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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
FPS Issue
Princess Iizumi
063102011.12.08 20:01
Princess Iizumi Go to last post
EVE refuses to run at 100Hz
Vachir Khan
060702011.12.08 16:53
Vachir Khan Go to last post
Problems with Character Customization
96,16932011.12.08 15:26
Eutelos Go to last post
Game crashing without errors
21,29802011.12.08 13:41
Tim Taylor Go to last post
Way-finding broken when leaving wormholes
Smiley Smile
059502011.12.08 13:15
Smiley Smile Go to last post
Report Bug bug
Jadzia Daxian
21,02512011.12.08 09:02
CCP Atlas Go to last post
Character sheet button now not working
076502011.12.08 08:23
CooganV4 Go to last post
ships disappears when i warp
yer mammy
31,32202011.12.08 04:45
StarKat MKVII Go to last post
Broken Patch.. Every time including this one
Saelyth Nightwish
133,94132011.12.08 03:49
COMM4NDER Go to last post
No Sound
Chronix Beebelbrox
071702011.12.08 03:35
Chronix Beebelbrox Go to last post
Missing ship and weapon sounds?
084702011.12.08 02:13
Cybercron Go to last post
Orca Corp Hangar Bug:
Adeena Torcfist
115,48482011.12.08 01:45
Adeena Torcfist Go to last post
Which upgrades do I need, to play this game smoothly on high graphic...
Very Triggerhappy
192302011.12.08 01:43
Adeena Torcfist Go to last post
nVidia surround, windows, and multiple accounts. (Positioning)
01,02902011.12.08 00:22
Ilyashen Go to last post
pls delete
Naitsirch Secundus
056902011.12.07 23:35
Naitsirch Secundus Go to last post
Random freezes - large page file
Vuiko Tarasovich
167,08942011.12.07 22:20
ISquishWorms Go to last post
Searching Assets for ships by Name
Asura Cascade
074002011.12.07 20:09
Asura Cascade Go to last post
EVE Won't Install on 3.6 TB drive (drive E:)
JirAnarion Atriedes
114,25542011.12.07 16:45
Klandi Go to last post
Modify order colum problem
055802011.12.07 16:40
TharOkha Go to last post
Show Info Window appears to be broken
069102011.12.07 14:35
gwnorth Go to last post
Getting ready for Crucible Deployment - Important issues to note.
[ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
CCP Navigator
5120,868612011.12.07 14:06
Leocadminone Go to last post
PLEX for Hours and Customer Support acccess on website MISSING
080702011.12.07 13:51
Leocadminone Go to last post
Socket closed >>> ISP issues?
Bubba Bubbozor
43,48112011.12.07 13:43
Zibah Betancort Go to last post
Disconnects and packet loss
11,75202011.12.07 13:05
Eloriena Go to last post
Can not join eve voice fleet channels
42,63012011.12.07 11:11
Philderbeast Go to last post
All animations are gone.
Nathaniel Lowe
21,55302011.12.07 08:23
Robert Netminder Go to last post
Overview not showing correct distance to stations?
Kallie Rae
21,01202011.12.07 07:36
Hormus Go to last post
crucible weapon misses
058702011.12.07 05:36
Cysy Go to last post