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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00202014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
"f" key stops working in EVE and outside eve (windows).
034102012.02.05 16:10
AdZc Go to last post
Domain market
Quazal Atreides
036602012.02.05 12:58
Quazal Atreides Go to last post
Fail Patch: Multiple clients now impossible.
Okan Caldari
272802012.02.05 03:45
Panhead4411 Go to last post
Wreck salvaging and containers
Fire Widow
278402012.02.05 02:19
Byrrssa Crendraven Go to last post
Probe scanning broken?
Captain Torgo
188702012.02.05 01:23
Captain Torgo Go to last post
Rico Rage
1512,30922012.02.04 20:53
noise Go to last post
Click sound on module
Gurny Hallck
41,23302012.02.04 19:14
Gurny Hallck Go to last post
Leopold Jakuard
038902012.02.04 06:11
Leopold Jakuard Go to last post
Nice job breaking roles CCP. You created a bad bug. Fix it immedia...
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8417,758722012.02.04 04:33
Karadion Go to last post
I've been waiting a long time...
030402012.02.04 02:28
Lucjan Go to last post
EVE crashing
[ Pages: 1, 2 ]
Hound Halfhand
246,64002012.02.04 00:22
Hound Halfhand Go to last post
After patch, client corrupted and repair can not access files.
Corin Lethander
74,07202012.02.04 00:02
atrophocy Go to last post
Clening up the downloaded data?
Gaius Warburg
092202012.02.03 18:11
Gaius Warburg Go to last post
disabling clouds in missions
94,32962012.02.03 17:03
Davan Sarn Go to last post
"The connection to the server was closed."
112,76912012.02.03 16:10
FloppieTheBanjoClown Go to last post
Query on decimal localization
Marc Callan
32,13202012.02.03 13:08
Marc Callan Go to last post
Can't Dowload Test biulds or Patches.
Jeaxez Astra
61,70302012.02.03 10:24
CCP Sputnik Go to last post
Muddy UI graphics
Karleo Oskold
032102012.02.03 05:12
Karleo Oskold Go to last post
Game unplayable after patching - all ship guns are graphically bugge...
039802012.02.03 02:53
Messoroz Go to last post
Can't connect
055702012.02.03 02:05
trollerii Go to last post
Transfer Character - "We were unable to authorize your payment ...
woe kitten
177,23722012.02.03 01:45
Joceline Go to last post
Arpad Elo
030302012.02.02 20:04
Arpad Elo Go to last post
Issues with starmap mouseover
Nalia White
180902012.02.02 20:00
Nalia White Go to last post
Non-open "Ships" window - regardless of state when undocki...
Jayem See
275602012.02.02 16:54
CCP Masheen Go to last post
Calender events
049812012.02.02 13:23
Rawnie Go to last post
'Jump' button issue when cap power runs out.
Buruk Utama
147902012.02.02 10:22
Brandon Doyle Go to last post
Dire Pithi Saboteur using Merlin model?
Mara Rinn
065702012.02.02 10:07
Mara Rinn Go to last post
Issues with patcher
Morishan Ovaert
150602012.02.02 07:45
Kehro Urgus Go to last post