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EVE General Discussion

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I want your little things!

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#2221 - 2012-04-02 12:33:34 UTC
Batch jobs for Industry.

Research, Production, Invention - all need the ability to start multiple jobs at the same time (either within the same factory/research slot, or within all available research slots).

Do this and I'll happy for the next 6 months. :P
Caldari State
#2222 - 2012-04-02 12:33:54 UTC
I would like the jump portal icon on titans and black ops ships to be clickable and provide a list of bridgeable cynos so that you no longer need to right click your capacitor in order to bridge folks. People shouldnt lose ships because they accidentally click jump.
Raven Ether
#2223 - 2012-04-02 12:54:37 UTC
Color blind mode
Maluscious Melody
The First Foundation
Legion of xXDEATHXx
#2224 - 2012-04-02 12:58:41 UTC
Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase bring the small scanner map back to the d-scan window Sad




That's all I want for Easter/Birthday/Christmas.
Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#2225 - 2012-04-02 13:54:40 UTC
CCP o// y u no let us change the range of our buy orders?
#2226 - 2012-04-02 15:18:27 UTC

I just lost them all because my HDD crashed and it sucks! There's no way to export them either.

And while you're at it, serverside storage of all my settings would be nice as well. I haven't checked but I bet I can go and redo all my customized keybinds now as well. Good thing I at least have all the overview profiles saved.

Operation WRITE DOWN ALL THE THINGS!!!  Check out the list at Collecting and compiling all fixes and ideas for EVE. Looking for more editors!

Shukuzen Kiraa
Wildlands Tactical Response Unit
Great Wildlands Conservation Society
#2227 - 2012-04-02 15:27:16 UTC
Marauders. Since they are a ship with only 1 purpose and take forever to train for they should get an extra role bonus to make them more worth it. Even if its only something like a bonus to salavgers and or tractor beam range/speed.
Joran Dravius
#2228 - 2012-04-02 15:38:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Joran Dravius
Amarr and minmatar drones appear to have their damage modifiers swapped. See this thread.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2229 - 2012-04-02 16:55:18 UTC
Maluscious Melody wrote:
Pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase bring the small scanner map back to the d-scan window Sad




That's all I want for Easter/Birthday/Christmas.

I'd like to know more about this? I feel deprived even though I hadn't seen it before.

My reiteration of older contributions to the list:

An additional notice on quests, we have a yellow 'offered', a green 'accepted', but could we also have a light blue 'completed' when all requirements are met?

Reintroduction of the old Quafe Station/Pleasure Station background, and perhaps other additional station backgrounds?

An option for more of a decimal display when transitioning from 9999 meters to 10km. Such as 10.00 km?

And could we sticky this list again? I appreciate a place to make these suggestions, so thank you for directing us to it! Bear
Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#2230 - 2012-04-02 17:16:22 UTC
For general "quality of life":

Allow a secondary sort on the overview. I would love to be able to sort by icon or type and then range. Alternatively, simply make this the default when sorting by something other than range, with closer items going to the top of the list. Hopefully this won't mess with the "Broadcasts go to top" (I've never been in a fleet).

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Ohh Yeah
Jerkasaurus Wrecks Inc.
#2231 - 2012-04-02 17:44:08 UTC
Hotkeys for adjusting directional scan angle

So I don't have to drag that tiny little slider with my mouse

Valkyria Caeli
#2232 - 2012-04-02 19:25:30 UTC
Rhen Obsidian wrote:

I would like the ability to set up overviews and import/export them. This way corps/alliances can give out overview settings you import to your client and you go. Not the 20 - 25 minute set up guides that some corps have.

This would be wonderful. Pleeeeease.
Severian Carnifex
#2233 - 2012-04-02 19:37:24 UTC
Make cans built by players and not NPC seeded.
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2234 - 2012-04-02 19:40:26 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Oh and how about being able to have locked friendly targets, placed in a different area of the screen. Or have them colour tagged. Cool

Signed, this would be excellent. Two rows in the locked target, red and blue backgrounds?

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Jotunn Risi
#2235 - 2012-04-02 21:11:33 UTC
I just had to import new alliance standings fittings from a forum into my Corporation Fittings.

To do this I had to import the fitting to EFT (3rd party tool) in order to create an XML that I could import into EVE.

I then had to copy the fit from my personal fitting over to corp fittings.

Why can't I just import a correctly formatted fitting directly from forum text into saved fits (and preferably specify if the fit should be saved to corp or personal)?

The Jotunn Risi are now recruiting, Brutor ancestry required in order to best represent the Brutor interest.  Join channel JORIS to learn more!

The Legendary Soldier
#2236 - 2012-04-02 21:41:10 UTC

Fixed Window mode - for mac - so that I can play EVE full screen on one monitor without the second going black.

Need to place a high-sec POS? Premade corps for sale, or your corps standings boosted. Trading since January 2012. Many corps sold/boosted - see my thread:

Cobalt Rookits
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2237 - 2012-04-03 07:17:29 UTC
Drone damage module, every other weapon type has one.

Reaver Glitterstim
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2238 - 2012-04-03 08:41:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Reaver Glitterstim
*note* several of these blur the line between issues and ideas. I'm simply offering the solutions I thought of, and if anyone else has any ideas to achieve the same goal, that's great too.

  • Make signature resolution affect chance to hit vs. apparent signature size (sig radius / range) regardless of transversal (or lack thereof) - would fix large weapons being easily able to hit tiny targets at extreme ranges, and would make it much harder to use capital weapons against subcaps but without removing that option entirely.

  • Swap the minmatar and amarr combat drone damage modifiers. The minmatar drone is the smallest and fastest, and has the best tracking. Amarr drone is second smallest and fastest, with less tracking than minmatar. It also has LESS damage than minmatar drones.

  • Make "squad booster" modules that boost offense. The current fleet booster modules which boost defense work well in large fleets where ships that are primary target usually die very quickly. But A new set of modules that only function in small groups yet increase offense instead of defense would give command ships a nice role in small gang lightning strike fleets, and would lead to more overall large and capital ship deaths outside of large fleet engagements.

  • Differentiate Capital Ships from Battleships.
  • - 1.) Battleships and Capital Ships have the same icon on the overview.
    - 2.) Several Capital Ships render approximately the same size as Battleships, such as the Nidhoggur being only 30% longer than a Maelstrom. (last time I checked)

  • Make T2 salvage drop in more places

  • Represent Black Ops better

  • Fix Training Implants Risk vs. Reward. Pilots in empire space (especially highsec) enjoy easy training on expensive +4 and +5 implants they aren't likely to lose, while pilots in nullsec and wormhole space find it too risky for the price and thus train slower despite accepting greater risk.
  • - 1.) Possible Fix: add illegal pirate implants to nullsec which are much cheaper versions of the training implants (perhaps also with a small bonus and penalty to make it more interesting and "feel" illegal) which would have their price set more reasonable for nullsec pilots, but would be forcibly removed from the head of anyone caught wearing them in highsec (then receive a security status penalty).

  • Make tech 1 logistics cruisers useful. Give tech 1 logistics cruisers a range bonus to more logistics modules. Armor and shield remote logi relies heavily on capacitor transfers and the net energy gain from them, thus all good remote repair ships use both energy transfer AND either shield or armor remote repair. The Augoror and Exequror should have range bonus to both remote armor repair and remote energy transfer. The Osprey and Scythe should both have a bonus to the range of shield transporter; the Osprey should have a bonus to range of energy transfer; and the Scythe should just keep its tracking link range bonus instead of getting the energy transfer range (niche purpose).

  • Charge more isk or perhaps a limited resource to install research jobs in public facilities in highsec. There are rarely available slots because the regular users run blueprints into oblivion with no thought to the cost vs. gain ratio.

  • Reduce all loyalty point payouts. Certain updates have dramatically increased loyalty point payouts but haven't increased the number of players intending to fit faction modules, so loyalty points are becoming next to worthless.

  • Make a dedicated gas mining ship. There are zero hulls in the game that do gas mining very well at all. The best are probably battleships, but they are slow and cumbersome with a comparatively small cargohold.
  • - 1.) Could add a gas strip miner, and then give the Procurer a role bonus toward gas mining. That would make a purpose for the Procurer once again (most pilots currently do not fly the procurer for more than a half a day to a day within their entire career).

    FT Diomedes: "Reaver, sometimes I wonder what you are thinking when you sit down to post."

    Frostys Virpio: "We have to give it to him that he does put more effort than the vast majority in his idea but damn does it sometime come out of nowhere."

    Caldari State
    #2239 - 2012-04-03 09:45:23 UTC  |  Edited by: steave435
    Allow me to drag someone's name into the "contract to" box. Just like how you can drag someone's name into a chat channel to link them or to the EVEmail "send to" box (at least I think you can do that with EVEmail...don't use it much...buf if not, there you have an another suggestion ;) ), I don't want to have to type out the name every time I create a contract.

    Does forum issues go here too? If so:

    Move the "post" button when using the quick reply function further left, or move the "reply" button further away. I don't know how many times I've typed up a quick reply and then hit "reply", taking me into the advanced reply mode, instead of "post".

    Add a "dev posts in this thread" button in addition to the "dev posts" button that already exist. In feedback threads I sometimes just want to read what the devs have decided to change compared to the original dev blog/post, so I'm only interested in the dev posts. Currently I have to either search trough every page looking for those blue posts, or use the "dev posts" button and sift trough all dev posts on the entire forum looking for the ones made in the specific thread I'm interested in.
    Missile War
    Caldari Provisions
    Caldari State
    #2240 - 2012-04-03 10:21:42 UTC
    Being able to train a skill/buy a skill from the Skill Prerequites tab.(this got removed lately and its very annoying)
    Being able to drag a name from 1 chat to another chat without having to remove my 1 chat tabtab from my other chat tab. like dragging the name on top of my chat channel name, and that it then appears there in the chatbox?

    uhm, probaly got some more but not online atm so can't really notice them, these i just rememberd