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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00302014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
UI Windows Move Around On Their Own
Death Reign
053802012.02.14 22:47
Death Reign Go to last post
running Eve on a atom z670 and other questions
31,09012012.02.14 20:08
Ethyn Go to last post
Not able to join Eve voice
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3512,10732012.02.14 19:56
Visione Go to last post
avatar request
Alice Loreley
045002012.02.14 16:54
Alice Loreley Go to last post
Wish i could install EVE
Zeko Rena
52,00302012.02.14 15:47
CCP Cascade Go to last post
PvE -> NPC getting bumped > 100km off Structures
Tenga Halaris
158902012.02.13 22:34
Sobaan Tali Go to last post
pos aggression bug
151502012.02.13 20:47
Roddex Go to last post
A thousand little loc things
CCP Shiny
1337,53972012.02.13 19:58
Fire Stone Go to last post
Dodri Nolm
150302012.02.13 17:12
Reyn Tsero Go to last post
Crash when entering captain quarters
kazunga Miromme
122,68602012.02.13 14:42
CCP Sharkbait Go to last post
Pando Media Booster kills EVE
Jadzia Malderan
103,73932012.02.13 12:28
Fellblade Go to last post
PRoblem with Reconnect to lost drones
094802012.02.13 08:22
Iniquita Go to last post
Verification Failure
Stedd Tallstagg
64,40702012.02.13 03:33
Rocky Deadshot Go to last post
How do I fix this appearance issue with Eve Gate?
Acac Sunflyier
266302012.02.13 02:39
Acac Sunflyier Go to last post
042312012.02.12 23:16
Ohanka Go to last post
Game crashes on entering world / New character creation
Razorstorm Interfector
41,58122012.02.12 23:01
Home Ocell Go to last post
Poor Crossfire support?
Aero Zolic
22,16702012.02.12 10:11
Aero Zolic Go to last post
2 annoyances, easy to fix
Ghandi's Fist
148802012.02.12 07:42
Filskit Go to last post
My Client wont launch
285702012.02.11 22:12
Venanos Go to last post
for the 2nd straight friday, i get home from work and cant play eve
Rocky Deadshot
91,97402012.02.11 14:50
Rocky Deadshot Go to last post
Excessive Delay Undocking, Going Through Stargates
Garrus LaVakarian
170502012.02.11 08:25
Ketzer Traumer Go to last post
database issues
Karsa Egivand
034502012.02.11 05:38
Karsa Egivand Go to last post
Weird FrameRate Stutters
21,03402012.02.10 20:59
OlRotGut Go to last post
Unable to delete expired auction
091302012.02.10 20:44
Xrock Go to last post
Unelegant crash to desktop
049502012.02.10 20:43
Taedrin Go to last post
Forum background images now load repeatedly
038802012.02.10 20:23
Mereden Go to last post
Forums Buggy
360912012.02.10 17:45
Tidurious Go to last post
Cant log into other accounts and enter the game or create any charac...
71,55602012.02.10 16:08
SeaBore Go to last post