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For the record theres just 3 Miltia's

Shadows Of The Federation
#121 - 2012-04-02 14:39:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Gallactica
BolsterBomb wrote:
This is directed at SOTF only.

SOTF did try and go to 0.0, my only assumption is that your received the "little fish in the big pond syndrome" and instead of growing your own corp in 0.0 you decided to "be held back a grade" so you could curb stomp the "pee wees"

SOTF has always been arrogant Aholes. Dont try and post here saying "well we are better pilots because we only shoot caps, etc" you couldn't cut the mustard in 0.0 so you came back.

And with the patch changes there is no excuse for you to say "well we were bored" you could have been in 0.0 and FW at the same time, but you didnt

I smell fish..........

If the Caldari are such bad pilots and the militia sucks that bad go somewhere else because all you sound like is a 5th grader curbstomping a kindergartener. from all your post....but again I gues its easy to just whine instead....

/emote waves from our current roadtrip in Messoya shooting 0.0 dudes as well as being in FW.......oh wait all we do is whine and do nothing about it the current lack of targets in Caldari.......... (check the killboard before you look like a phalic symbol bolster).eong

And as to being arrogant, yes we are but the difference is weve worked our bollox off to get to where we are today - When you create a corp from scratch and done what we have over the last few years you may be lucky enough to be called arrogant too, until then carry on being insignificant Blink
Princess Nexxala
Zero Syndicate
#122 - 2012-04-02 14:44:08 UTC
Have to agree with this one, use to love being outnumbered and I only get that solo as we seem to want to blob everything in sight. Both sides are guilty of it, we just do it on a larger scale. Regardless of which side you are on if you do only have kills on your kb with 20+ people on it your pvpvfu is probably weak.
Damar Rocarion wrote:

Also, the difference between most Caldari and Gallente pilots is this: Caldari pilots don't average 20+ other guys in every killmail they get. It's reason why "unskilled nuub" like me (so called by your militia) can be ranked at top 100 in battleclinic.

I <3 these FW emo threads

nom nom

Rashmika Clavain
Revelation Space
#123 - 2012-04-02 16:07:50 UTC
BolsterBomb wrote:
This is directed at SOTF only.

SOTF has always been arrogant Aholes. Dont try and post here saying "well we are better pilots because we only shoot caps, etc" you couldn't cut the mustard in 0.0 so you came back.

...actually 0.0 sov was the most boring ******* thing I have ever been exposed to. I was not alone in dislking virtually every minute of it, not because we couldn't compete but because the PVP was terribad.

I am not going to make a dig at the Alliance SotF were in, however it is safe to say that the established 0.0 alliance learnt some things from SotF and SotF learnt somethings from said Alliance.

Oh wai... you were there! Of course, that's how you know all of this and are capable of drawing the conclusion you did!

Aristeia Cersei
Amarr Empire
#124 - 2012-04-02 18:20:46 UTC
Princess Nexxala wrote:
Have to agree with this one, use to love being outnumbered and I only get that solo as we seem to want to blob everything in sight. Both sides are guilty of it, we just do it on a larger scale. Regardless of which side you are on if you do only have kills on your kb with 20+ people on it your pvpvfu is probably weak.
Damar Rocarion wrote:

Also, the difference between most Caldari and Gallente pilots is this: Caldari pilots don't average 20+ other guys in every killmail they get. It's reason why "unskilled nuub" like me (so called by your militia) can be ranked at top 100 in battleclinic.

I <3 these FW emo threads

This is kind of the point some of us were making and I'm glad at least some of you understand it. There is a pretty big difference in Caldari & Gallette at the moment. The biggest difference is the bulk of Gallentte all stay hurdled up in a in the same few systems and rarely do anything with out support of 10 other players.

Very few of you actually have the guts to go out and fly solo or even in small gang.. (no flying around "solo" in nenn or akidagi with 15 guys 1 jump away to help you isn't solo) Meanwhile I see Caldari guys all over the map, but rarely do I see Gallente guys anywhere but a handful of systems.

Gallente do have some capable soloers and guys that do well in small gang, but the bulk are just typical ship spinners that stay docked unless you have enough people active to out gank the targets. Very few of you actually undock looking for "fights" the bulk undock only for ganks.

Yesterday we tried to fight Dark Rising, the newest big Gal corp. They had 8 guys camping a gate with several T2 hulls and BC's. We warped in with 5 Drakes killed one of their Canes and the rest ran to station. They came back with 10 guys total having 3 BS, a command ship assorted T2 & BC's.

We played patty cake on the gate but obviously we aren't going to fight 5 vs 10 with 5 BC vs a few BSs and assorted T2/BC hulls. We went back reshipped to 3 BS & picked up 1 more BC they stayed docked.

It was Caldari high sec system, so we had NPC's on our side but in 0.5's they don't neut and we were still out numbered 2 to 1 and couldn't get a fight. This is prefect example of typical Gallente attitude toward "GFs", even from your newest big corp. Different corp same result. You guys as a group typically are only interested in ganking easy targets and if it comes to a close fights you run and hide.

This is why most of us pretty much laugh, when you claim you want fights as we all know better being you only show up to fight if you know you can win or are tricked into thinking you will win. Personally we were prepared to lose the fight and I thought we would at very least lose most of our ships but we were there to fight.. Gallente on other hand were there to sit in station spinning ships it seems.
Aristeia Cersei
Amarr Empire
#125 - 2012-04-02 18:28:06 UTC
Rashmika Clavain wrote:
BolsterBomb wrote:
This is directed at SOTF only.

SOTF has always been arrogant Aholes. Dont try and post here saying "well we are better pilots because we only shoot caps, etc" you couldn't cut the mustard in 0.0 so you came back.

...actually 0.0 sov was the most boring ******* thing I have ever been exposed to. I was not alone in dislking virtually every minute of it, not because we couldn't compete but because the PVP was terribad.

I am not going to make a dig at the Alliance SotF were in, however it is safe to say that the established 0.0 alliance learnt some things from SotF and SotF learnt somethings from said Alliance.

Oh wai... you were there! Of course, that's how you know all of this and are capable of drawing the conclusion you did!


Null sec is just like any other space and you can choose to fight how you want to. Just because it is null sec, does not mean you have to be involved in "sov" warfare.

Rashmika Clavain
Revelation Space
#126 - 2012-04-02 18:39:44 UTC
Aristeia Cersei wrote:

Null sec is just like any other space and you can choose to fight how you want to. Just because it is null sec, does not mean you have to be involved in "sov" warfare.

When you're involved in an Alliance issuing multiple CTA's on a daily basis, you no longer have the option of choosing.

A moot point anyway, when SotF WAS in 0.0, they were part of a Sov holding alliance. I don't see how your point has anything to do with my post but no matter.
Andre Vauban
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#127 - 2012-04-02 19:05:33 UTC
Aristeia Cersei wrote:
Princess Nexxala wrote:
Have to agree with this one, use to love being outnumbered and I only get that solo as we seem to want to blob everything in sight. Both sides are guilty of it, we just do it on a larger scale. Regardless of which side you are on if you do only have kills on your kb with 20+ people on it your pvpvfu is probably weak.
Damar Rocarion wrote:

Also, the difference between most Caldari and Gallente pilots is this: Caldari pilots don't average 20+ other guys in every killmail they get. It's reason why "unskilled nuub" like me (so called by your militia) can be ranked at top 100 in battleclinic.

I <3 these FW emo threads

This is kind of the point some of us were making and I'm glad at least some of you understand it. There is a pretty big difference in Caldari & Gallette at the moment. The biggest difference is the bulk of Gallentte all stay hurdled up in a in the same few systems and rarely do anything with out support of 10 other players.

Very few of you actually have the guts to go out and fly solo or even in small gang.. (no flying around "solo" in nenn or akidagi with 15 guys 1 jump away to help you isn't solo) Meanwhile I see Caldari guys all over the map, but rarely do I see Gallente guys anywhere but a handful of systems.

Gallente do have some capable soloers and guys that do well in small gang, but the bulk are just typical ship spinners that stay docked unless you have enough people active to out gank the targets. Very few of you actually undock looking for "fights" the bulk undock only for ganks.

Yesterday we tried to fight Dark Rising, the newest big Gal corp. They had 8 guys camping a gate with several T2 hulls and BC's. We warped in with 5 Drakes killed one of their Canes and the rest ran to station. They came back with 10 guys total having 3 BS, a command ship assorted T2 & BC's.

We played patty cake on the gate but obviously we aren't going to fight 5 vs 10 with 5 BC vs a few BSs and assorted T2/BC hulls. We went back reshipped to 3 BS & picked up 1 more BC they stayed docked.

It was Caldari high sec system, so we had NPC's on our side but in 0.5's they don't neut and we were still out numbered 2 to 1 and couldn't get a fight. This is prefect example of typical Gallente attitude toward "GFs", even from your newest big corp. Different corp same result. You guys as a group typically are only interested in ganking easy targets and if it comes to a close fights you run and hide.

This is why most of us pretty much laugh, when you claim you want fights as we all know better being you only show up to fight if you know you can win or are tricked into thinking you will win. Personally we were prepared to lose the fight and I thought we would at very least lose most of our ships but we were there to fight.. Gallente on other hand were there to sit in station spinning ships it seems.

I'm not going to disagree with what you said here in regards to Gallente US tz. We have known this is mostly true for quite some time and are actively trying to fix it, but its not an easy problem to solve. That being said, there are still quite a large number of us that do roam around solo more than a few jumps from Nenna. Most of the Gallente posting here tend to fall into that category and take exception to the blanket statements being applied to them just as I assume the few great PVPers on the Caldari side don't like to be placed into the same category as general Caldari militia.

Learn the difference between the different Gallente corps and individuals just like we have to know the difference between Caldari that we can just lerooy into and those we better have a well oiled fleet if we hope to win. I can tell you it is very frustrating to charge into a fight outnumbered and outgunned only to have Caldari run away because they don't have any intel and assume we have a blob next door. The more this happens, the less small gangs you will see because people get frustrated and give up.


Quantum Cats Syndicate
Of Essence
#128 - 2012-04-02 19:38:27 UTC
Aristeia Cersei wrote:
You guys as a group typically are only interested in ganking easy targets and if it comes to a close fights you run and hide.

This is why most of us pretty much laugh, when you claim you want fights as we all know better being you only show up to fight if you know you can win or are tricked into thinking you will win. Personally we were prepared to lose the fight and I thought we would at very least lose most of our ships but we were there to fight.. Gallente on other hand were there to sit in station spinning ships it seems.

Andre summed it up very well, each corp is different.

Otherwise though, I feel as you do except about the caldari. I've just given up the gallente/caldari warzone altogether (hoping new plexing mechanics breath some life into the area). There is the odd exception such as when bolster brings out dessie fleets (and I'm actually happier fighting in dessies than battleships, I always tell my fleet that they should be prepared to lose everything they bring to my fleets), but generally, caldari stopped really fighting in the US TZ since the battle of Tama back in September of last year (where the gallente were significantly outnumbered as well).

And about the 20+ average gallente on each kill, well, . You'll have to go back a long time to find 20 people on a kill I was involved in, largely because there's no caldari gangs left in my TZ that warrant that many people. I always attempt undership or under number my enemy, both solo and in fleets. Otherwise, you get less fights, and that's boring.
Deen Wispa
Caldari Tactical Operations Command
#129 - 2012-04-02 19:40:02 UTC
The day Caldari (or any militia, alliance, or corp) can afford to blob is the day you've succeeded in two things;

a) attracting and retaining solid recruits to help form a formidable fleet
b) established solid diplomatic relations with all fellow militia corporations to help form a formidable fleet

High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .

Caldari State
#130 - 2012-04-02 20:17:22 UTC
chatgris wrote:
Aristeia Cersei wrote:
You guys as a group typically are only interested in ganking easy targets and if it comes to a close fights you run and hide.

This is why most of us pretty much laugh, when you claim you want fights as we all know better being you only show up to fight if you know you can win or are tricked into thinking you will win. Personally we were prepared to lose the fight and I thought we would at very least lose most of our ships but we were there to fight.. Gallente on other hand were there to sit in station spinning ships it seems.

Andre summed it up very well, each corp is different.

Otherwise though, I feel as you do except about the caldari. I've just given up the gallente/caldari warzone altogether (hoping new plexing mechanics breath some life into the area). There is the odd exception such as when bolster brings out dessie fleets (and I'm actually happier fighting in dessies than battleships, I always tell my fleet that they should be prepared to lose everything they bring to my fleets), but generally, caldari stopped really fighting in the US TZ since the battle of Tama back in September of last year (where the gallente were significantly outnumbered as well).

And about the 20+ average gallente on each kill, well, . You'll have to go back a long time to find 20 people on a kill I was involved in, largely because there's no caldari gangs left in my TZ that warrant that many people. I always attempt undership or under number my enemy, both solo and in fleets. Otherwise, you get less fights, and that's boring.

QFT , nice to hear someone on the Gals appreciated my dessy fleets.

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

State War Academy
Caldari State
#131 - 2012-04-04 01:48:23 UTC  |  Edited by: THEDON1
Aristeia Cersei wrote:
Princess Nexxala wrote:
Have to agree with this one, use to love being outnumbered and I only get that solo as we seem to want to blob everything in sight. Both sides are guilty of it, we just do it on a larger scale. Regardless of which side you are on if you do only have kills on your kb with 20+ people on it your pvpvfu is probably weak.
Damar Rocarion wrote:

Also, the difference between most Caldari and Gallente pilots is this: Caldari pilots don't average 20+ other guys in every killmail they get. It's reason why "unskilled nuub" like me (so called by your militia) can be ranked at top 100 in battleclinic.

I <3 these FW emo threads

This is kind of the point some of us were making and I'm glad at least some of you understand it. There is a pretty big difference in Caldari & Gallette at the moment. The biggest difference is the bulk of Gallentte all stay hurdled up in a in the same few systems and rarely do anything with out support of 10 other players.

Very few of you actually have the guts to go out and fly solo or even in small gang.. (no flying around "solo" in nenn or akidagi with 15 guys 1 jump away to help you isn't solo) Meanwhile I see Caldari guys all over the map, but rarely do I see Gallente guys anywhere but a handful of systems.

Gallente do have some capable soloers and guys that do well in small gang, but the bulk are just typical ship spinners that stay docked unless you have enough people active to out gank the targets. Very few of you actually undock looking for "fights" the bulk undock only for ganks.

Yesterday we tried to fight Dark Rising, the newest big Gal corp. They had 8 guys camping a gate with several T2 hulls and BC's. We warped in with 5 Drakes killed one of their Canes and the rest ran to station. They came back with 10 guys total having 3 BS, a command ship assorted T2 & BC's.

We played patty cake on the gate but obviously we aren't going to fight 5 vs 10 with 5 BC vs a few BSs and assorted T2/BC hulls. We went back reshipped to 3 BS & picked up 1 more BC they stayed docked.

It was Caldari high sec system, so we had NPC's on our side but in 0.5's they don't neut and we were still out numbered 2 to 1 and couldn't get a fight. This is prefect example of typical Gallente attitude toward "GFs", even from your newest big corp. Different corp same result. You guys as a group typically are only interested in ganking easy targets and if it comes to a close fights you run and hide.

This is why most of us pretty much laugh, when you claim you want fights as we all know better being you only show up to fight if you know you can win or are tricked into thinking you will win. Personally we were prepared to lose the fight and I thought we would at very least lose most of our ships but we were there to fight.. Gallente on other hand were there to sit in station spinning ships it seems.

when you did come to 'fight' you brought a 15 man gang with 2 EW ships ,and we still killed 2 of you Roll . Today your 9 man gang with 8 thrashers with fast tackle came to gank my wolf after i chased your FC's alt round the system in a his Jag . i reshipped to a Vaga thinking theses guys want to fight! . i decloak and engage , they jump and bail. so much for GF'sRoll
#132 - 2012-04-04 04:37:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
THEDON1 wrote:

when you did come to 'fight' you brought a 15 man gang with 2 EW ships ,and we still killed 2 of you Roll . Today your 9 man gang with 8 thrashers with fast tackle came to gank my wolf after i chased your FC's alt round the system in a his Jag . i reshipped to a Vaga thinking theses guys want to fight! . i decloak and engage , they jump and bail. so much for GF'sRoll

I'm assuming you can't count very well. We had a fast tackle inti and 5 Thrashers 1 scout (that's 6 combat ships if you can't count). We just had a go with a Tengu boosted Cyclone on the gate prior to you jumping your Vaga into us. We didn't have DPS to brake alt boosted tank and he couldn't kill our Thrashers so he de-aggrod and jumped out.

Some of us had damage to ships as well as heat damage and besides that you also must have forgotten about the 20 man Gal gang that was in system with you b4 you jumped in. There are some fights you take with a bunch of Arti Thrashers and some you don't..

Kiting Vaga's are typically one of the fights you don't take in T1 destroyer hulls with no ability to get webs or scams on the said Vaga. Of course we aren't going to let you kite around being a nanno tard and pop a few of our ships like a bunch of dumb idiots. Also the Jag wasn't ours so what ever, we were hoping either the Jag or Wolf would jump to us hence the reason we waited on the gate so long.

So quit the whines that a couple of Thrashers wouldn't let you gank them in your Vaga, specially after not fighting us with the BS & BC's when we brought the fight to you.

Also on the other occasion.. we brought 2 Megas, 1 Typhoon & 3 or 4 Drakes to fight your 10 guys and no we had no Falcon.. You seem to have a issue with math or you just don't have very good scouts.
Lock out
Shadows Of The Federation
#133 - 2012-04-04 05:47:19 UTC
Ok, this went RvB.

Takes his popcorn and leaves.
Damar Rocarion
Nasranite Watch
#134 - 2012-04-04 10:42:13 UTC
THEDON1 wrote:
Twhen you did come to 'fight' you brought a 15 man gang with 2 EW ships ,and we still killed 2 of you Roll

Couple of days ago you sent 9 man gang after my navy caracal and lost two wolfs and thrasher before fleeing with your tail between the legs. I assume this makes me as awesome as you?

Disclaimer: This message is a blatant trolling/mocking attempt to get the thread properly off the tracks.
Jess Conell
Black Rise Guerilla Forces
#135 - 2012-04-04 11:30:17 UTC

Boring discussion - Galls blob/Cals blob.

If we had a Corp Event and there are 15Members who fly with that roam, so we blob sometimes, if we enter a System where are only one or two Wartargets we shot them of course if we can get them.
Nobody can tell me another Corp will sent 13 Guys "to home System" so the fight is equal.
Sometimes we take fights outnumbered, last one happen in Hikkoken, and it was great fun, but we lost this fight.
But anyway it was a GF, we can try to improve our tactics/FC whatever.
The Game ist dynamic guys - i don´t think there are many "Plans" to blob someone.
If someone can take advantage - he will do it, it´s natural.

My personal opinion:

i think the most of us prefer a more or less equal fight, but this happen sometimes or not.......depends on several circumstances.
Personally I don´t like the boosters, they had to be on grid - so you can fight them.But it´s my humble opinion..........

Rel'k Bloodlor
Federation Front Line Report
Federation Front Line
#136 - 2012-04-04 12:00:12 UTC
a Bolster given any thought to switching up to kitting cruisser fleets? or are you still mostly plexing in dessys?

I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats. 

Caldari State
#137 - 2012-04-04 15:01:07 UTC
Rel'k Bloodlor wrote:
a Bolster given any thought to switching up to kitting cruisser fleets? or are you still mostly plexing in dessys?

I am working on a new concept fleet type. I want to do something you wont expect and that we can pull off against higher numbers (unfortunately)

Dont worry the dessy fleets arent dead, but I needed a break from them

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

Caldari State
#138 - 2012-04-04 15:04:40 UTC
Jess Conell wrote:

Boring discussion - Galls blob/Cals blob.

If we had a Corp Event and there are 15Members who fly with that roam, so we blob sometimes, if we enter a System where are only one or two Wartargets we shot them of course if we can get them.
Nobody can tell me another Corp will sent 13 Guys "to home System" so the fight is equal.
Sometimes we take fights outnumbered, last one happen in Hikkoken, and it was great fun, but we lost this fight.
But anyway it was a GF, we can try to improve our tactics/FC whatever.
The Game ist dynamic guys - i don´t think there are many "Plans" to blob someone.
If someone can take advantage - he will do it, it´s natural.

My personal opinion:

i think the most of us prefer a more or less equal fight, but this happen sometimes or not.......depends on several circumstances.
Personally I don´t like the boosters, they had to be on grid - so you can fight them.But it´s my humble opinion..........


I would agree with this statement. But if you know you will have heavy numbers then you should ship down if you want a fight. Or you could roll with whatever and get blue balled / gank. Either one is acceptable.

Brig General of The Caldari State

"Don" Bolsterbomb

Traitor and Ex Luminaire General of The Gallente Federation

X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#139 - 2012-04-04 16:11:05 UTC
Aristeia Cersei wrote:

It's pretty clear that Gallentte can out number us at will and out ship us all the way up to Capitols. Do you really think it's going to be anymore fun for you when the inevitable happens and you guys blob out every system you decide to capture with 50+ & having Minmatar on stand by?
What're you talking about? It's great fun! - when used in moderation.

Anyways, everybody here knows the drill by now. Fight Gallente for a little while but if you stay too long you're gonna get blobbed. So guess what you need to do (besides putting an alt scouts in adjacent systems)? Right now the Caldari are lucky enough to be on the Guerrilla side of the war. Have fun with it.

Bottom line is that even if Gallente take all Caldari systems there will still be plenty of fights to be had in backwater systems or systems a few jumps away from Gallente blob staging areas. You'll have to be light on your feet, spread out your bases of operation so that one system can't be blobbed into submission, and you'll have to take a bunch of exotic dancers hostage and ransom them for income.

Now that I've given you your operational strategy (including ransom for income), go out there and execute!

#140 - 2012-04-04 16:41:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Mutnin
Jess Conell wrote:

Boring discussion - Galls blob/Cals blob.

If we had a Corp Event and there are 15Members who fly with that roam, so we blob sometimes, if we enter a System where are only one or two Wartargets we shot them of course if we can get them.
Nobody can tell me another Corp will sent 13 Guys "to home System" so the fight is equal.
Sometimes we take fights outnumbered, last one happen in Hikkoken, and it was great fun, but we lost this fight.
But anyway it was a GF, we can try to improve our tactics/FC whatever.
The Game ist dynamic guys - i don´t think there are many "Plans" to blob someone.
If someone can take advantage - he will do it, it´s natural.

My personal opinion:

i think the most of us prefer a more or less equal fight, but this happen sometimes or not.......depends on several circumstances.
Personally I don´t like the boosters, they had to be on grid - so you can fight them.But it´s my humble opinion..........


There is nothing at all wrong with taking out gangs and ganking stuff it happens. Hell we take our Arti Thrashers out 9 out of 10 times we are ganking some random guy that is separated from the rest of their gang.

I'm just pointing and laughing at the fact that it's pretty routine for Gals to see what ships have been brought to a fight and do the same ole same ole of "shipping up" to fight the said gang to the point of redardedness. After all this time they still have yet to figure out how to get a fight by bringing adequate ships to a fight.

If you want a "fight" and you see your wts in small BC gang but you know you have a decent amount of numbers more than them then you ship down to say T1 Cruisers if you want a fight. If you see your targets in a bunch of Destroyers but you have 15 guys & they have 6 or 7 then you ship down to some T1 frigs if you want a fight. It's a give and take thing.. If you want the other side to fight out numbered then you have to produce a appealing fight for them.

There are certain things one can do to get a fight while out numbering your enemy that still makes the fight appear to be appealing. You don't bring 3 or 4 BC's & 5 or 6 cruisers then try to bait 4 or 5 Thrashers with a frig and cry & whine you got no fight.

If you are out roaming you have committed to a gang type and you are likely looking for a fight. When your opponent scouts out your gang, it's then up to them to decide if they want to try and match up a adequate gang in order to get a fight or if they just want to come with over powering force to either chase you off or gank you.

Time and time again Gallente have shown they have no ability or will to produce adequate gangs in order to make a fight appealing or possible. They have one card that they always pull out of the deck, that card being to ship into the most adequate gank ships possible then whine they they didn't get a fight at the same time running away the second a adequate gang is produced to fight what they have brought.

At the end of the day it takes two to tango and Gallentte can complain all day long about not getting the fights they want, when it never fails that they always go overboard when it comes to re-shipping or shipping-up once they spot a Caldari gang. The question still remains that once Caldari is back in force as we are slowly building up our gangs.. Will Gallentte stick around for the fights once Gangs are more equal in numbers?