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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Contract ordering exploit
41,22912012.01.24 13:43
May Ke Go to last post
Dropped my EVE CD, and can't get it back.
Wot I Think
499922012.01.24 12:07
Isabelle Evotori Go to last post
Logging into EVE snipes my internet connection
92,08602012.01.23 13:12
Ryans Revenge Go to last post
Chat box resized inside chat window
Bai Winlock
068802012.01.23 12:06
Bai Winlock Go to last post
Jump clone bug (vanished jumclone)
Dives Armenicus
93,48802012.01.23 08:30
Dives Armenicus Go to last post
Logs folder
103,38332012.01.22 19:45
nardaq Go to last post
Ice Harvesters and Strip Miners... PLEASE FIX!
177802012.01.22 19:12
nardaq Go to last post
Eve - PC shutdown
Daza Vyndre
21,03802012.01.22 15:34
Daza Vyndre Go to last post
Hangar graphics: Pre Incarna and Now
046002012.01.22 10:32
Bobknight Go to last post
Disable Gamelog Files
Brumi Viri
068302012.01.22 02:51
Brumi Viri Go to last post
Sound Issues after Quitting
Maedeline Thiesant
092202012.01.21 21:36
Maedeline Thiesant Go to last post
Massive graphics issue - cant even see what I'm looking at, at t...
DiRTy T0oL
269702012.01.21 18:49
DiRTy T0oL Go to last post
PI bug.
263302012.01.21 17:16
gandalfstormcrow Go to last post
037202012.01.20 23:10
Stringar Go to last post
Modules locking up
Nalha Saldana
032602012.01.20 22:07
Nalha Saldana Go to last post
Why system crash does cause EVE configuration reset?
Exer Toralen
21,14802012.01.20 19:26
Exer Toralen Go to last post
Strange Graphic Fluttering
Karleo Oskold
035802012.01.20 17:19
Karleo Oskold Go to last post
Crashing PC, codecs?
Nemu Endoras
273902012.01.20 17:12
Nemu Endoras Go to last post
Strange Patch
Terminal Insanity
144602012.01.20 16:46
Terminal Insanity Go to last post
Graphics glitch/white flashes
Dr Jan Itor
94,47102012.01.20 15:28
Defier Orilis Go to last post
Quick Fix for Crucible 1.1a
Defier Orilis
031702012.01.20 13:41
Defier Orilis Go to last post
Discon glitched my launchers
Sobaan Tali
139102012.01.20 05:11
Corp 5py Go to last post
Xander Hunt
038102012.01.20 04:49
Xander Hunt Go to last post
EVE | STORE checkout error
050702012.01.19 23:42
Jin'rlin Go to last post
Magnetar Wormhole Bonuses - Fix ETA?
179802012.01.19 23:05
Hadez411 Go to last post
@CCP: Ship changes direction because of speedchange. WHY?
Neo Agricola
31,03012012.01.19 17:34
Bienator II Go to last post
Sound ceased working after extended downtime
494002012.01.19 11:38
Corp 5py Go to last post
Exploration - downtime related bug
035502012.01.19 10:53
Gradinger Go to last post