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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Wierd red flashy texture mess
[ Pages: 1, 2, 3 ]
Valeroth Kyarmentari
5617,807112011.12.15 02:31
Zenjin Vonavi Go to last post
Bug entering re-customization while full body character view is open
Kristen Star
11,13002011.12.15 01:03
Kristen Star Go to last post
Bug entering re-customization while full body character view is open
Kristen Star
055402011.12.15 01:02
Kristen Star Go to last post
Repeated crashes while using Eve - increasing with Crucible
Kerist Lafayette
21,16602011.12.15 00:24
hells warlock thegreat Go to last post
Full body Character View Issue
Naes Mlahrend
21,16902011.12.15 00:24
Naes Mlahrend Go to last post
EVE wont start
Ciphas cain
11,01112011.12.14 23:38
CCP Cascade Go to last post
Today's patch killed my Eve.
Crazy Buddy
51,95402011.12.14 21:37
Crazy Buddy Go to last post
Eve Update Installation Stuck
12,45002011.12.14 20:19
Barakkus Go to last post
UI reset by latest patch
Inconsistent Revelations
31,36702011.12.14 19:48
Sithius Darthnova Go to last post
Banned for using TOR program?
Verus Virelis
32,02802011.12.14 19:36
Astrid Stjerna Go to last post
CAOD - Limited posting rights?
Twizzle Puff
183202011.12.14 19:22
Raistlim Go to last post
Chat and cargo windows displaced after docking
D Program
047402011.12.14 18:01
D Program Go to last post
051802011.12.14 17:32
R3VOh Go to last post
Skill points not increasing
Compulsion Overdrive
060902011.12.14 17:08
Compulsion Overdrive Go to last post
Tengu flying backwards, tried everything
62,07212011.12.14 16:32
khassindra Go to last post
Show info window position-size reset - again
11,20702011.12.14 16:24
Marvel Emerald Go to last post
Docked and locked window losing transparency.
088602011.12.14 15:14
Psychophantic Go to last post
I object to the new taxes on PI [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Tinu Moorhsum
248,65692011.12.14 14:50
uwai223 Go to last post
colouring bug with the customization
060702011.12.14 14:06
rejoec Go to last post
Salvager looping sound stuck if cycle is interrupted
Heinel Sidewind
41,64702011.12.14 13:51
Panhead4411 Go to last post
broken killmails... again [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
247,53152011.12.14 13:33
Rokus Maximus Go to last post
2 windows don't want to stay put everytime i dock
83,29702011.12.14 12:27
Morwen Lagann Go to last post
Eve says I have negative hard drive space?
23,50212011.12.14 11:46
CCP Sputnik Go to last post
CQ bug?
Ethereal 3600
51,56722011.12.14 05:28
Ethereal 3600 Go to last post
Customizeable API key.
063702011.12.14 04:51
Zaalphenia Go to last post
Monitor no longer showing cursor position?
Erin Fray
057402011.12.14 01:42
Erin Fray Go to last post
Major lag when using ship fitting service from Orca or Ship Maintena...
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
208,67222011.12.14 00:45
LeHarfang Go to last post
Bookmarks messed up, please help!
51,34912011.12.13 20:50
Drop Dead Sexy Go to last post