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Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00302014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Repost from another forum
Professor Alphane
280802012.02.10 15:19
Professor Alphane Go to last post
Unstable FPS running multiple clients?
Kallie Rae
171802012.02.10 14:09
Kallie Rae Go to last post
Show info window position-size reset
278512012.02.10 09:39
Sellendis Go to last post
Character Transfer Initiated 30 hours ago... No character yet.
Blake Wilson
039402012.02.10 07:09
Blake Wilson Go to last post
Skill queue resetting
176502012.02.10 03:45
Marcus Atredies Go to last post
Gpu (was) running hot 90c+
93,80402012.02.09 23:31
OlRotGut Go to last post
Server Status "Unknown"
Saphire Tiger
32,20102012.02.09 21:27
Astrid Stjerna Go to last post
EvE Voice + Mumble = death?
287002012.02.09 21:15
BolsterBomb Go to last post
Autolink => Corporation seems to have a bug with apostrophes
Vaerah Vahrokha
075702012.02.09 17:44
Vaerah Vahrokha Go to last post
Warp to / Jump problem when insufficient capacitor to complete warp
31,00312012.02.09 03:35
Mr Kidd Go to last post
Minimizing a Chat
Sprite Can
030902012.02.09 02:58
Sprite Can Go to last post
stuck in cargo bay
Revan Slahka
052002012.02.09 01:23
Revan Slahka Go to last post
Patch screwed up my game
112,53502012.02.09 00:26
Deevise Cadelanne Go to last post
Can't download or Install on Win7 64bit OS
92,51402012.02.08 23:21
D'uce Go to last post
Overview issues - wrong distances, double records
Samuel Wess
275702012.02.08 23:02
OlRotGut Go to last post
Torso in CQ refuses to load
Nariya Kentaya
165502012.02.08 21:21
Nariya Kentaya Go to last post
Verification Failure Getting this error message after last patch. ...
Lost Exile
281302012.02.08 19:06
Adeles Go to last post
Implants Sign Error. PPG0 +2%, but PPG1 -6% duration ?
Solstice Project
156302012.02.08 15:29
Katherine Starlight Go to last post
Annoying patcher issue
Grey Stormshadow
293402012.02.08 15:15
Grey Stormshadow Go to last post
Patch causes crashes 2/7/12
030902012.02.07 22:34
Sernum Go to last post
Map control panel disappeared
Ben Blastoise Adoudel
318,61122012.02.07 18:15
Vihura Go to last post
[Bug]World Map not working on new page
146902012.02.07 15:49
Duck Mouth Go to last post
Crash during Character Creation/Customization
38,60622012.02.07 11:57
Lihua Jiang Go to last post
Agression timers
Gods Messenger
476902012.02.07 11:12
Gods Messenger Go to last post
SiSi client crashed at loging: Tr2FontManager::LoadFromDisk: File &#...
Scorpio Hollanda
165602012.02.06 16:52
Scorpio Hollanda Go to last post
Dual Boxing Help
Gman Antollare
281502012.02.06 15:05
Zhentar Go to last post
BSOD - Since Latest Patch
Nelix Trist
184502012.02.06 15:04
Zhentar Go to last post
First Impression
Cory Henderson
149102012.02.05 20:01
Tau Cabalander Go to last post