.

-Different Damage type according to race and type of bomb.

This will allow for tactical deployment of assets to help with predictable timers etc. Could be used both defensively and aggressively. 2-3 Bombs if this type would be able to kill fighters/fighterbombers given sufficient reaction time.

-It would be up to you to make sure the hostiles would be there at the right time.


Energy neutrilizing bombs (as in the ones stealth bombers use) would disrupt the energy needed to keep the bomb cloaked. Causeing them to decloak and they become lockable and destroyable. If not aggressed or locked the bomb would recloak once sufficent capacitor would regenerate (30 sec).
Griffin Omanid
Knights of the Zodiac
#1129 - 2012-06-25 16:35:44 UTC
Provoking Moduls

Description: Forces an hostile ship in your close area to target you.

How it works: The modul range will last from 10 km (meta 0) over 15 km (meta 5) to 20 km (officer). When an hostile ship get into this range it will start to target your ship, and can´t unlock your ship. If an Enemy allready have his maximum targets locked (either because of skill or ship-electronics), he will unlock the target with the lowest signature and then lock your ship.

Reason: In EVE you have in Group-PVP-Fights no real use for tanks, because there is no reason for your opponents to target you. With this modul you can easily protect an smaller weaker targets like logistics, miners or reacons, by making them loose them as a target. But this modul wouldn´t be as evil as ECM because your opponent can still try to fight a heavy tanking ship.

It would also be nice if capitals would get an role bonus for the range, and there would be included some Tech 2-BS, with the specialisation in tanking (I just call them Juggernauts) which also will have an range bonus for these Provoking modules.
hired gunman
Ascendance Rising
#1130 - 2012-06-25 21:18:30 UTC  |  Edited by: hired gunman
A passive module that makes you invulnerable to Cap attacks but reduces your capacitor regeneration.

EDIT* ALSO A TIME DIALTION DEVICE you guys have already created the technology lets put it in module form a device that slows down time system wide!
Infinite Violence
Trigger Happy.
#1131 - 2012-06-25 21:32:44 UTC
How about, an anti-cloak bubble. Let it be deployable like the warp disrupter bubbles on a dictor. only about 10km in radius, and you cannot activate it within a warp disruption bubble?
Infinite Duress
#1132 - 2012-06-25 22:32:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Olodn
Clone assault drone. Drone with ready to use Dust clones.

Drone attaches itself to and accesses target ship, quickly creates a contract for dusties to wreck/capture target ship.
#1133 - 2012-06-26 08:06:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Shivanthar
I had a feeling that this was suggested before, but anyway, how about marine frigates?

Marine Frigate, Base stats H:300, A:200, S:200, signature: 29 m2.
1 high slots
2 med slots
1 low slots
Marine Bay Capacity: 10 marines (upgradable with skills)
cpu and powergrid is low for an afterburner or mwd.

Role Bonuses:
- Can attach to any cruiser or bigger ship with its strong magnets.
- Can equip Hull Penetration Laser

Attach bonuses:
- %15 to 75 decreased agility to attached ship
- Speed penalty to Cruisers: %75, Battlecruisers: %60, Battleships: %45, capitals: %30, supercaps: %15
- Target ship will unable to use warp systems of "any" kind, including mwd.
- Only one marine frigate attachment per target is possible.
- Marine frigate cannot be shot by guns of any kind. Only drones/fighters will be able to shoot after attachment.

High Slot Item: Hull Penetration Laser I - Charge: Marines
- Can only target cruiser class or bigger ships.
- Can only target ships which host frigate attached succesfully.
- When activated, starts penetrating hull of attached ship. Depending on ship size, penetration time is varied between 2 min - 10 min.
- After penetration, marines will be sent from marine bay, overtake time is [target ship crew / marine count] minutes.
- Marines are consumed during the process.

After successful overtake, target ship's player will be ejected from the ship and unable to board back again next 15 minutes.

This frigate is useless and very fragile by itself. It needs very strong fleet communication in order to survive and overtake.

I don't know if anywhere else have uses for this, but finally, "passengers" will mean something and maybe there will be a passenger bay which player can bring marines into it to defend against this frigate. If you have more soldiers, marine frigate will fail to overtake your ship. How many soldiers you can board will depend on your soldier management skills (a new skill?)

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.

Lady Hanguko
Cambridge Mountain Rescue
The Monarchy
#1134 - 2012-06-26 12:30:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Lady Hanguko
Sure, I have one idea : nano-disassembly cloud High slot module. Slowly eats away at a target, shutting down or overheating enemy modules the longer the enemy envelops. An EMP pulse to counter and kill the nano-drones. Simple, fun.
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1135 - 2012-06-27 03:00:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Shivanthar wrote:
I had a feeling that this was suggested before, but anyway, how about marine frigates?

Marine Frigate, Base stats H:300, A:200, S:200, signature: 29 m2.
1 high slots
2 med slots
1 low slots
Marine Bay Capacity: 10 marines (upgradable with skills)
cpu and powergrid is low for an afterburner or mwd.

Role Bonuses:
- Can attach to any cruiser or bigger ship with its strong magnets.
- Can equip Hull Penetration Laser

Attach bonuses:
- %15 to 75 decreased agility to attached ship
- Speed penalty to Cruisers: %75, Battlecruisers: %60, Battleships: %45, capitals: %30, supercaps: %15
- Target ship will unable to use warp systems of "any" kind, including mwd.
- Only one marine frigate attachment per target is possible.
- Marine frigate cannot be shot by guns of any kind. Only drones/fighters will be able to shoot after attachment.

High Slot Item: Hull Penetration Laser I - Charge: Marines
- Can only target cruiser class or bigger ships.
- Can only target ships which host frigate attached succesfully.
- When activated, starts penetrating hull of attached ship. Depending on ship size, penetration time is varied between 2 min - 10 min.
- After penetration, marines will be sent from marine bay, overtake time is [target ship crew / marine count] minutes.
- Marines are consumed during the process.

After successful overtake, target ship's player will be ejected from the ship and unable to board back again next 15 minutes.

This frigate is useless and very fragile by itself. It needs very strong fleet communication in order to survive and overtake.

I don't know if anywhere else have uses for this, but finally, "passengers" will mean something and maybe there will be a passenger bay which player can bring marines into it to defend against this frigate. If you have more soldiers, marine frigate will fail to overtake your ship. How many soldiers you can board will depend on your soldier management skills (a new skill?)

Is this another opening for DUST 514? Should probably have a requirement that the target ship be moving no faster than 5 m/s because attaching to a ship at high speed is extremely dangerous. There is always the issue of getting through the shields when even a carrier hitting a frig while dropping out of warp cannot get through its shields to cause hull damage.

That said, I disagree about the warp/MWD disabling and about the limit on number of frigate attachments limitation. The Marines should cause ship damage in the form of heat damage and structure damage as the fight progresses. In addition to the frigate attaching to the ship, drones could carry the Marines to the target ship and attach themselves to it, and then return to pickup another Marine. Light carries 1, medium 2, and heavy drone carries 3 Marines.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

hired gunman
Ascendance Rising
#1136 - 2012-06-27 03:50:10 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Shivanthar wrote:
I had a feeling that this was suggested before, but anyway, how about marine frigates?

This frigate is useless and very fragile by itself. It needs very strong fleet communication in order to survive and overtake.

I don't know if anywhere else have uses for this, but finally, "passengers" will mean something and maybe there will be a passenger bay which player can bring marines into it to defend against this frigate. If you have more soldiers, marine frigate will fail to overtake your ship. How many soldiers you can board will depend on your soldier management skills (a new skill?)

Is this another opening for DUST 514? Should probably have a requirement that the target ship be moving no faster than 5 m/s because attaching to a ship at high speed is extremely dangerous. There is always the issue of getting through the shields when even a carrier hitting a frig while dropping out of warp cannot get through its shields to cause hull damage.

That said, I disagree about the warp/MWD disabling and about the limit on number of frigate attachments limitation. The Marines should cause ship damage in the form of heat damage and structure damage as the fight progresses. In addition to the frigate attaching to the ship, drones could carry the Marines to the target ship and attach themselves to it, and then return to pickup another Marine. Light carries 1, medium 2, and heavy drone carries 3 Marines.

Is the purpose of this to end Titan battles quicker? or even capture Titans? or captil ships.
Grath Telkin
Goonswarm Federation
#1137 - 2012-06-27 11:25:12 UTC
Correct me if I'm wrong but you accidentally put new mods in the game then took them out, they were GOOD mods, they opened up huge realms of possibilities and screamed good things.

Why would you remove them? Because it wasn't part of some named expansion?

Its stunning that one of the good things you've done lately was an accident and then you went and un-did it, as stunning as that move was.

Put the high slot target painter back, and while you're at it give us a high slot damp and tracking disruptor as well.

Ok good talk make it work.

Malcanis - Without drone assign, the slowcat doctrine will wither and die.

#1138 - 2012-06-28 12:38:17 UTC
hired gunman wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
Shivanthar wrote:
I had a feeling that this was suggested before, but anyway, how about marine frigates?

This frigate is useless and very fragile by itself. It needs very strong fleet communication in order to survive and overtake.

I don't know if anywhere else have uses for this, but finally, "passengers" will mean something and maybe there will be a passenger bay which player can bring marines into it to defend against this frigate. If you have more soldiers, marine frigate will fail to overtake your ship. How many soldiers you can board will depend on your soldier management skills (a new skill?)

Is this another opening for DUST 514? Should probably have a requirement that the target ship be moving no faster than 5 m/s because attaching to a ship at high speed is extremely dangerous. There is always the issue of getting through the shields when even a carrier hitting a frig while dropping out of warp cannot get through its shields to cause hull damage.

That said, I disagree about the warp/MWD disabling and about the limit on number of frigate attachments limitation. The Marines should cause ship damage in the form of heat damage and structure damage as the fight progresses. In addition to the frigate attaching to the ship, drones could carry the Marines to the target ship and attach themselves to it, and then return to pickup another Marine. Light carries 1, medium 2, and heavy drone carries 3 Marines.

Is the purpose of this to end Titan battles quicker? or even capture Titans? or captil ships.

Of course no, the purpose is to add a new toy to enjoyment arsenal. And Andy was also right. In homeworld 2 complex mod, marines are sent with small capsules through to target hull. These are small things to think of. the big picture is, if you are in a 10.000 passengered "solo" titan floating in the space, waiting 500-1000 minutes to be captured by a marine frigate, so be it :). The idea is not to finish big guys off easier. The idea is to "watch around" more.

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.

Caldari State
#1139 - 2012-06-29 03:25:26 UTC
How about a module that disrupts your targets fleet members ability to warp in at zero. basically obscuring your targets exact position. Fleet members warping in would still get on grid but at random ranges which vary based on the skill level of the pilot using this warp in prevention module. Warping to zero is still possible by getting an additional, "non jammed" fleet member on scene.
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1140 - 2012-06-29 12:19:45 UTC
Temptri wrote:
How about a module that disrupts your targets fleet members ability to warp in at zero. basically obscuring your targets exact position. Fleet members warping in would still get on grid but at random ranges which vary based on the skill level of the pilot using this warp in prevention module. Warping to zero is still possible by getting an additional, "non jammed" fleet member on scene.

I think you are talking about making the warp to 0 on a scan result become warp to X, no? Sounds kind of funy when you say "disrupts your targets fleet members ability to warp in at zero" as if fleeting up should affect the warp ..

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein