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Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
NPC Corporation chat problems
Edgar Berberos
197302011.12.13 20:40
Edgar Berberos Go to last post
Weapon cycles are broken
Mr Twinkie
050002011.12.13 19:24
Mr Twinkie Go to last post
null system sites not respawning hubs?
Arch Raptor
052902011.12.13 18:55
Arch Raptor Go to last post
Bareknuckle Logi
164,92652011.12.13 17:34
Lord Okinaba Go to last post
My guns are firing??
Loht D'Ogmai
179502011.12.13 16:48
Arch Raptor Go to last post
Crossfire makes the game unplayable - hard locks and game runs at 6f...
73,30902011.12.13 15:15
Professor Alphane Go to last post
When will the broken jamming timer be fixed?
Divine Eternity
41,56032011.12.13 12:50
nardaq Go to last post
You cannot do that while warping
Archetype 66
21,43232011.12.13 09:52
Archetype 66 Go to last post
API key problem?
Marduk Nibiru
057502011.12.13 07:21
Marduk Nibiru Go to last post
Station graphics missing when undocked.
186502011.12.12 21:00
ROOVALK Go to last post
CCP, what about fixing/speeding up the forum?
045212011.12.12 20:52
nardaq Go to last post
Eve have been crashing worrying much since the release of crucible
046902011.12.12 19:31
Alphaphi Go to last post
Why was the additional asset search fields removed??? That's ter...
62,22822011.12.12 19:04
Romeo Deluxe Go to last post
Dual Client Crash
21,37902011.12.12 18:29
Romeo Deluxe Go to last post
Hey CCP, about the ship fitting lag in SMA bug that you introduced
Cedar Locus
72,53872011.12.12 16:43
Khanh'rhh Go to last post
Jane Russian
179212011.12.12 13:15
Bansh Corva Go to last post
Sound glitches
Daedalus Arcova
048302011.12.12 12:48
Daedalus Arcova Go to last post
Work around for windows disappearing randomly
Pog Mahon
21,23402011.12.12 08:45
Kopfy Go to last post
modal windows prevent closing game
52,25112011.12.12 08:40
Jicc Go to last post
Who ate my colors? :o
Lady Ouroboros
052302011.12.12 04:22
Lady Ouroboros Go to last post
Corrupted EXE file after patch?
41,99102011.12.12 03:33
Harrakin Stadden Go to last post
Looping Salvanger Sound
Daniel Souquel
079002011.12.12 00:29
Daniel Souquel Go to last post
CPU Max load when when swapping modules using a SMA.
Bloody Wench
31,48212011.12.11 23:59
Lorelei Tsu Go to last post
FPS lag
Keenan 2
199302011.12.11 23:58
Lorelei Tsu Go to last post
Missing the cancel or change payment option in eve account managemen...
leona starfire
064902011.12.11 22:41
leona starfire Go to last post
Screenshot/Printscreen issues
090302011.12.11 22:18
Drakthon Go to last post
Where's my drone window??
637,77702011.12.11 22:07
Waaaaaagggh Go to last post
Logging in breaks my Tengu
191902011.12.11 21:14
gfark Go to last post