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A Guide to Collapsing Wormholes

Domin Ique
Team Pizza
Good at this Game
#1 - 2012-05-25 15:17:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Domin Ique
I wrote this guide for my corp a while back when we lived in a C4 with a static C3. I've added another method for our current C5 static C5. Hopefully others will find it useful.

Collapsing Wormholes

Collapsing wormholes can be a very dangerous task. There is a chance you may become trapped on the wrong side of the hole, leaving you either A. at the mercy of the locals, or B. in a situation where the only option is to pod yourself. This doesn't have to be the case though. By playing it smart and taking safety precautions you can avoid these situations.

Refer to this website to read more about wormholes and their mass limits. This is the single most important thing to know.

There are three things you must always be aware of:
1. Total Mass of Wormhole
2. The wormhole has less than 50% of it's mass left when it says, "This wormhole has had its stability reduced, but not to a critical degree yet."
3. The wormhole has less than 10% of it's mass left when it says, "This wormhole has had its stability critically disrupted by the mass of numerous ships passing through and is on the verge of collapse."

The Orca Method

This method is ideal for collapsing wormholes that have had very little to no traffic. That being less than 50 to 75 million kg of mass. Our static C3 hole is a C247. Which means it has a total mass of 2 billion, and will allow ships with a mass up to 300 million to pass through.

You need an Orca with a 100MN AB or MWD. The Orca itself has a mass of 250 million kg. The AB adds 50 million more.

In short you need to make 2 jumps with the AB on and 6 with the AB off. This will collapse the hole with a very comfortable buffer of 200 million. I like to start with 1x AB on jump, then 6x AB off jumps and then the final trip back with the AB on.

The Math:
2,000,000,000 initial mass
- 300,000,000 AB jump
- 250,000,000 regular jump
- 250,000,000 regular jump
- 250,000,000 regular jump (the hole goes weak at this point)
- 250,000,000 regular jump
- 250,000,000 regular jump
- 250,000,000 regular jump

At this point we're on the far side of the wormhole and there is approximately 200,000,000 mass left on the hole. Note it may or may not say "Critical" at this point. So we turn on the AB and jump back with a 300,000,000 mass, collapsing the hole.

If the hole isn't collapsed at this point, use a Heavy Interdictor Cruiser to wrap things up. Read more about that method below.

The Fit
[Orca, WH Collapse]

Improved Cloaking Device II
Expanded Probe Launcher I, Core Scanner Probe I
[Empty High slot]

100MN Afterburner I
Photon Scattering Field II
Invulnerability Field II
Invulnerability Field II

Inertia Stabilizers II
Inertia Stabilizers II

Large Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Large Low Friction Nozzle Joints I
Large Ancillary Current Router I

Vespa EC-600 x5

Footnotes (you should read these)
1. Add a cloak to your Orca for waiting out polarization times and for quicker warping.
2. Don't wait by the hole for the 5 minute polarization timer. Go back to the POS.
3. If your scan skills are lacking don't put a probe launcher on the Orca. Stick a bonused and rigged scan ship in the Ship Hangar of the Orca. Some sigs such as nullsec holes can be difficult to resolve.
4. Always make sure all corpmates are in pizza space before collapsing.
5. Never jump an Orca out if the mass is critical. You will not be happy.
6. ???
7. Profit
Domin Ique
Team Pizza
Good at this Game
#2 - 2012-05-25 15:18:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Domin Ique
Using Other Ships to Collapse

If you can't fly an Orca, a Battleship will do the job just as well, albeit a little slower. Just note the mass of your ship, and start subtracting it from the total mass of the hole each jump you make. When the hole goes critical, move on to the HIC method detailed below. Be sure to inspect the wormhole after each jump to see if it has reached its 50% point or even its 10% point. See the top of this post for more information about that.

Using a Heavy Interdictor Cruiser to Collapse Wormholes

To safely collapse a wormhole you want to jump through the hole with a very small mass and return with a very large mass. By entering a wormhole with the smallest mass possible you are taking much less risk of the wormhole collapsing behind you, which would trap you on the wrong side.

Reducing Your Mass:
Warp Disruption Field Generators (WDFG) have a very unique attribute: they reduce the mass of your ship by 80% when activated. So let’s assume (as an example) you are in a ship with a mass of 100,000,000 kg. When you activate the WDFG and look at your ship info, your mass is now reported as 20,000,000 kg. The WDFG mass reduction effects stack as well. So if you add a 2nd WDFG and activate it your mass is now 4,000,000 kg. Add a 3rd and your mass is now 800,000 kg. And so on.

Heavy Interdictor Cruisers (HIC) are the only ships in Eve that can equip a WDFG.

Increasing Your Mass:
We now know how to reduce our mass to make it safely through a wormhole. But on the return jump we want our mass to be as large as possible in order to damage the hole as much as possible. There are several modules in Eve that have this effect.

The most efficient method is to add an Afterburner (AB) or Microwarp Drive (MWD). A 100MN AB/MWD will add 50,000,000 kg of mass to a ship when activated. A 10MN AB will add 5,000,000 kg and a 1MN AB will add 500,000 kg. Again, the mass addition is only in effect when the module is activated.

Another module that adds mass to a ship is a Reinforced Armor Plate. A 1600mm Reinforced Steel Plate I will add 3,750,000 kg of mass. An 800mm Reinforced Steel Plate I will add 1,875,000 kg. There are smaller plates all the way down to 50mm, but their mass addition is so minimal they typically not used. Unlike the AB, these mass additions are always in effect. That is until the module is placed offline.

The Fit:
With this fit our mass entering the wormhole is 45,320 kg, which is the same mass as your pod! Our mass returning back through the wormhole is 78,328,000 kg. Nearly the size of a battleship!

* Note I will add fits for all racial HICs as soon as I get time. For now we will just focus on the Amarr Devoter.

[Devoter, Devoter: Wormhole Buster]
Reactor Control Unit II
Reactor Control Unit II
Reactor Control Unit II
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
1600mm Reinforced Steel Plates I
800mm Reinforced Steel Plates I

100MN Afterburner I

Improved Cloaking Device II
Core Probe Launcher I
Warp Disruption Field Generator I
Warp Disruption Field Generator I
Warp Disruption Field Generator I
Warp Disruption Field Generator I

Medium Ancillary Current Router I
Medium Ancillary Current Router I

I would recommend using a large ship such as an Orca or a Battleship to bring the mass of the wormhole down to critical. At this point you will approach the wormhole in the HIC and turn on all of the WDFG (note: AB should be off). Jump through the hole. Wait 15 seconds, turn on your AB, and return back through the hole. Note: your WDFG should be off for the return trip.

You will likely have to repeat this one to five times to collapse a wormhole that is critical, depending on the initial size of the hole, how close it is to collapse and how much variance there is in the size.

Feel safe going into a wormhole with only 45,320kg of mass. The odds are you will never collapse it. Good luck!
Domin Ique
Team Pizza
Good at this Game
#3 - 2012-05-25 15:18:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Domin Ique
Getting Stuck on the Wrong Side

It will happen eventually -- you'll make a miscalculation, or you'll be drunk and forget which side of the hole you're on, or you'll turn on your AB instead of your WDFG. Either way, you will eventually get stuck if you collapse enough holes. However, there are several safety precautions you can take in order to make the best of these situations.

1. Always have a probe launcher on the ship you are using to collapse the hole. ALWAYS
2. Don't be in too much of a rush. It's much better to have to make 2-3 safe HICtor jumps instead of 1 risky Orca jump.
3. You can also leave a scan ship alt on the far side of the hole, having him jump back just before you make your final trip back.
4. Another alternative is to always scan out an exit in the hole prior to beginning collapse.

I'm an idiot and I didn't follow those steps. Now I'm trapped.
1. Ask in local for help. You should offer a sizable reward.
2. Drop several cans throughout the system and rename them to: Stuck. ISK for exit. Msg "Domin Ique"
3a. Inspect the Custom Offices for a corp name.
3b. Jump from moon to moon looking for an active control tower. Get corp name, look them up on Battleclinic, message every person listed asking for help.
3c. If you don't feel safe jumping from moon to moon in your ship, create a safe spot, eject from you ship and jump around in your pod. POS's won't shoot pods.
4. Pod yourself and learn a hard and valuable lesson.

Ok, Fly Safe
Domin Ique
Team Pizza
Good at this Game
#4 - 2012-05-25 15:18:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Domin Ique
Using Capital Ships to Collapse

Since we've moved into a C5 with a static C5 collapsing whs have become much much easier. Our static is an H296 which has a maximum mass of 3 billion kg (+/- 10%), with a max allowable jump mass of 1.3 billion kg.

Assuming it is a fresh hole, send a 100MN Orca in (with 100MN on) and bring it back with the 100MN on. Then send in a Dreadnought (NOT a carrier) and bring it back. Hole collapses. On the rare occasion this doesn't finish the hole, simply use a hictor as detailed above to finish the job.

I would highly recommend having an alt/friend sitting the by the hole with 3x webs so that when you return he can insta-warp you back to your POS.

NEVER ever jump a dread through an H296 that is less than half mass. You will regret it. In this situation just start pounding the hole with 100MN orca jumps. Again, if it goes mass crit, don't jump through. Move on to Hictors.

That's about it for a C5 static. Simple eh?

I hope this is helpful to some people. Let me know if you see any glaring errors or have questions.

Fly safe.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5 - 2012-05-25 15:36:57 UTC
Domin Ique wrote:
I wrote this guide for my corp a while back when we lived in a C4 with a static C3. I've updated it for our current C5 static C5. Hopefully others will find it useful.

so did i get it right ? you collapse your c5 whs with orcas ?
Domin Ique
Team Pizza
Good at this Game
#6 - 2012-05-25 15:38:04 UTC
Lexylia wrote:
Domin Ique wrote:
I wrote this guide for my corp a while back when we lived in a C4 with a static C3. I've updated it for our current C5 static C5. Hopefully others will find it useful.

so did i get it right ? you collapse your c5 whs with orcas ?

Please don't reply if you haven't read the entire post.
Celery Man
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2012-05-25 16:16:03 UTC
Excellent guide, thank you for posting. Will keep it on hand for teaching new people.
Arazel Chainfire
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2012-05-25 16:19:54 UTC
For collapsing a 2bil mass WH, I prefer the following:

2,000,000,000kg +-10%
4 orca's, no AB (1bil mass)
at this point, you can see whether or not the WH has reduced. if it has:
3 orca's, no AB (750mil mass)
1 orca, AB on (300mil mass)
Since a 2bil mass WH with -10% is 1.8bil, this method gives the last orca return 50mil mass to return with, without getting it stuck on the far side. But it still puts a total of 2,050,000,000kg mass through, collapsing it even if your calculations are slightly off. Now, if after the first 4 passes, the WH doesn't reduce, that means that you have extra mass, and you should go through:
1 orca AB off (250mil mass)
3 orca's AB on(900mil mass)
this stuffs a total of 2.15bil mass through, leaving a little bit left, but the HIC trick posted above will easily collapse that. And this method greatly reduces the chances of getting something stuck on the far side.

For 1bil mass WH's (C5 w/ C3 static)
2 orca's through, AB off (500mil mass)
if it reduces, send orca through AB off on the way out, AB on the way back. If it doesn't reduce, send the orca through AB on both ways.

Lastly, for 3bil mass WH's that accept capitals, if you don't have dreadnoughts available, you can do it with a carrier/rorqual. For this, run 4 orca passes to start (1 bil mass). Then toss a carrier through (1.15bil mass or so), and bring it back. A dread just means you can forget about one of the orca round trips. I wouldn't recommend trying to close one with just orcas/BS's though...

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#9 - 2012-05-25 16:20:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Lexylia
Domin Ique wrote:
Lexylia wrote:
Domin Ique wrote:
I wrote this guide for my corp a while back when we lived in a C4 with a static C3. I've updated it for our current C5 static C5. Hopefully others will find it useful.

so did i get it right ? you collapse your c5 whs with orcas ?

Please don't reply if you haven't read the entire post.

sorry may I ask from the other side.

Why would I want to close my WH with an orca + dread <- this is really really unsecure, if u get engaged ur orca is dead meat also your dread if ***** gonna get hot

close a c5 the save way:

get carrier + 4bs with mwd

carrier jump first, then all 4 bs with mwd on, the 4bs with mwd on jump back, carrier jump back = wh closed
and you are always in the situation to fight and defend yourself, if you get engaged

still for the lower whs its a nice guide well done *bookmarked*
Domin Ique
Team Pizza
Good at this Game
#10 - 2012-05-25 16:27:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Domin Ique
Lexylia wrote:
Domin Ique wrote:
Lexylia wrote:
Domin Ique wrote:
I wrote this guide for my corp a while back when we lived in a C4 with a static C3. I've updated it for our current C5 static C5. Hopefully others will find it useful.

so did i get it right ? you collapse your c5 whs with orcas ?

Please don't reply if you haven't read the entire post.

sorry may I ask from the other side.

Why would I want to close my WH with an orca + dread <- this is really really unsecure, if u get engaged ur orca is dead meat also your dread then ships gonna go....

close a c5 the save way:

get carrier + 4bs with mwd

carrier jump first, then all 4 bs with mwd on, the 4bs with mwd on jump back, carrier jump back = wh closed
and you are always in the situation to fight and defend yourself, if you get engaged

That's a fine method, but it requires more people and takes more time. When we're rolling holes we want to get it done fast and efficiently. So we have our scan ship with the 3x webs sitting on the hole, he calls the all clear, Orca jumps in, then gets insta-warped out the second he decloaks back in our space. Dread warps in, same deal. Hole is gone.

Anybody that decides to jump the orca will end up trapped in our system within 10-20 seconds.

Additionally, if we're rolling holes, we are collapsing them faster than anybody can scan them down anyways. After 100s and 100s of collapses, we've yet to have a single issue with this method.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#11 - 2012-05-25 16:31:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
Lexylia wrote:

Why would I want to close my WH with an orca + dread <- this is really really unsecure, if u get engaged ur orca is dead meat also your dread if ***** gonna get hot

close a c5 the save way:

get carrier + 4bs with mwd

carrier jump first, then all 4 bs with mwd on, the 4bs with mwd on jump back, carrier jump back = wh closed
and you are always in the situation to fight and defend yourself, if you get engaged

still for the lower whs its a nice guide well done *bookmarked*

Thats something thats always rubbed me up the wrong way to (people not taking tactical precautions) - a lot of people don't seem to be able to think outside the box tho.

The only issue with that setup - I've seen a few corps throw a carrier through when they spawn a link to you and then cloak it up your side - if you jump your own carrier through first without testing the mass first they will jump their carrier back behind you collapsing the wh and your carrier is stuck undefended on their side with the rest of their fleet decloaking/warping in.
Cheesy Feet
The Hells Bells Club
#12 - 2012-05-25 16:40:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Cheesy Feet
Nice guide but you do risk losing ships so the carrier method above is the best choice IMO, failing that use your group of B/S method, that way they can at least defend themselves.

Also rather than using a HIC for closing any hole that is on the 'brink', the other option is to use the lazy mans method - ie use a dumb alt in a Cruiser with 100mn A/B fitted. For instance you can train a virgin alt to pilot a 100mn A/B Rupture in around 3 days. Jump out with burner off and back in with burner on, the odds are high that you'll end up on the right side, if not you warp to a safe spot and self destruct ship and pod - resulting in the loss of a Rupture and 100mn Afterburner I costing around 7 mill in total, but saving you the time of trying to scan out. Then your alt just brings in a new rupture in the next time you have a route.
Mumtaz Khan
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#13 - 2012-05-25 17:20:23 UTC
Dom, you left out the part where we jump in the thanatos when the hole is half-mass.
Domin Ique
Team Pizza
Good at this Game
#14 - 2012-05-25 17:22:59 UTC
Mumtaz Khan wrote:
Dom, you left out the part where we jump in the thanatos when the hole is half-mass.

hah! Yup, you just can't fix stupid.
Blamazon Decorporated
#15 - 2012-05-25 18:14:46 UTC
You don't mention the +/- 10% mass that holes spawn with.

Also the appropriate way to crash a dstab hole or one you can't use a carrier.

Dstab the hole.
Take Orca through and hold its cloak on far side.
Run BS through one at a time with mwd in til it goes crit.
If BS is on far side when it crits come back with mwd off.
Jump back Orca to crush it.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2012-05-25 18:21:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Lexylia
Rroff wrote:
Lexylia wrote:

Why would I want to close my WH with an orca + dread <- this is really really unsecure, if u get engaged ur orca is dead meat also your dread if ***** gonna get hot

close a c5 the save way:

get carrier + 4bs with mwd

carrier jump first, then all 4 bs with mwd on, the 4bs with mwd on jump back, carrier jump back = wh closed
and you are always in the situation to fight and defend yourself, if you get engaged

still for the lower whs its a nice guide well done *bookmarked*

Thats something thats always rubbed me up the wrong way to (people not taking tactical precautions) - a lot of people don't seem to be able to think outside the box tho.

The only issue with that setup - I've seen a few corps throw a carrier through when they spawn a link to you and then cloak it up your side - if you jump your own carrier through first without testing the mass first they will jump their carrier back behind you collapsing the wh and your carrier is stuck undefended on their side with the rest of their fleet decloaking/warping in.

If an hostile whcoorp manage to "sneak in a carrier" and you dont see it , you deserv to get traped because this is pure scouting fail........

also if its smell fishy just let 2bs with mwd jump befor carrier because then its reduce after the 2bs there is a carrier on your side....

Also befor smart ass comments ye we already got traped by this because of lazy scouting but also traped quite some people with this :)
Domin Ique
Team Pizza
Good at this Game
#17 - 2012-05-25 18:27:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Domin Ique
Galffin wrote:
You don't mention the +/- 10% mass that holes spawn with.

Also the appropriate way to crash a dstab hole or one you can't use a carrier.

Dstab the hole.
Take Orca through and hold its cloak on far side.
Run BS through one at a time with mwd in til it goes crit.
If BS is on far side when it crits come back with mwd off.
Jump back Orca to crush it.

I did mention it. Just not in the part you chose to read/skim over.

I should probably retitled this thread "Efficient Ways to Collapse a Wormhole"

Sure you can spend all day and half your corp warping BSs in and out, but it's just slow and tedious. Dreads, Orcas and hictors make it safe, fast and easy.
Indo Nira
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2012-05-25 18:40:04 UTC
We don't need to know how everyone does it. everyone has their own way of collapsing wormholes, and this is a great guide for people that have never done it before, or are just starting doing it. They'll be able to make adjustments afterwards.
Blamazon Decorporated
#19 - 2012-05-25 19:04:42 UTC
Domin Ique wrote:
Galffin wrote:
You don't mention the +/- 10% mass that holes spawn with.

Also the appropriate way to crash a dstab hole or one you can't use a carrier.

Dstab the hole.
Take Orca through and hold its cloak on far side.
Run BS through one at a time with mwd in til it goes crit.
If BS is on far side when it crits come back with mwd off.
Jump back Orca to crush it.

I did mention it. Just not in the part you chose to read/skim over.

I should probably retitled this thread "Efficient Ways to Collapse a Wormhole"

Sure you can spend all day and half your corp warping BSs in and out, but it's just slow and tedious. Dreads, Orcas and hictors make it safe, fast and easy.

You should really make it more prevalent about masses not being exact. Your number one rule is to know the total mass of a wh, but it is impossible to ever exactly know this.

If you enjoy playing cleanup with a bunch of mass crit holes, then by all means throw ships in there and have fun trapping out pilots. The strategy I gave you should have 100% success rate on 2 and 3 billion mass holes when you do not know the mass or are unable to use a cap ship for whatever reason. If you only have 4 pilots it should take 2 round trips to collapse a hole, certainly better then taking a 50/50 on making a mass crit hole which is what your method would do.
Antagonistic Tendencies
#20 - 2012-05-25 19:18:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Rroff
Lexylia wrote:

If an hostile whcoorp manage to "sneak in a carrier" and you dont see it , you deserv to get traped because this is pure scouting fail........

also if its smell fishy just let 2bs with mwd jump befor carrier because then its reduce after the 2bs there is a carrier on your side....

Also befor smart ass comments ye we already got traped by this because of lazy scouting but also traped quite some people with this :)

We've spotted it fortunatly hence why I know it happens - but theres loads of ways you can miss it. Exhale spawned a link to us once and did it immediatly and their wh was off dscan of our POSes and the rest of our players but by sheer chance I had a cloaky sitting out at the far planet and saw the carrier popup on dscan. Another corp did it early on in the day when they thought we were all offline (again I had a cloaky logged in) and had it sitting there for several hours (eventually they got bored and crashed the WH).

Fortunatly we've never lost a capital this way so far, but I do reccomend testing the mass on capital class WHs before putting a cap through.
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