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Anaconda and Python mine BPO's missing

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Dead Loss
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#241 - 2012-03-30 15:03:19 UTC
Sentinel Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#242 - 2012-03-30 21:22:06 UTC
I agree.. anything in the hands of a player should be returned to the player..

If you are going on about stuff being got through Illicit means, then why are the Tech II BPO's still out there ?

Make a consistent line in the sand, one way or another.
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#243 - 2012-03-31 04:39:13 UTC
Sentinel Smith wrote:
I agree.. anything in the hands of a player should be returned to the player..

If you are going on about stuff being got through Illicit means, then why are the Tech II BPO's still out there ?

Make a consistent line in the sand, one way or another.

See now you're just spewing whatever nonsense in your mind brings you. There was this thing called t2 lottery that used datacore mechanics. CCP eventually realized it was bad thing to use lottery to hand out instant moneys as that resulted in concentration (t2 bpo = money, with money you buy another t2 bpo that results in more money ad infinum.) So then we got the invention system that pretty much nerfed most t2 bpo's to be "more sensible" money makers.

However all those t2 bpo's handed out via lottery are "legal", some argue t2 bpo's handed out in gm-events are "legal" altho I've personally never seen proper proof of said t2 bpo handouts and events. T2 bpo's handed out "unofficially" (looking at T20) are *not* legal.
Sentinel Smith
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#244 - 2012-03-31 05:46:13 UTC
TR4D3R4LT wrote:
See now you're just spewing whatever nonsense in your mind brings you. There was this thing called t2 lottery that used datacore mechanics. CCP eventually realized it was bad thing to use lottery to hand out instant moneys as that resulted in concentration (t2 bpo = money, with money you buy another t2 bpo that results in more money ad infinum.) So then we got the invention system that pretty much nerfed most t2 bpo's to be "more sensible" money makers.

However all those t2 bpo's handed out via lottery are "legal", some argue t2 bpo's handed out in gm-events are "legal" altho I've personally never seen proper proof of said t2 bpo handouts and events. T2 bpo's handed out "unofficially" (looking at T20) are *not* legal.

I didn't mean ALL the Tech II BPO's.. I mean the illicit ones we all know are still out there. But it was my fault for not being more specific.
fido gotran over
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#245 - 2012-03-31 20:44:21 UTC
CCP has deicided to selectivly penalize people for owning items theoretically obtained illicitly (even if the current owner obviously had nothing to do with it) and these items have no REAL effect on the game

Then CCP should be even more motivated to FIX the problem with T2 BPO for four reasons

1) Many were KNOWN to be obtained illiclty
2) The have a direct effect on a large portion of the game (unlike unusable collector items)
3) They devalue the gameplay and work done by thousands of people (unlike unusable collector items)
4) Not only is it cheaper to build with BPOs its easier because you have less steps and materials to deal with.
Freyus Dreborne
Uneducated Soldiers
#246 - 2012-03-31 21:06:43 UTC
Arrs Grazznic
Poena Executive Solutions
#247 - 2012-03-31 21:21:32 UTC
fido gotran over wrote:
blah blah T2 BPOs blah blah

Stop trying to derail the thread -- if you have a beef with T2 BPOs start (another) thread on the subject. And no, I don't own any T2 BPOs.

Freyus Dreborne
Uneducated Soldiers
#248 - 2012-04-02 12:38:51 UTC
Well I guess its just a matter of time...
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#249 - 2012-04-02 12:41:15 UTC
Hopefully Soon! I want my stuff back.

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Arrs Grazznic
Poena Executive Solutions
#250 - 2012-04-02 22:37:15 UTC
Hey CCP Greyscale, how are the restoration plans going? Do you have an ETA yet?
Dark Templars
The Fonz Presidium
#251 - 2012-04-02 23:57:51 UTC
Arrs Grazznic wrote:
Hey CCP Greyscale, how are the restoration plans going? Do you have an ETA yet?

When the banking crisis happened Iceland banks said they wouldnt pay out compensation to non-icelandic folk...
I think Greyscale is working on the same type of system.

Take it away.
Give nothing back.

In other words, up to this point, His lack of reply amounts to him spitting on you or telling you to fek off.

A lot of small game changes are happening, taking a game that works for most and trying to dumb it down for the masses is gonna backfire me thinks. Those players dont want to play in eve because it takes years to grind their way to the top... When ccp tells the elite, the hackers(collectors), and the non-grind monkeys of eve to all take a flying flip then it'll be interesting to see how long they last with the mass grinding characters. There is a reason WoW stopped publishing subscriber data, ccp wants to scoop those players and remove the loyal ones. Growth is good, unless you destroy your product in the process.

CCP should spot items that shouldn't be there within 24 hours, not after 8 years. Should we take it as a sign that they all sat on their laurels for the past 8 years and ignored all non-combat related bugs?

Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#252 - 2012-04-03 00:13:38 UTC
So can we get a clarification of when this stuff comes back?

Seems like its been a while since we were told they would be returned.

Wolf Kruol
Suicide Squad Gamma
#253 - 2012-04-03 00:51:33 UTC
I still think is a mistake that CCP has removed Mines from the game. They're a great tool. CCP just needs to rethink on how it should be use for players not to exploit it too much.

I hate seeing great game features vanish because of a few bad apples.

Every time I hear CCP banning or removing stuff I feel eve dieing abit more every other day. Sad

“If you're very very stupid? How can you possibly realize you're very very stupid?

You have to be relatively intelligent to realize how stupid you really are!”

Orator de Umbras
#254 - 2012-04-03 01:34:26 UTC
Suggestion / Idea:

In order to preserve collectable items, while also cleaning up the database and related portions of code, why not create new items, representing the old obsolete items, under a different group / marketGroup ID?

For example, the group could be called "Commodity > Collectables", and the information for the items could reflect why the items were removed from service or never used. (from a role-play perspective).

*Puts on flame resistant suit, as I know this will draw some.*

You could also tie this into 'Walking in Stations' later on, as an item that could be used to decorate your captain's quarters / hangar.
The Antiquarian
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#255 - 2012-04-03 16:42:16 UTC  |  Edited by: The Antiquarian
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Hi again,

Just finished resurrecting the following types:
Anaconda Mine
Anaconda Mine Blueprint
Asp Mine
Asp Mine Blueprint
Cobra Mine
Cobra Mine Blueprint
Hellhound I
Mimir Blueprint
Mining Drone - Elite
Mining Drone - Improved (with fixed name)
Python Mine
Python Mine Blueprint

We beat the kinks out of our pipeline and these now all exist again internally with the original typeIDs.

We now have a clear process for getting these back onto TQ and then restoring them to everyone who owned them. Exact timescale TBC but I hope to have this wrapped up by Escalation at the latest.

Thanks again for your patience,

How about Mining Drone -UNUSED?

As Entity said, if you are not able to restore several of the items, would you at least, be kind enough to provide some kind fo reparation for the deletion? We paid billions in ISK for these items.

Or at least be kind enough to create a simple item stating that we "owned these items," if it is too hard to restores those.
Andrev Nox
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#256 - 2012-04-03 17:28:14 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Fittings including non-existent types cause the fitting manager to fail to open properly. They were removed so that you could actually look at your fittings again. (And no, before someone suggests it, we don't want to make our code more complex and harder to maintain and therefore more likely to break just to support the handful of people who want to import invalid fittings for fun.)

I'm going to fix up the name on the Improved drone and put that on the to-replace list too. I've not heard a good argument for anything else beyond those drones and the other mentioned types, though. The capital hardwiring, for example was the *only* implant of that entire set existing on TQ, and I find it hard to believe that exactly one implant found its way into the game through wholly legitimate means. Further, in this particular case, we've deleted *all* the capital hardwirings because we didn't have any intention of releasing them any time soon. Leaving one of these things in the DB because some player has acquired one illicitly means that this exact kind of problem, where we have things in the DB that appear to be in game but which nobody can remember *why* they're ingame, is more likely to happen in future. This is exactly the kind of ongoing problem that we were trying to prevent in the first place with this cleanup.

I'm late to this thread, I realize - but insinuating that this was gained illicitly without any attempt at investigating if that was truth or not is low on the professionalism scale, even by CCP's standards.

This type of blanket statement and unfounded accusation is poor form even from a player. From an employee, I find this reprehensible.

Entity is a more forgiving person than I, for not using stronger language calling you on this. Is there an avenue we can use to speak to your management about employees making this type of accusation publicly and without research?

Somer Blink - The original microlottery site.

Morph Eis
#257 - 2012-04-03 17:54:50 UTC
Utremi Fasolasi
La Dolce Vita
#258 - 2012-04-03 18:12:59 UTC
Andrev Nox wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Fittings including non-existent types cause the fitting manager to fail to open properly. They were removed so that you could actually look at your fittings again. (And no, before someone suggests it, we don't want to make our code more complex and harder to maintain and therefore more likely to break just to support the handful of people who want to import invalid fittings for fun.)

I'm going to fix up the name on the Improved drone and put that on the to-replace list too. I've not heard a good argument for anything else beyond those drones and the other mentioned types, though. The capital hardwiring, for example was the *only* implant of that entire set existing on TQ, and I find it hard to believe that exactly one implant found its way into the game through wholly legitimate means. Further, in this particular case, we've deleted *all* the capital hardwirings because we didn't have any intention of releasing them any time soon. Leaving one of these things in the DB because some player has acquired one illicitly means that this exact kind of problem, where we have things in the DB that appear to be in game but which nobody can remember *why* they're ingame, is more likely to happen in future. This is exactly the kind of ongoing problem that we were trying to prevent in the first place with this cleanup.

I'm late to this thread, I realize - but insinuating that this was gained illicitly without any attempt at investigating if that was truth or not is low on the professionalism scale, even by CCP's standards.

This type of blanket statement and unfounded accusation is poor form even from a player. From an employee, I find this reprehensible.

Entity is a more forgiving person than I, for not using stronger language calling you on this. Is there an avenue we can use to speak to your management about employees making this type of accusation publicly and without research?

Pretty clear to me that "gaining illicitly" is not an accusation against the acquirer, but is just descriptive about the end result of something being in the game that was not intended to be.

Don't really see what the big deal is to be honest. It was a passing molehill of a remark. The takeaway message is just that the devs are cleaning up some loose ends.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#259 - 2012-04-03 18:15:28 UTC
I should look and see if my large rigged ships are still intact (especially my phantasm)

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Epic Ganking Time
#260 - 2012-04-03 19:23:02 UTC
Markus Reese wrote:
I should look and see if my large rigged ships are still intact (especially my phantasm)

I have a bunch of faction frigates with large rigs that are still fitted with them and working just fine. I do not think, however, that the large rigs in any way give you an advantage anymore. They did at one time, but have since been rebalanced making them effectively the same as their small counterparts now. What has changed is the way the game deals with ships with "bonus" fittings. In some instances I have frigs that have an extra rig (3 when they are only supposed to have two) or 2 guns and 2 launchers on a frig that has been rebalanced and can now only fit say 2 guns. While those ships are still fitted thusly, they can't undock. I get an error saying something to the effect of "Your *ship* can only fit 2 rigs but has 3" or something to that effect.

I wonder if anyone has a ship that still has a warp core... that would be a neat thing to get. Entity?

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