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Post if you are unsubing over the new inventory, as thats the only way CCP listens

First post
Critical Mass Inc
#721 - 2012-05-27 02:30:43 UTC
I hit the unsub button tonight, so after June 20th I will be out. Maybe they will fix it before then, maybe not. But I find my gaming experience being more and more about battling the user interface than battling rats, players, or the market. My biggest concern while playing Eve should be 'who is trying to kill me or who is trying to outbid me?' not, 'did I actually get all my stuff in my ship?'

If they had left the old functionality in place and iterated on it rather than rip out functionality and force a single-file-minded process down everybody's throat we wouldn't even be having this issue. This is worse than Incrana (remeber all teh hangar rage?), but the lessons from Incarna appear to have been lost. The only way that CCP stopped and listened was from people pulling their funding before, and the only honest hope that those who opposed the UI have is to do it again.

TLDR: My gaming experience has been distracted by having to fight the user interface rather than actually play the game. I play the game to have fun, this is killing the fun.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

AkaiDruiD II
The Ghost of Creuss
#722 - 2012-05-27 02:43:29 UTC
Katja Faith wrote:
Failquitters unite!!! Lol

So how many of you failquitters failed to quit over the last EMORAGEFAILQUIT?!?!?!?!

If the new inventory system is too complicated for those tiny little first-person shooter brains out there maybe you should just go back to Pong.

I'd be surprised if u even knew what "complicated" means. It's more likely, that u seen that word on a fortune cookie 2day, and u thought u would use it here so u didn't sound completely stup!d.

But let's pretend that u do know what it means for a minute....
Can u explain how this new inv is LESS complicated and MORE efficient for u?
Baby ChuChu
Ice Cream Asylum
#723 - 2012-05-27 03:03:52 UTC
...seriously...if you're leaving can I have your stuff? I could use it.
AkaiDruiD II
The Ghost of Creuss
#724 - 2012-05-27 03:21:21 UTC
Some of u who 'say' they like this 'new' inv, have said,
"well if ccp fixed ____" or
"It just needs _____"

Basically ur just saying "ccp just needs to shine up this TURD to look like, and perform like, the old inventory that WASN'T broken"

#725 - 2012-05-27 05:29:18 UTC
I'll give them one more month to pull something allegedly used for logical thought out of an unseemly orifice. Using some ingame isk to do the reverse redeem thing just in case they do start listening again at some point in the future. I do like the game, but I don't like where they're taking it as opposed to the past when I couldn't wait for the next expansion to come out.

It's not just about the poorly implemented buggy waste of time clickfest ui.

It's that they sit there defending it like they did incarna, same situation, forced a ****** nonconfigurable system down the players throats when the testers on sisi told them repeatedly 'not a good idea'

Keno Skir
#726 - 2012-05-27 05:32:01 UTC
Alia Gon'die
Outer Ring Applied Logistics
#727 - 2012-05-27 05:34:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Alia Gon'die
AkaiDruiD II wrote:
I'm back from my pleasant gaming(it certainly WASN'T ' eve - the online OS game: Vanilla Ice Expansion ' I was playing).

I see we have a few new trolls here ;) OR maybe they are the old trolls that I already squashed and are just back wit a cowardly alt.... tsk tsk....

So, as stated b4....;

People giving up explaining things to you out of frustration proves that you, in fact, are the troll. Especially since you seem to relish in the bad spelling, sentence structure, and grammar mistakes. Plus you also seem to enjoy thinking that you are making people angry with your rather flimsy arguments that you hold up no matter what.

In fact, you post just like several really bad forum trolls around here.

Self-appointed forums hallway monitor Ask me about La Maison and what it means for you! These wardec rules are not in place for our protection. They're in place for yours.

AkaiDruiD II
The Ghost of Creuss
#728 - 2012-05-27 05:41:03 UTC
Saracena wrote:
I'll give them one more month to pull something allegedly used for logical thought out of an unseemly orifice. Using some ingame isk to do the reverse redeem thing just in case they do start listening again at some point in the future. I do like the game, but I don't like where they're taking it as opposed to the past when I couldn't wait for the next expansion to come out.

It's not just about the poorly implemented buggy waste of time clickfest ui.

It's that they sit there defending it like they did incarna, same situation, forced a ****** nonconfigurable system down the players throats when the testers on sisi told them repeatedly 'not a good idea'

It really doesn't make any sense at all why they would damage the ONE thing that every REAL eVe player uses. No matter what profession ur in, or multiples of profession... the inv is CENTRAL and it WASN'T broken.

And then to not care what their playerbase is saying, and just rollin back, is a clear sign that ccp doesn't give a sh!t

Azure Twilight Engineering
#729 - 2012-05-27 06:03:15 UTC
Its just like Facebook timeline.

Lets change the nice and simple interface everyone knows and has gotten used to and make something very confusing instead, claim progress and force it on everyone!

I'm not unsubbing, but just give us the option to go back to the old method.
Shadow XII
Black Matte Demolitions
#730 - 2012-05-27 06:08:19 UTC
MotherMoon wrote:
Shadow XII wrote:
So, I'm heading out to the monument in Jita now. I'll see you out there, as soon as I can figure out how to make my Nightmare active.

I'll say only this: What was wrong with the old Ships/Items inventory that needed changing?

you can't figure out how to make a ship active? wow, you must not be very bright.

Well when in doubt, right-click, so I found it. Thanks for your insightful input, though, you're a gem.

So going back to how they unfucked Incarna, by giving us back the hangar as well as the quarters, why not just do that? Old inventory or new inventory, let the player pick and everybody's happy.

And yeah, I hate it. As sweet-jugs up there has probably surmised, I'm much too used to and dependent on being able to instantly click-drag a ship into the middle of the screen, which is a half-second (if that) process, then double-clicking to open its cargo while alt+F for fittings. There, the whole ship's management is before me.

I need different tasks to be separated. I can't handle them being in one huge management briefcase which forces me to focus on one thing at a time.
Visine Red
420 Chronicles of EvE
#731 - 2012-05-27 06:25:58 UTC
Not reading 40 pages, the new inventory is awesome imo. You hate change, adapt or pray to whatever god you believe in, that the icelanders wtll give both options(highly unlikely).

I for one, wouldnt unsub either way, cause its minor, not a game breaker, especially if you cannot adapt, doubt you last in this game very long anyways.
Scorpio Holdings
#732 - 2012-05-27 06:41:39 UTC
EvilEvilEvilEvilEvilEvil THIS SUCKS!!!TwistedTwistedTwistedTwistedTwisted CHANGE IT!
AkaiDruiD II
The Ghost of Creuss
#733 - 2012-05-27 07:23:43 UTC  |  Edited by: AkaiDruiD II
bongsmoke wrote:
Not reading 40 pages, the new inventory is awesome imo. You hate change, adapt or pray to whatever god you believe in, that the icelanders wtll give both options(highly unlikely).

I for one, wouldnt unsub either way, cause its minor, not a game breaker, especially if you cannot adapt, doubt you last in this game very long anyways.


Statistics show that 97% of ppl who claim to like it, are complete morons. Because....
- They never point out what they like about it, or how it is an improvement over the previous inv

- Their only defense is "You hate change, blah blah blah". STFU wit that. Ur simple mind, simply likes it, because it's a change? Sry, but if its a change for the worse, any1 that doesn't p!ss their bed, will not like a bad change, and will be able to realize the difference.

- And "adapt"?.... wtf u talkin about? I should have to rip out 97% of my brain, so I can adapt, and be as r3tarded as u!?!

AkaiDruiD II
The Ghost of Creuss
#734 - 2012-05-27 07:47:52 UTC  |  Edited by: AkaiDruiD II
The bottom line is......

1- Noone is coming into ur ' I luv the 'Vanilla Ice Expansion ' thread and trolling.....oh wait...there isn't a thread about how great it is....O_o

2- Noone gives a sh!t if u and ur little r3tarded friends stay and play ur fuked up game.....I know I don't give a sh!t... cause I have a little extra $$ in my pocket now, and spending my time playing D3(great btw)...and other gamez that I don't have to spend all day working around fukin 'BUGS' all u lame azz trolls....all I have to say, is the same thing that I'm sure u hear from ur mommies all the time....
'I don't give a sh!t about you'
Virgil Travis
Non Constructive Self Management
#735 - 2012-05-27 10:49:48 UTC
AkaiDruiD II wrote:
The bottom line is......

1- Noone is coming into ur ' I luv the 'Vanilla Ice Expansion ' thread and trolling.....oh wait...there isn't a thread about how great it is....O_o

2- Noone gives a sh!t if u and ur little r3tarded friends stay and play ur fuked up game.....I know I don't give a sh!t... cause I have a little extra $$ in my pocket now, and spending my time playing D3(great btw)...and other gamez that I don't have to spend all day working around fukin 'BUGS' all u lame azz trolls....all I have to say, is the same thing that I'm sure u hear from ur mommies all the time....
'I don't give a sh!t about you'

I've been reading your pathetic vitriol for some days now and I have to say, you are certainly not a good advocate for those who don't like the new UI at all. Your mewling, ranting and abuse aimed at anyone who doesn't agree with you doesn't help those arguing against the inventory one little bit, if taken at all seriously, which nobody is doing, I can guarantee you, then all this adolescent tantrum throwing is actually damaging any argument others may wish to put forward. But that's not an issue since you seem to have the mentality of a prepubescent so all this thrashing about on the forum that you're exhibiting here is of little importance to any real issue anyway, in other words, by your own actions you have nullified your own arguments and made yourself insignificant.

If anyone is the troll here it is you, and I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

Unified Church of the Unobligated - madness in the method Mamma didn't raise no victims.

Kara Vix
Caldari State
#736 - 2012-05-27 11:18:29 UTC
I like the new inventory. Of all the things to threaten to unsub over, a new inventory? Silliness.
The Red Pill Taker Group
#737 - 2012-05-27 11:26:37 UTC
I like the new inventory, it's more compact and nested than the old version. Really can't see what all the fuss is about.

The Executioners
#738 - 2012-05-27 11:42:07 UTC
If you like the new UI, I'm happy for you. I'm not sure why your posting on a thread in regards to unsubbing re the UI since you like it. However the majority of posts in this thread - feel free to check are people that for a variety of reasons strongly dislike the new UI and are making themselves heard.

The new UI is laggy, it's been described by a CCP dev a 'terrible' when using POS towers, it requires more clicks to achieve the same prior result and takes a great deal more screen space. Added to that the known issues with looting wrecks then one has to ask why was it rolled out to TQ.

There is a 57 page thread rolling on in regards to the UI's problems, many of which were identified prior to roll out. For the most part the overall community response to the UI has been very negative.

CCP despite it's prior assurances, has immediately refused to roll it back to Sisi or make it optional (remind your of anything?), and it is perhaps that refusal to budge that has enraged many people further, its Incarna all over again. Unwanted features that are poorly implemented and are being defended as work in progress. So please if your getting upset by the vitriol on some of these threads please try to see it from a historical point of view. Many people just feel like they're being shafted yet again.

To me sadly despite liking a great deal in Inferno, I cannot see past the UI. It's just poor, and the planning, behaviour and management of it's implementation is equally disappointing and worrisome.

It's INCARNA 2.0 guys make no mistake.
The Red Pill Taker Group
#739 - 2012-05-27 11:49:33 UTC
Maraner wrote:

It's INCARNA 2.0 guys make no mistake.

Er, let's not over exaggerate here. It's clearly not even in the same ball park.

Quartzlight Evenstar Icefluxor
#740 - 2012-05-27 11:49:53 UTC
Maraner wrote:

To me sadly despite liking a great deal in Inferno, I cannot see past the UI. It's just poor, and the planning, behaviour and management of it's implementation is equally disappointing and worrisome.

It's INCARNA 2.0 guys make no mistake.

It boggles the mind how some people do not even seem to notice this fact, or just idiot post "I like it" to Troll. Any other game company that slapped something so pre-Alpha directly into the game would be out of business.

We shall see. Unsubscribibg can take even a YEAR depending on how much one unfortunately paid forward (ALWAYS a bad idea). Really hard to get accurate numbers of what's going on tbh.
