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Can Flipping: The state of Property

Duchess Starbuckington
#41 - 2012-06-08 23:07:22 UTC
Easy way to deal with canflippers: don't jetcan mine.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#42 - 2012-06-09 12:23:06 UTC
Koreli Stelios wrote:
Well thanks DR Quantom, but it said this was the place for ideas so i thought worth a try :)

Mallak Azaria wrote:
Koreli Stelios wrote:
Xorv wrote:
Mining of any value shouldn't occur in High Sec under the protection of CONCORD. Then under those circumstances can flipping is irrelevant.

Mining high sec is as acceptable a way to make profits as anything else in the game. And with what i propose no one would be under the protection of Concord. Its just about evening the odds and there by encouraging more fair PvP between criminals and those they target.

Stealing is also an acceptable way to make profit, as anything else in the game.

Mallak Azaria, please actually read what i have to say as I've stated multiple times that i accept stealing and criminality as a part of Eve. However i am saying the way this works and is viewed should change. It should not be possible to "steal" back what belongs to you only to take it rightfully. And in making this change it would create more balanced game play.

As an example imagine i came into your home and took the computer on which you are viewing this and playing Eve among other things. Then knowing where i live you come and take back YOUR computer, for it is still yours is it not? Would you have also stolen it from me then? Could i prosecute you for stealing the computer just the same as you could me? That would just be crazy, it would be thrown out of court assuming it could even make it there.

So why should the values of ownership be any different in Eve?

Because EVE is a fictional computer game. I did read your OP in it's entirety, you however either by choice or ignorance contradict your own statements.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

Easthir Ravin
Easy Co.
#43 - 2012-06-11 11:18:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Easthir Ravin
Arduemont wrote:
I have known jet can mining is dangerous since shortly after starting playing Eve. Its just a fact of life.

If you want to solve this problem and a couple of other, suggest a new larger secure container. The Giant Secure container is pathetic, and we could use a bigger one. This would partially solve your problem, and we'd get useful secure containers.


I second this. Whoever said that 3K m3 was giant is probably the same one who told us what six inches looks like. Instead of looking for a new and abused game mechanic, how about a usable Secure Cargo Container with 20K m3 just so the truly greedy will still jet can mine. The container in theory would fit empty inside a badger Mk1 with cargo expanders, so as to have something to train to. When anchored it would expand to usable size and would need to be emptied again to un-anchor and move.



Davon Mandra'thin
Das Collective
#44 - 2012-06-11 13:48:16 UTC
Easthir Ravin wrote:
Arduemont wrote:
I have known jet can mining is dangerous since shortly after starting playing Eve. Its just a fact of life.

If you want to solve this problem and a couple of other, suggest a new larger secure container. The Giant Secure container is pathetic, and we could use a bigger one. This would partially solve your problem, and we'd get useful secure containers.


I second this. Whoever said that 3K m3 was giant is probably the same one who told us what six inches looks like. Instead of looking for a new and abused game mechanic, how about a usable Secure Cargo Container with 20K m3 just so the truly greedy will still jet can mine. The container in theory would fit empty inside a badger Mk1 with cargo expanders, so as to have something to train to. When anchored it would expand to usable size and would need to be emptied again to un-anchor and move.


Well said. But in all likelihood they will ignore your good suggestion and carry on bickering about a subject that isn't going anywhere. That seems to be the way of this forum in general.
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