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Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,34102015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
025,97202014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
New player can't create character - crash
Timothy Taranogas
12,22802017.05.29 18:15
GM Mechanic Go to last post
Cannot Upgrade to Omega subscription or Buy PLEX
Fiona Portlast
02,04802017.05.29 06:46
Fiona Portlast Go to last post
Project Discovery - Matching Behavior
Yoshi Himomura
31,81102017.05.26 22:44
Yoshi Himomura Go to last post
Camera oddities? recent changes?
62,03922017.05.24 23:02
Mephiztopheleze Go to last post
Bump: Invisible ship AND now a broken tracking camera.
Daemun Khanid
103,71302017.05.24 18:09
Daemun Khanid Go to last post
Socket was closed traced back to Amazon
Mr Mieyli
42,08402017.05.24 14:44
Mr Mieyli Go to last post
Can we talk about the performance since the last patch?
188,09732017.05.24 13:08
Resa Moon Go to last post
Issue Finding My Account
Ollie Scorpio
01,32602017.05.23 16:31
Ollie Scorpio Go to last post
Graphic card glitches when using the covetor ship
Mobius Snowpaw Infinity
11,22702017.05.22 21:02
Raajim Shardani Go to last post
Checkout page keeps reloading
02,16702017.05.22 07:33
Peweet Go to last post
Unable to login after maintaince
62,26102017.05.21 11:34
Sobaan Tali Go to last post
middleware WTF and other constant log in issues
Gerald Mardiska
01,50402017.05.21 11:25
Gerald Mardiska Go to last post
TEST SERVER / Stuck Char
ExTrAoRdInArY ExTaCy
31,67832017.05.20 21:21
Xynthiar Go to last post
Amazon Payment unavailable
01,46002017.05.18 13:51
Datterich Go to last post
Anyone else lose the pitch ladder in the hud....
Shawn en Tilavine
11,00102017.05.18 03:10
Shawn en Tilavine Go to last post
Mass Production skill not applying.
Merin Ryskin
32,59022017.05.17 21:45
Bjorn Tyrson Go to last post
radial menü dont show up
21,51302017.05.17 17:11
XxUltradmbxX Go to last post
Steam Membership Issue
Phantom Violation
31,68402017.05.17 07:37
Celeano Starbrow Go to last post
Bumped before you can jump gates... exploit? or working as intended...
Zillian Padecain
73,08112017.05.16 14:11
Tsutomi Sakuma Go to last post
Frame/Perforamnce Drop when eve client not active window
Shadoxi Ky'klops
137,17322017.05.16 09:21
Zedifo Go to last post
Entering warp next to the suns
Jezza McWaffle
11,80302017.05.15 21:22
Shawn en Tilavine Go to last post
All Industry Jobs have Paused
Eric de'Locke
01,34302017.05.15 10:25
Eric de'Locke Go to last post
Ever since the last 2 updates
01,06802017.05.14 18:13
Piugattuk Go to last post
Connection failed" when launching the game
Tino Gwidha
12,09802017.05.13 22:06
Aerious Go to last post
Scan window layer prioritization
21,29802017.05.13 18:09
Silens Go to last post
[BUG?] Clone name resets after switching clones
Captain Panther
01,04202017.05.13 08:05
Captain Panther Go to last post
Inverted camera issue
Vokan Narkar
01,02502017.05.13 02:27
Vokan Narkar Go to last post
Eve interface lagging?!
Nyx Lestrange
155,37602017.05.12 15:35
Nyx Lestrange Go to last post