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My Apology

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Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2481 - 2012-03-27 22:59:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Markus Reese
Mana Potion wrote:

And this directly effects you how? Don't bother I can pretty much guess how much you have riding on this situation...

Literally nothing from this situation directly effects you. Who cares whether you think its something you believe is best. You don't matter in the issue.

Can be said for both sides of the arguement. It affects him in the same way it affects you and it affects me. On a personal level, nothing. But on an eve wide scale, negative rep is bad for eve, and as such, bad for eve development, bad for all in eve equally. For you, and everybody else in the Goon coalition, the worst extra effect would be fall of goonswarms. But now to quote many from the coalition.

It is only internet space ship computer pixels, big deal.

As such, it won't affect the gameplay in the slightest bit more for goon coalition members. Same thing he has, is the same thing you have, same thing I have. Don't want to see it negatively affect ccp.

Edit: Exception would be if you are RL friends/associates and this is having RL repurcussions. In those cases, statement redacted.

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

David Cedarbridge
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2482 - 2012-03-27 22:59:08 UTC  |  Edited by: David Cedarbridge
Lt Pizi wrote:
Mana Potion wrote:
Lt Pizi wrote:
Mana Potion wrote:
I guess what bugs me is that none of these people that are complaining, have anything to do with the situation... they are just jumping up and down because they have some preconceived notion about the Mittani. None of these "I don't accept your apology" responses mean a damn thing.

if all else fails , read his own post ...

he (and me, and many other ) thinks such behavior is not acceptable

and he will resign, with is a move i honor

no need to defense him , he already has accepted his error and the consequences resulting out of it

And this directly effects you how? Don't bother I can pretty much guess how much you have riding on this situation...

Literally nothing from this situation directly effects you. Who cares whether you think its something you believe is best. You don't matter in the issue.

he (and ME, and many other ) thinks such behavior is not acceptable

should i stfu when i find something not acceptable ?

Who are you?
Jita Alt666
#2483 - 2012-03-27 22:59:51 UTC
Tyke Orlieveit wrote:

I see politics and politicians as nothing more than a expensive, and crippled version of Kindergarten, and a detriment to progress at best. I wish I knew a better way that would actually work.

Paraphrased: Politics/Politicians are a detriment to progress. They are the best way to make any progress I can think of.

Adalun Dey
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2484 - 2012-03-27 23:02:25 UTC
Amity Lane wrote:
Sometimes silence is an answer.

Personally, I'd prefer that CCP don't get involved directly unless they have to. This is a community event about a community-elected official's conduct, so let the community sort it out.

If CCP claims to launch an investigation I would consider that to be rather direct involvement. It's the not following up and the sudden apology that makes me wonder the sincerity of it.

I saw the footage a moment ago and though a line was crossed, it's probably not deserving of this level of drama either.

[i]" Take my love, take my land, take me where I can not stand, I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me. "[/i]

Mana Potion
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2485 - 2012-03-27 23:03:03 UTC
Lt Pizi wrote:
Mana Potion wrote:
Lt Pizi wrote:
Mana Potion wrote:
I guess what bugs me is that none of these people that are complaining, have anything to do with the situation... they are just jumping up and down because they have some preconceived notion about the Mittani. None of these "I don't accept your apology" responses mean a damn thing.

if all else fails , read his own post ...

he (and me, and many other ) thinks such behavior is not acceptable

and he will resign, with is a move i honor

no need to defense him , he already has accepted his error and the consequences resulting out of it

And this directly effects you how? Don't bother I can pretty much guess how much you have riding on this situation...

Literally nothing from this situation directly effects you. Who cares whether you think its something you believe is best. You don't matter in the issue.

he (and ME, and many other ) thinks such behavior is not acceptable

should i stfu when i find something not acceptable ?

Nope. You (and him and many others like you) should stop beating a dead horse...
Magnus Orin
Goonswarm Federation
#2486 - 2012-03-27 23:04:04 UTC
Ok guys. I figured out a solution to this entire dilemma.

It's really simple actually. It's fair, just and lets everyone provide their input and have their say.

If you really, truly, deeply honestly believe that The Mittani was wrong by what he said while drunk at a party in Iceland do this:

Don't vote for him when he runs for CSM 8.

If the majority of the player base don't like him, well hey, he won't get in and everything will be sunshine and rainbows.

That sounds fair doesn't it?
Adalun Dey
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2487 - 2012-03-27 23:07:14 UTC
Magnus Orin wrote:
If the majority of the player base don't like him, well hey, he won't get in and everything will be sunshine and rainbows.

That sounds fair doesn't it?

What happened to the lollipops?

[i]" Take my love, take my land, take me where I can not stand, I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me. "[/i]

Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#2488 - 2012-03-27 23:07:27 UTC
David Cedarbridge wrote:
Doddy wrote:
Voull wrote:
I'm embarassed to tell people I play this game now

Good, maybe we will get less whiners that way.

No dice. Just about everyone I've shown it to thought that even the public apology was going too far for what was said and they're subbing up to support him.

Don't spend all that Moon goo in one place....Mittens may need it for Damage control.....Cool

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#2489 - 2012-03-27 23:08:20 UTC
Mittens just put out a PR disaster and put CCP's head on a chopping block for the rest of the online community. Mittens didn't only make him and Goonswarm and the CSM look bad, he made CCP and Eve Online look bad to others who don't play this game. CCP will have to force their hand in this issue by removing him from the CSM all together and a possibility of a temporary ban to save themselves PR brownie points. If they don't, well then just face the hellfire that Mittens has aroused.
#2490 - 2012-03-27 23:10:04 UTC
de4deye wrote:
Mittens just put out a PR disaster and put CCP's head on a chopping block for the rest of the online community. Mittens didn't only make him and Goonswarm and the CSM look bad, he made CCP and Eve Online look bad to others who don't play this game. CCP will have to force their hand in this issue by removing him from the CSM all together and a possibility of a temporary ban to save themselves PR brownie points. If they don't, well then just face the hellfire that Mittens has aroused.

Titans are still getting nerfed bro
Markus Reese
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2491 - 2012-03-27 23:10:44 UTC
Beekeeper Bob wrote:
Don't spend all that Moon goo in one place....Mittens may need it for Damage control.....Cool

*Note going to use a goon term, just because it fits statment

Would that be a T2 DC cause real men pubbie tank?

To quote Lfod Shi

The ratting itself is PvE. Getting away with it is PvP.

Amity Lane
Hek Mining Association
#2492 - 2012-03-27 23:10:46 UTC
Adalun Dey wrote:
Amity Lane wrote:
Sometimes silence is an answer.

Personally, I'd prefer that CCP don't get involved directly unless they have to. This is a community event about a community-elected official's conduct, so let the community sort it out.

If CCP claims to launch an investigation I would consider that to be rather direct involvement. It's the not following up and the sudden apology that makes me wonder the sincerity of it.

From a logical standpoint, there's no reason to think the two are in any way related. There's no evidence that CCP is in any way behind this "apology".

From the language CCP used, I get the impression that their "investigation" is more to do with their own employee conduct. Notice how when Mittani starts the giving-out-the-name-to-be-harassed part, the CCP employee present tries to regain control of the situation? I bet they're investigating their own handling of the incident and how to prevent another "Mittanigate" in future FanFests, not anything regarding Mittani directly.

Purely speculation of course, but it seems logical to me.

I saw the footage a moment ago and though a line was crossed, it's probably not deserving of this level of drama either.

Again, from a purely logical standpoint he broke no rules that I'm aware of. I'm trying to keep my own personal opinion out of my discussion(s) on this topic, since they're both irrelevant and potentially dangerous. I did go on record saying that I thought he should apologize though, which he has done. I doubt the sincerity of it, but the first thing I learned about this game and the people who play it is that you can trust absolutely no one at face value...and Mittani is already known to not be trustworthy.
Beekeeper Bob
Beekeepers Anonymous
#2493 - 2012-03-27 23:11:23 UTC
Magnus Orin wrote:
Ok guys. I figured out a solution to this entire dilemma.

It's really simple actually. It's fair, just and lets everyone provide their input and have their say.

If you really, truly, deeply honestly believe that The Mittani was wrong by what he said while drunk at a party in Iceland do this:

Don't vote for him when he runs for CSM 8.

If the majority of the player base don't like him, well hey, he won't get in and everything will be sunshine and rainbows.

That sounds fair doesn't it?

I'm sorry, I don't have direct access to endless Moon-goo with which to buy alt accounts. Would you mind spreading some around so that we can all rig the vote? Lol

Signature removed - CCP Eterne

Phantom Space
Space Madness.
#2494 - 2012-03-27 23:11:51 UTC
Doddy wrote:
de4deye wrote:
Mittens just put out a PR disaster and put CCP's head on a chopping block for the rest of the online community. Mittens didn't only make him and Goonswarm and the CSM look bad, he made CCP and Eve Online look bad to others who don't play this game. CCP will have to force their hand in this issue by removing him from the CSM all together and a possibility of a temporary ban to save themselves PR brownie points. If they don't, well then just face the hellfire that Mittens has aroused.

Titans are still getting nerfed bro

That has nothing to do with this, quit trying to distract from the main issue at hand. You forum trolls are not that funny really.
Kalathia Eginald
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#2495 - 2012-03-27 23:11:55 UTC
Adalun Dey wrote:
Magnus Orin wrote:
If the majority of the player base don't like him, well hey, he won't get in and everything will be sunshine and rainbows.

That sounds fair doesn't it?

What happened to the lollipops?

What lollipops?..../hides the Chuppa-Chups wrappers under the cats.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2496 - 2012-03-27 23:12:06 UTC
People **** up. That's why they're people. I for one have absolutely said stupid **** I'd wished I'd never said. Happily I didn't get up drunk in front of a ton of people who also happened to then post it on the internet when Id done so.

Not my place to judge or get revenge (that'd be the place of the one actually insulted); the role of public embare-assment has done its work.

Now someone else do something ******* stupid so we can have new drama and get on with our lives. Twisted
Tyke Orlieveit
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#2497 - 2012-03-27 23:12:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyke Orlieveit
Jita Alt666 wrote:
Tyke Orlieveit wrote:

I see politics and politicians as nothing more than a expensive, and crippled version of Kindergarten, and a detriment to progress at best. I wish I knew a better way that would actually work.

Paraphrased: Politics/Politicians are a detriment to progress. They are the best way to make any progress I can think of.


I wish I could believe that. :)

If they were the best way, we'd be making progress.

I simply am unable, with the current limitations of the human condition, to consider a better approach.

That is not the same, nor is the manipulation of my original quote.
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2498 - 2012-03-27 23:13:39 UTC
de4deye wrote:
Mittens just put out a PR disaster and put CCP's head on a chopping block for the rest of the online community. Mittens didn't only make him and Goonswarm and the CSM look bad, he made CCP and Eve Online look bad to others who don't play this game. CCP will have to force their hand in this issue by removing him from the CSM all together and a possibility of a temporary ban to save themselves PR brownie points. If they don't, well then just face the hellfire that Mittens has aroused.

Do you have literally everyone else in this thread on ignore because you just seem to pop in, make a random, moronic comment with no relevance to the current topic of discussion then leave.

Also I'm still only seeing 4 minor articles about this on a google news search for eve or eve fanfest and nothing outside the gaming press and the comments are mixed. I'd hardly call that a PR disaster.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2499 - 2012-03-27 23:14:19 UTC
de4deye wrote:
Mittens just put out a PR disaster and put CCP's head on a chopping block for the rest of the online community. Mittens didn't only make him and Goonswarm and the CSM look bad, he made CCP and Eve Online look bad to others who don't play this game. CCP will have to force their hand in this issue by removing him from the CSM all together and a possibility of a temporary ban to save themselves PR brownie points. If they don't, well then just face the hellfire that Mittens has aroused.

I still look awesome, thank you very much. Also Eve-O only looks bad to those who dont know it or understand it. Refer to Sandbox..
Northern Coalition.
#2500 - 2012-03-27 23:14:55 UTC
de4deye wrote:
Doddy wrote:
de4deye wrote:
Mittens just put out a PR disaster and put CCP's head on a chopping block for the rest of the online community. Mittens didn't only make him and Goonswarm and the CSM look bad, he made CCP and Eve Online look bad to others who don't play this game. CCP will have to force their hand in this issue by removing him from the CSM all together and a possibility of a temporary ban to save themselves PR brownie points. If they don't, well then just face the hellfire that Mittens has aroused.

Titans are still getting nerfed bro

That has nothing to do with this, quit trying to distract from the main issue at hand. You forum trolls are not that funny really.

I guess the CFC didn't get the memo, too busy white knighting The Mittani