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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00102014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
NVM please delete
Kehro Urgus
030102012.02.02 06:18
Kehro Urgus Go to last post
1 click n brackets as well as other issues
026902012.02.02 05:04
N3oXr2ii Go to last post
Ads under client updates
036302012.02.02 03:17
Evanhawk Go to last post
After patch [ESC] Key not working to bring up Game Settings
062302012.02.01 23:44
BRIMTAK Go to last post
Socket Closed
21,09402012.02.01 23:10
Matic Antoni Go to last post
Customer Service turn around
389602012.02.01 21:00
HellhoundWMD Go to last post
forum woes
Samuel Laplante
037402012.02.01 20:12
Samuel Laplante Go to last post
Multiple Clients Causing Lag
290702012.02.01 19:45
Seigregelan Go to last post
Server Status: Unknown ... connecting issues
069002012.02.01 19:24
HellhoundWMD Go to last post
Disconnection during Combat
Eremes I
024402012.02.01 17:55
Eremes I Go to last post
"We were unable to authorize your payment at this time...."...
Humus Mama
057202012.02.01 14:53
Humus Mama Go to last post
Dual boxing on dual monitors?
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229,11242012.02.01 13:46
Ryans Revenge Go to last post
POS-Moon Mining Problem
21,00302012.02.01 13:35
Zanquis Go to last post
CLI to start EVE on different screens
Forlorn Wongraven
144402012.02.01 12:15
Forlorn Wongraven Go to last post
Are multi-core processors supported?
125,40532012.02.01 11:29
Dream Five Go to last post
Bug found...
41,06402012.02.01 09:22
Katherine Starlight Go to last post
Client Performance - Lag in skill queue update on startup
044202012.02.01 03:27
Shannoa Go to last post
neocom skill progress bar is wrong
Bienator II
037002012.01.31 13:39
Bienator II Go to last post
Loading Mortrius... Forever....
142602012.01.31 03:54
Mortrius Go to last post
Targeting multiple ships = massive FPS drop
71,73002012.01.31 01:59
EnslaverOfMinmatar Go to last post
Random Crashing
Jimmy Teran
042302012.01.31 00:22
Jimmy Teran Go to last post
Hawaii Five-0
035602012.01.31 00:13
Hawaii Five-0 Go to last post
Neocom issue
surf vaquero
028802012.01.30 23:12
surf vaquero Go to last post
Client Verification Failure after patching.
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6818,66832012.01.30 22:53
Siena Petrucis Go to last post
API corp membertracking does not work with new keys
Ciryath Al'Darion
294702012.01.30 19:33
Jackten Go to last post
Why ccp keeps to mess things????
Flaming Shadow
51,57612012.01.30 18:48
Jason Coldheart Go to last post
Every sell/buy order gone
Dire DIce
053402012.01.30 17:36
Dire DIce Go to last post
UI bug.
Appealing Death
050102012.01.30 15:10
Appealing Death Go to last post