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EVE Online: Inferno 1.0.3 to be deployed on Tuesday, May 29th

First post
Rhianna Ghost
Ghost Industries Inc.
#21 - 2012-05-29 12:03:14 UTC
Dieter Rams wrote:
Rhianna Ghost wrote:
St Rannik wrote:
is the performance of opening wrecks in space fixed in this patch?

Funny thing is, you can be even faster with the new UI as it is on Macs. It took ages to open the wracks in the Mac Client...

I've tried the Mac client which is a joke, also through Parallels 7; don't kid yourself, run Boot Camp.

The performance is unbeatable.

I know, the windows PC sits right beside it, and is used most of the time anyways. Just for the second account etc. Works. Is good enough. For the moment.

But I completly forgot about BootCamp. I have to check for a little space on the Harddrive, I think...
Chuck Norris Kick Ass Corp
#22 - 2012-05-29 12:12:11 UTC
And still UI is shite. Bad idea is bad CCP .... cluster **** city is in Iceland me hears!
Jebediah MacAhab Dallocort
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#23 - 2012-05-29 12:21:30 UTC
Oh look, we still have a ****** UI, and CCP apparently still can't figure out an IF statement.

I wonder how many emergency reboots we'll have today?

How to Improve Quality Assurance at CCP

Professional Programmer, DBA, Game Developer and Systems Analyst

Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2012-05-29 12:24:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Kingston Black
this new UI is the **** as in it is made of it

force whoever made the damn thing to only fly freighters ingame for the next 4 months as punishment

trying to manage a hanger full of ships and station containers is now ******* impossible thanks ccp love you too
Kim Blackstone
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2012-05-29 12:30:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Kim Blackstone
I prefer the unified inventory. You can open additional windows by shift-clicking for drag and drop. You can also get an additional panel for dragging by using the "merge 'items' and 'ships' into station Panel" in general settings.

That said, there's still a lot of refining and stream lining work to be done with the new inventory system. One of the big issue is that drag and drop does not work as well as the old system. Also window states should be saved, and not having to re-customize it every time you dock / undock.

Keep up the good work!
Jebediah MacAhab Dallocort
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2012-05-29 12:36:32 UTC
Kim Blackstone wrote:
I prefer the unified inventory. You can open additional windows by shift-clicking for drag and drop. You can also get an additional panel for dragging by using the "merge 'items' and 'ships' into station Panel" in general settings.

That said, there's still a lot of refining and stream lining work to be done with the new inventory system. One of the big issue is that drag and drop does not work as well as the old system. Also window states should be saved, and not having to re-customize it every time you dock / undock.

Keep up the good work!

Okay, but go and salvage a mission and tell me how easy to use the new inventory was, and how efficient it was.

Oh, that's right. You can't.

How to Improve Quality Assurance at CCP

Professional Programmer, DBA, Game Developer and Systems Analyst

Callidus Dux
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#27 - 2012-05-29 12:48:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Callidus Dux
CCP Optimal wrote:
I've not been able to be very active on the forums for the last couple of days simple because my time is better spent fixing defects as it is.

First, on the SISI thing; it's true that we let a few issues slip us and that's regrettable, but it is simply a fact that not all issues surface on test servers.

I beg you to honestly give the new system a try. If you still don't like it and you aren't able to find an equally good or better work flow for your tasks, tell us why.

The best part of this statement is: I do not read the forum but I will implement your ideas. Please write a thread in the forum. Lol

Are you planning to change the UI so, that it is possible to drag several windows out of this unified UI again?
Most of the players want more windows than one (BUT NEVER OPEN WITH A SHORTCUT).
They want their Icons on the Neocom back. Doubleklicks on Icons and new windows. Why is it so hard to listen to the PAYING customer?

And be sure: I do NOT play the game at present. All I can do is a fast log in; write a few rows in chat, check some contracts, change skills and log off. After 4 years of cuntinued subcription and gameplay. THIS is all what left from EVE now due to this useless UI.
I am absolute not willed to play this game with the unified UI. I pay for EVE to have fun; but but not to anger about the unified UI. It was no demand from me and I think from most of the people in EVE. I will not renew my subscription till you have changed back this unified UI so, that I am able to play with the EXACT 100% copy of the old UI. You can demand the money from my now outbound subscription fee, from CCP Arrow / CCP Optimal and his team. But untill you have not changed the unified UI back into the old UI with hundreds of own windows; you will not get any Euros from me again!

I will cancel my subscription two weeks before my account(s) run out! Act as soon as possible CCP!
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2012-05-29 12:54:53 UTC
the new ui is the worst ever improvement what a laugh in my pos it takes up to 30 seconds to open inventory reshiping dureing a fight is now not possible you have made my wh and everthing combat related difficult
plz go back to old system. perhaps some of my friends who left the game the day of patch will come back people are quiting playing over this !!
Niena Nuamzzar
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2012-05-29 12:57:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Niena Nuamzzar
At first glance:
1. Still a bit slower then the old inventory--------->BAD Attention
2. After being (re)positioned station containers STILL fail to open in the same place--------->VERY BAD Evil
3. Give option to remove filter and info when in compact view, hence-------->COMPACT Roll
Conspicuous Forums-Alt
#30 - 2012-05-29 13:01:58 UTC
Any news on when pi in factional warfare low sec is gonna be fixed?
Jebediah MacAhab Dallocort
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2012-05-29 13:02:07 UTC
Here's the primary problem, and everyone screaming that the new UI is wonderful need to listen:

Inventory UIs don't work very well with only a single window. It's simple as hell to just open up my cargo hold, open up the wreck I've tractored in, and just drag the **** I want over. If I screw up and drag another thing in, it's right there; I don't have to change context to drag it back over to the wreck. I just drag it back over. The same principle is true for corp hangars and presumable POSes and all the other containers. It's just easier to deal with, even if it does look like someone spilled GUIs everywhere. Even if CCP managed to somehow reduce the clicking involved, you STILL have to tell it to change context when you want to move to another container. It just doesn't ******* work.

How to Improve Quality Assurance at CCP

Professional Programmer, DBA, Game Developer and Systems Analyst

Davina Sienar
The Misinterpretation of Silence
#32 - 2012-05-29 13:05:55 UTC

That is the only tinfoil question that still remains...
What or Who has forced u to put this unfinished CI [Craptified Inventory] live on Server ?

It IS based on a kinda Win-File Manager, but still missing the simpelest Options even Win7 has,
like open each thingy in a new Window as a basic pre-set Option etc.

SO : WHY ? what forced the Timeline to make it NOW ?

lalala Tinfoil Dust ... tralala

Don't think that any Company would start such a suicide Act, that cost reputation, Customer Numbers etc. ,
without having something in the Background.....

The new UI / CI

Newz Bie
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#33 - 2012-05-29 13:11:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Newz Bie
This thread makes me lol, something satisfying about all the tears.

Oversensationalised comments such as only 2% of people like the new UI, stated as fact with no real basis for the argument. My entire corp like the new UI, and as much as I can't comment on anyone outside of the my corp as I dont have much contact with them i'm sure the overriding number of people like it as is.

Its in people nature to be verbal about things they dislike moreso that things they do. So from the number of players I have seen posting they dont like the UI I would say it's very much the minority who dislike things as they are.

Its rather unfortunate that you cant adjust to change. A lot of people can't but I welcome this particular change (as do many others) it makes things much nicer and easier imo. I hate drag and drop between windows i'd much rather drag as it is now.

All of this aside, moaning about a feature that the majority seem to like is not going to change CCP's mind on things so why don't you just give up and learn to use the new Inventory or make a decision on whether this annoys you enough to leave eve. If it does, then i'm sure many other mmo's will welcome you as a customer, listen even less than CCP do to your opinions and take your £££'s on a monthly basis.
Vincent Athena
#34 - 2012-05-29 13:15:24 UTC
Removal Tool wrote:
we want filters.

The ability to filter out all the guns that appear in pos setups because they have an ammunition bay.

Lovely sitting there for 15-25seconds while the entire inventory of everything attached to the pos is sorted out. You get sick of looking at the revolving arrow.

And if you have been away from the POS for more than a short while the whole process starts over again.

Bring back the old inventory. It was much simpler, more user friendly and the only thing that took about 10 seconds to appear properly was a Ship Maintenance Array with a lot of ships in it.

Just tried stuff at my POS. It did not take 20 seconds any more, it was fast. And we sort of do have a filter for guns: Everything can be named, and its sorted alphabetically. Give all the guns names that move them to the bottom of the list.

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A55 Burger
Weiland Yutani Corporation
#35 - 2012-05-29 13:21:35 UTC
This is progress, and I appreciate it, however, it must be restated that wrecks and cans in space should ALWAYS open in a new window, with the treeview toggled OFF by default.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#36 - 2012-05-29 13:22:40 UTC
Ok I know the below issues were probably posted already but there are so many feedback and issued threads not for Inferno: Escalation that i've decided to post here. Devs move this post to the most relevant threadnaught.

This is what I want to see added/changed with the latest inferno: escalation UI release.

1. Hangars

Allow hangars to open up with tabs as it used to. The personal assests UI is what it should be based on.

Bring back the shortcut icon allowing us to open my corporation hangar without having to go through the drop down menus.

2. Containers, wrecks etc...

A simple double click on any can wreck etc should open a NEW UI window. I find it far easier to have cans etc open so that each one would take up nothing more than a tab of a 6x3 large icon space. Dragging and dropping from container to container then amounted to nothing more than dragging the relevant item to the tab for the destination container or hangar.

The naming of each container as Item Hangar < Insert Container Name> takes up way too much space. Grouping numerous UI's together is no longer legible unless the UI interface takes up large amounts of screen space.

3. Ship Cargoholds

The opening of a ships cargohold to be a separate interface.

The opening of any wreck, container or hangar not to auto open the ships cargohold. Currently when you close these windows and try to open the ships cargo. The cargohold reverts to where the looted wreck window was located.

These are only some of the issues I have with the new UI.

Vincent Athena
#37 - 2012-05-29 13:22:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Athena
For those asking Why, and wanting the old system back:

CCP has seen many complaints about the UI, indicating it was in fact broken. One of the biggest is it took too many windows to do anything, covering the screen with windows. Result: They fixed a problem by making an inventory system that required only one window for most operations.

Please, lets not take a step back to Excel in space.

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Rote Kapelle
#38 - 2012-05-29 13:32:06 UTC
Can someone from CCP confirm or deny the rumors that this new UI is needed for the merging of EVE and Dust ?
Dragule Enterprises
#39 - 2012-05-29 13:36:40 UTC
I cant stand unified invenrory i want the old one back. I think you know where you can stick this unified inventory and all the fixes.Im sick of having to spit in your face over this.Do what the people want and these fixes are not it.Give us a box to opt out and go back to the old UI or kill the new UI and stay with the old.CCP sure does look like they dont care what we think as long as soundwave and CCP are happy.
Kingston Black
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2012-05-29 13:43:59 UTC
they want feedback about whats bad? ok

dragging fuel from the corp hangar to the fuel bay mid cyno chain is counter intuitive unless you hold shift and open two windows, not to mention trying to find the correct points in the fing treeview to drop stuff given the corp hangar names keep getting chnaged by higher ups is infuriating

changing ship fittings to do missions and checking in the cargo bays and swapping ammo and drones with the hangar with this one window interface is awful you have to manually spawn multiple windows each time to do it like the old days only there are no button shortcuts to do it and it doesnt remember anything when you dock undock

checking on a ships cargobay quickly to check you forgot something throws off the current place in the ****** treeview fing over what you were doing unless you remember the sodding shift key every fing time

in short i end up having to spawn as many windows as before only now they take up 3 times as much space on the monitior, take longer to load, are confusing as hell and everything takes twice the number of clicks to achieve any given task give the number of times i press shift

usless retrograde step every OS and business suite uses multiple windows the fanboys who like this one windows interface dont play eve imho