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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Unable to boot EVE.
Fugusha Kisai
31,35312012.01.06 00:01
M0NCTER Go to last post
Forum are stripped of css elements
Deen Wispa
154402012.01.05 19:56
Calando Go to last post
EveGate Requesting reauthentication after every click
102,70402012.01.05 19:50
SPYDERWOLF Go to last post
Redtail Shark
041602012.01.05 19:46
Redtail Shark Go to last post
My ships fly backwards and it makes me sad :(
M Lamia
289002012.01.05 19:31
Jarnis McPieksu Go to last post
Frame Rate issues
043202012.01.05 19:00
kyrv Go to last post
Forum has no skin
Joahna Gramer
297102012.01.05 18:43
Grey Stormshadow Go to last post
Activation / overloading modules keyboard shortcuts behave inconsist...
02,44402012.01.05 13:36
GKFC Go to last post
Approx petition waiting times?
Giuseppe Ottaviani
036102012.01.05 12:57
Giuseppe Ottaviani Go to last post
Jump gates
Widow Slave
160802012.01.05 12:46
Glorious CEO Go to last post
Warp to 0m
Blitz Fire123
158702012.01.05 10:24
Shpenat Go to last post
sell order bug
275902012.01.05 09:35
Lizuska Go to last post
Modules "sticking" not turning off when selected
040902012.01.05 08:59
Kirell Go to last post
POS huge bug
049102012.01.04 17:47
Wrieden Go to last post
Business career advancement mission sends rookie out to mine with no...
Mara Rinn
194702012.01.04 16:22
Tarunik Raqalth'Qui Go to last post
Casper mode unlocked!
169802012.01.04 13:17
Noriko Mai Go to last post
can't switch graphics card in Settings
01,60102012.01.04 10:03
Simmonds Go to last post
Forced to crash during pvp
Araceli Gabriela
165402012.01.04 08:49
Araceli Gabriela Go to last post
Still no response petition dated 12-19-2011
169302012.01.04 05:47
DigDoug Go to last post
Every Re-log results in reset windows & UI + EULA
31,12802012.01.04 05:00
Honore DeGallente Go to last post
You fail to dock/jump because you are cloaked
Baron Deathicon
037302012.01.03 22:40
Baron Deathicon Go to last post
IGB loading but remains black
72,94722012.01.03 16:54
Norisha North Go to last post
Bugged Corporate Standings
Another Placeholder Alt
152402012.01.03 15:02
Another Placeholder Alt Go to last post
EVE API: broken umlauts and wrong/no decoding of wallet journal entr...
Lorelei Tsu
11,20802012.01.03 14:01
Lorelei Tsu Go to last post
Can't install EVE to "D drive"
31,82802012.01.03 10:24
CCP Atropos Go to last post
I fank me crient is borkded
112,75912012.01.03 10:23
CCP Atropos Go to last post
Client crashing when Tengus enter grid?
150512012.01.03 09:44
CCP Atropos Go to last post
Help!!! Issue involving the client. (And training que is almost up.....
Corin Lethander
41,26802012.01.03 09:40
CCP Atropos Go to last post