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FW question (logistics and shipping)

Derath Ellecon
Shadow Cartel
#1 - 2012-06-05 19:15:22 UTC
Hey all,

I'm relatively new to FW. Our alliance joined at the Inferno patch. I had one question from the veterans.

I have one toon who flies a freighter. I have been hesitant to use it. I would never consider using it during a general wardec. But what I wasn't sure of is the risk level while in "friendly" faction space. I know that the warring factions will be chased by the faction police. But I'm also aware they seem to be fairly tankable. So while the risk is reduced, it still seems like a freighter would be a risk to FW targets.

I guess I am trying to guage the risk, and decide if it is workable, or I just need a neutral hauler alt.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#2 - 2012-06-05 19:17:28 UTC
Move industry and logistics alts out of FW and into an alt corp - unless you're Caldari. Then keep them in. Big smile
Derath Ellecon
Shadow Cartel
#3 - 2012-06-05 19:21:39 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Move industry and logistics alts out of FW and into an alt corp - unless you're Caldari. Then keep them in. Big smile

Well we are in amarr FW. Unfortunatelly my freighter pilot is also a combat pilot. Maybe I'll just buy an alt to fly the freighter.
Vordak Kallager
#4 - 2012-06-05 19:50:08 UTC
No need to do that, you are perfectly safe in your own hisec. Trust me.

Sa souvraya niende misain ye.

Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#5 - 2012-06-05 19:52:12 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
X Gallentius wrote:
Move industry and logistics alts out of FW and into an alt corp - unless you're Caldari. Then keep them in. Big smile

Well we are in amarr FW. Unfortunatelly my freighter pilot is also a combat pilot. Maybe I'll just buy an alt to fly the freighter.

If you're in Amarr... you can keep the freighter pilot in corp too :D

OK, joking aside do not ever run a freighter in friendly high sec in fw unless you want to lose it.

If your pilot is also a combat pilot, you could consider not giving that pilot roles in corp, then drop in and out of fw as needed.

However, I think you'll find that after a while in lowsec you'll start shooting neutrals from time to time. Those neutrals will then get killrights and they could kill your freighter pilot even when he is out of corp.

I highly recommend you have an alt that does not participate in combat at all to do your hauling for you.
1st Kameiras Brigade
#6 - 2012-06-12 13:17:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ji'kahr
Yes, move that freighter hauler pilot into an NPC corporation ASAP. Just quit whatever corporation he's in, and he will join an NPC corp by default. An NPC corp can never be war decced.

So long as your freighter is in a player corp, your freighter full of goodies can be shot in high sec by an enemy without concord interfering.

Faction war militias can also enter into enemy high sec without CONCORD interfering. The factional Navy will engage then, but they are easier to handle/ evade than CONCORD.

Also, if you had your freighter take a shipment from Amarr to say Rens (in Minmatar high sec), and your freighter pilot was in Faction war, then the NPC factional Navy would web and scram your freighter. After that I would imagine pretty much everyone from ten jumps around would join in and start shooting at the largest pinata in EVE history.

You could be using that freighter pilot to make some 'easy' ISK doing hauling for Red Frog. You would need an initial 1 billion ISK security deposit, but apparently you make that back very quickly. You also need a 'contract alt' in Red Frog, on a second account and trained in nothing but contracts. If you do decide to get a second account, you might want to think of training a trading alt as well, and stick him in her close to a trade hub such as Jita or Amarr. Shipping and trade go hand in hand.

As long as your Freighter pilot is in an NPC corp. (Very important), then flying a freighter in high sec can even be done reasonably safely in AFK mode. Keep the cost of the cargo lower than the cost of the ships needed to destroy your freighter. It takes a lot of alpha to destroy a freighter, so a long as you keep your cargo cost under 1 billion or so you should be safe to fly it AFK.

Before you go to bed, accept a courier contract or shipment from say Jita to Amarr, go to sleep, wake up with your freighter docked in Amarr and (potentially) 900 million ISK richer. Accept another shipment from Amarr to Jita, and put the hauler on autopilot when you go to school or work or whatever. I say you can do this while you sleep, because freighters fly about as quickly as molasses in January.

No need to mine, manufacture, or run missions to make your ISK.

If you want to move stuff into low sec or null sec, train your freighter pilot to be a jump freighter pilot. Also, you can train him/ her to fly a cloaky transport hauler.
Joanna Ramirez
Intaki Militia
#7 - 2012-06-12 13:27:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Joanna Ramirez
chatgris wrote:
Those neutrals will then get killrights and they could kill your freighter pilot even when he is out of corp.

Oh how we enjoy these. I remember back in the day when Draketrain lived in Villore and some random wannabes (who later joined froggies as expected) ganked Lancress in his caracal at OMS. Then one of them later comes to Villore, undocks his bestower filled to brim with blueprints, loot and whatnot when Lancress is camping said station to kill mission whores.

End result was that Lancress exchanged his 10-15m caracal loss for a hauler kill worth several billions. Those wannabe pirates were somewhat butthurt about that. I think they even called the kill unfair (though apparently blobbing a caracal with multiple bc's was not)
Thomas Kreshant
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2012-06-12 13:34:12 UTC
Derath Ellecon wrote:
Hey all,

I'm relatively new to FW. Our alliance joined at the Inferno patch. I had one question from the veterans.

I have one toon who flies a freighter. I have been hesitant to use it. I would never consider using it during a general wardec. But what I wasn't sure of is the risk level while in "friendly" faction space. I know that the warring factions will be chased by the faction police. But I'm also aware they seem to be fairly tankable. So while the risk is reduced, it still seems like a freighter would be a risk to FW targets.

I guess I am trying to guage the risk, and decide if it is workable, or I just need a neutral hauler alt.

You've probably figured it out already but the risk is high, put all non pvp characters in a seperate corp.

The faction npc's are basically useless and you'll see wartargets roaming throught Amarr highsec picking off and ganking what they can.
Gunny Sack
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-06-12 14:31:20 UTC
Thomas Kreshant wrote:
The faction npc's are basically useless and you'll see wartargets roaming throught Amarr highsec picking off and ganking what they can.

Is it possible to fight the faction NPC's? Or tank them? (not in a freighter, just in general)
Dan Osiris
Never Not Contract
#10 - 2012-06-12 15:09:50 UTC
Gunny Sack wrote:
Thomas Kreshant wrote:
The faction npc's are basically useless and you'll see wartargets roaming throught Amarr highsec picking off and ganking what they can.

Is it possible to fight the faction NPC's? Or tank them? (not in a freighter, just in general)

yes, you can fight them but it's a losing battle, and not worth the effort. Unlike CONCORD, navy npcs are much easier to tank. I dont remember if they warp scramble.
Verrimus Caelum
#11 - 2012-06-12 19:50:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Salicaz
Joanna Ramirez wrote:
chatgris wrote:
Those neutrals will then get killrights and they could kill your freighter pilot even when he is out of corp.

Oh how we enjoy these. I remember back in the day when Draketrain lived in Villore and some random wannabes (who later joined froggies as expected) ganked Lancress in his caracal at OMS. Then one of them later comes to Villore, undocks his bestower filled to brim with blueprints, loot and whatnot when Lancress is camping said station to kill mission whores.

End result was that Lancress exchanged his 10-15m caracal loss for a hauler kill worth several billions. Those wannabe pirates were somewhat butthurt about that. I think they even called the kill unfair (though apparently blobbing a caracal with multiple bc's was not)

That was me DR Big smile Unless Lancress had an exact same scenario! :) Can't be arsed to find KM tho Sad


Doesn't show well on here as all the BP's were in the can, but yeah, Kill rights can be very handy sometimes, and during any war, FW or not. Freighter runs aren't safe.
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#12 - 2012-06-13 02:09:09 UTC
Dan Osiris wrote:
Gunny Sack wrote:
Thomas Kreshant wrote:
The faction npc's are basically useless and you'll see wartargets roaming throught Amarr highsec picking off and ganking what they can.

Is it possible to fight the faction NPC's? Or tank them? (not in a freighter, just in general)

yes, you can fight them but it's a losing battle, and not worth the effort. Unlike CONCORD, navy npcs are much easier to tank. I dont remember if they warp scramble.

They do, but they web you before scrambling you, which 99% of the time, webs you straight into warp