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New dev blog: A letter to the followers of EVE

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War Crime Syndicate
#381 - 2011-10-06 00:40:25 UTC
Thank you Himlar, nice to hear you have started to listen to us now and your appology really helped put our minds at ease even a little bit.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#382 - 2011-10-06 00:41:10 UTC
Bacon eaten is bacon beyond the reach of regret.

+1 for a CEO with big Technetium balls.

@blackhuey |

T'amber Anomandari Demaleon
#383 - 2011-10-06 00:47:37 UTC
i believe

Latex Lover
Dreams Unlimited
#384 - 2011-10-06 00:56:22 UTC
“It’s not what you say, it’s what you do,”

Seyah Tebut
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#385 - 2011-10-06 00:57:14 UTC

What you do, not what you say.

So I guess Hilmar was getting sick of seeing that he effectively lost 25% of his revenue with the massive number of people that were unsubscribing due to the asinine bits that were being put in and the voice of his customer base being ignored.

Hey Hilmar: what we DID, not what we SAID. Can you hear us now?

Ok, with that off my chest and said, I am happy to have read both the blogs. It has not (yet) fully restored my faith in CCP and the devs but it has done one hell of a first step towards doing so. Towards making me happy to play this game. Towards making me want to brag to others "I play Eve". I look forward to the day when my trust and faith in those that make this game is fully restored. These blogs haven't done that, but they have at least made me see a bright light at the end of the tunnel, after a long time of being in the dark.

As my dad used to tell me all the time, "It's not how you f*ckup, it's how you recover". CCP, we are watching how you take this chance to recover and I at least am hoping and have faith that you will do it right.

Dr Mercy
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#386 - 2011-10-06 01:11:25 UTC
The Mittani wrote:
This is exactly what we needed to see from Hilmar and CCP, and I applaud the courage it took to post such an apology to the community.

Make isk with PI:

Yamato Tech Solutions
Sigma Grindset
#387 - 2011-10-06 01:13:10 UTC
That little page of text just gave me back part of my hope for EvE.

But the game clearly needs new features with the Incarna stuff.

Flying around in a ship killing stuff is fun, but it's pointless after a time... We need more stuff to do, be it inside a station or whatever.

You know what would be awesome ?? Space Casino Stations.... man i'd waste all my time playing casino in EvE with all my ISK.

You've put CCP Back on the right track, now stay on it.

Alaskan Hunter
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#388 - 2011-10-06 01:20:09 UTC
+1 That was the most sincere letter I have read in a long while. It takes a great deal of courage to tell that many people sorry. I look forward to the future.

Thank you.
Niel Bohr
Amalgamated Mine Workers Local 01
#389 - 2011-10-06 01:20:24 UTC
Hard to fix a mistake until you admit it at least to yourself, and a hard thing that unfortunatly many are unable to do.

I understand the need for primarys to be immortal, but to have an alternate (leutenant etc..) to run in Dust (dissapointed in no PC I am not buying a game console period) or other enviorment (Landing party, damn captain shouldnt be out there anyway) would bring back the excitment of role playing that most have no memory of. Scouts (ala rangers) come into their own when you can be greased in an instant. The problem, was the whiners won and ruined the genre......

Also I have a hard time conceiving a battleship run by one person......a bridge enviorment with weapon specialists, fighter piolets,engineers etc etc would be a better player team interactive in my mind.
Its not like a battleship shoud spend its time mining or other mundane tasks unless in dangerous waters....

Players could still run marketing , alts etc.. in the downtime. That makes your sound to general quarters a good drill...woe to the corp that cant get people to battlestations within 60 seconds.......

Niel Bohr
Amalgamated Mine Workers Local 01
#390 - 2011-10-06 01:23:23 UTC
Casino, yeah I love poker but cant afford to play, times being what they are.....

Bar brawls, no guns in hisec space.......stun guns only in most system stations???

I saw it he shot him in cold cash.......
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#391 - 2011-10-06 01:24:17 UTC
Good blog, you failed, you're aware, you'll fix it. Couldn't ask for more myself.
Just focus on making this awesome game even better and remember what players want to keep playing is just a few basic things (no bots, less lag, less bugs), not state of the art carbon (if you have it, great - but remember that's not what brought us here and sure won't keep us here by itself).
Rrama Ratamnim
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#392 - 2011-10-06 01:36:39 UTC
a truely great blog and it fealt heartfelt

But i hope this means that we will finally start to see some open dialog on an accelerated rate, more communication that was promised, more devblogs, more dev on community talking

CCP Tallest and the dramiel nerf was a great example, that i havent seen repeated really since that .... would be nice to see that continue...

I mean nebulas, the ship contest ships, POS redesign, all are great things but theres been little to no movement or atleast appears to be no movement which is what makes me depressed ...

I want to love eve like i always have, but yu guys really have to give me a reason to keep having that "Hell ya! look what ther eplanning, look whats coming this winter and next summer thats amazing!"

right now it tends to be ... ya they announced some amazing stuff but it might not actually see any of it till 2030
Marina Wolfstan
#393 - 2011-10-06 01:37:26 UTC
All I say is Thanks for that Hilmar. Also I wanna ad I never lost my trust in CCP compared to many of the angry kids I saw in the forum I know that HUMANS makes mistakes and yes I say kids cuz of the way they behaved. Sure they are right to be angry but they can still behave and also I wanna add in my opinion to all of you on the forum that got rely angry if u think u can do a better job than go ahead start making a new eve game that is superior, well I did not think you would u bloody hypocrites.

And they say wow players are immature well eve player sure showed they can be worse.

Next Time be more Mature eve community.

Holznar'ar Eoner
#394 - 2011-10-06 01:39:09 UTC
Keep the faith CCP! That video is bleeping cool. In EVE actions have's why we play!
Willl Adama
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#395 - 2011-10-06 01:43:52 UTC
Sounds good to me


Garret Myers
Amarr Empire
#396 - 2011-10-06 01:45:09 UTC
Here is what I do...

4 Accounts, 3 already terminated, this final one has 13 days remaining.

We begged and pleaded for what? 2 years? And still Incarna came out, in fact all those updates since Trinity came out... I cant believe it took me this long to quit. I was not trying to give up hope, but bah...

You have already shown what you do!!

Here is the result, your pocket book hit, and you come here begging.
Garret Myers
Amarr Empire
#397 - 2011-10-06 01:47:04 UTC
Marina Wolfstan wrote:
All I say is Thanks for that Hilmar. Also I wanna ad I never lost my trust in CCP compared to many of the angry kids I saw in the forum I know that HUMANS makes mistakes and yes I say kids cuz of the way they behaved. Sure they are right to be angry but they can still behave and also I wanna add in my opinion to all of you on the forum that got rely angry if u think u can do a better job than go ahead start making a new eve game that is superior, well I did not think you would u bloody hypocrites.

And they say wow players are immature well eve player sure showed they can be worse.

Next Time be more Mature eve community.

Kids huh!!

He spit in your face and you say be mature. I bet you think the TSA will keep America safe too.
Mina Sebiestar
Minmatar Inner Space Conglomerate
#398 - 2011-10-06 01:51:44 UTC
Huge amount of "hate" just vanished out of me,nice "sounding"blog.

Go Hilmar go.

You choke behind a smile a fake behind the fear

Because >>I is too hard

Elsa Nietchize
#399 - 2011-10-06 01:54:38 UTC
blah blah blah, words words words
i'm still stuck paying for a crappy game only made crappy by your crappy decisions.
we've given you the answers on how to make things better, you blew us off. now you want to say you're sorry and make it all better.
you're right, actions speak louder than words, will i have to wait 18 months™ before things start getting fixed?
you're too powerful and your pay scale is too high for this kind of screw up.
get it fixed or find another career opportunity.
i'm tired of waiting for you to get your act together.
Black Anvil Industries
#400 - 2011-10-06 02:01:43 UTC

Thanks for those words....
I support CCP and its team for the job done and the one to come.

However, there are minorities in EvE that somehow need to be represented. CSM is not the voice of everyone.
Professionals who play for EvE economy for example, its really a case study. Be proud of what u have done!!!

To add some polemic, not everyone is against paying for better gaming experience. There are ways to make this even with eve time players. Not everyone is a teenager in EvE and has the time to be all day long.

Im paying for entertainment , and I expect CCP to make profits so they can enhance the game to new frontiers.

Congratulations again.