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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#701 - 2012-05-24 23:15:24 UTC
Plz plz plz, Kick out the New Inventory UI, reset back to the Old.

Noting Less, Nothing More...
Endeavour Starfleet
#702 - 2012-05-24 23:17:49 UTC
Teclador wrote:
Plz plz plz, Kick out the New Inventory UI, reset back to the Old.

Noting Less, Nothing More...

They are not going back to the old UI. So suck it up and provide suggestions to make the new better for your uses.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#703 - 2012-05-24 23:18:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
CCP Soundwave wrote:

Shift-clicking works fine, but like with all shortcuts, you need to know it exists. We’re going to allow inventories to be “dragged out” of the main UI. It’s basically the same functionality as shift clicking, but instead of being hidden behind a hotkey, you can simply drag and drop it out with your mouse.

No it DOESNT, not until shift clicked/undocked windows are PERSISTENT.

CCP Soundwave wrote:
There are two things we´d really like to change but don´t have a nailed down solution to just yet.

One is persisting windows that only work in certain places (you have a window that only works in the station and you want it to be open and in the same location the next time you dock for example).

Seriously guys?... The solution is.. don't show windows that don't apply in a specific context.. Oh and keep the persistence still on ALL windows, in case that wasn't obvious..
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#704 - 2012-05-24 23:23:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
Also the new system wastes way too much screen space. Make all the optional parts of the window dockable like the tree view and keep the frame ultra thin. Basically make it so this new UI can be configured exactly as the old UI as an option. Basically every window can become the new uber-inventory with an option to transform into any of the old windows. Yes you will need to support multiple instances of the uber-inventory at the same time for this to work. Or just go back to the old UI.

A thin section of the window frame to the right of the scrollbar (that shows up when the number of items is bigger than window size) that makes the whole window draggable is annoying. Sometimes i miss the scrollbar and end up dragging the whole window. Not only is the scrollbar too thin now so i miss it often, but also have to drag the whole window back to where i want it to be. And OH YEAH, the best part about it is that every time i redock, i have to redo the whole setup all over again. Profoundly lame.
Ad'Hakim Tahous
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#705 - 2012-05-24 23:33:54 UTC
Messoroz wrote:
Ribikoka wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Update: POS structure renaming got done yesterday and will be included in todays update.

We'll continue going through the list :)

We dont want pos structure renaming, that is just a brain operation with axe again.
More typing for players ? Who want renaming 150 pos modules at every pos ? That is the solution for a bad inventory system ?
We not need this, we want back the old fully functionally inventory system we want to forget this inventory nightmare.
Because this is it, a nightmare, a horrible,terrible unusable inventory system.
We want play and fun, not wasting time and wrestling with inventory system.
Bring back when the new system is fully operational without bugs, dumb ideas, and when WORKING fine !!!
Put back to test server because this alpha state inventory is not finished and shame for all CCP developers.

Please do not speak for POS owners and users. POS Structure renaming is a godsend for us and I will gladly get 2k wormholer to call you a utter **** for saying otherwise.

You may add the voice of my main to the chorus, along with the voices of every POS manager in that alliance! Quite possibly the only good thing to have come out of this mess.
The Arrow Project
#706 - 2012-05-24 23:42:13 UTC
Messoroz wrote:
Ribikoka wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Update: POS structure renaming got done yesterday and will be included in todays update.

We'll continue going through the list :)

We dont want pos structure renaming, that is just a brain operation with axe again.
More typing for players ? Who want renaming 150 pos modules at every pos ? That is the solution for a bad inventory system ?
We not need this, we want back the old fully functionally inventory system we want to forget this inventory nightmare.
Because this is it, a nightmare, a horrible,terrible unusable inventory system.
We want play and fun, not wasting time and wrestling with inventory system.
Bring back when the new system is fully operational without bugs, dumb ideas, and when WORKING fine !!!
Put back to test server because this alpha state inventory is not finished and shame for all CCP developers.

Please do not speak for POS owners and users. POS Structure renaming is a godsend for us and I will gladly get 2k wormholer to call you a utter **** for saying otherwise.

I do believe it's less an issue with being able to rename POS structures (Why wasn't that baseline anyways?) and more of a matter of requiring renaming as a time consuming work around for a broken system.


They are not going back to the old UI. So suck it up and provide suggestions to make the new better for your uses.

Didn't we go over this before? Going back to the old UI is a very valid suggestion. The new UI is like removing the wheels off a car. "Put the wheels back on" is the obvious solution to fixing the problem. Why is this such a poor suggestion?
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#707 - 2012-05-24 23:43:35 UTC

i think the new item interface is terrible.... nothing to do about it.

but, can i please have an option to get 2 seperate buttons for "ships" and "items" again, which open in a seperate window?
and not open multiple inventory windows in a submenu?

then at least i can make it somewhat work like the old system with the tree hiding.

thank you!
Susan Delgad0
Ganja Clade
Shadow Cartel
#708 - 2012-05-24 23:52:34 UTC
Endeavour Starfleet wrote:
Teclador wrote:
Plz plz plz, Kick out the New Inventory UI, reset back to the Old.

Noting Less, Nothing More...

They are not going back to the old UI. So suck it up and provide suggestions to make the new better for your uses.

NO! We will not suck it up! This has broken the game for me, and many others. We were promised a new direction from CCP we were promised we'd be listened to. It's absolute betrayal of our faith and trust, and I am not going to tolerate it again.

CCP Hellmar wrote:
But enough talk from me. We all know that much quoted phrase, “It’s not what you say, it’s what you do,” that will make the difference here. From now on, CCP will focus on doing what we say and saying what we do. That is the path to restoring trust and moving forward.

What you are doing here is showing us you didn't mean any of what you said.

In the end there's 36+ pages in this thread, and a feedback thread full of people telling you this is terrible we don't want it, there was plenty of feedback before this was implemented telling you the same. This is how you answer your community post Incarna...

CCP Soundwave wrote:
Maintaining two systems really isn't an option and I've never seen this promised anywhere. As I mentioned, we'll continue making changes and making fixes (like the looting reverting to the main hangar) though, so if you're missing any specific piece of functionality we'll definitely look at the viability of implementing it.

Seriously?!? This is a joke.

Tell me why you can't do this, and maybe I'll have some sympathy. If you proceed to tell me how I should live with a game breaking UI while you work the bugs out, over some unknown period of time I'll tell you that's no way to run a production environment and seriously consider looking elsewhere for entertainment, which is something I never even considered during Incarna.

I shouldn't be forced to use a crap inventory system, full of bugs that is less efficient and entirely more convoluted than what I had. Period...

Hope this helps,

Captain Praxis
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#709 - 2012-05-24 23:56:30 UTC
Yonis Kador wrote:


It seems to me that the UI would have served us much more efficiently as a replacement for the assets tab - since that's what it is. It's an advanced all-assets window. You took away players' station cargo and ship hangar buttons on the neocom and gave us all an universal assets window. This has had the effect of replacing static buttons and one-click functionality with a scrolling/hunting/right clicking/resizing process that is definately more time consuming. For the life of me, I can't fathom how any of the devs at CCP didn't realize this wasn't a good idea. It's crazy. Of course we want the station cargo and ship hangar buttons back on the neocom. I also want my wrecks and cans to open in their own window and to close automatically once looted. I even wouldn't mind the restoration of some right-click functionality - like accessing the drone bay through right clicking on my ship. And all of these windows need to retain their size and remain pinned post redocking / jumping.

I know I am not alone in being someone who has spent years now judiciously arranging his inventory and window size for efficiency. That system, my system, didn't come easily. All those years of planning, organizing, and naming things - just to have it all, in a snap, become meaningless and overly cumbersome - has to be driving some of this rage too. Its a proverbial slap to the face. I know because I feel the pain. You just can't help but feel that whoever pushed this idea didn't take player considerations into account....and isn't that in itself mindboggling?


I'd give you 1000 likes for that post if I could - it really sums up much of how I feel about the new UI.

(Tippia's already had nearly 1000 likes from me, one for each post on the subject!)
Quicksilver Proteus
Trans Galactic Technologies
#710 - 2012-05-24 23:56:49 UTC
Eeeek! While this isn't the debacle that Incarna initially was the new inventory system is an example of a decent idea that has been poorly developed and implemented. My main gripes are: 1. The lack of persistence of the windows when at a station. 2. When looting and going thru the multiple cans that are open it always reverts the view to the ships inventory instead of the next can.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#711 - 2012-05-24 23:58:34 UTC
Ad'Hakim Tahous wrote:
Messoroz wrote:
Ribikoka wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Update: POS structure renaming got done yesterday and will be included in todays update.

We'll continue going through the list :)

We dont want pos structure renaming, that is just a brain operation with axe again.
More typing for players ? Who want renaming 150 pos modules at every pos ? That is the solution for a bad inventory system ?
We not need this, we want back the old fully functionally inventory system we want to forget this inventory nightmare.
Because this is it, a nightmare, a horrible,terrible unusable inventory system.
We want play and fun, not wasting time and wrestling with inventory system.
Bring back when the new system is fully operational without bugs, dumb ideas, and when WORKING fine !!!
Put back to test server because this alpha state inventory is not finished and shame for all CCP developers.

Please do not speak for POS owners and users. POS Structure renaming is a godsend for us and I will gladly get 2k wormholer to call you a utter **** for saying otherwise.

You may add the voice of my main to the chorus, along with the voices of every POS manager in that alliance! Quite possibly the only good thing to have come out of this mess.

It would be about 10000x more useful to have it so assets inside of POS structures are searchable via corp asset search UI. The reason i say they are clueless is because they don't have their priorities straight. A bunch of random changes without real understanding of whats the biggest !/$ and in what order.
Sir HyperChrist
Persnickety Pilots
#712 - 2012-05-25 00:00:01 UTC
Just one thing that I couldn't find in this thread scanning through quickly:

when shift-click opening a pos hangar or corp office, please return the 7 tabs at the top for selecting which division is showing. Shift-clicking a pos hangar now turns up the main division, and it doesn't even remember if you've closed it before on a different division. So:

=> 7-division containers should have tabs at the top for division selection, even in compact container mode
=> A division-container should remember which divsion was open when it was closed before then, just like the arrays did before inferno.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#713 - 2012-05-25 00:02:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five

CCP Soundwave wrote:
Maintaining two systems really isn't an option and I've never seen this promised anywhere. As I mentioned, we'll continue making changes and making fixes (like the looting reverting to the main hangar) though, so if you're missing any specific piece of functionality we'll definitely look at the viability of implementing it.

Seriously?!? This is a joke.

Tell me why you can't do this, and maybe I'll have some sympathy. If you proceed to tell me how I should live with a game breaking UI while you work the bugs out, over some unknown period of time I'll tell you that's no way to run a production environment and seriously consider looking elsewhere for entertainment, which is something I never even considered during Incarna.

I shouldn't be forced to use a crap inventory system, full of bugs that is less efficient and entirely more convoluted than what I had. Period...

Hope this helps,


From what soundwave is saying this probably has to do with the fact that they rewrote it for other reasons (new UI programmer, old code got messy, internal team politics). It is true that maintaining two systems is generally a bad idea due to dev overhead costs. It seems to me that their best bet at this point is to make it so that the new system is configurable to work/look in exactly the same way as the old system. As I said before it can be done by

1) allowing multiple instances of mega-inventory
2) making each instance persistent
3) allowing to configure each instance to look like the old window
4) really make each instance persistent without bugs in it
Dark Side of the Belt
#714 - 2012-05-25 00:03:29 UTC
I would really like to see the vertical divider between the open container and the tree tied to the right hand side of the screen. This would allow me to have a fixed space for my inventory (My preference is 6 items wide) and if i stretch the window wider from left to right i still have the same amount of items i want to see in the container so it does not have to repopulate and widen from my standard 6 items. Currently when you stretch a window on purpose or accident it seems to split the difference between the tree and the cargo and id prefer to have the cargo fixed.

If you want to add functionality it would be really slick to just be able to create folders instead of needing containers and permissions etc. Tag items and have them auto sort into the folders if dumped into the main station cargo hold etc. It would be really slick to set up some tags and filter with the new system you have implemented for auto labeling prices on items etc.
Brutal Red
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#715 - 2012-05-25 00:06:05 UTC
Pimuko wrote:
I would really like to see the vertical divider between the open container and the tree tied to the right hand side of the screen. This would allow me to have a fixed space for my inventory (My preference is 6 items wide) and if i stretch the window wider from left to right i still have the same amount of items i want to see in the container so it does not have to repopulate and widen from my standard 6 items. Currently when you stretch a window on purpose or accident it seems to split the difference between the tree and the cargo and id prefer to have the cargo fixed.

If you want to add functionality it would be really slick to just be able to create folders instead of needing containers and permissions etc. Tag items and have them auto sort into the folders if dumped into the main station cargo hold etc. It would be really slick to set up some tags and filter with the new system you have implemented for auto labeling prices on items etc.

Sort of like we used to have (station containers etc.), only with filters ?
Susan Delgad0
Ganja Clade
Shadow Cartel
#716 - 2012-05-25 00:08:16 UTC
Dream Five wrote:

From what soundwave is saying this probably has to do with the fact that they rewrote it for other reasons (new UI programmer, old code got messy, internal team politics). It is true that maintaining two systems is generally a bad idea due to dev overhead costs. It seems to me that their best bet at this point is to make it so that the new system is configurable to work/look in exactly the same way as the old system. As I said before it can be done by

1) allowing multiple instances of mega-inventory
2) making each instance persistent
3) allowing to configure each instance to look like the old window
4) really make each instance persistent without bugs in it

Which is entirely reasonable, but unfortunately for us you don't work for CCP...

Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#717 - 2012-05-25 00:19:03 UTC
Sir HyperChrist wrote:
Just one thing that I couldn't find in this thread scanning through quickly:

when shift-click opening a pos hangar or corp office, please return the 7 tabs at the top for selecting which division is showing. Shift-clicking a pos hangar now turns up the main division, and it doesn't even remember if you've closed it before on a different division.

Emphasis mine for an example of reduced functionality.

Under the old inventory system, you'd fly out to a POS tower with 10-12 labs, open them all up and stack all of them in a single stack. Each lab has 7 tab dividers (one for each corp hangar division).

The next time you fly out to the POS tower, you open up the first lab and navigate to the correct tab. The game would now remember that you were looking at tab #N. As you opened up the additional labs, they would add themselves to the stack and open up to tab #N.

When you do a lot of BPC creation at the POS labs, this made it quick and easy to get your BPCs from a dozen different labs rather quickly - because it remembered the active division when opening new things with hangar divisions.
Endeavour Starfleet
#718 - 2012-05-25 00:19:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Endeavour Starfleet
NO! We will not suck it up! This has broken the game for me, and many others. We were promised a new direction from CCP we were promised we'd be listened to. It's absolute betrayal of our faith and trust, and I am not going to tolerate it again.

It's ok I don't want your stuff.

Seriously folks thinking this is Incarna 2.0 are completely out of touch with reality in my opinion.

HTFU. Provide meaningful suggestions and move on.
BLUE M00N Fetish Group
#719 - 2012-05-25 00:20:49 UTC  |  Edited by: vasuul
For any of you that say there is nothing wrong with this system i invite you to try an experiment

randomly put your pi work in with your ammo mods ect make sure to have you oxygen robotics mech parts etc for making fuel in there

Now using the filter make one called fuel tell it to select group ,materials planetary commodities
save and try to use filter What ? look close the oxygen you need doesn't show up

now go back to settings and tell the same filter to find materials as well

what ? the whole thing is blank huh it lists all the items filtered out and shows you supposedly have nothing you are looking for

now unchecked the filter and its all back

point being not even the filters will customize properly

If you like it fine, you go play it But DON'T tell me i have to get used to a broken system

CCP says changes are coming to it on Tuesday ,so i will wait and see what those changes are, Hopefully it at least makes it tolerable if not fixes the issues all together

but don't stand there, pissing on my boots and try to tell me its raining, if i want some one to argue with me i will call my ex wife
Tsukaga Industries
#720 - 2012-05-25 00:24:28 UTC
,I really miss my ships and items being seperated... even trying to get some ammo into a ship cargo is now an agonizing process of resizing.