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Goons "legalising" botting!!

First post First post
Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#401 - 2011-09-30 08:17:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Zagdul wrote:
How is this so controversial and confusing?

Endie wrote:
we don’t play cop for CCP in their own game by reporting or petitioning goons, either

Vile Rat wrote:
There is a report bot mechanism, we encourage people to use it.

conclusion: it's fine to report bots but it is not fine to report goons (or goon bots). Confusion solved, no real surprises.

(In fact the answer to any internal discussion about "omg botting is immoral and WRONG" used to be "if you want to report bots you are welcome to do so - in DRF space")
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#402 - 2011-09-30 08:18:47 UTC
Ladie Scarlet wrote:
This thread is glorious.

Thanks to my excellent posting, yes!

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Omni Defense Intelligence Network
Get Off My Lawn
#403 - 2011-09-30 08:26:12 UTC
Scatim Helicon wrote:
Ladie Scarlet wrote:
This thread is glorious.

Thanks to my excellent posting, yes!

Someone get these two some medals.. LoL
Florestan Bronstein
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#404 - 2011-09-30 08:34:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Florestan Bronstein
Just an idea I had while reading all the dev favoritism comments:

"Would you risk losing your job for a small advantage in a videogame? drawn-out pause I am t20 and EVE is real."

It's interesting to see how the whole "EVE is real" stance sticks in player's minds - Sreegs as a RL person is obviously driven by the desire to destroy your EVE and all his life (including job choices) is just a tool in the pursuit of this glorious goal.

No way a cheese-snorting goon in a vintage bomber jacket could be less than serious when asked to speak in front of a sizable "pubbie" audience...
The Apostle
#405 - 2011-09-30 08:36:04 UTC
Just stopping by this horrible thread to point out that the report bot function is anonymous to users and doesn't send a little flag to to the ceo or anything ok well later gator.

This much we worked out on our own. Thank you for sharing. Perhaps have a chat with Endie and explain it to him for his next erudite explanation of Goon policy.

He MISSED that bit.....

Oh sorry. You're CSM!!!!! Been told to clarify your stance have we?!

This thread is glorious.

Scarlet!! Sweetheart. WHAT took you sooooo long?

I did a thing.

Just for you.

And you failed me.

[i]Take an aspirin. If pain persists consult your local priest. WTB: An Austrian kangaroo![/i]

Ildur Amaenar
Epidemic Inc.
#406 - 2011-09-30 09:06:34 UTC
Vile rat wrote:

Short story for those who tl;dr here is a shortcut.

3 or more posts from a GM that has no clue how to bs us. Making statements that can be interpreted as don`t give a sh**/ Goons is my alliance

2 or more posts from CSM that say "WE DON`T POLICE" but we encourage ppl to report. (WTF is reporting then? aren`t you observing the behavior? aren`t you gaining evidence for why X is botting?

I just love how ppl learned how to talk to cover the bs behind a curtain..

dumb goon: Hey what is that behind the curtain, is that sh** ?

CSM guy: Your eyes deceive you. And we aren`t saying sh** anymore you CAVEMAN: now it is RAINBOW.

dumb goon: But it stinks in here...

CSM guy with an alliance: HEY. WE DON`T POLICE FOR CCP. WERE you dropped in your head.. blah blah?

CSM alt: oh CSM guy, you are so shiny, please be my prince

dumb goon: so, if I try to test if that is a bot? and try to gain evidence for CCP (or else I can report all EVE)

CSM alt: troll troll

goon alt: troll troll

CSM guy: OUR statement is clear: We DON`T police. If you are caught doing police work you are expelled, but we encourage you to police, and we do stand for non botting.

dumb goon: but I caught this bot, and I shot at him to see if he is changing it`s behavior ....

CSM guy: WTH?? My al... What you saw was rainbow, and in our alliance we don`t shoot at rainbows you dumb... You broke our code. We will blow all your stuff up. Sorry. You just lost 10 bln Isk
troll troll
Omni Defense Intelligence Network
Get Off My Lawn
#407 - 2011-09-30 09:15:34 UTC
That was funny..
The Groundskeeper
State War Academy
Caldari State
#408 - 2011-09-30 10:08:26 UTC
The dude who started this was bitter at us kililng his alliances a few times, so he cut out the bits of my post that explained that goons aren't allowed to kill goons and then claim afterwards that "they were botting" because they would claim everyone was botting and shoot them, even in shuttles and pods.

What i said, in a goon update to goons in a way goons will get, is that they should complain to their CEOs who will deal with it at an alliance level:


Blue-On-Blue Violence

One of our illustrious members (let’s call him “Ibertizzle”) keeps losing Tengus to Russians and French people. This is a sensitive – even a touchy – subject, so let me say that while he is, indeed, a keen ratter – a very keen ratter if we are honest – we have one rule in Goonswarm: we don’t **** other goons. Oh and we don’t play cop for CCP in their own game by reporting or petitioning goons, either: that’s Darius Johnson’s job. So two rules. And there’s the one about how nobody mentions the Mittani’s occasional chin tuft; and the localised No Digis or DBRBs rules. I could go on. Ok, on reflection we live in a hidebound and overly legislated nanny state. But we definitely don’t **** goons. Now I know that “Ibertizzle” has probably just been insulting people constantly in local and challenging them to 1 v 7s at the sun. Which is fine: honour demanded that he repeatedly die for his offences.

But if it were the case that he had been ratting just a little too exuberantly for peoples’ liking, or if he had offended them by consistently ignoring their conversation requests for a brief window of, say, seventeen or eighteen hours, for instance, then it would be goon-******* to report him or to kill him. This will land you and your corp in trouble as all we know is that someone shot blues. And by allowing one, well-justified blue-shooting case to go unpunished we basically open the portal to a hellish other-dimension of horror and chaos which ends with “hilariously” wrecked amok freighters on the VFK undock. Which sounds good but involves a lot of paperwork.

The correct approach is to speak to your CEO, who will submit form 240a together with the mandatory handling fee of 150 million ISK to the overworked diplomacy team, who will curse me loudly for putting that in there then go about finding a solution. Trust me: they have his number on speed-dial by now.
The Groundskeeper
State War Academy
Caldari State
#409 - 2011-09-30 10:10:23 UTC
I guess that doesn't make such a good story, though.
#410 - 2011-09-30 10:17:01 UTC
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Mallikanth wrote:
CCP Sreegs wrote:
... I mean evidence of coordinated wrongdoing.

CCP Sreegs, what do you mean by "coordinated "?

It gives me the impression that because you need other people to coordinate anything then any evidence of a "lone" botter is not wanted? Surely that can't be right but I can think of no other logical meaning for the way this is phrased. A botter should be reported no matter what or who he's working with.

And on a related note, can you give examples as to what classes as Evidence? Player logs definitely show nothing What? last time I checked.


I'm REALLY uninterested in interfering with this thread, or its allegations. I have no opinion on them specifically and if I did the opinion would be carried out either in the action or inaction of an administrative response.

I don't really expect to get good feedback, but what I DO expect is that I can lay out for you quite clearly that we do not condone malicious behavior and that given proof of that behavior we will act on it. Some of you will say we won't, but I'm saying we will. It's really futile for me to argue with you on the internet about whether something I say is true, as only I can see what's occurring from my perspective. Getting into a war of words isn't what I'm here for.

This thread is not about the lone botter. There's a mechanism in place, that we built, for you to handle such. This thread is about allegations of organized corporate misconduct, which then had the allegation that we were somehow implicit in this misconduct attached to it.

So... the ONLY reason I even posted in this wonderful thread was to state quite categorically that our detection and action on botting activities is clinical. We're not taking sides. We're not choosing not to act because we're scared that *insert x group of players here* is going to get mad. We're acting on our results which are evidence based.

What is evidence you ask? Words on a forum aren't it. If you believe that there is some ACTION which can be examined and responded to is occurring, then I'm happy to hear what you have to say, conduct an analysis and handle things on our end. What's simply NOT going to happen is for someone to paste some text on a forum and for us to run out and ban a bunch of people. That's just crazy speak. If you suspect someone of botting, report them using the tool. If you suspect greater misconduct, email me and if I'm able to prove your allegations they'll be acted upon appropriately.

If you believe someone at CCP isn't acting appropriately, myself included, you're ENCOURAGED to report said behavior to IA. If you believe that CCP isn't acting on whomever you think should be acted on because we're somehow profiting from it I can tell you that's some tinfoil hattery. You can then call me a liar and a lot of people's time will be wasted reading it and coming away unfulfilled.

We do not believe we benefit from people cheating and when we find such behavior we act on it. We don't have to go run to the CFO every time we catch someone doing something terrible because we lack the courage or desire to deliver a level playing field.

tl;dr if you have something you think should be looked at mail it to me.

I can sense the tension in this post and I fully understand :)
Thanks for the feedback tho.

Believe in what they do, not what they say.

#411 - 2011-09-30 10:26:11 UTC
Ranger 1 wrote:
Mara Tessidar wrote:
Also, Mittens doesn't represent you to CCP. He represents Goons.

Which means Goons are controlling your game. Big smile Just thought I'd remind you of that.

1: For some reason I like Mittens.

2: Jokes aside, statements like that will ensure that he won't be re-elected.

For some reason I too agree with point one here.

If he still has the energy and will I wouldn't mind him being re-elected in any capacity so long as he continues to keep CCP on their toes.

Believe it or not I'm not a Goon alt! Lol and nether do I have a brown tongue ShockedLol

Believe in what they do, not what they say.

#412 - 2011-09-30 11:15:51 UTC
Zagdul wrote:
The Apostle wrote:
Woot. Zag. \o/

Getting serious is it bro?

Now The Mittani is calling on pet CEO's to obfuscate the post.

I am honored.

As you were.

Penif alt detected.

What a ****** troll, Penif doesn't post garbage like you or this
CCP Sreegs
CCP Retirement Home
#413 - 2011-09-30 11:24:00 UTC
Cypermethren wrote:
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Mallikanth wrote:
CCP Sreegs wrote:
... I mean evidence of coordinated wrongdoing.

CCP Sreegs, what do you mean by "coordinated "?

It gives me the impression that because you need other people to coordinate anything then any evidence of a "lone" botter is not wanted? Surely that can't be right but I can think of no other logical meaning for the way this is phrased. A botter should be reported no matter what or who he's working with.

And on a related note, can you give examples as to what classes as Evidence? Player logs definitely show nothing What? last time I checked.


I'm REALLY uninterested in interfering with this thread, or its allegations. I have no opinion on them specifically and if I did the opinion would be carried out either in the action or inaction of an administrative response.

I don't really expect to get good feedback, but what I DO expect is that I can lay out for you quite clearly that we do not condone malicious behavior and that given proof of that behavior we will act on it. Some of you will say we won't, but I'm saying we will. It's really futile for me to argue with you on the internet about whether something I say is true, as only I can see what's occurring from my perspective. Getting into a war of words isn't what I'm here for.

This thread is not about the lone botter. There's a mechanism in place, that we built, for you to handle such. This thread is about allegations of organized corporate misconduct, which then had the allegation that we were somehow implicit in this misconduct attached to it.

So... the ONLY reason I even posted in this wonderful thread was to state quite categorically that our detection and action on botting activities is clinical. We're not taking sides. We're not choosing not to act because we're scared that *insert x group of players here* is going to get mad. We're acting on our results which are evidence based.

What is evidence you ask? Words on a forum aren't it. If you believe that there is some ACTION which can be examined and responded to is occurring, then I'm happy to hear what you have to say, conduct an analysis and handle things on our end. What's simply NOT going to happen is for someone to paste some text on a forum and for us to run out and ban a bunch of people. That's just crazy speak. If you suspect someone of botting, report them using the tool. If you suspect greater misconduct, email me and if I'm able to prove your allegations they'll be acted upon appropriately.

If you believe someone at CCP isn't acting appropriately, myself included, you're ENCOURAGED to report said behavior to IA. If you believe that CCP isn't acting on whomever you think should be acted on because we're somehow profiting from it I can tell you that's some tinfoil hattery. You can then call me a liar and a lot of people's time will be wasted reading it and coming away unfulfilled.

We do not believe we benefit from people cheating and when we find such behavior we act on it. We don't have to go run to the CFO every time we catch someone doing something terrible because we lack the courage or desire to deliver a level playing field.

tl;dr if you have something you think should be looked at mail it to me.

So youv'e just said that you're not going to take action against people which you know damn well are botting/RMT, untill WE THE PLAYERS bring YOU evidance.

No. YOU just said that. I actually said the opposite.

Some of you however seem to feel, given your protestations of misconduct and insinuations that we're willfully turning a blind eye, that we're missing something.

Here's your way to do something about that... if you know something's going on instead of making a post on the internet enlighten me. Send me the piles of information you clearly have to be making this determination and help me out a bit. I see a lot of posturing and mudslinging but thus far I've seen 0 people actually doing anything more than posturing on a forum.

Either you have evidence to be making your statements or you don't. If you do, the way to get it dealt with if you're really serious and not just making posts for attention which I can't IMAGINE anyone doing on the internet, is to send it to me. As a matter of fact, go ahead and post, but then send your information to me. If you're not doing that I can only assume you're full of poo, because I can't fathom someone actually having a reason to know something's occurring and claiming they want to see an end to it so badly that they don't actually do the one thing that could get it resolved.

"Sreegs has juuust edged out Soundwave as my favourite dev." - Meita Way 2012

Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#414 - 2011-09-30 11:51:21 UTC
I think i said quite early on that CCP NEEDS some leads to work on, CCP Screegs + the others there would have more than enough to do to start a new project of finding botters from scratch or sifting through piles and piles of logs

Australian Fanfest Event

Hirana Yoshida
Behavioral Affront
#415 - 2011-09-30 11:52:15 UTC
Never seen a Dev posting to win a thread .. good to see you take your forum whoring seriously at least :D

But you ought to clarify, through official means (read: blog/wiki entry) what botting is, why it is bad for Eve, how best to identify a bot and why people should even care. Lots of erroneous perceptions out here.
Have your pet economist write an expose, he said he was considering an "illegal means" focused blog if I recall so feed him some data.
#416 - 2011-09-30 12:17:42 UTC
CCP Sreegs wrote:
Cypermethren wrote:
[quote=CCP Sreegs][quote=Mallikanth][quote=CCP Sreegs]... I mean evidence of coordinated wrongdoing.

No. YOU just said that. I actually said the opposite.

Some of you however seem to feel, given your protestations of misconduct and insinuations that we're willfully turning a blind eye, that we're missing something.

Here's your way to do something about that... if you know something's going on instead of making a post on the internet enlighten me. Send me the piles of information you clearly have to be making this determination and help me out a bit. I see a lot of posturing and mudslinging but thus far I've seen 0 people actually doing anything more than posturing on a forum.

Either you have evidence to be making your statements or you don't. If you do, the way to get it dealt with if you're really serious and not just making posts for attention which I can't IMAGINE anyone doing on the internet, is to send it to me. As a matter of fact, go ahead and post, but then send your information to me. If you're not doing that I can only assume you're full of poo, because I can't fathom someone actually having a reason to know something's occurring and claiming they want to see an end to it so badly that they don't actually do the one thing that could get it resolved.

That statement just confirmed all the allegations made against goons and other large nullsec alliance that ccp is turning a blind eye toward botting for RMT purposes , especially when everybody knows who you are

Where there is smoke there is fire and you just added a whole barrel of fuel to the discussion

Goons Delenda Est

I do not agree with what you are saying , but i will defend to the death your right to say it...... Voltaire

Pr1ncess Alia
#417 - 2011-09-30 12:39:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Pr1ncess Alia
CCP Sreegs wrote:

Some of you however seem to feel, given your protestations of misconduct and insinuations that we're willfully turning a blind eye, that we're missing something.

Here's your way to do something about that... if you know something's going on instead of making a post on the internet enlighten me. Send me the piles of information you clearly have to be making this determination and help me out a bit. I see a lot of posturing and mudslinging but thus far I've seen 0 people actually doing anything more than posturing on a forum.

Either you have evidence to be making your statements or you don't. If you do, the way to get it dealt with if you're really serious and not just making posts for attention which I can't IMAGINE anyone doing on the internet, is to send it to me. As a matter of fact, go ahead and post, but then send your information to me. If you're not doing that I can only assume you're full of poo, because I can't fathom someone actually having a reason to know something's occurring and claiming they want to see an end to it so badly that they don't actually do the one thing that could get it resolved.

Understand that while there are many out there in a position to provide you information (those within 0.0 organizations who watch it happen) there are many many more of us that have knowledge of the actions with no first hand evidence to provide you.

The first retort to that would be "well you just don't know this is hearsay" and an obvious response that would be (not strawmaning or putting words into your or others mouths)

Fact is, many of us have left 0.0 due to undesireable activites (botting and more), many of us know people we can trust that see these things happen and are indifferent to it. There is also the smoke that leads us to believe there is fire.... the massive amounts of isk you can still buy online... the shear volumes of minerals and other resources that come out of the power blocks. That isn't earned totally by sweat shops or players that just LOVE to farm the legit way. It's done more.... efficiently... than one man per account per ship.

At the end of the day, only CCP (YOU) have the resources and the obligation to obtain this evidence and act on it. I completely agree with you that if people have data/info to share with CCP that can help they should come forward with it, but the onus is on YOU, CCP, not us.

You probably get petitions all the time from people in high sec seeing botting ice miners. If you expect player initiative to bring in the bots in 0.0 (fellow alliance mates ratting each other out) you are either willfully ignorant or just ignorant.

as an aside:
While I get what your trying to say, it could be construed by people such as myself that are already on the way out the door to keep walking. Either way, all this said, thank you for at least replying.... no one is perfect and we'd rather you reply with less than perfect responses than read and never comment (make us feel like you aren't there).

Again, I understand what you're trying to say, please reciprocate and understand what I'm trying to say.

It's my personal opinion, as I've said in this thread, that CCP does look the other way as there is little business impact to allowing a certain level of botfarming in the game (and we all know it's rampant in the superblocks as well as elsewhere). However the impact of widespread banning of botting players... that might hit the pocket book.

Am I wrong? Is it a measured acceptance that the higher levels of CCP permit through restricted allocation of resources towards eliminating the botting and RMT issue? I can only speculate. But I have a pretty good nose for these things both in game and RL. In an Eve online where we can barely get attention to FiS.... what are the odds your boss wants to throw resources at stopping what has been par for the course for 90% of eve's life?

And not to crap it up further with a cliche but.... if CCP takes this topic seriously we can only go on what actions we see happening, not what words we hear on the forums. CCP has made advances in the past chasing down the RMT trade however, whether those were scraps of meat to appease the dogs or serious operations with intent on shutting down an aspect of the game that ruins the gameplay for the rest of us... again, I can only speculate.
Gregor Palter
#418 - 2011-09-30 12:55:28 UTC
If CCP would take botting and RMT serious they'd have put a big dent in it by now, they haven't. The whole fekking game is full of bots and nonsense like that, it has slipped out of their hands just like very much any other part of EVE.

Excuses are the refuge of the weak.

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#419 - 2011-09-30 13:06:48 UTC
Apollo-Moor wrote:
Mara Tessidar wrote:
I missed the part where it said "Don't report bots." Can you bold it for me?

***** plz.. Really?

Ya'll whole corp is a fuckin joke.. LOL

Quite. Mara should have said 'embolden'.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#420 - 2011-09-30 13:11:48 UTC
pussnheels wrote:
That statement just confirmed all the allegations made against goons and other large nullsec alliance that ccp is turning a blind eye toward botting for RMT purposes , especially when everybody knows who you are

Where there is smoke there is fire and you just added a whole barrel of fuel to the discussion

Goons Delenda Est

You've got to be pretty damn stupid to get that out of his statements. He just said if you have actual information that can be verified then something will be done. If CCP does nothing it's because you have nothing more to go on than hearsay and an addiction to being angry.