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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Why ccp keeps to mess things????
Flaming Shadow
145502012.01.30 12:55
Flaming Shadow Go to last post
Markus Banguel
046702012.01.30 09:21
Markus Banguel Go to last post
Simple Bug
Mari Sinn
050402012.01.30 09:05
Mari Sinn Go to last post
"Your connection to the server was closed"
Aldarr Mentakk
41,41702012.01.30 01:57
FloppieTheBanjoClown Go to last post
Interceptor Signature Radius Bonus no longer applied
057502012.01.29 22:45
ooZEONoo Go to last post
User Interface: Overview Bugged [ Pages: 1, 2 ]
287,08722012.01.29 21:50
Nahzgul Go to last post
Jumping Bug
Primus Tiberious
038202012.01.29 19:50
Primus Tiberious Go to last post
"Connection to the server was closed"
Kerist Lafayette
155702012.01.29 17:31
Othran Go to last post
Overview doesn't update distance
153202012.01.29 14:56
Rixiu Go to last post
Eep Eep
030902012.01.29 01:02
Eep Eep Go to last post
Move the forum breadcrumbs
m3talc0re X
143502012.01.29 00:57
m3talc0re X Go to last post
Let's get familiar already
Strigonde Kite
029902012.01.28 22:08
Strigonde Kite Go to last post
Ship Stuck (can't move), Overview frozen ...
35,11522012.01.28 21:32
Zombatar Go to last post
Can't click on anything in the overview on one of two clients
Kalzin Maya
089902012.01.28 20:58
Kalzin Maya Go to last post
Screen Flashing t Login Screen
051502012.01.28 17:49
Orlacc Go to last post
Some Systems crash when jumped to (or vise versa, when jumping out f...
Kyrplexa Insanitus
159602012.01.28 17:35
Ran Go to last post
Overheating mods nerfed???
039802012.01.28 13:13
Madbuster73 Go to last post
Captains Quaters issues
Raze Zindonas
030802012.01.28 06:44
Raze Zindonas Go to last post
Crash bug upon signing in
Hans Zwaardhandler
159702012.01.28 04:04
Hans Zwaardhandler Go to last post
Brackets randomly disappearing
Kasai Sakirav
31,35612012.01.28 03:46
markposse10 Go to last post
Security problem with calendar/fueling notifications
279112012.01.28 02:50
dev0n Go to last post
Ghost like skin
Twisted Chick
040902012.01.28 02:11
Twisted Chick Go to last post
CCP ExeFile problems
42,74402012.01.28 00:07
Hound Halfhand Go to last post
cannot download or install eve online client
125,83392012.01.27 22:12
Agromos nulKaedi Go to last post
Only one client getting updated data from EVE servers after a while ...
Katherine Starlight
21,79512012.01.27 21:36
Katherine Starlight Go to last post
Cap draining with inactive modules?
168102012.01.27 19:01
Nadine Le'Slut Go to last post
Janiyas Blades
027002012.01.27 18:40
Janiyas Blades Go to last post
Problem with hictor focused warp disruption script
21,21042012.01.27 17:41
Mioelnir Go to last post