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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Still having server status issues
272902012.01.02 23:58
RevJenkins Go to last post
Verification Failed
Ojin Axonn
33,31212012.01.02 18:32
CCP Atropos Go to last post
lost station pannel
Fearless Angel
039402012.01.02 17:38
Fearless Angel Go to last post
Disappearing items
Noriko Mai
052902012.01.02 14:32
Noriko Mai Go to last post down????
61,64802012.01.02 00:46
RubyPorto Go to last post
Client keeps crashing
Degarion Soth
11,21902012.01.01 21:06
Degarion Soth Go to last post
Report forum user?
Derath Ellecon
166512012.01.01 18:33
ISD Eshtir Go to last post
Station Walking Early?
applejacks34 Applecrack
291202012.01.01 15:29
Rocco Battaglia Go to last post
transfer character -- ISSUES AGAIN
Rodimus Mine
045102012.01.01 11:56
Rodimus Mine Go to last post
Over / Under on when a node goes BOOM!?
Olive Juice
041902012.01.01 00:15
Olive Juice Go to last post
[bug] Chat window panels
Crystal Liche
053402011.12.31 17:47
Crystal Liche Go to last post
API Key Issues
286702011.12.31 16:32
Banesliver Go to last post
URGENT! Payment issue with Character Transfer
Ersteen Hofs
11,16202011.12.31 15:23
Aryu Sirius Go to last post
mackinaw missing cycles... sorta
Unicorn Slayer
81,70802011.12.31 03:41
Javajunky Go to last post
Salvager sound still getting stuck more often than not...
174302011.12.30 21:02
AWACS Sgt Go to last post
Frequent Disconnects
31,46702011.12.30 18:20
Doyey3731 Go to last post
Cannot turn Characters head in Recustomization
The Major
058302011.12.30 16:48
The Major Go to last post
Massive framerate drop after latest patch.
Jesus Chreist
41,62702011.12.30 13:57
Cosmic Templar Go to last post
Credit Cards for Character Transfers All Rejected?
Leo Graves
72,01202011.12.30 09:37
Aryu Sirius Go to last post
EVE throws sm3 error, but netbook has sm3?
197202011.12.30 01:16
Skyla Kavatina Go to last post
EVE losing connection
Vox Carrow
065002011.12.29 13:44
Vox Carrow Go to last post
chat channels go poof
Ethereal 3600
053502011.12.28 22:19
Ethereal 3600 Go to last post
Missing Lots of Sounds
73,34202011.12.28 22:13
Deazel Go to last post
Lag problem with Character Creator
Xvamir Starwalker
048602011.12.28 13:53
Xvamir Starwalker Go to last post
What fast service that was
266112011.12.28 13:46
OkarasRule Go to last post
Unable to login using eve client [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Dean Austrene
317,81522011.12.28 12:21
Notnowcato Go to last post
NEW structure killmail bug
062802011.12.28 08:29
Gizan Go to last post
Forum: clicked preview button and *POOF* went everything
037502011.12.28 08:08
Kronossan Go to last post