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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Game will only start in safe mode.
Tania Clarke
194402011.12.11 18:56
Tania Clarke Go to last post
EVE and HT
073602011.12.11 17:56
ZEROC00L Go to last post
Old Forums- In game
Vigoth Ritic
053802011.12.11 12:24
Vigoth Ritic Go to last post
Anyone got HP's hd 6770m switchable graphics running eve well?
durk pitt
32,21202011.12.11 09:57
durk pitt Go to last post
EVE is disconnecting because wireless router
Michael Westen
070302011.12.11 09:43
Michael Westen Go to last post
Performance questions: GTX560ti / GTX570 / 6950 (i5)
103,33712011.12.11 07:33
Dante Chusuk Go to last post
War Votes
063002011.12.10 23:48
mythrindar Go to last post
Issue with creating sell orders.
066602011.12.10 21:02
Caneb Go to last post
Can't scroll assets in Jita
Anny Jackson
056102011.12.10 20:19
Anny Jackson Go to last post
EvieMay Ronuken
051102011.12.10 19:11
EvieMay Ronuken Go to last post
Fitting ships from fitting management screen bug.
058912011.12.10 14:40
Tappits Go to last post
Problem with 60 days trial
Elena Grimaldi
071602011.12.10 11:02
Elena Grimaldi Go to last post
Audio problems after Crucible
Cristobalus DeMora
22,07012011.12.10 08:20
Cristobalus DeMora Go to last post
Temp Files folder
01,09802011.12.10 07:12
Tablaren Go to last post
Full Body view won't load
Naes Mlahrend
31,16302011.12.10 03:40
Naes Mlahrend Go to last post
Frequent crashes during scanning.
D'Tell Annoh
055002011.12.10 00:32
D'Tell Annoh Go to last post
Issue that prevents using station servics.
Arch Stanton's Neighbour
067702011.12.10 00:07
Arch Stanton's Neighbour Go to last post
Unusual lag on pod warping out / spamming issues ?
Ivan Joukov
077902011.12.09 23:08
Ivan Joukov Go to last post
Fix Cargohold-windows please
Anshio Tamark
31,11402011.12.09 18:36
Anshio Tamark Go to last post
Guests not showing up in station
83,96712011.12.09 16:34
Cleopatrra Go to last post
Last patch broke my eve gamefiles
72,48812011.12.09 11:36
Halboreth Go to last post
Petitions on SIngulairty: Bugged Proteus
Kehro Urgus
053912011.12.09 09:28
Kehro Urgus Go to last post
Mirror in the Gallente Captains Quarters is covered in Black
Alexander Sinclair
41,52102011.12.09 09:08
Alexander Sinclair Go to last post
POCO's BROKEN and need patch love
065602011.12.09 06:35
007of009 Go to last post
Wormholes and Shield fit ships
065102011.12.09 03:54
R0Y4L Go to last post
Cap- and shield-amount less than shown in HUD
175702011.12.09 03:41
R0Y4L Go to last post
Don't know if this is the right place, but.....
059702011.12.08 20:25
Criitucius Go to last post
not more than 2GB RAM per EVE client?
Christian Schneider
11,18902011.12.08 20:08
Halboreth Go to last post