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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
No Response to Bug Report
Charis Loftus
169202012.01.25 22:42
Charis Loftus Go to last post
Paying for subscription fee or moving character
398702012.01.25 20:52
ISD Eshtir Go to last post
CCP's 2 month warning - Fix the game already
Piwat King
71,74712012.01.25 19:33
Vetr Saken Go to last post
fixed window fail and zoom
054502012.01.25 17:59
Wu1f Go to last post
Background changing in a deadspace area
Marcus Harikari
029102012.01.25 17:03
Marcus Harikari Go to last post
custom size resolution / fixed window does not work
Jaroslav Unwanted
082402012.01.25 16:49
Jaroslav Unwanted Go to last post
No ingame Windows after 1.1 Patch
036702012.01.25 16:41
Talvid Go to last post
'Can not allign to selected object' Message
035902012.01.25 15:27
Dimitryy Go to last post
Complexe issue
Ace Nitsua
040802012.01.25 11:46
Ace Nitsua Go to last post
Error After instailing recent Patch
21,19202012.01.25 11:02
Peter Raptor Go to last post
Gate/Cyno crash
155002012.01.25 07:24
Hawaii Five-0 Go to last post
Undocked but all I see is cursor and black screen w/ music, logout/i...
Antice Eton
054702012.01.25 06:55
Antice Eton Go to last post
Connection Issues Today
030402012.01.25 05:15
Dyaven Go to last post
Extremely annoying neocom's chat button
Water MEI
41,75442012.01.24 22:32
Jian Kui Go to last post
040602012.01.24 21:53
shoresy Go to last post
Neocom Group Bug??
62,60122012.01.24 21:23
DarthNefarius Go to last post
Account billing for character transfer not working?
Unquestioned Mistiff
143,55102012.01.24 20:24
Kavrae Veila Go to last post
Calendar POS Fuel Notification Bug
Reldon Gold
060102012.01.24 20:09
Reldon Gold Go to last post
I miss Jita lag...
169702012.01.24 19:32
Bernie Nator Go to last post
Patch won't download
Agromos nulKaedi
053802012.01.24 17:36
Agromos nulKaedi Go to last post
Neocom bugged
047602012.01.24 17:34
Adrodius Go to last post
Left border of neocom distorts during warp
Rhydic Ujbikist
048202012.01.24 17:08
Rhydic Ujbikist Go to last post
Corrupted Files
Loed Kane
367902012.01.24 16:53
Loed Kane Go to last post
POS and agression update
Bo Bojangles
162902012.01.24 16:47
Tauren Tom Go to last post
neocom issues thread
Commandante Caldari
41,41502012.01.24 16:39
Ikoras Go to last post
patch not patching ?
61,38802012.01.24 15:41
R0Y4L Go to last post
162,59112012.01.24 15:17
CCP Goliath Go to last post
Ignore please delete
Sarina Rhoda
155402012.01.24 13:54
Shpenat Go to last post