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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Character model pink/purple or blue/grey in CQ
Vetr Saken
62,80812012.01.27 15:15
Vetr Saken Go to last post
CTRL+Double Click on Target in Overview No Longer Approaches?
11,15612012.01.27 14:08
Lunataria Go to last post
Ships icons issue in probe view
050402012.01.27 13:38
oah Go to last post
Issues with new Customs Office Hitbox
Cpt Zonk
92,36212012.01.27 08:57
Jack Dant Go to last post
Avatars always turn to blocky shadows..
82,12502012.01.27 07:49
Bobknight Go to last post
Crucible 1.1 introduces C++ Runtime Library error message
040402012.01.27 04:50
Novinya Go to last post
Missiles and Missile Blueprints not renamed
Liandri Kamadachi
196802012.01.27 04:48
Novinya Go to last post
Kariel Lateef
043602012.01.27 02:12
Kariel Lateef Go to last post
weird keyboard error
Ellendras Silver
41,45302012.01.26 22:04
Fenris Nihilus Go to last post
corp bookmarks not saving
Omega Flames
61,66312012.01.26 21:46
Omega Flames Go to last post
No Keybinds working after 1.1 Update
Kliener Mobius
181802012.01.26 21:19
Fenris Nihilus Go to last post
Next System in Route
268602012.01.26 17:46
Dyaven Go to last post
EVE constantly disconnects when neighbor playing Dota
Brock Kronwald
062602012.01.26 16:32
Brock Kronwald Go to last post
Client locks after start
Regat Kozovv
31,21902012.01.26 15:31
Regat Kozovv Go to last post
eve wont start
Demon Queen
048202012.01.26 14:59
Demon Queen Go to last post
Ships pointing in the right direction
041002012.01.26 14:46
HARD STEEL Go to last post
Anarquista Duval
61,50702012.01.26 13:16
Anarquista Duval Go to last post
Magnetar Bonuses
071702012.01.26 10:32
elioath Go to last post
NeoCom Chat Button Drop-Down Issue
Nona Rebbats
040902012.01.26 06:13
Nona Rebbats Go to last post
eve trailer videos
043002012.01.26 04:10
XLoneStarX Go to last post
Antivirus detects patch from EVE Client as Trojan?
Anara Shaw
048602012.01.26 02:58
Anara Shaw Go to last post
Security issue with CO's
149402012.01.26 01:39
Bienator II Go to last post
@CCP Could I have my employment history back please?
059402012.01.26 00:32
Darkness Go to last post
Client updates don't appear to install correctly...?
Fronkfurter McSheebleton
027602012.01.25 23:55
Fronkfurter McSheebleton Go to last post
Multi Client Unable To Run
62,03502012.01.25 23:53
MoonKees Panker Go to last post
Corrupted Eve?
Kenji Hokinawa
043202012.01.25 23:30
Kenji Hokinawa Go to last post
Audio issue since update
154002012.01.25 23:24
Gritz1 Go to last post
Probing broken?
Halika Androm
41,15902012.01.25 23:03
Charis Loftus Go to last post