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Goons "legalising" botting!!

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Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#421 - 2011-09-30 13:15:29 UTC
The butthurt is strong in this thread.

CCP Sreegs is right on this one. All 22 pages of this craptastic thread are full of baseless accusations, internet posturing, and senseless masturbation. I don't see anything except people taking forum posts out of context, reading into words that aren't there, and crying because someone is better at the game than them. Almost all of the people pointing these accusations are either in small alliances that don't hold much sov, or forum alts (of people who have no cajones to post on their main).

tl;dr - this thread is pointless, and a waste of our time.
Vertisce Soritenshi
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#422 - 2011-09-30 13:17:37 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
Cypermethren wrote:
Lorren Canada wrote:
What many people fail to realize is that alliances like the GSF, TEST and ESG all come from communities outside the game. They are not EvE online communities, but only minor subsets of much larger communities which span many games and many aspects of real life. Our strength comes from these communities, because we are held together by something more than our sov, our moons or our killboard stats. To report a bot, or someone who is in some way breaking the rules of a game played by the community, is placing that game above the greater community as a whole - your priorities are out of line. This weakens the community. I hate botting and rmt, but I would never report an alliance member as that would be putting a game ahead of the community.

In many (but not all) other alliances, the only thing people have in common with each other is they play an internet spaceship game and don't really care if they report each other. They are weak because they are only a collection of people with really nothing in common to hold them together, except maybe their sov. But if they lose this, they are prone to fly apart much as R.A.G.E. or Majesta Empire did.

THANKYOU for proving another pont!

It's safe to say - if people in GSF, TEST and ESG - care only about THEIR community, and not the EVE community - why should they ever be allowed to become a CSM and influence the direction that the game is going?

This , again goes to further prove there is a serious conflict of interest with the CSM panel

Because their community takes up quite a large portion of the game and they should be represented in order their game doesn't become unfun?

Just a thought here.

Quite a large portion? lol...thats a delusion. You aren't even a quarter of the population of 0.0 which isn't even a quarter of the population of the entire game. Hell I am only guessing on the figures but I know for a fact you aren't a "large portion".

Bounties for all!

Anya Shepard
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#423 - 2011-09-30 13:42:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Anya Shepard
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#424 - 2011-09-30 13:43:16 UTC
Zagam wrote:
The butthurt is strong in this thread.

CCP Sreegs is right on this one. All 22 pages of this craptastic thread are full of baseless accusations, internet posturing, and senseless ************. I don't see anything except people taking forum posts out of context, reading into words that aren't there, and crying because someone is better at the game than them. Almost all of the people pointing these accusations are either in small alliances that don't hold much sov, or forum alts (of people who have no cajones to post on their main).

tl;dr - this thread is pointless, and a waste of our time.

If you had bothered to read the OP, Mittens states to everyone in goons not to do CCPs work for them, either petitioning CCP to remove bots or taking the law into their own hands.

How many bots of the goons has FA bagged lately? F*** All probably.

Australian Fanfest Event

Homo Erectus
Northern Coalition.
#425 - 2011-09-30 13:44:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Homo Erectus
Mara Rinn wrote:
Vile rat wrote:
Just stopping by this horrible thread to point out that the report bot function is anonymous to users and doesn't send a little flag to to the ceo or anything ok well later gator.

No, it sends the "Player X reported Y as a suspected bot" message to CCP Sreegs who is a Goon.

I'm going to step away from the disgusting suggestion CCP Darius JOHNSON would for some reason show any type of favoritism towards Goonswarm. Because that is just nonsense. I'll bet he has one rule, and that is not to **** other CCP.
Jiska Ensa
Estrale Frontiers
#426 - 2011-09-30 14:37:32 UTC
I thought it would be common knowledge by now...All large alliances turn a blind eye to botting because they know if they don't allow their bot-minded members to do it they'll join an alliance that does, thus giving that alliance more isk then they have.

For an alliance to actively screen their members for botting would be financial suicide.

But aside from a few exceptions, most alliances would be happy if all botting was eliminated. They just don't want it eliminated from just their ranks.

I hate bots. I'd never do it myself and I'll do everything I can to report bots even if my alliance tells me not to. I wish all botters would die in a fire but short of simply giving everyone a trillion isk and seeding all items on the market at 0.01 isk each, I don't see how it will ever be eliminated.

Such is how Eve works. CCP Screegwhatever is correct and the people whining here need to go out and start reporting bots. They're not hard to find (just look for people who auto-reject conversations and don't respond in local and who are online 18 hours a day or more and who populate systems with 10k NPC kills or whatever)
Andrea Griffin
#427 - 2011-09-30 14:47:26 UTC
CCP Sreegs wrote:
if you know something's going on instead of making a post on the internet enlighten me. Send me the piles of information you clearly have to be making this determination and help me out a bit. I see a lot of posturing and mudslinging but thus far I've seen 0 people actually doing anything more than posturing on a forum.

Either you have evidence to be making your statements or you don't. If you do, the way to get it dealt with [...] is to send it to me. As a matter of fact, go ahead and post, but then send your information to me. If you're not doing that I can only assume you're full of poo [...]
CCP Sreegs, Best Sreegs. And no, I'm not kidding. I hate the people who come onto the forums and make accusations and have no evidence to back it up. As the meme goes, "Pics, or it didn't happen." Kudos to Sreegs for calling people out on it, too.

Sreegs has a hard job and, if anyone has bothered to see his presentations at FanFest (thanks to whomever took the video), you can tell that he takes his job very seriously. This is not a dude you want to mess with. : >

Catching botters is hard. It's always a game of cat and mouse with those guys. Just when you catch onto something and go, "Ah ha! Got you!" the botters will find some new way to make your life miserable. It's just like the antivirus industry. The people writing good malware are really smart. It takes someone just as smart to rip apart their stuff, figure out how it all works, and then figure out how to fix it all.

It's hard enough without people like the OP et al., making life more difficult.
Goonswarm Federation
#428 - 2011-09-30 14:57:49 UTC
goonswarm is the most anti-botter alliance in the universe, and plans to demonstrate that in the coming weeks

i personally have ganked and reported 20 or so

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#429 - 2011-09-30 14:59:01 UTC
Gregor Palter wrote:
If CCP would take botting and RMT serious they'd have put a big dent in it by now, they haven't. The whole fekking game is full of bots and nonsense like that, it has slipped out of their hands just like very much any other part of EVE.

Like I said, I've been playing for two years and I have never seen evidence of any mass botting. I just plain and simple do not believe that it happens on any kind of significant scale. The fact that this is an accusation so commonly pointed towards Goonswarm or other large alliances suggests it has more to do with bigotry and anger at the power they've achieved than it does have anything to do with the truth about botting.

I challenge anyone here who thinks that botting is happening on a large scale to post evidence. Who cares about CCP. Throw something down to convince ME. Teach me how to spot a bot. Cause until anyone here gets off their ass and substantiates these claims - they remain that, mere claims.

I wish everyone here would grow up and stop demanding action about a phantom threat while simultaneously being too lazy to expose such a threat.

This is your classic "if a trees falls in a forest and no one's around, does it make a sound?" quandary. The whiners here either see something going on, and are reporting it, and not getting any response, or perhaps MAYBE BOTTING ISNT HAPPENING ON THE SCALE EVERYONE IS FREAKING OUT ABOUT.

And if you are doing your diligence and reporting known bots, and CCP is supposedly ignoring your reports, report it to the community. Surely there are enough bot haters to form a posse to deal with a problem individual.

But we are 22 pages of nonsense here, and not a single person who has claimed "bots ruin eve" has provided a single piece of factual information to support that baseless claims.

I am prepared to completely retract my statements and acquiesce once someone gets off their lazy butt and proves that they arent merely paranoid and accusatory. But until then, I call bullshite on the "bots destroy eve" claim.

Go have fun with this game, or go play a different game. Or better yet - do what most creative, hardworking players have done when they have beef with someone in the game - take matters into your own hands. The game gives plenty of tools to do that.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#430 - 2011-09-30 14:59:01 UTC
Andrea Griffin wrote:
It's hard enough without people like the OP et al., making life more difficult.

OP says: "GSF supports botting by discouraging alliance members from reporting friendly bots"
Sreegs says: "A forum post is not enough."

Care to explain what sort of "pics" the OP should have provided to substantiate his claim?
Madam Steele
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#431 - 2011-09-30 15:00:10 UTC
Weaselior wrote:
goonswarm is the most anti-botter alliance in the universe, and plans to demonstrate that in the coming weeks

i personally have ganked and reported 20 or so

And by this I assume you mean bots other than Goonswarm bots, correct? Roll
Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#432 - 2011-09-30 15:00:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
I challenge anyone here who thinks that botting is happening on a large scale to post evidence. Who cares about CCP. Throw something down to convince ME. Teach me how to spot a bot. Cause until anyone here gets off their ass and substantiates these claims - they remain that, mere claims.

go to a popular mission system without station, sit at the sun and watch the Ravens warp in, recharge their shield & cap and go back to their mission.

Get familiar with some bot and you will recognize obvious behavior caused by its default settings.

Keep your eyes shut and don't educate yourself about the different bots out there and the problem will be much less obvious.
Goonswarm Federation
#433 - 2011-09-30 15:02:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Weaselior
Madam Steele wrote:
Weaselior wrote:
goonswarm is the most anti-botter alliance in the universe, and plans to demonstrate that in the coming weeks

i personally have ganked and reported 20 or so

And by this I assume you mean bots other than Goonswarm bots, correct? Roll

there are no bots in goonswarm, and if there are they aren't packed 20 at a time into one place and oblivious to their best buddies blowing up one by one so that would be inefficent

Head of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal Pubbie Management and Exploitation Division.

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#434 - 2011-09-30 15:08:40 UTC
Okay, boys, this thread is over. Our transparent attempt to falsely implicate the Goons has been exposed as nothing more than Internet "poo" by the searing logic of CCP Sreegs. It's time for us to man up and admit that botting isn't a major issue for Goons or any other part of EVE Online. We should all be ashamed.

Apology time.

To the Goon membership and your glorious leader, I'm truly sorry I doubted you. You are the epitome of honor and good sportsmanship. Your steadfast example has allowed CCP to open my eyes and from this day forward I shall endeavor to emulate your behavior and play the game the way you do. Thank you for remaining calm and cool when everyone else was reduced to acting like petulant children. Your leadership on this important issue has brought enlightenment to all of us and we are deeply in your debt.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#435 - 2011-09-30 15:16:24 UTC
Hirana Yoshida wrote:

But you ought to clarify, through official means (read: blog/wiki entry) what botting is, why it is bad for Eve, how best to identify a bot and why people should even care. Lots of erroneous perceptions out here.
Have your pet economist write an expose, he said he was considering an "illegal means" focused blog if I recall so feed him some data.

Despite disrespectfully calling out someone as a "pet" and the general sarcastic tone, this is probably the best solution to threads like this. There has indeed been a recent blog that describes how to report a bot, but offers nothing of value as to how players can identify a bot.

Sreegs, I think a simple blog can clarifiy a lot of the confusion here. Not that there isn't a million other overdue promised information from developers about various unfinished features, but this issue is clearly divisive amongst the eve playerbase and bad for everyone. You have the ability to help quash some of this by giving players a bit more guidance on what to watch for.

I remain part of the camp that calls bullshit on "bots ruin eve", but ONLY because I haven't seen hard evidence from players or CCP that it actually exists on a large scale, or even if it did how that impacts players at all levels. I've never even seen behaviour that LOOKS like a bot, but admittedly I don't know what to look for exactly. If it doesn't happen on a large scale, than I really dont care. There are a hundred ways to make more isk/hour than any automated system can produce, so personally don't care about going a few slipping through the cracks. But if it actually happens on a large scale, than please, someone convince me and I'll raise my pitchfork too.

And the only reason I'm asking you, Sreegs, is that a) CCP pollux said it would come, so its only fair to players to deliver, and b) apparently the people that are most outraged about this are also the ones least willing to do anything about making the problem better, or even to help fellow players like me understand what exactly is pissing them off so damn much.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Enuen Ravenseye
Gallente Federation
#436 - 2011-09-30 15:17:43 UTC
Homo Erectus wrote:
I'm going to step away from the disgusting suggestion [any CCP employee] would for some reason show any type of favoritism towards [a particular player faction]. Because that is just nonsense.

Yes, we all know T20 didn't actually happen.

CCP employees are above suspicion because we now have a watchdog group known as the CSM to protect the playerbase from unscrupulous activities by employee types. Such activities will no longer be tolerated.

Yep, feeling better already.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#437 - 2011-09-30 15:21:09 UTC
Florestan Bronstein wrote:
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:
I challenge anyone here who thinks that botting is happening on a large scale to post evidence. Who cares about CCP. Throw something down to convince ME. Teach me how to spot a bot. Cause until anyone here gets off their ass and substantiates these claims - they remain that, mere claims.

go to a popular mission system without station, sit at the sun and watch the Ravens warp in, recharge their shield & cap and go back to their mission.

Get familiar with some bot and you will recognize obvious behavior caused by its default settings.

Keep your eyes shut and don't educate yourself about the different bots out there and the problem will be much less obvious.

Please elaborate - how is a raven warping to the sun evidence of botting?

Serious question, i dont know what you are talking about. How is that proof that there isn't a player causing the warp to the sun?

I'm not keeping my eyes shut. I'd be happy to look out for suspicious activity, its just that people like you expect me to "just know" that there is a crisis because its so "obvious".

It's not obvious. If you have information, share it rather than assuming everyone is as "educated" as you.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Gallente Federation
#438 - 2011-09-30 15:26:13 UTC
Smoking Blunts wrote:
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Apollo-Moor wrote:
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Not jumping into the heated rhetorical nature of this thread I did see some comments that I'd just like to get a statement on the record about. When making determinations regarding bans for botting the alliance, corporation, political beliefs, gender or any other anecdotal information about the offender aren't taken into account. At least not in a way that would be considered a net positive to the group the botter belongs to.

Detections determine the administrative action, not corporation or alliance membership.

That being said, if we feel there's a problem pattern developing we will take action to rectify it. Alliances and corporations should not be encouraging malicious/illegal activity and if we see evidence of this occurring action will be taken. I would heartily encourage alliances and corporations not to condone illegal activities.

Blue-On-Blue Violence

This is a sensitive – even a touchy – subject, so let me say that while he is, indeed, a keen ratter – a very keen ratter if we are honest – we have one rule in Goonswarm: we don’t **** other goons. Oh and we don’t play cop for CCP in their own game by reporting or petitioning goons, either:

But if it were the case that he had been ratting just a little too exuberantly for peoples’ liking, or if he had offended them by consistently ignoring their conversation requests for a brief window of, say, seventeen or eighteen hours, for instance, then it would be goon-****** to report him or to kill him. This will land you and your corp in trouble as all we know is that someone shot blues.

You mean something along the lines of this?

No, I mean evidence of coordinated wrongdoing. Just like I said. Feel free to email said evidence to

well lets face it, if you banned every bot out there now, you would loose a massive amount of accounts. and the bottom line is i doubt you could afford the cash flow hit

Yes, let's condone criminal activity so we can have/keep more money................

Magma Planetary Investigation
#439 - 2011-09-30 15:27:21 UTC
Enuen Ravenseye wrote:
Homo Erectus wrote:
I'm going to step away from the disgusting suggestion [any CCP employee] would for some reason show any type of favoritism towards [a particular player faction]. Because that is just nonsense.

Yes, we all know T20 didn't actually happen.

CCP employees are above suspicion because we now have a watchdog group known as the CSM to protect the playerbase from unscrupulous activities by employee types. Such activities will no longer be tolerated.

Yep, feeling better already.

The CSM has not been created to police CCP internal breaches of trust. That is what Internal Affairs is for (and yes that was created as a response to T20. CCP realises that internal trust is needed for players to trust CCP)
The CSM's task is to voice player's interest, that's a different task, even if the player's interest may sometimes overlap with CCP's interest.

"... the what button... oh god I didn't even know that existed. BRB." CCP FoxFour | Game Designer | Team True Grit

Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#440 - 2011-09-30 15:32:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Hans Jagerblitzen wrote:

It's not obvious. If you have information, share it rather than assuming everyone is as "educated" as you.

the tl;dr of my post is "educate yourself"

sign up for botting forums, look at the bots they use, learn.

edit: oh and detecting bots is always a question of likelihood - unless you have full access to someone's PC you will never be able to "prove" that they are running a bot. But I think that is obvious and you are just trolling...