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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Scan probe names missing after latest patch
Chendow Auscent
62,05722011.12.22 16:44
Chendow Auscent Go to last post
Bluescreen Only in Eve
Saul Tiegh
21,15302011.12.22 13:33
Saul Tiegh Go to last post
win 7 and eve
275902011.12.22 13:23
sasuk Go to last post
EVE Online IP addresses/ranges
1024,19182011.12.22 12:38
NoxiousPluK Go to last post
Eve only causes PC full restart no BOD
32,37912011.12.22 10:29
GM Karidor Go to last post
plz dell this post
045602011.12.22 10:01
1010101010 Go to last post
OMG Scanning
048502011.12.22 04:58
Lev175 Go to last post
[IGB - ISSSUE] Trusted site headers not working.
51,65022011.12.21 22:26
Niraia Go to last post
Eve crashes when I warp to a stargate or starbase
199502011.12.21 20:17
VIXIT CORP Go to last post
Just FYI - for anyone having trouble redeeming the CA-2 Implant
Kari Maiken
175812011.12.21 19:36
Peri Simone Go to last post
FW logistics standings hit bug
Crosi Wesdo
41,19602011.12.21 16:16
Mutnin Go to last post
Map is taking ages to open
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Marko box
309,08692011.12.21 13:11
Cletus Graeme Go to last post
Missing Warp Effect
[ Pages: 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
Kahz Niverrah
6320,375142011.12.21 13:11
Kahz Niverrah Go to last post
Vista - Eve Won't Load
Robyn IV
83,94712011.12.21 12:02
Eko'mo Go to last post
Does NVIDIA SLI support multiple clients in windowed mode?
11,09902011.12.21 10:36
Xander Hunt Go to last post
Buddy invite
Kat Rhyn
036802011.12.21 07:56
Kat Rhyn Go to last post
meat socket
Water MEI
178802011.12.21 04:09
odessa goodone Go to last post
2 Bugs
Jack Moove
286302011.12.21 02:21
Admiral Space Go to last post
fake rl email flood
Ethereal 3600
058202011.12.21 02:15
Ethereal 3600 Go to last post
Problem downloading
sarab Kouvo
175302011.12.21 02:09
sarab Kouvo Go to last post
Eve repair tool not work(auto patch doesnt work either)
33,14112011.12.20 21:59
Clamson Go to last post
Verification Failure
Alishia Goodlooks
124,14312011.12.20 20:43
Gloregon Go to last post
Journal-expeditions list
11,09902011.12.20 19:28
oolk Go to last post
Locked targets covering high slot icons
165802011.12.20 17:30
Aargolos Go to last post
Latest Set of Patches -- "EVE has stopped responding"
289602011.12.20 17:26
mugen Go to last post
Issues with HDR and AA
Usef Thiesant
21,05002011.12.20 14:56
Usef Thiesant Go to last post
Client Crashing with audio enabled
Sil Nela
083802011.12.20 13:40
Sil Nela Go to last post
Where do I find this Repair Tool?
93,73552011.12.20 13:37
CCP Atropos Go to last post