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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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The Arrow Project
#1201 - 2012-05-27 21:42:45 UTC
Peter Drakon wrote:
disasteur wrote:
yeah you have a point, seems a good strategy from CCP to wait until its to late for a roleback

I did not say I like it, I'm in a WH, this new feature makes my life harder, and not by a bit. I said we should move forward, because moving back is not an option.

Why is moving back not an option? If you move forward in the wrong direction, it's just too easy to turn the **** around and move back in the right direction.
Marisol Shimaya
#1202 - 2012-05-27 22:04:55 UTC
E6o5 wrote:
Idea What happens if each of the 1000+ players puts a blue can in front of jita 4-4?

I hope it will crash the hole system even the cluster will not rebooted.

Long live the PLAYERS Rights

Fight For Our Rights

Bellasarius Baxter
Zilog Enterprises
#1203 - 2012-05-27 22:12:54 UTC
One useful (at least to me) thing that I am missing from the unified inventory is in the filters. I would love to be able to define a filter for the value of a stack, i.e. the "Valuable items" would show only items where the value of the stack is above the specified amount.

Other than that, great'll get there Big smile
Marisol Shimaya
#1204 - 2012-05-27 22:23:08 UTC
Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
One useful (at least to me) thing that I am missing from the unified inventory is in the filters. I would love to be able to define a filter for the value of a stack, i.e. the "Valuable items" would show only items where the value of the stack is above the specified amount.

Other than that, great'll get there Big smile

Sorry pal

Bad change of the UI Inventory and it crashes my eve client many times after they has change the UI Inventory box

Let see:

I can play not more than ca. 20 mins before it crash my eveclient or cluster

So CCP has to change it back to it was if I can play eve as I should play without the crashes.

Fight For Our Rights

Marisol Shimaya
#1205 - 2012-05-27 22:32:10 UTC
this week in the unified inventory
reported by CCP Soundwave | 2012.05.27 12:41:46 | NEW | Comments

Hello Spacefriends

As mentioned previously, we are not at all happy with the state of the unified inventory. To everyone that is currently struggling with it, you have my apologies.

As a remedy, we’re going to try and provide you with weekly changes to it, until we get it into a state where you’re happy with it. Our first group of fixes will go out Tuesday, May 29th, and are as follows:

Looting: Cargo containers and wrecks will function the same. Having multiple wrecks or containers open should be easy to loot as you can just click “loot all” and it will automatically go to the next item on the list instead of your ships cargohold. There is an added performance increase as well.
Ship Hangars: Your active ship will be displayed in the ship hangar. It was a bit confusing that it would disappear. All assembled ships will now be displayed, regardless of activity state.
Ship Hangars: When you have a ship hangar open but switch ships, the hangars for the old ships will still be listed as “active ship”. That has been corrected.
Containers: Containers are sorted alphabetically. That makes a lot of sense.
Performance: We’ve applied fixes that let you handle larger numbers of items more gracefully. It should be a great deal faster now.
Performance: Handling large numbers of POS modules was extremely slow. That has been remedied and it should be back to pre-patch performance.
Errors: Action failed messages would pop up if you had two cargoholds open and tried to open a third. This has been fixed as well.
Corp Hangars: If a corporation has impounded items present in a station, directors will have a “release items” button which will give you access to the impounded assets.

That’s it for Tuesday, but we will not stop there. As soon as these improvements are published, we start working on the next round of changes. We’ll update what those are and when they go out shortly after.

Again, you guys have my deepest apologies for this situation. We’ll do whatever we can to rectify it. We're going to continue to take your valuable feedback and add it to the list of changes we want to make.

More changes are coming, I'll do another update on Tuesday (May 29th).



You more than that you have to do and that is place back the Ship Hanger and Itmes Hanger were it should be and don't cross us again.

Fight For Our Rights

#1206 - 2012-05-27 22:47:05 UTC
Kblackjack54 wrote:
DUST now controls EVE, or How CCP sold it's soul.

The recent now 60 plus page complaint thread regarding the new UNIFACE, and CCP's responses to this led me to do a little research on the current state of CCP and it's involvement with SONY.

This quickly brought me to this web page from which you can see indications of how SONY's take over of CCP was already a done deal in regard to DUST.

How deeply DUST will effect game play on EVE has already been indicated by the introduction of CQ and virtual goods, something SONY must have been slobbering over due to the money that can be made by them from you, eventually on the surface CCP back tracked and gave the player base an option button, but it is still there in it's entirety and can at any time SONY choose to push the issue be made mandatory, probably the same time that DUST is finally released.

Further information can be found in this link

I will leave you to assess how this will effect your game play and effect it will as SONY muscle in to EVE to maximise there profits,

Why only SONY and the PS3, well that can be found in Microsofts policy of 'If we can't control it then it's not happening' on the XBOX', and SONY had to make a lot of changes to it's operating policy to make DUST happen and a company like that does not make such changes unless they see major dollar signs with multiple zero's on it

Hence the Unified inventory 'Feature', direct from Console gamer hell and this is why CCP ran this abomination on SISI, not for player base feed back as stated but to sort out server side interface issues between DUST and EVE as this console game will run on EVE servers, The lag issue and it's clanky operation are normal for console gamers, they understand such things fully and game delays for them are a non issue, scrolling through menu's is not a problem, this is why CCP will not revert the interface, they can't, it's not there call but that of SONY.

The new skins for ships are nothing to do with EVE but are a direct offshoot of console graphics were partial rendering and bland colours of items is again a non issue and the character design interface, again console based, easy to integrate into DUST, Module name changes probably due to conflict issues with DUST inventories and changes to the universe map will be one of the next issues we face as certain aspects of EVE continue to be dumbed down for integration with consoles.

And the one of the casualties I am sure will be listed fairly soon will be PLEX, a device that allows players to play the game free, a thorn that SONY will find so irritating they will force it out as soon as possible, the excuses are already lining up and have been for months quietly in the back ground along with a long series of current and soon to be introduced 'Features'.

So to believe that this thread will illicit any meaningful changes from CCP on the issue of the Unified Inventory and it's problems in game is not going to gain anything, again it's not there call but that of SONY, a body that we the EVE player base have no interface with, that is unless you pay to play DUST.

I will leave you with CCP's current answer to player complaints.


I guess SONY won EVE. GG have fun CCP.

‘No, this isn't it at all. Make it more... psssshhhh’.

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1207 - 2012-05-27 23:05:48 UTC
So, in this devblog, we just got another apology and promises just like the old one.

Someone remember the old promises ? So many promises and fast forgive and forget.

"Red flags raised by very smart people both at CCP and in the community went unheeded because of my stubborn refusal to allow adversity to gain purchase on our plans." -Hilmar Veigar P+,tursson, CEO

"The greatest lesson for me is the realization that EVE belongs to you, and we at CCP are just the hosts of your experience." -Hilmar Veigar P+,tursson, CEO
Bellasarius Baxter
Zilog Enterprises
#1208 - 2012-05-27 23:49:12 UTC
Marisol Shimaya wrote:
Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
One useful (at least to me) thing that I am missing from the unified inventory is in the filters. I would love to be able to define a filter for the value of a stack, i.e. the "Valuable items" would show only items where the value of the stack is above the specified amount.

Other than that, great'll get there Big smile

Sorry pal

Bad change of the UI Inventory and it crashes my eve client many times after they has change the UI Inventory box

Let see:

I can play not more than ca. 20 mins before it crash my eveclient or cluster

So CCP has to change it back to it was if I can play eve as I should play without the crashes.

My client hasnt crashed at all since the last expansion, so I have no idea what is cousing your problem.
Also, I am uncertain what part of my post you are refering to with the first part of your reply, the idea, or the "you'll get there" part ?

I think we can all agree that the old system was usable, and relatively bug free, and that the new one should've had a lot more work done before it would be ready for release.

In this matter CCP has failed to listen, which they said would not happen again after the last big mess. This is quite frustrating for all of us, and I can understand the reaction of a lot of players to this situation....
After all, your average cow will only ever touch an electric fence ONCE, then it has learned its lesson, but it seems that a bunch of CCP staff is just rubbing up against the exact same fence that gave them the zaps the last time... The mind boggles...

I am sure the easiest would be bringing the old system back again, and make the release when the new system is tested and tried on SiSi, but it seems that CCP has some sort of problem in that regard, whether it is of a technical, or political nature I cannot say.

Signer Tracker
#1209 - 2012-05-28 00:33:54 UTC
was wondering whats a toon worth with 39.6 mill SP worth?
Wolfgar kara
HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#1210 - 2012-05-28 00:52:24 UTC
Why Why Why ? We want just the old inventory back and not any more fix or patch again damit F***
Fancy Jack
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1211 - 2012-05-28 01:55:32 UTC
What the is wrong with you people, you screwed up game play again, the new inventory UI is just another in a long line of obstacles we have to overcome to play this game, I come here to relax, not sort through tedious inventories stacked inconveniently on top of each other masking the contents of the others, as usual you fixed a problemn that did not exist. I need to spread my inventories out to manage them, this is a nightmare, please stop fixing, tweeking, adjusting or any other urge you might get and let us play.
30plus LLC
Brave Collective
#1212 - 2012-05-28 02:59:49 UTC
Ok...I'm done. I have 4 accounts. I will not be renewing my subscriptions on any of them. At whatever point I hear the UI is fixed I will be back. Have fun.

Barbelo Valentinian
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#1213 - 2012-05-28 03:06:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Barbelo Valentinian
Ah, CCP, you better move fast.

I don't think a rollback of the system is absolutely necessary, all that's necessary is for the new system to functionally behave like the old system did, for starters, and then have the tree and filters and other new things optional on top of that. It looks like that's what the changes announced for 29 May are going to be the first few steps towards.

I think CCP are right to try and rationalize their code, and it's probably right even for them to test the UI out for other games (it's their right as creators). To avoid an Incarna-sized debacle, they just need to make the new UI function AT LEAST AS WELL AS (and hopefully better than) the old UI - as soon as possible would be good.
Capsuleer Newton
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#1214 - 2012-05-28 04:21:07 UTC
Samuella II wrote:

BlinkBlinkBlink 24-hours out of my Eve addiction, thanks in part to World of Tanks.... haha, forgot i have PI and research agent dailies.. oh well... you play to have fun, not get frustrated.." bazzingga"
disasterous industries
#1215 - 2012-05-28 04:57:39 UTC
Jonuts wrote:
Peter Drakon wrote:
disasteur wrote:
yeah you have a point, seems a good strategy from CCP to wait until its to late for a roleback

I did not say I like it, I'm in a WH, this new feature makes my life harder, and not by a bit. I said we should move forward, because moving back is not an option.

Why is moving back not an option? If you move forward in the wrong direction, it's just too easy to turn the **** around and move back in the right direction.

a roleback in done before in the past days afterwards, its by far the least favourable option a developer can do
and because CCP keeps stalling people make progress and dont want to loose that.
Tyr Aeron
L0pht Systems
#1216 - 2012-05-28 05:06:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyr Aeron
"As mentioned previously, we are not at all happy with the state of the unified inventory. To everyone that is currently struggling with it, you have my apologies." - CCP Soundwave

Really? YOU'RE not happy with it? Really? Are you sure? Because you sure as f*** were happy enough with it to dump this steaming pile of **** in our laps, AFTER being told by damn near everyone on SISI that is was a complete sack of ****.

YOU'RE not happy? M**********R, how the hell do you think we feel? Haven't we been down this road before? Are your memories so short that you forget who pays your salary?

This community is just about sick of your ****. You pay us lip service and say our opinions matter and then ignore us completely until we start un-subbing, then it's all apologies and lip service again.


I'll reserve final judgement for the next patch or two and see how badly you can screw that up, but my accounts are already suspended as of patch day. I'd like to think you guys can pull this one off, but I'm afraid that unless there is a dramatic change in the leadership *cough*CEO*cough* you guys will just keep doing stupid **** like this every other expansion.
The Arrow Project
#1217 - 2012-05-28 05:07:44 UTC
Barbelo Valentinian wrote:
Ah, CCP, you better move fast.

I don't think a rollback of the system is absolutely necessary, all that's necessary is for the new system to functionally behave like the old system did, for starters, and then have the tree and filters and other new things optional on top of that. It looks like that's what the changes announced for 29 May are going to be the first few steps towards.

I think CCP are right to try and rationalize their code, and it's probably right even for them to test the UI out for other games (it's their right as creators). To avoid an Incarna-sized debacle, they just need to make the new UI function AT LEAST AS WELL AS (and hopefully better than) the old UI - as soon as possible would be good.

Just because it's their "right" doesn't mean it isn't monumentally stupid and test out garbage on the live server.
BlackTalon Mining Corp
#1218 - 2012-05-28 06:39:56 UTC
Please get rid off this new ui its an nightmare .There was nothink wrong with the old inventory i find it hard to do any think in eve now.Even just re arming ships moving corp stuff around is an very slow drag now .since patch day i hardly log on to eve as its just an pain to do anythink been playing eve 8yrs never seen such an bad thing implemented in 8yrs
BlackTalon Mining Corp
#1219 - 2012-05-28 07:06:21 UTC
lol just came across this dont make me laugh ccp-
disasterous industries
#1220 - 2012-05-28 07:28:54 UTC
BlackTalon wrote:
lol just came across this dont make me laugh ccp-

you entire fortune in a single click............................................. where the dots stands for all the clicks you have to make for a reasonable overview

hilarious Big smile