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EVE Online: Escalation to Inferno Feedback

First post
The Merit Talon Equity Research Group
#101 - 2012-04-26 01:14:39 UTC
When I was able to log in, couldn't use the Orca's Corp Hangar.

Now, the client won't start, "verification".

If you are getting verification errors upon starting the client after patching please try this workaround:

• To force the launcher to re-patch your client you can browse into the client (Show Package Contents) to EVE Files/CCP/EVE and delete a file called common.ini before restarting the client again

No help....

Please fix the problem. Don't you guys test your software before release ?

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#102 - 2012-04-26 01:22:17 UTC
I very much like the ability to copy things from the market, especially transactions into excel. This really helps when selling a bunch of loot and having to divy up shares to others and being able to rapidly pick out stuff that was loot from my other sell/buy orders.

My one question, and maybe I'm just not enough of a excel guru, but for instance in the wallet under transactions you have under credit how much you made/lost in a number ie " XXX,XXX.XX ISK" then in the next column is again a whole column dedicated to the type of currency with "ISK" (and yes I understand that it could say Aurum.) Well its a bit redundant first of all. But its also a pain when you import into excel and all the numbers have "ISK" after them. Perhaps there is a quick way to cut ISK off after all those numbers but I can't seem to find it and the presence of ISK after the number defeats tools like the auto sum.

So my recommendation is remove the "ISK" after the numbers in Price and Credit Column but certainly leave the Currency Column which clearly tells you it's "ISK or Aurum" I hope that made some kind of sense.
MR rockafella
Santa's Factory
#103 - 2012-04-26 05:25:04 UTC
Drake Draconis wrote:
MR rockafella wrote:

And dont say have you reportet it. WHAT the **** DO you think look at your bug report database surely you arent that ignorent to assume it hasnt, cause it ******* has...

Its not ******* rocket science

Yes because this is the educated/smart way to express feedback.

Great job!LolRoll

when you bug reported and writin it in countless threads that ccp made about what you want fixed and when you writing about it in 20 threads and several ccp devs/gm have commented on it and yet when you see nothing has happen you will experience a little frustration when you realise they completele ignored it again so dont give me bullshit like this.
Its like telling a kid to stop jumping around on the couch, after couple of hours you get tired of telling the kid to stop and then you will just punch the ******* kid in the face and then give the kid ritalin. EOD.
SO CCP DONT MAKE ME COME TO ICELAND AND PUNCH YOU ALL OUT. FIX THE ******* R.A.M ROUNDING ISSUE BEFORE I BUY A GUN AND BULLETS AND PUT YOUR NAMES ON EM. ps just kidding i can't afford a gun. i'm so broke cause i was stupid to play this ******* game for 8 years. goddamn i misse the good old days of Tomb & CO where they actually listen to the players and fixed stuff.

Frustration, although quite painful at times, is a very positive and essential part of success.
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#104 - 2012-04-26 11:36:38 UTC

acuiring bulk data takes sooooooo long going from 1 to 201 data ?

feed the hamsters for faster getting the bulkdata EvilEvilEvil

am a windows pc user btw.

Dying is not scary, It's almost like we've been prepering for it our whole live's. But it was very sad. I didn't want to go. I love my life. I no longer try to be right. I choose to be happy.

Organic Wormfood
Caldari State
#105 - 2012-04-26 11:42:59 UTC
We are having lots of issues with network connectivity into from the network, not sure if cause by recent updates or an out of band issue with a router.

Thread at

We are having a horrid time getting CCP to deal with the issue.
Omen Talozan
Pandemic Horde
#106 - 2012-04-26 11:55:56 UTC
ETA on TQ? Its usally put in the client logon info box but nothing today...?
Tactical Grace.
#107 - 2012-04-26 11:56:22 UTC
Welcome to Eve Offline TM.
Quay Industries
#108 - 2012-04-26 11:58:32 UTC
Omen Talozan wrote:
ETA on TQ? Its usally put in the client logon info box but nothing today...?

another 30 mins
Omen Talozan
Pandemic Horde
#109 - 2012-04-26 11:59:21 UTC
Im pretty use to Eve Offline at this point, i'd just like to know when it will be back up. I did expect extended DT but i also expected to be told some sort of ETA
Tactical Grace.
#110 - 2012-04-26 12:01:09 UTC
Omen Talozan wrote:
Im pretty use to Eve Offline at this point, i'd just like to know when it will be back up. I did expect extended DT but i also expected to be told some sort of ETA

Always expect the unexpected, then you will never be disappointed. It will be up when it's up. No sooner and no later, that's a promiss.
Pasheer Herrick
Legion of Denali Knights
#111 - 2012-04-26 12:02:33 UTC
A UI update is called an expansion?
I just had my blinkers fixed on my chevy cavalier. Can i call it a corvette now?
Uncle Tod
The Evil in the Shadows
#112 - 2012-04-26 12:04:26 UTC
Does someone know anything about the emergency reboot and the cause of it?
Sgt Thorpee
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#113 - 2012-04-26 12:04:29 UTC wouldn't bother me so much if they put updates on the front page of the community website under 'news' section as to when the server will be back up, it's almost like they want to the hide from new would be players the fact that the server doesn't work at least 3 or 4 times a month?!
Omen Talozan
Pandemic Horde
#114 - 2012-04-26 12:04:42 UTC
L0rdF1end wrote:
Omen Talozan wrote:
Im pretty use to Eve Offline at this point, i'd just like to know when it will be back up. I did expect extended DT but i also expected to be told some sort of ETA

Always expect the unexpected, then you will never be disappointed. It will be up when it's up. No sooner and no later, that's a promiss.

for 9 years we have alwyas been notified when extended DT is expected to end the times where we didnt can be counted on 1 hand i think
Tactical Grace.
#115 - 2012-04-26 12:05:30 UTC
Pasheer Herrick wrote:
A UI update is called an expansion?
I just had my blinkers fixed on my chevy cavalier. Can i call it a corvette now?

Anyone used to main patches will no that the following days normally means additional downtime clearing down unexpected bugs and minor fixes.
Sgt Thorpee
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#116 - 2012-04-26 12:06:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Sgt Thorpee
Omen Talozan
Pandemic Horde
#117 - 2012-04-26 12:06:52 UTC
ok its there now. thanks slackers ;) i will wait with patience :)
Dependable Delinquents
#118 - 2012-04-26 12:18:35 UTC
Hi last night i ran an 10/10 and all commader in the drone region 10/10 had no bountries also me and my freind swap the way we do less as of course drone region no longer drop alloy well i was wrong we was still getting alloy droping in the 10/10
can i ask if this is an bug or ccp keeping alloy in the 10/10
32 Battalion
#119 - 2012-04-26 12:21:32 UTC
By my count, at least a third of the reposnses here have to with the launcher not working. The devs have kindly responded to someone about their decimal places missing; as important as that is - at least they can log in.

Now, any dev care to tell us what the hell is going on with this download manager please?
Uncle Tod
The Evil in the Shadows
#120 - 2012-04-26 12:24:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Uncle Tod
Server back online

*edit : with new launcher updates