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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
mining lazors and crystal selections
41,00702012.01.15 02:22
Bienator II Go to last post
No more Subscription Renewal Reminders?
Mirabi Tiane
92,60012012.01.14 21:04
Mara Rinn Go to last post
Loss of Billions, don't let this happen to you.
81,81212012.01.14 19:23
Kodyn Go to last post
PI - Fake Extractor control unit amouts
134,90112012.01.14 16:51
Par'Gellen Go to last post
TS3 and Eve audio
036202012.01.14 13:59
Sandrestal Go to last post
Vista30-->Win7 Ulti 64: advices plz
Tanya Powers
61,37832012.01.14 00:09
Tanya Powers Go to last post
Drone issue
Marek Validus
51,64012012.01.13 23:27
CCP Tuxford Go to last post
Mac Constant crashes and freeze
Peter Grayson
51,63312012.01.13 19:46
Gordon McClaine Go to last post
EVE Gate and Mailing Lists
Granix Uvelian
038402012.01.13 16:21
Granix Uvelian Go to last post
Client Updates Problem
Vincent McFly
037402012.01.13 14:44
Vincent McFly Go to last post
IGB CCPEVE.createContract function issue.
Bijih Bah
31,56712012.01.12 23:46
Flare Storm Go to last post
EVE Wont Install on Another Drive FIX
Craimar Markal
164802012.01.12 22:48
Astrid Stjerna Go to last post
Disappearing forums topics!
Mirei Jun
036802012.01.12 22:38
Mirei Jun Go to last post
Fixed window capping FPS at 40
084202012.01.12 21:41
Jasdemi Go to last post
Bug reporting tool
060602012.01.12 19:10
Geinus Go to last post
Multi-monitor support in Crucible
31,26502012.01.12 16:39
Usurper Draconis Go to last post
IGB "Connection Refused"
11,91902012.01.12 11:28
Jupix Go to last post
Help with corp jumping pirates.
Lou Ping Codolle
51,09002012.01.12 00:45
Lou Ping Codolle Go to last post
Grid Loading Issues
21,22212012.01.11 23:53
SilentSkills Go to last post
Archive extraction failed: 1003.
Patrick Brazil
33,75002012.01.11 22:38
Patrick Brazil Go to last post
How to set up 2 Display?
047402012.01.11 21:04
Sassums Go to last post
Forum's pilot pix and art request
Defier Orilis
044302012.01.11 20:29
Defier Orilis Go to last post
[Solved] Can't install EvE
Dunkle Lars
067402012.01.11 19:22
Dunkle Lars Go to last post
Client download is still broken
Kreden Aelnir
83,48802012.01.11 17:50
Kreden Aelnir Go to last post
transfer character
Rodimus Mine
133,21222012.01.11 16:39
Nikolai Kazansky Go to last post
Getting kicked from EVE
Mars Theran
151102012.01.11 10:56
Mars Theran Go to last post
Zoom failure on PI in station, solar system map generally
Shiro McCloud
21,00602012.01.11 09:14
Shiro McCloud Go to last post
Autopilot broken
Dreggs Mahon
178702012.01.10 22:13
Xashra Go to last post