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EVE Technology and Research Center

Issues, Workarounds & Localization
Topics Author Replies Views Likes Last Post
Announcement:Issues, Workarounds & Localization Resources
CCP Falcon
118,39202015.02.02 15:48
Scrapps Inkura Go to last post
Announcement:The Purpose of the ‘Issues, workaround and Localization’ F...
GM Arcade
026,00302014.04.04 05:48
GM Arcade Go to last post
Graphical bug - Phantasm turrets missing
042402012.02.20 01:03
Legion40k Go to last post
IC sorting bug
147102012.02.19 21:34
Sobaan Tali Go to last post
resize science&industry window?
038802012.02.19 20:15
Raabe Go to last post
Still no workaround ????
278702012.02.19 12:56
CCP Explorer Go to last post
Can't update game/Windows XP
287502012.02.19 06:06
Ronen Osden Go to last post
Issues with overview after latest patch.
Doc Banshee
31,00102012.02.18 19:50
Emma Royd Go to last post
Another PI bug - customs offices
Tinu Moorhsum
170712012.02.18 15:18
Noxious89123 Go to last post
Downlading todays patch REDICOUSLY SLOW...
Quazal Atreides
123,59012012.02.18 01:08
Super Whopper Go to last post
After Splash, no Game...
183,52212012.02.18 00:58
KsLIVER Go to last post
No Killmail?
Eso Es
033702012.02.18 00:33
Eso Es Go to last post
New Crucible 1.2 patch Overview issues - Fixed
Diablo Ex
161802012.02.17 22:08
Diablo Ex Go to last post
Client update Broke
death orion
041702012.02.17 18:44
death orion Go to last post
Tiny problem: Easy fix. Typhoon fleet issue
052802012.02.17 18:03
Odizzido Go to last post
Issues with overview since the recent patch
Tinu Moorhsum
038502012.02.17 11:48
Tinu Moorhsum Go to last post
Character Transfers Down?
Fel Regal
152502012.02.17 07:40
Ping Zhou Go to last post
EvE won't launch after the reboot
Kellen Koskanaiken
31,08302012.02.17 02:10
Aileen Saya Go to last post
Performance with multiple clients
51,87402012.02.16 23:54
LightningQuake Go to last post
Stars twinkling excessivly.
Katimo Depran
31,18602012.02.16 22:16
REDBIERD Go to last post
patch deleted eve.exe
61,31402012.02.16 18:29
Tisiphone Go to last post
Tengu graphical bug/glitch
173102012.02.16 16:59
Zypod Go to last post
Client crash when viewing full body of other pilots
492422012.02.16 16:36
CCP Sputnik Go to last post
Localisation and '.' vs ','
Ione Hawke
157002012.02.16 11:48
Shpenat Go to last post
Crash to desktop while filing petition
Zedz Dead
034602012.02.16 05:51
Zedz Dead Go to last post
Red and Green dots/circle
62,80602012.02.15 22:45
MMXMMX Go to last post
Subscribing to dev blogs on google reader
Maes Stryker
284602012.02.15 12:54
Kata Amentis Go to last post
Cannot install.
169702012.02.15 11:54
Shpenat Go to last post
In station - ship/background fixed and not spinning
Vilgan Mazran
189402012.02.15 11:19
Shpenat Go to last post
Grouping stand missile launchers doesns't always work.
Junoo Roppo
050202012.02.14 23:20
Junoo Roppo Go to last post