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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Return of the Hood Bug
Jack Aquinas
050402012.01.10 21:53
Jack Aquinas Go to last post
Boosters broken.
Dunkler Imperator
047902012.01.10 13:36
Dunkler Imperator Go to last post
A GM please verify DPS Fitting Window Bug
Adeena Torcfist
114,22102012.01.10 00:27
Cryten Jones Go to last post
Pin != Immovable: Where did that setting go?
Shar Tegral
255812012.01.09 20:20
Shar Tegral Go to last post
Voice Com, Push-To-Talk button only OUTSIDE of EVE
Atlantis Fuanan
21,13712012.01.09 19:10
Atlantis Fuanan Go to last post
Saved Usernames -> where ?
31,64512012.01.09 15:50
Selakk Go to last post
Downloads are like watching paint dry :P
41,34102012.01.09 13:43
Othran Go to last post
(Caldari Navy) Ballistic Control System bug
Anton Kumamato
169222012.01.09 02:48
Adeena Torcfist Go to last post
WHY GOD WHYYYYYYYYYYY?? hasnt this been fixed? shield buffer leaders...
175202012.01.08 21:27
Tarunik Raqalth'Qui Go to last post
Client not properly saving some settings
073802012.01.08 14:46
Hellspawn01 Go to last post
Chat window missing - solution found?
23,07512012.01.08 02:49
Ammzi Go to last post
window positions reset
Dream Five
61,53422012.01.07 21:27
Sikrala Go to last post
Loki - no engine sound
41,09902012.01.07 16:28
Haania Go to last post
51,34012012.01.07 13:53
Gibbo3771 Go to last post
Premature Cluster Shutdown and Client Crash
048902012.01.07 10:18
Aamrr Go to last post
fail overview or fail pilot?
Ayilliene Yisliniki
034902012.01.06 20:53
Ayilliene Yisliniki Go to last post
Being shot at by NPC police despite sec status grind and ok standing...
Khaine Beralt
21,01112012.01.06 20:00
Khaine Beralt Go to last post
Login screen with dual monitors
Master Ventris
082002012.01.06 19:52
Master Ventris Go to last post
Moved to feedback thread
041902012.01.06 16:05
Akturous Go to last post
Terrible Lag
Logic Luke
036002012.01.06 16:02
Logic Luke Go to last post
Issue wih the Broadcast window
043902012.01.06 11:17
Sascha87 Go to last post
Alt character portrait
286302012.01.06 10:45
JRIsidore Go to last post
Stuck on "Status: Unknown" when trying to log into TQ
Bolt Zapper
31,04302012.01.06 10:22
Bolt Zapper Go to last post
Rifter model error. An extra gun turret?
Cyprus Black
31,23802012.01.06 10:03
Shpenat Go to last post
Preview button ate my post!
Steph Wing
161502012.01.06 09:18
Nadio Go to last post
Answer Petitions
033302012.01.06 09:17
Coessel Go to last post
So after going back to college this semester....
041202012.01.06 08:35
snafu37 Go to last post
Can't see petitions
Araceli Gabriela
41,04102012.01.06 02:32
Araceli Gabriela Go to last post